Show SAVED EMPIRE BY STRATEGY military leaders of byzantium made up by finesse what they lacked in numbers number after the decline of rome the center of the worlds military pro progress gress was for sever seven or eight centuries transferred to the greek emp empire ire constantinople stantin ople ruled elements of a much less homogeneous nature lature than rome in lier her prime had depended upon there was vas less loyalty loyally to the central rule there and far lass liberty under it the decisive miah miniard ary fact act of the east was however that byzantium had bad to contend against overwhelming numerical in its enemies south of it from the indies to the atlantic was the saracen empire burning with the zeal ot of a new religion to tho the east were the turks while to the north were the ile bulgarians Bulga rians and the and bunic tribes against such odds it was useless simply to match man tor for man the military leaders of the empire were full of 0 military spirit and took keen delight in war as a game but they were the descendants of ulysses and they made of war a game of finesse of cleverness in short ii a war of wits by their spying and bribes by stirring up treason in the camp by surprises simulated retreats and ambush they illustrated the saying of bacon that stratagem is a weaker kind of policy used by those who are not strong enough to win by fairer methods engineering magazine |