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Show 0!fS.,wl0 To watch details on the Clock Tower ceremony, check out Benjamin Wrights video on DixieSunNews.com. tresses students Math 1 0OOs fa BY LAUREN DAVISON Staff Writer 3 The word math is a swear word in ha ini my house. Math has been my mortal enemy since math teacher taught my seventh-grad- e me equations on the old school projector. Those middle school classes were treacherous then, and continue to be now. I guess the whole math thing just doesnt come easy to me. That probably explains why I am a senior and taking the first math class of my college career. I had hopes of approaching my new Math 1000 course with a new zest by blasting away the stereotype that communication majors cant utterly dominate the world of mathematics. But so far, Im off to a rough start. The Math 1000 course has left me, and many other students, feeling overwhelmed, stressed out and on the verge of a mental breakdown each week. The insane amount of time and energy required for the course is the cause. Not to mention, a strikingly high amount of students have simply dropped out of the class due to near impossible expectations. The new Math 1000 course combines the traditional 990 and 1010 Math courses into one. The course uses Pearsons Mymathlab, an online system where students watch all lectures and do all homework, quizzes and SU) sh thf bu en J. m T1 ,v of an att oc Kt' ca thi brand-spanking-ne- w W or re an fo lo in ft ne While math classes stress out a lot of students, Pearsons Mymathlab online course caused grief for many Dixie State University students this semester. The program was revised Feb. 4 due to the excessive dropout rate. fortunately, that is the case some weeks. actly one week. Each section includes a video lecture, a I was in over my head. For starters, this was my first and a section quiz. Each lengthy homework assignment, time in nearly five years taking a math class, and the takes about two hours. So, with 10 sections to accomI excessive information thrown at me was too much. In 20 than more took hours two that each, spent plish first back week on hours working math during my very addition, having a class that requires the majority of my schedule off kilter. I cant free time throws my in the math game. The math department should reevaluate each chapter imagine trying to complete this course with a demandand even make cuts to assignments. More than six hours ing job or even a family. a week spent on a single class is unacceptable, and un see MATH page 9 tests. I didnt know this was how the math course would be structured when I signed up, but thats not where my main beef lies. I believe an online math class has the potential to have great success. My beef is the overwhelming amount of time required and the lack of support given to students. I began completing my assignments the day I got my access code, which was a Friday. I had to complete 10 sections by the following Friday, which gave me ex- - y, ;v; ' BY MARA BRADDY Opinion Editor AY'X. xT v his career on top of the world. So how did the YouTube star d child go from a heartthrobber to an icon of fluffy-haire- v Ir f- - r h J O,- p -- - Im K FT 7 t t v s f A v I ? ( . , about to open up a deep, dark element of my past that has been buried un- der years of denial: Im an I can now say that chapter of my life is in the past, but that chapter only came to an official close earlier this month after Justin Bieber threw himself on a downward spiral of stupidity. Better late than never, I guess. Its no secret that a lot of hate him, but consider people V his life prior to his debut, and its clear that things were already going downhill. His family was dysfunctional before he could even walk. He grew up in a pressured environment where having separated parents was the only way of life he knew. Fame and fortune didnt make his life any easier, thats for sure. Italian cars, mansions -. . j and would put private out his or of her mind anyone s i with an -arrogant disposition. 1 J Simply put, people would r . i be t themselves a lot of doing , i ! . if good they stopped caring so . I- t i '' much about a reckless teen; ; ager and his idiotic choices and more about the teen who needs a break from humanity. ; . From drug busts to sex y scandals to DUIs, Bieber has 5 covered the board with irrational celebrity behavior all Teen star Justin Bieber began a shining career at a before 20. The has but turning a on been young age downward spiral from story of his rise is inspiring, and his drug busts to attacking paprazzi. Hes still an icon for many young people by donating to charities and showcreative spirit is nothing less ing devotion to his fans. than contagious. He started t , L- pot-je- ts 1 1 X 1 rr r ' 1 X s 1 Wi m is Fallen star Justin Bieber deserves break -- ; di 20-cre- J wm lal adolescence-gone-wrong- ? Something tells me Bieber has problems deeper than divorced parents. These are the things I find it hard to forgive him for: driving drunk, egging neighbors houses, and smoking marijuana on planes. All of this screams a typical juvenile delinquent. I believe as much as the next person that none of this behavior is excusable. Heres the complicated predicament Bieber is in: he has so many obsessed and devoted fans who will defend him and his actions till kingdom come. Then there are the mobs of Bieber-hater- s whos soul in life is to see Bieber purpose destroyed. The Internets hate for him is so thick and potent that I could cut it with a knife. I get irritated when regular college students with normal musical tastes spend a grand amount of time listing off all the reasons why they hate Bieber and his music. Its like the guy has no redeeming qualities. Its not kind and its not funny to perpetuate that kind of negativity about a person none of us have even met. Too much time is wasted on this very thing and it creates more trouble for everyone involved. Bieber has a record of doing extraordinary acts of kindness for children in need mainly children with terminal diseases. Read tire article titled Justin Bieber breaks charity record after granting 200th wish written by Peter Gicas on eonline.com and youll see the teen is nothing short of generous when it comes to children. In contrast, many argue that Bieber has tainted his image. So many looked up to have youngsters him since he stepped into the spotlight. He was a unique kid with extraordinary talent. Everything he stands for, though, has been tainted by a few messed-u- p decisions and media bias, all while young eyes have been glued to the television screen, witnessing the example Bieber is leaving in the wake of his career. hi an ideal America, people (mainly people of my generation) would have more empathy for fallen stars like Bieber. When we empathize with others, we are more keen to treat them with respect and leave their flaws alone. Its with this attitude that we will set a better example to the next generation. Hate fuels hate and sometimes people need a break from our judgmental gazes. The hopeful side of me sees Bieber making a Robert Downey Jr. comeback. The face of Iron Man began his career as a teen with soaring colors. He probably didnt see drug abuse coming, but it put him in jail for several years and shadowed him from the medias eyes for nearly a decade. Downey is back bigger than ever, sexier than ever, and sets a golden example for wild teens like Bieber. Bieber is not a hopeless cause. Hes an idiot, but hes not hopeless. People can disagree with everything the role-mod- el teen star has done, but a softer attitude from us all can impact the way Bieber is presented in the media and the influence he has on us. r DIXIE SUN NEWS Shelby Misrasi, Editor Emily Bills, Jordan Abel, Katie McKellar, Mara Braddy, Afen? Editor Sports Editor Features Editor Opinion Editor Billy Eusterman, Photo Editor Flon Wentzell, Multimedia Editor Payton Da is, Copy Editor Ta lor Forbes, Ad Manager :! - V I 1 Keshara Bjorkman Kylea Custer Haylie Greenhalgli Lauren Davison Ta lor Decker Rebecca Luker Thomas Hender Carly Radmall Ethan Janson Megan Peterson Derrick Shelley Jiselle Tejera Beniamin Wright Rhiannon Bent, Aduser Dave Harris, Adnet HOWTO REACH US Dive State University Jennings Bldg. 225 South 700 East St George, UT 84770 Phone (435) 8 Fax (435) 9 diiesundixie edu wwu dixiesunnew scorn Ads dixiesunadsla dixie edu 5 or (435) 7054977 The Dixie Sun News is distributed each Wednesday during Fall and Spring semesters as a publication of Dixie State L'niyersitx the communication department and Dixie State l'niersit Student ActiMties The unsigned editorial on the opinion page represents the position ol Dixie Sun News as determined b its editorial board Otherwise they tews and opinions expressed in Dixie Sun News are those of the indix idual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions ol Dixie Sun Ncss or any entity of the college p k |