Show 4 INSIDE El a 1'0 lazury Wolnesilay &Mee group Zt &Jon Corzert thing 'Leeends 0 (Tr 1 t t one-hou- -- f — ' t a717':7-1- -- 1 - S4 t - I k:''4 ' ! '" ' t: - '4-- 4 410 Z ' il 4 1 )40 ""' 19 - ''' - t 17 ' V ' - ' 1 ' 04 4' BYll's Living Legends dance group celebrates Latin American American Indian and Polynesian song and dance I - goed-hearte- d - t -' 4 c' c Brigham Young University's Living Legends dance group will perform at 730 pm at the de Jong Concert Hall on the BIT campus The performance is a celebration of:Latin American American Indian and Polynesian song and dance complete with authentic choreography and costumes Tickets are $10 $2 off with student ID and available by calling 1 be L Word' in Showthme's new sperm donor r drama could stand for It is probably one of the most sexually life" "love" "loyalty" and "Los explicit dramns on television (I you don't bard-sex series on include the La Angeles — or "lesbians" since it revolves aroimd the relationships of gay female Showtrne) and the number of times they either talk about or perform sex seems gracouples in southern California But add "lust' and loads of sex to the tuitous But there also is a freshness in the mix because "The L Word" is a frank and way the show approaches the subject — with a frankness never before explicit look at the love lives of these sometimes tortured Arge- seen with TV lesbian couples lenos It makes you realize how far The most important word to we have come from the days " describe the show however is when a simple kiss between I two women created an wroar "likahle" This is a : on "Roseanne' exqtninmion of an interron- N nected group even if the people Showtime has tried furi'""in it sometimes seem obsessed ously to match the critical and i with their own serzity The se-viewership success of H30 with its own original program ries also dabbles too often in a VD rCE ' conventions ming Some of the network's shows "The L Word- - which pre- including "Dead Like HORI1 :CHI Me" have brought them mieres Sunday at II pm fo- TILER XI cuses on two couples: a young While "The L Word" may writer and her boyfriend and not have the writing acting or edge of the lesbian partners who live next door The Sopranos" or "Six Feet Under the The writer Jenny (Mia new drama has enougtk honesty to demonmoves in with her boyfriend (Eric Mahlus) strate that Showtime is trying in a smart suburban home iti Los Angeles He's a swimming coach and together their life seems picture perfect and full of pasFrom city slickers to cowboys sion Next door are Bette (Jennifer Beals) a Country Music Television is premierg and responsible museum diing a new reality show "Cowboy U 2104" in which eight city folk are transplanted to rector and her partner Tina (Laurel Hollothe great outdoors to see who becomes an man) who just quit her job to have a baby 'All Around Cowboy" The show preTheir friends include a professional tennis player who is afraid to come out of the mieres Friday at 7 pm on Shawn Stephens a champion team closet the owner of a West Hollywood cafe and popular gay hangout a bisexual jourroper from Payson is one of three professional rodeo competitors who will train nalist for a Los Angeles weekly and a freethe contestants how to rope ride and lover who been has wheeling breaking hearts wrangle The winner not only earns the title of "All Around Cowboy" but gets : The group meets often at the Hollywood $25030 which will buy a lot of Wranglers cafe to talk about their relationships and the obstacles to developing a lesbian partTelevision columnist Vince Horiuchi apnership in Los Angeles : Bette and Tina are pears Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays trying to find an apHe can be reached at vinceqSliribcons propriate donor for their baby even throwing a party to check out prospective candidates Meanwhile Jenny begins to qUestion her own sexuality when the cafe owner (Karina Lombard) seduces her It all sounds steeped in soap opera stoThe Bacheforette: KIVX Channel 4 tonight 8 urines and sometimes feels that way too A new season of the popular datingreality show But after several episodes the show began This time artist looks for a makeup premieres to grow on me because the characters are love among 25 eligible contestants likable and not necessarily They seem to grapple with real issues and The West Wimp KSL Channel 5 tonight 8 work at sorting out real emotions The fact Oscar winner Marlee Mann ("Children of a Lesser that the couples are lesbian partners g role as a God) returns in l'tr niakes for some unique problems such as pollster for the Mae House the partners searching for an appropriate g Like Tribune The I:Zs harrtnirg tally A concie Itck at Showtime offers an edgy hour of lesbians looking for love UT Andy Tiollum' Serlis sips books at Borders in "The Lord of the Rings" Andy Serkis the actor who played Coll films will sign his book Collura How 141e Made Movie Magic at 7 pm at Borders in the Crossroads PIR72 50 S Main St The book deals with Serkis' experience in creating a digital character based on his live performances For more information call soap-oper- Andy Serkis who played Gol lum in "The Lord of ' - the Rings" films will be at Borders Filminnkers at Westminster College Filmmaker Geralyn Dreyfous will present pictures and clips from her Sundance Film Festival pieca The Day My God Died Zana Briski and Ross Kauffman will also present their film Born Into Brothels Both films chronicle the phenomena of child sex slavery The three will lead a panel discussion following their presentations The event begins at 7 pm in the Gore School of Business Auditorium on Westminster College's campus Free hard-workin- aft Mary Broolis"Angels' exhibit at Forum Gallery ( ' : " c--1- 1 7:00 hznnel CSe Crine Sure Investigation A murder man o CBS Mini-2- r L an 5153 uncarety mailroom to Sara keg TV-1- rey Vete stor 1Cds pG' (CC) tee7 A ABC -'r n 'TV- - les AS TV-P- A Relative (N) (CC) 135 PI3S nter Wheal at Relent) seers' (N) pea 8713 KUPX-1- 6 r - 's Funniest 3811 Home Videos TV-- America's kneed Hotta Videos "TV-- 5511 Eatty Edition Gay decree to tell Erica tout die 39627 newspaper but she des not believe hrat KIIIW-2- 0 p Wisdom Keys With De - key to the Kingdom AOC i Fx - DISNEY NICKELOIXON AZLE FALELY &keg Wariors: Tenor al the CA 878035 6 Riptefs Believe 1 or Nue 6r eMef lain MOM lAurdet Orem 863153 1V-- rb e- amarzi46 y i H30 1 I STAT12 1 r rp Even Seinenti 404085 Rd 113 kv Date TV-- 'A Movie: tl Int et the Sumner 'TV-- 34733 Diagnosis Murder A nurse it accused of murdertng her It's a Miracle : employer a Make madam TV-P42191 (CC) 27443 A emcee store Will & (CC) Newsvoatchi MN News News Roseanne Ihe Grace Under Fim 'Pills' (CC) TV-1-4' (CC) (11:35) Inside Editon (CC) 4294066 5046733 (11:37) Late Night (N) 'TV-1(CC) 5C82733 A (11:15) Perry Mason 23127603 A Frasier 'Forootten but Gone' 18795 ea n 'TV-1- (N) Wine 'Anwican Experience 'Reconstruction: The Seccod Coal We "Revorution" (N) (CC) (DVS) 10424 Seinfeld "The Switch' 'TV-P(CC) 10153 Paid Program TV-- Late Show 3596207 (11:37) n Perry Mason 1976172 A rapedcg :m(Nereee) patrolman Tep a 'TM Oharrmi 1 ol 2) & Greg A Frasier 95795 A (Part WATH 'Out ol Gat' 97153 PG' (CC) 56004 (CC) TV-P- Just Shoot (CC) (11:05) Paid Program 26891424 36191 A Me 'Miss Pretty' (cc) 54646 Paid Program A 49714 Focus 4 (CC) Faithpeints Ful Home pals (CC) A Ira Lk McGuire WW1 0 Kate" A Basketball (CC) instrac "Shwas aria Kier kAat lidos' n ICC) The e Itit-Cour- on each other when ' (CC) 211801 Street' (CC) 148356 A Football Today (Sotawa aiLlukt (lee) ed wad 01 - i 1N-6- You Gotta See Thal (CC) o - o 'Ore Goad Cop' (I 99 i) 1610) Item: laireaeiTrovie 'R' (CCI 600rtati4 Keatat n raa-e-ei- a KA3-1- 9 rile: a (CC) I 140imrp Sdostano &At' et CNA IA reg A 'R' le a Let & Health 92207 Minot Cops Detroit 'Trapped In Trash' Investigators receive a report of a dog fight 913135 Cops 'Arizona' A Mem Outtakes IE A Cosby Show 'Theo's Gir Cosby Show CI (cc) 773191 759511 Waiter SJe tie fuse SisearThe (CC) 303917 A 'TVG' Matta Mascn TV-- (CC) 862424 eaves Lire 1 t Gambia A miscesevote boy's (CC) system houses PG' Al20707 Modem Marvels tteatdcoots TV-P- amen (CC) apse 'TV-P- Edified Modem Marvels breakdowns TePG' (CC) 577004 of two genius- 460801 Wang Neste Tectinetvca l 6745511 (CC) : Outside tN1 Lines Nightly1College Gaineniebt (Live) SopleteCenter N) (CC) 139'733 (CCI115153 h3A Fattbreak (Lowe lest teem oo to work! al Set at 24 Frame 10145) 46214e2 (CC) A Ps 'Eliack Haut Down" (ONO Drama) Josh 724(147 rt 'R' ((C) t2013Z Drama) EJe Falco Alticia BesG1111 NAN K ai my goes 1183i) awe: -- te evokaton al rraolysvood Eean roirGartew Viol ot charge nelle ' ree te bve Kale( Instinct 'Shales are! Kiler Aloaree The sharks and kik whales 238C04 U S sokre meet el &astir in Mete: lea3 kag000rte wend A Sal Wel the Dpi SIA (CC) 13 11 91 (I a Tiiod el Ws a km Irm tor TV- - Ceti A (CC) 48OOa°O) Encounsers Outdoor Outtakes 741 51'3207 Mountain Sports Report (Love) 48443 "Kalioween 4 The Reim ot Michael Danicae Ham 'R' (CC) 212e48 'How HO" (2'11 CerreM41 Metvd Vat Oudents et Harvard A Fr (CC) 6815237 Your Best Damn Sports Show Paned (CC) 858795 Roce-- - (1045) Movie: Crarisid Pleasence towhee te resraeots ol i Pcerta aid of ketlelettle L1104:iltot-"1:71-414 pomayais ot sex in movies (N) (Love) Lost Treasures ot SIFL F ilms Expronng the birth ot an NFL tem tet Tampa Bay Buccaneers in 1976 (CC) Football Today 78733 F C I"12tool Dave &omen An rsurerce his previr s murder A 'F-- 13' (CC) votes I &mond Expirese tweet NFL UV (CC) Sports Shee Period (CC) 44627 oo ID (CC) Over Widi Jain Twilight Zone "Ring-A- t242795 Drag Garr (CC) 3761269 Crosson Disaster Technorceecal 4870284 'Tv-- lidose Lao is 1 lordly? 586627 Wiles Agues probe Ire disappeara nce es are encounters supercometer IV-1- 4' he must erotic! (CC) 814240 singer-actre- A Three's Company 'Ralph's Rive 395462 Justice 'Murder Online' A Americeat13153 658443 Boy wets welt PG' (CC) 367004 Three's Company "The Love Barge A 143801 (CC) (1996 Screnoe Ficson) Coner Smith Deirdre OCcoreit An Earth spacecraft returns stoviaway aboard A (CC) 61933e3 134714IlLas instract Sig Cats' Evicting cats 235917 Neill Poker 83O): 0 'TV-1-4' Mare la (CC) Nash Bridges "The Javelin Catcher Rxhard T Jones An NBA hopefui coaches Biogreptly 'Lynda Carter Spoilskiener (Lae) (CC) Z38443 Yet 91 " umet cover lo base lawn a M Riao Vivo con Maris Celesta atioe5 team is stalked by att intergalactic trophy Dead Zone Johnny uses he psychic poners to help spivs a senal murder case (CC) 404424 869337 71795 roo (CC) 81 Be Murray Harold Ramie Ajoy ride takes tivo Amy recruits across loleforte tall II Blind Date Mad About You "The Anse Ellen The Thirty-Kil- o Newly The Hockey Shove tunny 'Maxweit's Melee A TV-P968207 Cries' A TV-P944627 (CC) 582801 (CC) 58C578 A Houstort A bodyguard 'ails tor the Big House 'LA Court Jalr The 2000) male and female inmates (CC) 4ch3375 Mysterious Encounters lee Yew Eyes 0441' ( i 96 it Hoolay mosoe oor ires iifa)) itaval: Cow iD recover a skean &twee dews 'PG 5271104 "Self A (CC) 46085 (CC) 242LoCa3 Roseanne 'Mai Story' (CC) 493443 TV-1-4' A (N) (CC) Bridging the 13raing Strad (CC) 418725 k Comedy) Scewarzenegger Carl Weathers E3MK13111 Scientific Fresidation of Nutrition Staff mermen Rat Hole (N) leovis: 1 "Stripes" (1981 on Ines (CC) 8940627 Arnold TV-1- --TT 155207 (CC) Lawrence Lynn Whafieki Movie: 'Dennis the Menace" (1993 Comedy) antes annoy his grumpy old nelttor V1288 Movers Tbe causes ard consequences ot breakdowns 'Tal-P(CC) 142C663 Finless for Life 76796 90375 Covert Action 'Operation 877356 Mirace (2CC3 Dccudrana) hex 78033 t Whatley Life n letey Springer Boytneritt son's Mends (CC) Crocodile Hunter Diaries 'Teamwork" toe Australia Zoo (CC) 86 0066 erten stueents wit an afien lifixtern Marlin Third Watch 'Honor Lo36375 - erases You Com Sot Mara a515 -- eoo eye Celebrity Justice of Roseanne lagermare on (CC) 8726e1 Mary and Lucy turn Robbie tails for someone new 7 Encounter wish a deadly 'Day 88°47 Law & Order: Special Victims traft 'Counterfeit' TV-1- 4' (CC) 401337 TV- - Movie: 77e53C a team of A Fitness fix Golden Gels 'Charlie s Galen Gras 'Grablbat 587356 Deep' A 1V-P688559 Sticky A TV-P- O34e04 ( Not Caroirna at Marytand Hughleys 'A MudeCulti Chnstmas' (CC) (CC) Small Business School A (CC) 'TV-- 76527 Julie 11I-- 'Ilse and TV-1- ° the Cosby Show Ith Heaven roLG - TV-P- Movie 'Predator" (1967 Scierce Felton) huntet 7'Ll3795 'TV- - Premiere A Victims Unit 'Stolen' Fall Naftali Jackson Case 684085 A Core 'Fort Wooer Scott Valente tate Owe Seer Seer (CC) (CC) - A David and Gotta-- th (N) 8742'69 me 14 (CC) 2690172 TVG (CC) 768795 TV-P- Bowling (CC) Lire Between Low and Hats' (1996 Comedy-Drama- ) by art embttered tomer lame (CC) 427375 Than 569 il A Utah Business Boardroom 81578 414901 House 'Our Very Fest Colby Show 1Y Come 2E8559 - starts aid jay A &repeals 'Round A A keen Histovocd (11:06) (N) 11:30 (10:35) Tonight Show Debra Messing Tim Russere 'TV-1(N) (CC) 32544307 Joe Cocker Grace 32375 Show' Maas Canmunicalicn 95269 a6:43:10:40ay Self 1V-- : kb aeoesiek r (10:35) Nightline (CC) 12719578 News 3411424 (IV) 11:00 (10:35) Late Show Bette Midler Howe Day (N) 'TV-P(CC) 78154917 (9:40) Perry Mason 24215004 r to 10:30 News (CC) 8714375 d celebrity-fille- George Balanctene s career chaeograpner sie NBA Baeketali Peiladelptia Thee at Daeas MeAvices From knercan Mime Cellar in Dallas (Lee) (CC) -- i add bat Bp on Modem Marvels arreeng Disaster Behnological breakdowns 'TV-P(CC) 3420743 Kai 1337 (CC) 10:00 Springfield' cePtlie eeeejeremve en alien corspwary to destroy Earth thwart edge FOX 1‘tA)61C Nate 782375 972375 1V-- 4 o 6r Temple 7 pm $11 LAURENCE LOWE faculty recital with Amanda Nixon on piano Madsen Recital Hall 13Y11 campus 130 pm free (CC) 73511 Me Bodytausof (1992 Suspense) Keen Costlier h6 Homicidir Lite on the save soxbeee t) 'Na( Movie: (CC) (DVS) V43)1 Movie: Move: 1 "The Second Arrear 119s8 Science Fallon) Patna Neaten terhaei Sarrazia A man must OUTDOOR spofrrs TnB (CC) ete Ham II r ap- v6 ESPN 2 n Animal Ceps: Detroit 'Trapped in Trate' Investigators Kim ot the 14' (CC) 6r E SPN r 11111136461:111 405153 sio Fel House 'Ow Very Fest 546'849 Shoitt 1V-- I MUSIC GOSPEL JAZZ ENSENIBLZ Shepherd Union Building Weber State University Ogden Wednesday 730 pm free GUTTERNOUTH with Pepper and The Toasters Albee Square165 S West Drew Carey 'Ped White Angel Ha moil Ines et find out who framed her tor the Everyleads Levee Raymond King of Queens leild Spin City it Happened TV-Prareer al a denten tights activIst 'TV-195849 Cards TV-P(CC) 34240 67627 and Drew? TV-P(CC) am 1 One Night' 76375 El Alms Herres : ErThThP 69 'TV-P- (CC) eater Seas k Pio- News (CC) 8729207 News 26153 America's Next Top Model Aspirtng models pertain a Marines aboard the USS intrepid A (CC) n 14' (CC) A FUN" Desert Star Theater 48611 State SL Mondays through Thursdays at 7 pm Fridays at 7 and 930 pm and Saturdays at noon 3 pm 7 pm and 930 pm through March 20 el t (CC) Presents lashe- d- ‘101114111 pops Toe Wort" A (CC) 7104530 14' (CC) 2681337 26917 II 'OW ot Amite Past" (1995 Suspense) Catherine Mary Seven Movie: Waimea( heaters le weal a tooman's true identity (CC) 218849 111- law I Ceder Special Law 1 trader Specenricbms Dnft Valet 1V-P- emansmeme-oei- - Date r r o r "'I "III I 0 (CC) kia" Ccentinicatól 19849 0 L decide to go 46917 Jimmy TV-P- CAMELIAS" Zt: (859) Law & Order "Paytecir Detectives investigate tee murder of a rnob irformant (N) TV-134306C85 n Croccdile Hunter Dents 'Teamwork' Stail members the Australla Ixt (CC) e$1795 TNT 141 L ID irdirgdUCt13-1- ‘r n r A r-- ' 9:30 t "What's Eating Gilbert Grace (1993 Drama) Johnny Depp Juliette Lewis sacrifices aA for he family 48375 stalked USA SCI-F- VOW (N) Marrie- d- Web Chikeen LIFETIME - WE (CC) 7153 (N) rI puns DISCOVERY ' - 'asykin' Lex pees hos escape tom the oseturiat (N) A TV-P(CC) 79301 1 rk KULC-- 9 "The elo tusiness logeteer Amor Descarado 8e511 TELE-s- o ANIkAL - 0C TV-P- (N) 2801 (CC) sculpture and paintings by Mary at the Forum Gallery asdock Ihke- v6 KUVia33 1 3761 Stat Trek: Enterprise 'Chosen Reale' The crow it taken hostage by rerigous extremists ha Inapncre KpN224 - at Itee Seedy p KJZZ-1- 4 Lis 3003 Young TV-1- 4' or THE THE LADY VAr (8:50) Petey Mason 94195022 klan &Axe 70s Shan - Westgate' la Hours American lasers 13alanchire (CC) 285085 r KSTII-1- 3 An exhibition of Celebrity Mote Yucatan Players swat at (CC) 9733 pinatas (N) A ponders a lereity 1st or prams tor a prestiereal pardon TV-P51801 eligrble Orpiseus at te Peritouse' Volinist - Bei pedants wet te Orpheus Chamter Orchestra (N) 75375 Mason 4984646 With Jim Lehrer (CC) 43707 Newstour Pane 10 Ki3YU-i- l 4 4714 Wel Ballet West TV-P- r 7 n MD DUMAS 9:CO Bachelorette A single woman meets 25 men in an (CC) 6269 attempt to Ind boa (N) TV-P- (9 'See Lies and Altitude' (N) A x 16 NB c vci ''''''''-- '' (oo) 42153 L Lee From Uncoil Canter Olcenua Bei and KIJE11-- r (N) NP ' Brooks opens today - rirt ewer 'Sree Mears Srise n'TIMPG' 5207 (N) !' c - 0:30 Cruses five Heee rot It "ALEXANDRE 0:00 - neer Theatre Company 300 S East Mondays through Thursdays at 730 pm and Fridays and Saturdays at 8 pm with Saturday matinees at 2 pm or ktp:wwwpioneertheatrunx through Jan 24 $20-S3--ONE FOR INE POT" Hale Centre Theatre 3333 S Decker lake Drive West Valley City: daily except Sundays through Jan 31 730 pm Saturday matinees at 1230 pont and 4 pm: $16 $12 children for weekday evenings and all matinees S19 S13 for children Friday and Saturday: 8011841000 "PIRATES OF ME CARD38EAN TO NO NO MD A BOYLE OF r'-- ' 7:30 The Forum Gallery 511 W 200 South Suite 110 presents "Angels Are Only Human' an exhibit featuring sculpture and paintings by Nlary Brooks The exhibit opens today and continues through Feb Gallery hours are from noon to 5 pm Call '''' ' THEATER guest-starrin- r': 0 - c aurae I - if Interwove ramie the ' TV krA (CC) 1 175 11 --- ( iiiad'Anan" cia-- 2 Pori a pa- - 13 earl Imam A Ca icc) NFL (N) ( Mors' (lea httilverS 1V-P- (CC) Locez Rept Venues Hertor) efes become 43:917 A pce1x-le- ate- - |