Show iti The Salt tall INATION Lk Tribune Pollution reduces heart function Inversion pushes bad air ' alth Haw particOats clatter Itzrnts the affect body In different ways: Three types of particulates BY BRENT ISHAELSEN The Sidi Lake Militate into valleys Scientists have known for decades that air pollution is hazardous to health Now thanks to newly pubresearch they lished Utah-baseknow why pollution — the kind choking northern Utah's populous valleys this week — reduces heart function and probably increases inflammation in the cardiovascular system according to a paper that appears in next month's edition of Environmental Health Perspectives a scientific jounial Reduced cardiac function and increased inflammation have been strongly linked to heart and lung diseases and death said Arden Pope a Brigham Young University epidemiologist who directed the research "This is a different set of mechanisms physiological than we thought five or six years ago" said Pope "We used to think the primary way it caused health problems was by damaging the lungs and resulting in decreased lung function and obstructive-typ- e disease "What we're seeing now is the biggest effects have to do with inflammation and decreases in cardiac autonomic Continued from Al Davis and Utah counties also have been living with lousy air since Thursday Weber County has had "yellow" voluntary wood- - and restrictions While northern Utahns have grown accustomed to wintertime pollution warnings like these the situation has not seemed as dire in recent years because weather conditions have been less favorable for long invere sions This month a atmospheric system has sealed the cold polluted air of the valley basins under a blanket of warm air Mountain communities above the pollution inversion have been enjoying sun and sparkling blue skies during the past week while people in valleys below have been living in cold thick fog full of pollution particularly that known as PM 25 Although PM 23 particles are the width of a human hair or smaller a growing body of science suggests that their impact on health is cant exacerbating heart and lung disease triggering asthma and causing thousands of deaths in the United States annually Only rain and wind would flush the pollution out of the valleys The current inversion is expected to stick around through the weekend unless some change comes along with a very weak weather system expected to alight in northern Utah late Thursday or Friday according to the Salt Lake City °Mee of the National Weather Service In the Cache Valley pollution levels have not been as high since 2002 said Koford At the level of 40 micrograms Salt Lake stove-burnin- 1 Wednesday Imuary 14 2004 d Fine-partic- le 7 t°41f t g ' I I high-pressur- e BYU alters hoopster's pie Continued from Al tions stall just figured it was kind of ugly" Tattoos are not deemed as serious a violation as smoking drinking or engaging in premarital sex but sporting either a tattoo or bare midriff is grounds for counseling from the Honor Code Office Incoming students are allowed to keep tattoos they already have but they are "discouraged" from getting new ones And the new tattoos that turned up last summer on Araujo his second season at BYU and touted as NBA bound caught the eye of the school's keepers of the code "Regarding Araujo yes he did add a tattoo and that has been dealt with" BYU spokeswoman Carri Jenkins says Araujo was not immediately available for comment Tuesday Besides erasing the tattoos from the Araujo photo publication workers also considered removing them from this year's basketball posters that feature the center They opted instead to go with a silhouette of the star And it's not just Araujo Tittle says there have been plenty more cover-up"I really can't tell you when I was a publications guy how many times I had to cover up a midriff" he explains "Let's say one of our athletes was a high jumper Inevitably when they go over the top of the bar the shirt comes tmtuckett and you see a little bit of the woman's stomach So a lot of times we'd extend out the shirt and make it look like it covered up the bellybut BYU s Litii HoGtrniNfilleSidtlade Fourth-grad- Nicole Osborne reviews dinosaurs with science er Irsbune teacher Holly Stuart at Logan's Greenville Elementary School as she spends her recess indoors Tuesday After learning about the inversion's hazards Tuesday Nicole really didn't want to go outside Principal Joel Alfred advised the teachers that recess outdoors was at their discretion offiper cubic meter cials issue a yellow burn advisory and the health alert for sensitive individuals At 52 "red" burning restrictions and a health alert for sensitive individuals At 65 "red" burn restrictions and a health alert for everyone Joel Allred principal of Greenville Elementary School in North Logan said he discovered the high pollution levels after a parent dropped off the state Division of Air Quality report Tuesday morning He saw the health advisories showing his relatively small community was experiencing pollution worse Salt Lake than in City car-chok- "I looked at it and said 'Oh my goodness' " Allred said "It's not just for kids but for everybody" A few students stopped by the office to use their inhalers Allred also noticed his own throat was scratchy "I suspect it's due to the air quality and not just because of the cold" Cache Valley temperatures he said The Bear River Health Department is not required by the US Protection Environmental Agency to use pollution curbs as are Salt Lake Davis Weber and Utah counties Still the department adopted controls last year because weather and geological conditions coupled with a growing population of combustion low-gad- e function" When the body ingests pollution it first tries to filter it with nose hairs and mucous or repel it through coughing or sneezing If the particles escape those defenses the lungs send out chemical messages to the body triggering an immune response which leads to various types of inflammation Pope said he does not believe fine-partic- of small particles of ordinary dirt can lodge in the lungs to lung airways and causing abrasive and inflammatory damage Dust composed blocking tissues by industry and automobiles can become sulfuric acid and nitric acid in the lungs The acid can eat lung tissue and automobiles Semi-volati- le by primarily organic compounds produced of wood can cause cancer and are believed to trigger cardiopulthe Sulfates and nitrates emitted burning monary problems such as heart disease All these types of particles also can disrupt the body's immune system Nationwide an estimated 74 million people are exposed to unhealthy levels Weber of particulates Among those are residents of Utah Salt Lake Davis and the for EPA standards pollutant counties which do not meet ' were drawn from each subject Researchers then compared variability the data — heart-rat- e and chemicals in the blood that — inflammation indicate data actual against on pollution also known as PM10 and PM25 Pope said the data showed a "very robust" correlation between increased particulate matter and decreased heart-rat- e variability a measurement of how well the heart is functioning The evidence on increased Inflammation as measured by Increases in a blood chemical called protein or CRP is "suggestive but not as robust" Pope said The $500000 study largely funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency was coauthored by Delbert Eataugh a BYU chemistry professor who helped develop an air monitor that is able to differentiate between various types of pollution Also assisting were researchers from the University of Utah Case Western Reserve University in Ohio and the EPA the new fmdings will change public policy which already is in polplace to reduce lution Numerous studies already have shown a strong correlation between particulate pollution and hospital visits But the new research could help the medical community better understand how and why air pollution affects the body and it could possibly spawn additional research on how best to treat people suffering from such pollution For example doctors may find that medications such as aspirin or ibuprofen or even low doses of alcohol could relieve some of air pollution's ill effects Pope said The study which took place between 1999 and 2001 involved elderly people living testing near state air monitoring stations in Bountiful central Salt Lake City and Lindon During episodes of both high and low air pollution the test subjects were attached to electrocardiogram machines for 24 hours at a time At the end of the period blood samples fine-partic- y : fine-partic- 4 engines pushed air quality to a point perilously close to violating federal standards and triggering mandatory controls While the reduction in "There are a lot of pieces to this pie" he said "and any contribution anyone can make would help" is helping Koford urged residents to do whatever they can to minimize the use of their cars to further reduce the pollution wood-burnin- g f fahyCsitribcom ton in the photo" BYU volleyball players soccer stars and especially football players frequently get Honor Code makeovers Tittle says it's easier to doctor photos than deal with irate callers demanding to know why athletes are being immodest or wearing tattoos that Saints deem ofmany Latter-dafensive or a violation of church standards Besides Tittle adds publications workers usually only alter large photos in which the unsightly navels or tattoos are the dominant feature — when "you look at the picture and you'll say 'Holy cow look at the bellybutton' " Other universities also alter photos on occasion BYU officials add Apparently not at the University of Utah according to Liz Abel that school's assistant athletic director for sports information "I don't remember the subject ever coming up" Abel says Instructors at the Poynter Institute a renowned journalism school in St Petersburg Fla say altering photos raises ethical issues even lithe university is not practicing journalism and owns the photos it is altering "You can alter for clarity but not for content" says Poynter 4--Spr-hi l I I y Uk3 PZnin enraratit ran until you've gotten to know it? 1711fiz:12 Why fully commit to a 4an "'4::1:g:::' ' '' ' Elnilmitztl 't Anytime Minutes for the first three months SE: a month L!zr'"" i t (14? 3 I During your trial period well call to review your wireless usage and help you choose the plan with enough minutes to suit your needs It you - 1' stay on the $50 a month pion you'll get O'''' 700 Anytime Minutes Unlimited Night & Weekend Minutes Nationwide Long Distance '' NNtr 1 '' professional Al Tompkins who works with photographers on issues of perception and alteration Kenny Irby Poynter Insti- Hurry this is a lit Is otter limited-tim- e e I r ! tute journalism group leader says it's clearly wrong to alter copyright photos Even if the university owns the photos he continues it's still wrong because the practice is deceptive "The images are supposed to be a representation of reality" Irby says '' 1 ' t I I 40 ‘ k 7 t 1 1 Adds Tompkins: Why do it? "Aren't you going to see the tattoos when the athletes are on the field? Eventually reality will show itself" nteddingtonqesltribcom -'''t Certified PCS Vision" Specialists foe complete demonstrations: Enron exec 43$ 4 plead guilty Continued (ruin Al Hoyt today — at some time prior to his wife Lea pleading guilty before US District Judge David H inner I Andrew Fastow faces nearly 100 charges of fraud money laundering and tax violations His w Lie faces six charges four of them for filing false tax returns The addition to the prosecutorial witness stable might precipitate plea bargains from those already accused and could help the government greatly accelerate its continuing Investigation Andrew Fastow's cooperation is expected to quickly lead to the arrest of Rick Causey the former chief accounting officer of the company The plea bargains for the Fastows who said they wanted to be sure their two children are not left parentless have been in limbo for more thap a week Judge II ittner threw a 'wrench into the deals when he said he was reluctant to sign off on a prison term for Lea Fastow Instead Ilittner is expected to accept a guilty plea and postpone Lea Fastow's sentencing for 60 days The Judge will then sentence her in March — or sooner if the report is completed early five-mont- h Store" O&M State St 6556 South Stdte St a3 1900 The PCS Comet 1I SKIT MURRAY 1581 South LAKE ROWAN MY 6V Dowatkvn 665 East 400 S W Wert FORK KS &Mims Sales: St W0114a2-283- LAYTON For hee deintery with prole purchase ald activation: ahbmswww:sprintpcsc4PCS () t I ff 1 r IIi1s et government-require- d (inckrding a lig charge chargra CV Mill Field Rd 44419011 1 I Rankest i I The Sprint Store At - q) or se 1 Pi R2West MON i :DCCNIECTED "bes surcharges Di41Sutc libeeo I 1143d:oShack 1 I mil $wab 2:111"11"7 Rhino Wireless that no change monthly and fees of $150) or Cthef tees thl valY bV market not jeckAled tor the amourt ci the USF charge and inkmation on ocutiecomy charges relating tv fees are net taxfs leder" mandated Rpm& Nationwide network reaches over 240 million people Offers subject to change See store fur details Pharos Discounts: May not exceed purchase price of phones) Instant discounts availabO with mike purchase and actrvation by 13104 only at partpating Sprint Stores PadioShacic Assocuted technologies Inc Rhino Wireless Ultimate Electionits and Wireless Retail stores Mad in rebate requires purchase phones ) by 13104 with activation by 21404 Alkm 10 to 14 weeks for rebate check Throe-Mont- h Anytime Minutes Drier: Otter only available in Salt Lake City Anytime Minutes credit wit appear on your first three imoices Unlimited calling minutes apply for the fust three inoritna hal date of activator' After three months calling minutes will he limited to plan amount of SOO minutes and unlimited Night & Weekend Minutis Minutes do not carry over to the next month 501710iCS Plan: Otter ends 13104 Subject to credit $150 eariy tennination tee and a $36 nonrefundable activation tee apply A deposit may be required Voice usage rounded to next whosa minute Night St VVeekend Minutes are Mon-ThStim -- lam and Fri Sp- m- Mon 7arri Minutes not good tor roaming ealls Domestic roaming calls are charged $1150 Per minute and if applicabie an additional $025 ner minute kw long distance Copyright ©2004 Spoilt Spectrum LP All rights rmived Spiint and the diamond logo ale trademailis of Sprint Cominunicatiorn Company Lp - I L fl I : I0 si 77)1 ' 11:'- - |