Show - ir -- - c 1 ir WIDNESDAY 142004 11 KJIL JANCAAT i 1 tin 1 1 1 ( 4 wyrcsitILtion 'I ------------- I 1 JI -- Scoreboatd C5 - ' t - '1 s' ' ''' k k 1 i ------ ----- 23 t 4 111211 ------- -- — C6 -- -- - t -- 1 t 1 PREVIOUSLY UNDEFEATED WAKE FOREST eyhtt1 I CZ ORM CREDITED WITH EREAKOUT I 1 Weather IVES "TEXAS ') kij -- I 4t i! I Hocliey C6 ! t i I 'JP ' ' It4' Pi !vio ------ --- r PA 1iot CPENER I C2 - I I Mtn's CrAt'113 l'i rift: CAME riiteal T41 - - - : 1 : - ( - - GORDON MONSON A pervasively painful predicament I have a clue whit s Jazz? with Anybody thetake the curse off i ' 't They're bad to the bone They're gone with the bend They're blowing joints and heading for surgeon's tables and painful points beyond Will the last guy Magid ing on a sound kg in the Delta Center hop on over and get that last rebound then shut off the lights? llow about shut down the seaeon? Is Rawkeye Pierce in the house? First John Stockton walloi Into retirement Then Karl Mahone 11M0b his way to LA where he eventuaBy goes where he never goea — no not folly' wood even worse on the IL The only free agent to whom the Jazz pay any substantial money is Keen Clark He plays like hardly at all because of a bone spur and subsequent surgery Curtis Borchardt the Jazz's vet' sion of china in a bull shop coming off foot breaks his ringer a then his wrtst lies gone in 60 seconds Ben Handlogten a who'athat? big man who probably atuiuld be playing in tiny gyms in front of Camel smoking crowds with unpronounce able names in the far reaches of Slovenia makes the Jazz mister and actually shows everybody that yes Slovenian Leaguers got game too Big Ben steps up with a fVi nice games allowing everyone to revel in a genuine feel good story In an NBA so bereft of them so fulielsailindulged players more into altar fleets of Bentleys than hard work and then uhoh squish goes the knee and he too is Audi twice-cracke- - ? ' '4 t a ' 1 t ° - ' 1' 44 ' t 1 k —'oe It' ‘ '' '' - kt 5t t '' ( - - Utah's left and Michael Ruffin Golden A States Clifford Robinson battle for the ball In the first hall of the Jazzes victory over the Warriors Ho y -111 11-11a- 10 4 wa ommymt o - Arroyo bench give Jazz another victory at Delta Center By P ML 114 t Sob points and 'powering a fourth quarter urge that held off the Warr tors' brief effort at a control? IVA OK that last one is still true Hut on a night when the Juz's hat Traww The Jazz 's home-osor- t advantage — crowd Millie energy even that ugly inversion outside — never See to change even when everything Ow about the team does Remember when the rap on the JaYZ that it had no bench? Remember this days when the point guard had to be kgged to bhoot? Remember when Utah could pommel Golden State at home pradically by remote other starters mostly fizzled offensively Carlos Arroyo and a quartet of bench players res cued Utah providing more than enough fuel to outrun the weary Warriors in the still Impregnable Delta Center "Our bench can play as well as our starters for the most part" said Jazz coach Jerry Sloan and they proved it by fihooting 59 percent providing roughly half Of Utah's 97-8- PREP BOYS BASKETBALL Jazz979 Warriors SO comeback The Jazz won their 20th game a number many otriervers figured they wouldn't achieve all year much lesli by millJanuary and improved to 161 thia aeason on the home court — arid NO In the Delta Center againtit the Warriors Once 1994 It looked like it would be easy in the pme's firht II minutes when the Warriors See Up MAT T1 I UIVDAY Mel al Jazz pin l'SN Jazz - RIVERTON 639 JORDAN 62 Unintimidated Silverwolves prevail tes: ltiverton's Urry gets a late steal and Lapp sending the 'Diggers to defeat I:3 1 PPY ANDREW ARAGON Liko idow intimidated by Jordan? The Silver barely even notiEed that the Beetdiggers beat Brighton on Friday night "We don't care what other teams are doing" Riverton guard Jason Ford salt " We ust worry ------about ()tithe yes and focused" stay More prep Ford lixt the Sil- baketball C3 CS verwolves with a -- SANDY — No one would have been surprised or thought any less of the Riverton prep boys basketball team if it had lost at Jordan on Tuesday night Atter all the Beetdiggers were fresh oft of an upset of prevlowily unbeaten Brighton and appeared to be the Warn to beat in Class But the proof is in Riverton's G3G2 win No team should look past the fourthranked Silverwolves for the rest of the season And how could Riverton be 5-- 1- -- camethigh BY BAltitY WILNE-I- t i 1' The(IWaI e — h t v I I LAJUIV C3 Pti'ton Se-s1:1'- 5MtTFI Ittk iflann!ng AFC Sup-e- 30 points but the play of the game was made by Jorthin Urry Urry made a htfNil and a layup with 65 stcotals remaining in the tome to give Riverton the win The Boetlig gers without calling a timeout rushed the tall up the court but didn't get a shot Oft before time expired of "The ball kind of bounced right to me" Urry said "I realized the ref didn't call a foul on me and I went and scored" Jordan coach Dave McConnell was worried his team would have a letdown after IL win over the tiengals "Everybody kept asking mo what I was going to do to keep them from let ting down tonight" McConnell said "I don't know what to do You've got to bo a part-timpsychiatrist to understand these guys Maybe I need to hire one full ti II 61 frrt N iih'''1"61 1 Prrol CI try to Ical Bowl from cfriitn!onlp Prrim Pefore nearly every play Peyton Manning barks Itthtruc lions to him teammates Ito WW1 and points Put a baton In his hand and he coulti be an orche:itra conductor SonHA Imes it's jwit for urP:ct hoping to flooi a linebacker or hJOy into thinking Manning is switching plays 01xrt thl nigh he is making a key adjoritment that 11 10 a vM - - - r i i e A i t time" The Silverwolves down 6261 op pea red destine4 to he after a possession ended with an offensive foul by Joseph Darger The failed possession ended with 173 fteCOnfill kft in the game and the Silverwolves which foul Set RIVERTON Ci --- Polon a star (luring the season red-lu- g 1 i 2c 1 f 1 arm Nri Amyl Ihf Sub bilw in play§ long gain or a wore It mivtit look like chat?a but all (it Ntinning'a movementli and word3 help the In la mipo- ononse run perfifdly "ITIPtiotnetult" b tow Colut coach Tony Dung)? Ilubi plinmg Jordan's Adam Todd shoots over River tons Jason Ford left and Jordan Wry A Manning for all seasons i Wei C4 JAll (4 - CI:i--- "Ile's putting us in the right sitUations On every play" That could be an understatement Manning IN playing so well he's drawing comparlsons to Super Row! winning quarter hacks like John Elway Breit Yam and Steve Young Mier entering thefbe playoff with an 0 3 car r veiteeaeon record Manning has eng4 leered Iwo victories with std lar state: I le's 44 for Trr 643 Srt MAYx0i13 (11 1 Conferenct tharqlon:!4s SUNDAY AFC lixtangpotto at New Entpind 1pm Ch2 NIC Caturiaa ot Ptaa-1::!ph- ii 4 45 p m Ch 13 I c'flIN TO lidto Inborn ftrtvtGotorwomillitNult tho Co:ts to Olt so the Jai2 will 1 ? Five-Tho- eve pt jwA go on" 7 ' 0 d Of course Michael Ruffin a Jazz preseason signee who has struggled with that nagging abdominal pull which has precluded him from doing much of anything other than occupy big a courtside seat and longing to play without pain at last might be able to artse and do so Ile got '20 minutes Tueeday night against Golden State scoring six points and hauling eight boards The Jazz are aliiiiiiiiillive But only alter Greg Oatertag tweaks IA knee the other day (Ile had nine points and 13 rebounds against the Warriors) And Carlos Arroyo beats that dinged anichl a while back (19 points) And nobody even mention the heartbreak and the accompanying emotion surrounding Bobbye Sloan's courageous battle and Jerry's honor able determination to stand firmly alongside Nothing compares to that In terms of the InaignifIcant matters of basketball and basketball play ers though there's Matt Barpring's cartilage problems which now have ended his season The JaY2'11 leading scorer will go under the knife and spend the rest of this SeaS013 resting and rehabbing How much of a burden can Andrei Kirilenko's talented shout ders bear? (10 points 10 boards) Will the extra load buckle his leias too? Ls the Jazz's season salvageable by way of DeShawn Stevenson (six points four rebounds) and Sahha Pay lovic (11 p)ints) and speaking of bad knees Raul Lossa (12 points rive assists)? The little Spaniard's got the sound et patellar region in the bunch these days In the momenta immediately fellowing the badly bandaged fife and drum corps' altsi win Tutealay night over Golden State at the lidta Center a couple of the J:1728 own warriors gave their versions or how their team can turn into that st zr cod wind un wee derhanded and come out teams nieht "Every agairkst us and maybe they take a la idback attitude" said flarpring If we play hard we win" "You're going to lace some afters! ty" Sloan said "It pad has to do wi!h the plain luck of the draw Its like ble Il lure's nothing you can do about it I I ' fl |