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Show Listen to Richard Briggs and Matty Jacobson talk student election winners on The Skewed Review podcast at dixiesunlink.com. Candidate 9 Facebook feud T fc.ii. cn L... v oMlAo.tW vW. r, s ihMfe&ANHwaax A r? rv.'V,fiXlfo&C6,iwK&n-a.'faA- l Hopkins seemed power hungry. But there were some students who couldnt take Hopkins seriously during the election because of Mr. Dixie. The accusations on Facebook were in essence that he shouldnt be taken seriously as a candidate because of what he did in Mr. Dixie and that his conduct wasnt appropriate for a student leader. They also used terms like and in Mr. campaigning for lue to president ice of academ-i- , Hopkins, a mior integrated studies lajor from Mayfield, was i target of several defies on Facebook during it student election. Personally, I didnt see i problem. I was in Mr. hie with Hopkins, and I campaigned for him jtnuch as I could the lowing week. I knew he Wyatt vacy, age of Iso id what r? u,, thunder-humpin- g. As someone who took the time to get to know Hopkins, I was a little annoyed that people were jumping to conclusions instead of finding out more about him. The thing is many of the accusations included fallacious arguments. Some students also said people :tt Sullivan wouldnt vote for Mr. imng ke to be The bulk of the debates atertaim should have been more and I do ould would need to were elected vice ''esident of academics. Aat officials about Hopkins leadership abilities. he mew he 'oifhe HB if they behaved like Hopkins did at a public event. Well, that fallacy is called a bad analogy. Government officials are usually at least in their 30s, if not decades older, depending on the position they are running for, and for that reason alone I wouldnt condone that type of behavior from them. They also are usually graduated from college, and those types of activities should be behind them. Yes its true that college prepares us for the future, but its also known to be the last time in our lives before we truly grow, up. People really shouldnt judge too harshly. It was fine for people to question what was going on during the election. It was fine for students to promote candidates other than Hopkins. Some of the concerns were valid and needed to be brought up. But, what I find unfortunate, was that the bulk of the debates should have been more about Hopkins leadership experiences and abilities and what he could offer as a student leader, and not assumptions made from the week before the elections. - -- n o C) tho vy :o: oluouion college. 0i W VIf I O n vh The Utah House of Representatives recently passed HB 363, which allows schools to teach I 1 abstinence-onl1 mill U f it tv ) i Mu Vi i if tbiff artcnJi hx cd and, if j be ihaid '"t.idusntctl Vouoiiit of of sex cd opt out prohihiled 4jutuj 'Vwbrauliq' an is Contraception cducaiion V'mr.ictptiun is twjjbl hut not fat Schools iMflyc it cot but annot 1 discussed Si hoofs arc allowed Id lath abstinence onk Circes: ACLU Utah and Youth Sen ices SIX y sex education. Is that even an education? As a child I grew up being taught by my family that abstinence was the key element to a happy marriage and a happy relationship with God. I was taught this way because I grew up Comgoing to a Christian munity Church with my stuck. grandparents, and it look to God want I did not not I did down on me, and I tlui&s . because of the investment stumping brings out in voters, but also because of the large responsibility at risk of being misplaced. Wyatt Hopkins never had r my vote for vice president of academics. His " response? In the same article Hopkins claimed that he . . . likes holding power and responsibility. Not much responsibility was shown in his thunderhumping display at Mr. Dixie. Dixie is a college, yes, and its leaders must appeal to a Tayl or Michael Grmy0unger ? hours 23 The election is done, but I feel we have suffered for decorum its result. never seemed professional, from his rock star campaign ads to his behavior at Mr. Dixie. Hopkins never seemed like the sort of professional Id want to invest my colleges future in. Take his response to the question Why should people vote for you? in the Feb. 22 issue of the Dixie Sun, Candidates for student elections, that he myself. My family taught me these beliefs the u In UnthrH Huhnnls tmu'lu Mi! period, not only being sexually active. Abstinence was taught to me because of my religious beliefs about sex and marriage. I was taught this out of respect to God and to now hill ho in iuewlnood tlw will limit .i Elec- tions can be a volatile time kept me away from sex, but it also kept me aware of sex and what types of problems could arise with - - - iiW ;K:5 in n ( News Editor mental ity. But we cant simply assume that youth appeal means immaturity. I also dont trust someone who makes an effort at seeking out power. Hopkins makes it plain that he wants authority as much as to serve. Those who want power the least deserve it most. After spending time with Brandon Price in Salt Lake City I was convinced that he simply wanted to . 363 effects go beyond high school - f should be voted for because hes a ginger. What does this convey about his seriousness? How can I trust someone to officiate over funds and policies if he cant be sober enough to offer a legitimate BY TAYLOR GRIN want my family to either. still 2 Yet, my parents education sex rj taught me and kept me informed (and I scared) of what should and happen before, during it was after sex. Though hard to listen to, it not only - school did not. In high school I knew many kids who were sexually active. They were my friends, yet they respected my choice to wait until marriage. I did not feel the need to leam about how to put on a rubber or even how to pick a safe birth control because my family was firm, strict and assertive in the fact that 1 should wait until I was married. In high school I wouldve agreed with Utahs decision to keep abstinence-onl- y teaching in schools. Yet now I look back, and some of my friends ended up pregnant or with the sexually transmitted Human Papilloma Vims. They never learned how to safely have sex or how important it was to do so. My friends did not know how to put on a condom nor did they know how to ask their parents for birth control, and I believe that mere fact was detrimental to the rest of their lives. Schools should teach students how to have safe sex and the importance of doing so because the state cannot rely solely on the parents to do so. If the parents arent teaching their kids to abstain from sex, then who says they are teaching them safe sex? According to Adolescent pregnancy in Utah by the Utah Department of Health, teen pregnancies account for 1 percent of improve the college, and that the authority of the role was a burden he was willing to bear in order to do good. On Facebook there was a fierce debate between supporters on both sides, in which I participated as well. One of the greatest points brought up by both sides was that while Hopkins was out campaigning, Price was busy with school and work. I say, Good. I want a candidate who has belter things to do with his time than pander for popular support. The election is done, but I feel we have suffered for its result. Hopkins was the candidate who promised a fun campaign. I would hope we could have had the serious student needed to solve problems in our student government. I would have liked the candidate who bore himself appropriately for the job he wanted and not the job he had. DIXIE SUN Richard Briggs, Editor-in-Chi- Taylor Grin, News Editor Shelby Misrasi, Sports Editor Ashley Putnam, A & E Editor McKoye Mecham, Lifestyles Editor Matty Jacobson, Opinion Editor Bryan Uhn, Online Editor Chris Caldwell, Photo Editor Rhett Sullivan, Copy Editor Alyssa Grosscn, Multimedia Editoi Taylor Forbes, Ad Manager Jessica Baird Robby Briggs Alissa Curto Matt Granato April Jackson Amanda Jacobs Gregory Layton Abue Lunt Christina Osborn Kenc Secgmillcr Todd Tischler 1 the births each year, and 33 percent of students age 7 admitted to no longer 15-1- Rhiannon Bent, Adviser DIXIE SUN being virgins. The article goes on to explain that teaching abstinence-onl- y sex educaevidence of no tion has preventing teen sex, and the amount of individuals with sexually transmitted diseases has doubled since 1988. Obviously its not working. Parents and schools cannot expect individuals to not leam or hear about sex from outside sources and be curious as to what especially as a honnonal teen or beginner adult. I feel as if this it entails see SEX ED page 12 HOW TO REACH US Dixie State College Jennings Bldg 225 South 700 East St George, UT 84770 Phone- (435) Fax (435)656-401- 8 9 dixiesundixie www.dixicsunhnk edu com The Dixie Sun is distributed each Wednesday during Fall and Spring semesters as a publication of Dixie State College the communication department and Dixie Stale College Student Activities The unsigned editorial on the opinion page represents the position of Dixie Sun as determined by its editorial board Otherwise the views and Dixie Sun opinions expressed in are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Dixie Sun or any entity of the college |