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Show 6 DIXIE SUN March 11, 1983 Contest Winners Announced The Dixie College Southern Quill staff is working fervently to produce this years annual literary and art magazine for the college. The magazine is headed by advisor Ace G. Pilkington, editor Diana Kearney, and assistant editor Eric Wright. The staff wouls like to thank off those students who con tributed material to make the magazine a success. The magazine will be available to Dixie College students the first of spring quarter in the bookstore. The staff includes: Melinda Durrant, John Finch, Lori Lewis, Karen Lloyd, Elaine Patton, Joanne Sykes, Tovia Tracy, and Chris Wyatt. March of Dimes Benefit Event for Distance Runners Friendship Run Upcoming Literary Magazine Published $100 scholarship; and Diana Kearney, who will receive a $25 scholarship. The Language Arts Department would like to thank all Dixie College students who participated in the contest. The Annie Atkin Tanner Poetry contest winners for 1983 are: Eric Wright, first place, who will receive afull tuition scholarship for the 1983 fall quarter; Dawn Houghton, second place, who will receive a TMM OF EOJOTOTJi OwilUL iT Come in or call 628-365- ha jp 8 north entrance to Snow Canyon, on Thursday, March 24, at 8:30 a.m. Meet at the college fountain for transportation at 8:00 a.m. Run five, 10, or 15 miles, just run as far as you can! First place prizes will be given for the most donations collected for March of Dimes and the 15 mile race winners in both the women and Ned Lovell, contact Paul Reber at ext. 389 1:00-5:0- 673-481- 1 0 Mr" SAVINGS Wecantaylor our loans to Your Needs! -- Savings protected to 000 by the Indus rial Loan Guaranty Corporation of Utah $15 ACCOUNTS W.Wf TTEffSW THRIFT & LOAN 494EastTabernacie St George, Utah Hours: 9:00 to 5:30 Daily Closed Saturday & Sunday s m ,t !KS ECd'' Lr?rLr Led. which is a private cor poration and not an instrumentality of the State of Utah or the federal Government PROTECTED SAVINGS !7 Lori or Hafen, Wilkinson. If you dont want to run but would like to be a part in some etc.), please way (aid stations, " or High Interest f for all race participants. No entry fee is involved. Please pick up donation forms as soon as possible from Paul Reber, Scott JS-.- JV f- -. i '" X. v - I . - Wbooyou finish this Outward Bound course, youre liable to be a different person. Outward Bound is more than a tnp of high adventure Itb discovering yourselt Learning that you're better than you think you are. And finding out how to work with others. Come join us on a 3 week tnp of excitement and self challenge You may come back a better Bang In there! Send for more information: you Check the Outward Bound Dept. 384 Fir'd Point Rd Greenw.ch CT 06830 Phone toll free (800) CH No experience necessary Outward Bound admits students of any sex race color and national or ethnic origin We are a nonprofit organization Scholarships available State City Zip School courses that interest you Canoeing White Water Ratting Sailing Cycling Desert Expeditions wilderness Backpacking Mountaineering m Outward BoundThe course that never ends - |