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Cina7 Cali Radom Murris8 flomas MODEL Si 501Cs Open Doily 130 - dusk Mon - ri Sat - 7 pm 70in S 6115 W 898-22211ton McDougal & Sons Const LOMOND homes from the high VAC Sorotogo Sorings Sing 801766-W- 3 OPEN YOUR DOOR '04 2 car gar covered Sdrm 0 porch 1777mo IN Townhomes Ws from the low The Ronchel 2 CALL BELOW 4551iS5ED MUST SELL IMMEDI 9 "C - yV 1 Sartain Prices 'Irma Through Experience" milder Award Winning Many to alums - $129000 Proi:o R44zitors ' MURRAY 3 bdrm 2 bath new kitchen 0 down kpad 2 credit OK (trod HOMES ORAPER-NE- NO from MURRAt $449000 ba 7' - tm ost 704 TWINHOMES Ity appointment onlY Call Donna 451-30 The only new twinhomes in wwwslcitycomplomis Ik1015 int ricanca itoody to Lt 24995 and ad Raod's Mcdado Homen-- R 2 Scone For yoteck Desperate Maintenance frog aoautiful 4- Sitautit14 Lease $ale option patio homes From 2 f 12 twit 2100 Seller carry or rent $164900 $220K 4t bee otfer- Large home in $100 W Swift Water WY Olson Utah Homes & wows Of volley 5 SEAR 140‘LOW VILLAGE Ma' f $) racy 201 0975 (7970 Estotes car garage Coil ($01) Lowry lownhomois from the COTTONWOOD 4 bdrm BEST 6 FORECLOSURES mid $200s 'DOWNTOWN CONDO 25 bath Multilevel 2330 so FREE LIST of ONLY tho Sost Pork City SORM PATIO GARAGE ft 2 car ga( it in 1989 Deals an Me Market HOA SI 3800(1 $33 8:VERION 4 bdtm 2 NI Weil maintained and In a 2010 ext 1 acre brand bath cut wear loCatOfl I 995011 MOUNTAIN VIEW REALTY itiSMORE GREENS 947-- 1 5a2 isew carpeting throughout DOWNTOWN Designer 2 ownAom s from th SI 3( &cutout prof painted flit spotlessly Ii5tnq 920025385 et bdrm Security! Al 0604 West Jordan Call VW dean forsalebyowneecom $167000 prkg $99000 owner fin CIASSIFIED AD 10-4 3 1663 e 4464 392 or ttl Open Sot 600 E 200 S 533445$ kM Shadow Cave (7120 St r 4 MVP) ros 2500 eaft ram-bie-r SALES CENTERS OPEN DOWNTOWN lytlishl ) (LIO l mew db gck DOWNTOWN Disobied 3 yrt KOYS & SAL MONDAY 4111t) KOWA' lisdrrn Security! Ali civic !-:Votorort Must Sok 3 Dotting NO AA la fin roto- - $17290a SUP 12-- s owner 139 500 prkg 5 Owner Nem houses on 2 or000rlos 510 PM www homiethomotcont 3 600 E 200 S f4i1DAY Groot invostmont $1500 SALT LAKE CITY ity Owner 4 4 EAST-NEW 1 SDPut mo mcomo Newly rootock Mit of hornet S 2265 W 3 4044 Pi FREE—Weekly No Down $400 $67$r4 Low $1001 Luxury pointed corpotod tor Into RV For Sate Owner bate 3 $y Pool Smith cur sec Nice garage 442 7 coil sane Acreage 4854090 parking mice newer 2200 COMP &SS wIdescription price 20 Riy 6374776 230-4- 5 $ No Agents ENAISSANCE CONDOS Acres Ptoperty address owners teL so ft mtlti level $I 5750)1 444 3 tarp 2 6a Garage 1 No agent Call C11 Income Ptcperty Fimic'vg 445 iron and stucco Gated wwwheipvselielescoom SALT LAKE $75000t HOLLADAY Soautifully entry ream ready :neCtITIO Property 446 NEED A REALTOR9 We coo 4 bane 2 Central air kaunciry rm ctudad 315clern 15no $279N3 home Ltstings call help you Coll the Real Wo acnt S2OCi0 Closing lecreationat Property —448 hovel townhours Groot Relaxed Mom onviron-- 1 H991 brat arokerogs lomea at COthil AME about our dck gar sprinkieri oats tor Sale 450 wilds mom — 3 community 66)4649 or Januar' Si:Adak SALT Lake 456 E Wood ck iNomociewcL New ono& Pool & Timm Court 1707 S It eawooci WYC I A 452 once& Onoy $i 4510 Sonous !Lots Land Itemodt $ and 11900 REALTORS ULRICH 320G 54 Ft lull" Madei Goan 2 Car gar 3 lecirm t ono:normal croll $01694-365- 3 For AN Your Reoi Evora Land 464 Oo& 2 90r age Sat 11-WI t Saul or No to own) 455-31- 1 3054 trent atoms 5 & Neschl bdcit INCCO don 2 SANDY smol& fence vinyl yord 3 PARK CITY alder 2ba er 4 large born wood & NEW ON THE Mcrket CLOSE 3 DOWN Demsiaaer leaent 1 tilo Ooots 33 boon" Evil 'smock 4 lockm 3 bat 'Cl Ccn lo By g recabarets mcpi fam granite in Ite tile 2 BANK REPOS amed lights oAd most ft 050 613 wilarzzi role oversimed gar below mom 5irber sroras oti GENTLEMEN'S RANCH in cow $193500 tor moo infomohen O00011A0 CREDIT OK appL firoiac? Pat Ent Grimm 202 acre 2 gar SUGAR HOUSE gargeops $ 916-041- 2 - EACeit home& ilzrre Itorageeater bdrin 1 P0'1 car garogit LENONG EWSION Jeff KICK Off ThE DIAPER hOME 9:41(0118Mtlil)f9o4'r !Wi totally roma& 818400 2 adrin lipq reSeiler financing loamo oat NEW YEAR LC OUTCS JOHNSON bilimt 2 barn 3 car gar modated $124000 SIC No monoy down With new IIEUANCE CLASSND A3YERILSING Itio bank qualify Seller fiin bityci S20000 CALL wow-fa- ll 0 HOME Over I I floor ions ilOrne with zero o Puy i FOR ALL YOUR Calt nancing Cali cosh coil lot info & DOES MORE MINOS starting of $a 5 mo PM ot CLASSiFIED NEEDS SUGAR HOUSE list of avoilobie homes Porkndge Come AO our up to 4 Outstandog 7 lictrm 4 ba barns Ehcallent Modei todoy Iwo before FOI MORE PEOFL! bdrrn totally remodelad free recorded mg file end of De- - ond sove 1800423-629- 5 ID ICA WO 8bilio a month Zara dawn 1043 INDIANOLA 5 QC 523900 F1041112 wits RI THAN ANY OTHER FORM onoffer 1?400 off Coll solior paid closing www NoDown Lots of Tr000t TER WS d closing costs Selet RiLLANCE HOME CEAN P elymentkquirlviconl or bad credit or help you quality Cali brad 905-i13- 0 OF ADMISINO1 Inc Car Tom looltors PC Moro Realty Group OwnerAgar kiulso locirm sq ft- Coll I frit-- Farms 'kenos Oral 9 AO et r r 4 1 664 6 4 N z z a a '' I 4' f:7 c11)1' -i- Ne ' 14 - I 4 - f - 4 4 - t 'k e- '''''k' 'No 1' i e 4 — ' I & '''' t 411 4A : '4" A ts$ NSISNISS f'' - 4 4 N ç tZ'1 s 4C 't) (3 -- NS'" 10 Sc0 CI k‘ '''''' 1 (7 i i 1 j theh - Ii ':i 1 & 4 st 0 q''''' 4 s NJ 1 N - :84 estzk- N ZJ )- IS ''''4' e4Y) A cl'c) a t - s p‘f) r& No" 14SINIINJ 1 ' 44 :- k' (NO ILktSsR) e‘ 0t 40' r ki:'''0 I t 0 Oc) E No - - :) C14'' "v 18 5Pte ti 41 q 46 '440 4 - 41 041Ce) i'llt t(Z) 1 - t3 N A C:k ess4S: A G's AtI4 41 t A 0 ) " c N t 0k t40 A " : 44 taa o Homes TF1141 311e9 for barms 11011CA 1 No SI down seller will pay 3 of At Waitern Mobile Estates 2509678 2$047 t 2 dosing costs Comer of 600 800 W Opert Frh47 & 5 or bl aPPC Sot 3 RANCHES yin living STONE CREEK Luxury main OWN mobile lieeeroi ioc or 6711755 Buy Mobile Home Newor than 1976 Under $5k - Tour Our Downtown Solt Lake and 9 they are FA& ca' ceilings Listings On the W13 Igranite and mole Niches LAAE TO Nekie DOWNTOWN Co 4 IRENT t 0 irg Sccfcet MEADOWS in SANDY Fleetwood 2 bdrm 1 bo 650 ma MM pate rent t t 0 1'99 1 Coll - 11'L ba ear 3111900 PLUM3 & Si 5900 soli For listing or T a great Mobile home take OVer pmts kale clown '436-742- FORECLOSURE S bdrrn 2 Oa 5 1 KEARNS 5 ititirm 2 12 SatSun 100440 :fam rm garage $1 45000 Lease option Seiler fin avail 3704701 ANTS Horns Ft! SOS 1 t tOod) WArs LOFTS licvirg Nkst Residential condominiums 159 West 300 Sou 224900-S49990- 0 Open dtchr amileq:anr3ta er Yn bdrm $ I 61 900 1FFER dblvddo 3 bdrm 2 park $10500 :ondoillonflom Zero basement plus dawnclosing costs Below $750mo seller will help d No fInon-in- coo ionco At BIRNAM WOODS homes Singlekfamily I 60s from the VI 9900 V quick To RV! Location LOW lot rent 24X00 Smallwood Fenced Yard Minutes from freeway Priced to SELL Pre 4ecorried info crt SA8- 5 ism 9021 SANDY Open 126 MonSat or coil Debbie 7i543832 Rees Real Estate 3 bdtm rambler oversize cfuonsel' $1000 age ATM Seautiful 4 Iluirm full bath 2 car garage quiet street $1 60000 do WE HAVE LAND FOR MANUFACTURED HOUS- ING ZERO DOWN financing occ Loft of Specials Don't miss Gott LOW Rates tearoom townnomes & 3 103 acre W)) $10301 4556832 100 IENKINS CONSTR guilds Luxury Homes 11596524 wgarage open living areas Starting at °Cr NAM rlr7211 Lot with tenue 1995 211X40 Nashua MH 3 bdtml2 km new carpet covered parking Financing Ave& aisle Asking $24100 Accepting otters Call Free 24-- 4r e recorded for details at 838-373815 est 80061 Or Rob at torn 'wont iliARVEY 1 DOWN 6 Century 21 Ailwest New Honks Division FARANGTON RANCHES homes from ?he low $150A 2 Home & Sun 12i30-5pwill be sold Sun night to aiDDER963-244HIGHEST 4 1 for qualified buyer Vert motivated seller Beautiful 4 bcirm 3 bath family rm itteet61 $6 3 Rciton Iquiet rent Spaces rfltn one & homes for wit only 20 min drive to C158011550 LOW ran town GREAT TIME avail Seller-pai- d closing costs Call Rich 6042683 ay OWNER 3 bdrm 1 Ism nice boy's 18 acres new eene Saq500olso Inspection Fri $li2000 (801) MURRAY NOTHING Homes rtaxi 5 dkesitto'chcoedvegraerd mot d31 i Menulacturod 31100014000AZaHnUciDng W12 2p45ii shop all hrdwd floors ail kit new granitelmarole a adrus 4203187 ext R370 0 FORECOSURES aank chapmanOtichards & ASSOC HUD VA Homes 27 8 44)4 IOwned Mod Freddie Mac beautiful Kurt Peal( Kings new 2 story otters 3 bdrm 2 ba seller provides H :ondosiTownhomol banksolutions for nancing tmn aunty or bad credit Must RE sell Roe 3 sALr LAKE Vs for sale by 129900-354900 owner 4 adrte 3 ism gar 2 twin homes lett only 'Wood fence Mule see Must Last2 isdrm units Tiled firs 6 sell investors weicome (no garage Magid Imh $2000 oItleoltst) (80() 45432 5 toward s closing costs Model 891 E Open Mort-Sa- t 1995 Multi Chase Creek Cr (3990 3) 44 Dove G Large family roam huge RV Don A 343(3 So & Assoc 1529 West $165000 Chapman-Richar7 Travis 2784414 Platinum Group Real Estate 4 bdrm lin gar Ortiy $124900 To buy or list a home call Dean or Dabble at 5 Heartland Re 4530 S 3 isdrrth 2 full bd extra isdrtm brand new 2500051 Sl?01) lN 5610090 townhomes from Ms low SI 50s 9j E INCENTIVESI BRAEMAR VILLAGE Istimt ESTAIESPROVO 1454 N Geneva Rd REESE CONST FORECLOSLREI 4 bilsrm 2 ha Roma $44900 Won't !Asti For tasting coil cII0Iitichaen20Grge:41"4AatalLint S work up a deal for hotness from You 62600 210 50 to Work for your Ckswo Plus we can pay your Closing COM Coll Terry or Sky HOMES Kr" kil'CM6 A E NICE 111111Elr lat us FREEmONT SPRINGS y isomes from Me mid SI 30't The q3ndits ha !OS SCE1iE urik14 RliALPf & w(large - - HAMtET !Farmington ba exng2739 06000 Perfect Opportunity to gain I‘ bath Equity! 3 bcitm lab !sic:updated i homneew enrewaluccrier t- ils3layotiafirinti LAYTON RELIANC9453H8020M0E OYER 801939-412- 4 5brirm 2 t N 3e3utitui 2100 ti ft Large lakemtn view lot FIRE THE LANDLORD Mature oak 4 bdrms & 1 baths Many And hi your own boss with $ I 58k 5466346 j extras new 3 drm hem with RN parking Or how about MAGNA 3261't So 7730 1ei ii $1 17 ?08 1aar 1110T09111 with Remod 5 aches Landscaped front yard No ba keas To own Ike more 10°P0ilei your 1 down Call 3ani Call THE windshie Country Living in die City Exquisite Estate 14)22 sq ft luxury home 6 adrms 6 haths steam room 579 acres Backs up to Dimpie Dell Equestrian Park stall earn hayloft 3000 sq ft shop pool racquet Idol court lor9e recreation room with tull deluxe kitchen J water shares Many Extras Cell for Info 33OO SL mmo $3 S35 Realty $7 LOCMi 5567142 117i 13 112:1'24:14 tre:es RESIDENT in Fitton DELI 11111041it GCtil JUSTICE 55a1553 WOOD REALTOR 'KEARNS MMM : lEtIF IFILE West Sauntiful PURCHASE HOUSES Suy Houses when No one else cork (S01) 9 West Jordon Si 4000 Choose your colors and area to buoirt We are tile West Jordon Home Specialists Coil Terry or 3ky 0 DilAPLE A1C Ids PAY 'r0114 CLOSING CO5131 3 Born 2 Oa rambler al i or I 4)')C0 MOLADA1 1269 E6 College St (4620 S) Clean Cbarm twin home ar Pleads 237-200- 0 I Acmtnititors Film 111 21 3494 AR) Call COLO SPRINGS Please call us lot all S4C0- - S20001 CITY ba rambler 2176 sq ft Total payment $743mo Payment Lamed an Utah SialSnai:k12 MPLEX LOCATOR! OVVt CO to Choomo From rESi NTA 1$ 2014433 NEEL) a picas ? 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