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Show -- 4- DIXIESUNNEWS.COM WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 20U Did you loiow? 4 The Dixie State football team signed 19 players on National Letter of Intent day Feb. 5. For details, visit vww. dixieathletics . com k a n WI01 Men dunk on HNU Women BY JORDAN ABEL get back on track BY TAYLOR DECKER Staff Writer Sports Editor Not many things can electrify a crowd like a dunk or, even atley-ooan better, The Dixie State University mens basketball team didnt disappoint in that regard as the team threw down three dunks in the game against Holy Names University. The first dunk came with 15:42 left in the game when senior guard Kimball Payne got one of his seven assists by throwing an alley-oo- p to junior guard DeQuan ,,AVv t After two consecutive losses, the Dixie State University womens basketball team soared over the Holy Names University Hawks with a 0 win. The Storm had a strong beginning with a lead, but their lead dwindled until halftime when HNU was only down by nine with a 8 score. The Storm regained their momentum during the second half with some well-execut- p. V 95-8- w 1 15-poi- nt c, t j 39-4- 7 9 :! L much-neede- V Thompson. The Red Storm smoothed Si out any problems hanging t'U u over their heads after the ? n loss to Dominican Univertv N- sity of California by taking i it out on HNU with a 5 win. The Red Storm shot a sizzling 68 percent from the field in the second half, resulting in a 56.6 percent throughout the game. Center Jordan Rex, a junior criminal justice major The coaches really got from St. George, gets an easy layup against Holy Names after us and wanted us to University Feb. 8. ReY had points in the game. focus on playing smart (by) worked on fundamental playing the way we know from the corner 3 point line how, said Robbie Nielbasketball in practice. to get an easy son, a sophomore business This last week we jam. from Ore. focused a lot on our fundamajor Gresham, DSU will play two games In practice we were playmentals of defense and goin three days starting Thursing physical, getting each ing back to the way we play day. other fired up, and tonight of running up and down Thats hard to do, so I think some of us just took (the court), Nielson said. what I challenged them to advantage of it do was to get into pracTonight, and kept that fire we really tice and go through some MVP: going. stuff that those teams do, put that into Nielson scored work. We head coach Jon Judkins 14 points and focused on said. The game plan is to pulled down our fundashorten things up and try to 17 five rebounds. mentals: our keep them rested. After watching defensive Judkins said he chalThompson, Nielstops were lenged the players to play son must have the two games as if they big, and then decided it was we would were in a tournament. He his turn. Nielson received convert on the offensive said the coaches will get the his own fast break dunk op end. players ready. portunity with 11:15 left in One of the biggest funDSU will take on Univerthe game. He took the ball damentals is getting to the Thurssity of Hawaii-Hil- o and went up strong with basket and making layups. and Chaminade day Univertwo hands and threw the Nielson also recorded is at sity Saturday. Tipoff ball through the hoop. the final dunk of the night. 7:30 in the Bums Arena for Nielson said the team He took a screen and went both games. rf vt lrr 1 . 90-6- n -- two-hand- HNU Dalton Groskreutz had points and four rebounds. 8WD8 Dixie State Universitys baseball team almost came out with a win Sunday but dropped to 3 in its seasonopening series in California over the weekend. The team lost 1 in a close game Friday and then took another loss Saturday with a devastating 12-- 0 score. It seemed by the third game, the Storm looked poised to win their first game. The score was 5 in the bottom of the ninth and went into extra innings. The Storm lost by one run in the bottom of the 10th inning and left Scolinos Field with the score of 5 and a 3 record. 0-- 3-- 5-- 0-- in a victory over HNU. Dixie had a total of 55 rebounds. Junior center Haileigh Emerine pulled down 18 rebounds, including 12 defensive boards. The Storm shot 50 percent from the field. Senior guard Haley Holmstead led the team in scoring with a total of 38 points in the Storms win over the Hawks. Miller added 19 more points and had a team-hig- h of seven assists. This is a huge win, said Holmstead, a communication major from American Fork. I feel like we ... got the bitter taste in our mouth to come back and win this for our coach. Head coach Catherria Turner was the former head coach for the HNU basketball program previ ous to Dixie. This win could be the start of a turn around for Dixies season. It felt nice to get this win for her, Holmstead 15-poi- nt said The Storm now improve to a overall record and 7 in the Pacific West Conference. The Hawks fall to a overall record and fall to 9 in the 9-- 7-- 9-- 5-- PacWest Conference. jL BY TAYLOR DECKER Staff Writer Pitcher Bronson Anderson, a junior business major dL i throws a Pltch in the alumni game The Storm started off their season 3 in Pomona, by junior guard Kaylah Miller Vi d d 6-- 0-- The team was apprehensive about the fact Cal Poly Pomona swept Point Foma Nazarene, which is in Dixies conference, and in the end, the teams doubts its confidence. We are continuing on trying to get better offensively, head coach Chris Pfatenhauer said. We are trying to find whether its the right line up ... We are just hoping the guys break out offensively for the preseason games. The team scheduled stronger teams to start the season so it can get improve faster. That opening series was huge for us, said second baseman Yuto Kata, a junior communication major from Chiba, Japan said. And that opening weekend will out-weigh- ed Forward Brianna White, a sophomore nursing major from Phoenix, drives to the basket against Holy Names University Feb. 8. White had 14 points, with six made baskets of 14 shots, and four rebounds. Turner said in preparation for this game, she has been making sure the women are in their right positions any day anybody can win, Turner said. We are just attacking it the same way as any other game. She said the team is HNU MVP: working on its defensive Haley principles and going 38 through its plays. 67 with each woman guarding her opponent as well as redefining and editing her defensive style. I honestly feel that if we do play defense, then our offense will come, Turner said. Those results are what Turner is hoping for as DSU takes on University of Hawaii-Hil- o Thursday. Our conference is one of those conferences that Holmstead had points and shot percent from the field. We are definitely giving respect to in the confereverybody Turner ence, said. DSU has five games remaining in the season, three of which are at home. The Storm will face o at 5 p.m. in the Burns Arena Thursday and will play again Saturday against Chaminade UH-Hil- tsi senes be a huge deal later on in regionals. He said when it comes down to the region rankings, the officials take that series into consideration even though it was the first series of the season. The Storm are now looking forward to their next preseason games against Colorado Mesa University. CMU went as high as No. 2 in the nation last year. CMU sits at No. 10 in the preseason polls this year. Pfatenhauer said Colorado Mesa is an offensive team, and it recruits that way. The Storm are fully prepared in defense and pitching, but their Achilles heel is their offense. Pfatenhauer said he is focusing on offense. With Colorado Mesas offense being its strong point, which is one of Dixies weaknesses, the Storm will have to perform their best this weekend. Colorado Mesa will be coming into these games fresh, which will be an advantage for Dixie. The Mavericks first series against University of Nebraska-Keame- y was canceled due to poor weather. The guys will be getting them right out of the shoot, Pfatenhauer said. Kata said all the team really needs to do this series is play solid defense. He said if the team can put up a few nins, Dixie should be hard to beat. The Storm play Colorado Mesa in a e series Feb. 6 at Suplizio Field. four-gam- 14-1- ' |