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Show Ol4 -- n nds cuoiem on Haleigh Loveg-rova sophomore nursing major from Sandy, offers some fashion tips for achieving a wit oft e, BY CARLY RADMALL Staff Writer For bad hair days and a cute look in a comfy. When you see a stylish person, on campus, its easy to develop a case of closet envy. One stylish student causing such envy on Dixie State Universitys campus is Haleigh Lovegrove, a sophomore nursing major from Sandy. Lovegrove is always wearing clothes that reflect her outgoing and girly relaxed Her clothing reflects k her Create an easy style with loose tank tops layered under unbuttoned shirts. laid-bac- attitude and shes not afraid to mix and match pieces from a v ariety of sty les. personality. Lovegrove's closet includes of everything, from bohemian to preppy she has it all. She isn't afraid to mix and match pieces from various styles, either. Lovegrove likes to wear loose tank tops underneath unbuttoned shirts, comfortable leggings and boots. Lovegrove also often wears beanies, which are convenient when getting ready in a hurry. If you can rock a hat or beanie, do it, Lovegrove said. It covers a bad hair day and is a quick and easy accessory to throw on. a little bit for a comfy, yet , Vi A pair of brown boots are an essential y wardrobe piece for everyday dress. i L: fej. CAR1YRADMAILI i.i1 r V DIXIESUN NLYS t ? ' , c4 tg f I I Lovegrove said she chooses what to wear for the day based on how she is feeling when she wakes up in the morning. If Im up early and feeling lazy, then its a sweats day, Lovegrove said. If theres someone Im wanting to impress or if I want to feel good about myself, I dress up. Dressing up doesnt necessarily have to be uncomfort- laid-bac- k, Leggings are a go-t- o fashionable look. V f s r $ ?! .r i d $ rn 5 J able, either. Lovegrove said its easy to dress up a pair of comfy leggings with a cute top and a pair of boots. Dont worry if you want to mix brown with black, Lovegrove said. Despite what others may think, the colors do actually go well together. I love the brown and black color scheme, Lovegrove said. Leggings and brown boots are the perfect combination. Brown boots are one of She Lovegroves said a good pair of boots is an essential wardrobe piece every woman should have. Finding a pair of boots you love may be a battle, but shopping isnt such a pain when you use the Internet to assist with your shopping needs. Lovegrove said she relies on Pinterest to help her make her style choices. I find outfits I like on Pmterest and piece them together, Lovegrove said. I do a lot of online shopping. Using Pmterest to find must-have- s. Additionally, Lovegrove is into the new ring trend, which is wealing thin band rings in ? X y' yJ various places on your fingers. She also loves wearing long necklaces, layered bracelets and watches. Lovegrove describes her style as cute, girly and comfy. When it comes to choosing clothes, she believes comfort is key. I'would choose loose and comfy clothes over anything any day, Lovegrove said. Collections of thin rings, long necklaces, layered bracelets and watches make excellent accessories. So the reader assumes that, in Steeles mind, his need to control and beat her is a form of therapy? That is absurd. Grey exploits, stalks and abuses Steele. She cries after sex. She is afraid of him being angry. Even when he is angry at something else, she thinks it's her. She let's Grey hit her because she's afraid to lose him. Everything about this story screams domestic abuse. This book became a for all the wrong reasons. The general public thinks Fifty Shades of Grey provides almost ev GREY continued from page 5 pens. Steele is in her 20s and has never felt the urge have sex with anyone until Christian came along with his whips and chains. I dont think so. Sorry, Im a to f realist. Are you not convinced this relationship is un- ' .v 4 4 healthy and fifty shades of screwed up? Well, to ensure Grey gets Steele to do what he wants, he manipulates her with promises of a relationship if she is willing to try his lifestyle. " - IP of L Cl Mi trC ! i t i . , i ' r . DmPkt' m V 1 t-- : f4f M 4 A 'ill u1 ; j H '2 i hi$ i r iL 4 1 i sexuality, something is seriously wrong. Never in a million years could this story empower me in my sexuality. This book is not a commentary on a womans true sexuality its an insult. There is a time and a place for crappy smut, and the New York Times best seller list is not that place. illtir 1 f N i.i ftfi i ' X f ; I u ttil'K WMD 1 h, f ? t 4 4 1 i V , - ,1 a t' 1 ! i 1 was v M .M Aw $ JH a ar- f- iely i ' - iM f ? I ' J Lever nth B Gre' riiN'-- ilriUS .MM lip ild x ag , of, ,ext ip' f utlN - r t c 00k ausfj 0 n; ? ini iu f4 k f :y ct , U t When people say Fifty Shades of Grey is empowering women in their I ! ive media coverage. l , ijjrt J ;W West er ery woman's erotic fantasy. hesitate to criticize readers who loved this book, but I am definitely criticizing the I clothing can be fun, especially when it links to undiscovered websites. Lovegrove said if she finds cute clothes on these websites, she will purchase them regardless of what brand they are. However, she said she has most frequently found that she can always make a fashion find at F orever 21, H&M, Nordstrom, American Eagle and Francescas. Lovegrove said she doesnt have one specific style icon because she doesnt just fit into one style category. Instead, Lovegrove gets her fashion inspiration when shes out and about and from people on social media. My style icons are people I see on the streets wearing cute, creative outfits, Lovegrove said. I find people on Instagram and Pinterest who wear cute outfits, and I keep those in mind when Im shopping. When it comes to trying oul different style trends, Lovegrove encourages to take risks and have fun with clothing options. I like to put together outfits that don't match, Lovegrove said. That seems to be the style these days. Lovegrove said, overall, clothes are a way of showing other people who she is. People can see what I'm wearing and get a feel for who I am as a person, Lovegrove said. I don't wear way flashy clothes. I wear clothes that cover me up. I think clothes can show your morals. DIME SUN NEWS MEGAN PETERSON ! best-sell- o; go-t- rush, throw on a beanie. yet stylish look. I can Leggings are my always dress them up and feel Seller Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L, James has captivated over its erotic readers across the world, despite the fact that it raised controversycheck out Dixie romance a wider selection, content and questionable themes. For above. Sun News recommendations New York Times Best 1 ' -- . 1 ; i- - G i'l Irl i Uhf ! U'i , 1 1 21 f |