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Show The Dixie Sun Page 4 February 28. 15 World Week: Bringing cultures together at Dixie By TARA ESPLIN THE DIXIE SUN Dixie College students who have never left the United States, along with those who have, will have the opportunity to briefly explore several different cultures for five days World Week 199S, sponsored by the Executive Council began Monday and runs through Eriday "We are stressing different cultures on campus," said David Lang, World Week chairman "It is important for us to acknowledge that there are other nation alities at Dixie, not just Americans We hope the variety of activities we have planned will help them feel more welcome here " The World Week kicked off Monday at noon with a parade of flags representing the home lands of the different nationalities of Dixie students Judge Mike Dobson, a native of Great Britain, was the speaker at the ceremony The Hags are being displayed m the library throughout the week' With the left over budget from World Week, Lang will start to buy flags from other countries J le hopes sometime in the near future, Dixie will be able to display flags from around the world all year long As an accent to World Week, the cafedifferent teria is serving a dish from country every day this we, k. Today, the Humanities Forum will be presented by Karl Brooks He will give a speech dealing with "expanding your world " The Native American Club will highlight its heritage with a performance Wednesday at noon Members will perform native dances and provide information On Thursday, the International Club ( performs takes place at noon The pre sentation will be similar to that of aDar Day m November, with traditional dris and demonstrations On Friday, the final day of World Week, the Black Students Association and the Salsa club will both share short At noon the BSA will presentations teach a step routine and give a brief hs tory of what they do Later, the World Week Luau w ill pet under way The meal, which will corn of roast pig and other authentic Polynesian dishes, costs $5 It begins at p m. in the Gardner Center E Tt p r 0i in i 1 ubi ? 1 NEEDS r K STUDENTS K TO SHOOT AND PRINT BLACK-AND-WHIT- E PHOTOS F03 SPRING QUARTER. I YOU CAN HAVE GUILD A POnTFOLH 'Xti ENROLLING L lrdMs and iVler Wilkinson attend Southern Utah Universitys St. George Center Business Program, a nationally accredited cutriculum (ACBSP) Each brother finds the convenience of continuing Ins education on the St George Campus an asset They have received associ ate degiees fiom Dixie College and will earn a bachelois degree in Business Administration fiom SUU St Geoige ('enter draws and Tler feel foitunate to be college together Eac h woiks full time duimg the dav and attends SUU Businessattending classes in the evening 1 he St George Center will oflcr Business classes during the day and evening beginning Fall Quarter 1995. Call us for additional infotmaiion at - - 673-683- IN COMM. 262, I THE CLASS I FOR PHOTO- JOURNALISTS. 8 SOUTHERN UTAH UNIVERSITY ST. GEORGE CENTER 225 SOUTH 700 EAST, ST. GEORGE FOR DETAILS, SEE PAUL HUSSELGEE. |