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Show 4 gpNESDAY, MARCH 7, 2012 s psiog LU i SHU S DIXIE SUN -- 9- biresilk plaGiiimu L,.v ........ party time is upon us! Find out what Dixie Students are AM ANDA BV JACOBS Staff Writer p,ic State College might be thinking linieh needed time off is and luckily, one sCrved jie best bieaks is nght ndcnts , jound the comer. year befoi e the paLh of finals week uihcin students are given last opportunity to (Tins, e mn aroimd with fi tends before buck-l- 2 down and finishing and fiax semester. Spnng tnps are an almost jpthe Iruik expenence, and D$C students might be nondenng- How exactly ucteryone spending their t7cndary - me off this year? J fi2) Not everyone is fortunate enough to get time offfiom all of their lifes respon- doing during Spring break a few rounds of golf, Blocker said Honestly, I am just excited to relax and enjoy the extra time off. sibilities Shane Blocker, a senior communication Zittmg said Of couise, being able to go anywheie is nice Just the idea of getting away over the bieak is what I like relax, Ammon Zittmg, a senior business majoi fiom Pleasant Grove, said he also has major from Oiem, said he is staying in St. Geoige because of his job on campus in the advisement center. Any ladies who pity me being stuck here feel free to come visit, Blocker said Blocker said he doesnt mind staying local over the break because it will still be nice to have tune off from homework and classes. In fact, with the extra free time, Blocker said he has some plans to Madison Morrell, a senior integrated studies to stay local since he is part of the baseball team We are light in the middle of the season, Zittmg said So we have a game and piactices No spnng bieak for me. Zittmg said even though he is stuck in St Geoige over the break, if he could choose to go anywhcie, it would have to be somewhere warm, major, also said that Cali- fornia , San Diego seems like the perfect place Id love to go to the beach and fill up his spare time. I am hoping to play her destination of is choice Mon ell said she feels lucky that she is actually getting the chance to be able to go this year Me and my fi lends aie going on a road tup, Mor-le- ll said We have two fun things Ive nevei done befoi e planned that Im really excited foi. Morrell said she is going to try bungee jumping for the first time at the Budge to Nowhere, a popular spot in Azusa, Calif, neai the San Gabnel mountains, Her other exciting plan7 Whale watching at Newport Beach, Calif Moncll said her fi lend planned most of the vacation herself by planning ahead and using coupons thiough the populai website Gioupon com I think students can plan tups themselves if they plan ahead and look foi good deals, Mon ell said Its actually really fun to it out plan Thomas Poole, a fiesh-ma- n general education majoi fiom Kaysville, also said he is looking forwaid to enjoying the outdoois over the bieak Poole is Students learn how to scuba dive byalissacurto Staff Writer climbing and utdoor sports seem to be Georges forte, but what 1AI1U the things St George doesnt offer but the school Rock i does7 Say like, scuba Kevin Dye, a St. George refighter J div- - and scuba at Dixie State College, said he originally ame to DSC to become a instructor ulot 1 had come to school pilot, that was my But I dream, Dye said Jn ays wanted to be able to ibe a under water back Physical Education reathe nen, required to graduate decided to leam to uiba dive. t that time Dye had no as I s lea how 01112 to much he was love Scuba Div ing and how much he was gomg to enjoy seeing other students excitement the first time they got to breathe n " 'I under water We dont have much to offer here m St. George when it comes to scuba diving, but tlie best part is the fact that I can now travel and other students, after they are certified, should be able to as well, Dye said Dye said it only takes about 20 hours of classroom and pool time to become scuba certified. Because he is certified he has visited places such as Fiji, the Philippines and the Caribbean. The best part of scuba diving is that it is safer than bowling, Dye said The only things students have to wony about is possibly getting a bad sunburn Dye said he also teaches A ,U U; D v fix i ft w 0 , 1 I A If Jj9s- zv Nr J Breathing under water can be done in Dixie thanks to the scuba diving class. Classes are offered during the fall and spring semesters. and diown, the class how to snoikel I hate snoikeling, if I weie to snoikel I would probably swallow water f they dont like the bubbles n He said he keeps that short because with diving the students get to just jump in and swim aiound Snoikeling is like a fight to survive, students dont need to wony about how to keep their head while snoikeling when theyre becoming Scuba Certified, Dye said He also said the biggest struggle students have hen they fiist start diving is that the equipment is heavy, and theyie not sine how to handle the way then eai s pop as they dive down He said they also struggle w ith an intake at fiist because the body thinks it shouldnt be breathing under water They seem shocked and it takes some getting used to but you can see how happy they are once they get the hang of it, Dye poi-tio- k Dye said. But if you ever want to swim with dolphins you have to leam to snorkel because tiavelmg to Portland to visit a fi icnd whose job may have influenced his decision My fi icnd woiks in a bike shop," Poole said We cant wait to go out on tides and see everything I ieally like the aiea Like almost every other student, Poole said being able to spend time with his fi lends will be w hat makes the bieak the most enjoyable Just a lot ol the spnng bieak essentials, Poole said I langing with fi lends, going out to eat, to parties, enjoying going youisclf Thats the best part about it r' A ( 'll s said Jessica Baton, a ficshman undecided majoi fiom Mesquite, Nev , said she would love to leam how to scuba dive, but she is afiaid of the actual cost of the class Dixie attaches a fee to the scuba class, but if students w ant to leam to scuba dive we want to get a fi.111 activity togcthei wheie students can get lessons for a small puce, Dye said While the class offets block schedules now, they only have classes in the fall and spnng semesteis Dye said the pool is too ciowded oci the summer to have a set class, though he w ishes they could He said he loves scuba diving and thinks anybody should try it Aftei all, who w ouldnt w ant to go diving in the Maldives and South Pacific1 1 - s r C v F7 A , m ) t 1 J S I ft it k i i |