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Show The Dixie Sun Pebruary 28, 1995 Page Classified or Vice President, contact Shane Wright 1 ext. 255, or Donna Stafford, at 673-48- 1 ext. 393. HELP WANTED , 673-481- REFERAL SERVICE provides summer camp positions in the are in the U.S.. Now hiring. Applications Student Employment Office. STAFF FOR SALE GMC SONOMA Truck. Sport, white, good condition. 56,000 miles. Asking $6,000. If interested, call Jay or Shannon between 6 and 9 p.m. 1991 in 628-818- 200 SX. About 1987 RED NISSAN 75,000 miles for the car, 300 ZX motor transmiss(newer than 75,000). ion, new battery, alternator, brakes, and oil change. Air conditioning, power doors, windows and steering. Very good stereo AMFM cassette. Black, soft, nice clean interior. No rips or tears. Tinted win- with dows. Phone Passes inspection. Need $4,000. 652-976- or 6 673-48- 1 1 , ext. 1 1 rates. le stamped envelope and $1.00 for handling to: Lavawn R. Owen, 1070 N. Redwood Rd. 68, Salt Lake City, Utah 84116, Reference OL9410220, or call us at to order our service. Have credit card number and reference number ready. Our low price is $49.95. PERSONALS CONGRATULATIONS, Jay and Hannah, on the birth of your new child. We wish you the best, now and always. in English 101. HEY Would you mind brushing your teeth? Please?! Sincerely, the rest of the class. BUTT-BREAT- ftSffiODSflOD 9. AFTER THIS DATE will be responsible can pay only for my own debts. My her own bills. Signed, William R. Husson, WORK WANTED TYPING-Reasonab- NEED CASH? Scholarship money is available for information. Please send a ex-wi- Fast and accurate. Leave message at On campus daily Monday through Friday. Redlands, Calif. 635-868- NOTICES All you leadership oriented students wanting to run for the 1995-9- 6 elections. Theyre coming soon. If you are interested in running for ASDC President TO THE YEARBOOK STAFF: love your guts! Thanks so much for your help on the last deadline. One more big deadline and were home free! Laurie JJUd'ff ATTENTION!! HOW MUCH WOOD would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? Heck, dont ask me. dont know! TH (QftiMi 0UHD?& UN & (Mtojm (ojyiuii fsjitmv iBiiMmg LtisslMiii n Tuesday, April 4 in the Gardner Center Ballroom Gift Certificate First Prize Word List No. 2: Study these words for the Spelling Bee fossM arctic allege harass hangar finale militia recede fulfill clique Sign-u- p renown innate nickel wiener shriek eighth concede fracas saUCfL barrel fierce parcel sickle icic Sheets are posted in the Exec Council Room omuou kVfcj" iUXrm h r rr- - r- - r r ' iB tidftrQ:?"' MM iR? f5 n VCKl UCfi L IGM MliSXSj fclK'jtou JF Eft 0$ "4xo;uX 11 |