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Show Lifestyle Monday, January Section A 27, 1986 Page 8 Utahn hits the top in retailing the management ladder to become president and chief executive officer in 1978 She became chairman of the board in March 1981. By Hazel S Parkinson Tribune Lifestyle Writer PKOVO Pamela Grant belongs to an exclusive group Shes one of six women in the L'nit-eStales retailing industry whos a chief executive officer percentages, understand and use figures and reports to set and obtain goals Her formula for reaching the top be goal oriented, work your heart out, work until task is finished. Goldwaters 10 retail stores and a distribution center are in four marLos Angeles, Phoenix, keting areas Albuquerque and Tucson, and Las Vegas Ms Grant said her store caters to the young and affluent, offering the latest in fashion and designer clothing and accessories as well as wedding gifts and registry. Buyers in her organization can tell in a week if items are selling well or are "dogs If the latter, the buyer contacts the vendor to see if goods can be sent back, traded or allowed a markdown credit against future purchases Goldwaters business is important to vendors, providing the organization some clout. A company CEO or president is expected to be a good manager and leader She cant do it alone, but needs good management support. Good People Skills Ms Grant believes three ingredients are needed to be a successful great people skills, nummanager ber skills and creativity. Top management must enjoy people and see that those working with them are well trained. She believes t tanagement personnel should have background in statistics and accounting, be familiar with d Ms Grant, since March 1981, has been chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Goldwaters Department Stores, Scottsdale, Ariz a division of Associated Dry Goods Corp New York City, Ms Grant spoke at Brigham Young University as part of the School of Management's Entrepreneur Lecture Series. Her roots are in Salt Lake City She graduated from Rowland Hall and the L'mversity of Utah She was the only daughter of seven children of Mildred Blood Grant, Scottsdale, and the late Van Grant . , She began working after school in the ZCMI women's dress department under the tutelage of buyer Roxev Holbrook, who influenced her thinking about retailing opportunities and women in business. After college graduation, she worked full time in the ZCMI junior department, headed by Marilyn Ballif In 1962, Ms Grant became buyer for girls 7 to 14 depart- ment. CEO for Goldwaters She joined Goldwaters in Scottsdale as a buyer in 1963. She worked up She told employees at the entry level to set goals for one or two years, learn the business environment and work hard. business, esRetailing isnt a pecially at management levels Retailing provides a challenge and an opportunity to take chances. Each merchandise season is different, she told students. Serving People retailers must not forget they serve people, looking for ways to improve services, providing merchandise a customer wants and can't resist buying. She said Managers have their own style of leadership. "Mine is an open-doo- r policy. I get caught up in being available to consult and talk. I feel the open-doo- r style is important. I also like to challenge people. I relate well to people. I can be tough when I have to." Her availability involves arriving office early or staying late to keep up on tasks. She felt no discrimination growing up with brothers. She did what they did, played football, climbed trees. at her learned to be competitive. She felt no gender problem in her rise to the top. "1 like to think it was because I was capable Fathers Influence Her father challenged her. He emphasized a good education, being in business and setting life goals He was supportive and helped his children gain confidence. For some brothers, business wasnt their forte. "I am lucky. My husband Arthur Korf is understanding and supportive." Mr. Korf, retired, was an area executive with a restaurant chain. He grew up knowing the demands of the retailing business. He takes in stride her travel, first as a buyer, now for corporate meetings. "We have a housekeeper who runs the ship at home." Ms. Grant laughingly said Its her (housekeepers) house." Ms. Grant finds time for community service on a variety of boards. She is a member of the Committee of 200, composed of women entrepreneurs, and the National Forum, a group of women professionals and executives. "There is networking and sharing of ideas in these two groups. She is a member of Phoenix Economic Growth Corp., interested in improving, developing downtown Phoenix, is a member of the Arizona Pamela Grant is one of six women in United States retailing industry whos a chief executive officer. She is a U. graduate. State University College of Business Administration Dean's Council of 100. She has served on the boards of the Phoenix Art Museum, National Conference of Christians and Jews and the Samaritan Health Services. -- Gift ideas Loser Those Great Monday musings: given to the right person at the wrong time; or (c) maybe it never was a perfectly good gift but it seemed to be at the time it was purchased. By Judy Magid Tribune Lifestyle Writer It was my daughters birthday last week. Even coming so soon after major holidays, its never forgotten. Slighted, maybe. This year, the big "21," we wanted to get her something special from her family. I began with the usual, "I wonder what she wants? Then, "What did I get her last year? I wanted her to have something that she would treasure but not have to put in a bank vault. We decided to chip in together. "Im not so sure its better to give than receive, one of her siblings muttered, coughing up her share of the One of my all-tim- e favorites combined all the box. During his 10 days in bed ("You should know better than to pick something up that way," the doctor chided), the husband acknowledged that murder was a consideration. My own contribution to GLG hall of fame was a small voodoo doll. A slight pin prick would cause a zit on someone's nose for the prom. Or perhaps a sore toe? On the other side of the doll, a gentle stroke could result in immediate and total recall during a physics test. Each of us scouted around for the perfect gift. And each of us proclaimed himself herself as much easier to please than any of the others. For some reason, my thoughts turned to Great Loser-Gift- s Through the Years. It should be a special category somewhere. loser-gif- t A is a perfectly good present that goes awry by: (a) being given to the wrong person; (b) being Today, any living pet, fish, toad, cat, dog and bunny, is absolutely forbidden. ele- ments. A friend decided to buy her husband some weights. ("Listen, we can use the little ones, she said to me.) She ordered a set by mail and eventually a box was delivered. One tug and she knew there was no way she could carry it. She left it sitting on the doorstep. Her husband came home. Delighted (Aha! She bought me a bowling ball!), he bent down and picked up the gift-to-b- ("Oh, two chickens and a rooster, how nice. Two CHICKENS and a rooster?") Memories aside, we gave a lot of thought to our birthday girls gift. We settled on a birthstone ring. I sent it out. The recipient didnt I knew the date of her birthday only I thought it was a different day. By the time I got around to calling her, it find it amusing. was afternoon. "What if something happened? I would feel terrible!'' Did you get our present? "Oh yes. It came yesterday." The voodoo doll still is sitting in one of the pantry cupboards. Loser gift suggestions bog the mind. A chocolate-onl- y cookbook for people on a weight-los- s diet; a delicate ceramic cookie jar for the people with four children under 5. Ceramic soap dishes, toothbrush holders and cups for the bathroom all fit in a thanks a lot category. I once sent a friend a butter churn. And I don't often talk about the gift I once sent for a housewarming "Do you like it? "I havent opened it." "Open it. There was silence. Then a sound of rustling paper. Then an Ohhhh. Its beautiful." We were as thrilled. It is better to give than receive when you manage to give exactly the right thing. . . . EXAMINATION Warning Signals of Pinched Nerves: .1 Neck Pam. Tight Muscles 3 Pam Down Arms, Shoulder Pam 4 NumDness m Hands or Fee! 5 Pam between the Shoulders 6 Panful Joints Nefvou$ness 7 Lower Back Pan, t analyse pmct? ?fee exafT'tnaitO'' ncijdfs cast hisc'v const nation with te docor a fee contour ana'ysS posture 'scan and 1C or!cpdC nejro'cgic.ii tests X ravs tieafr'fni and clinical laborato'y tests afe not mc'jded but it indicated 3t normally covered Oy most insurance policies WtH FREE? Th The Country Craftsman Collection expresses authentic simplicity and casual living at its best And right now, this impressive collection is on sale Of course, a select group of Ethan Allens exclusive lamps, carpeting, draperies wall decor, wallpaper and area rugs is sale priced, too1 So visit your Ethan Allen Gallery now during Hip Pam. Pam Down Legs CONTOUR i $& priced! Ethan Allen home furnishings now Headaches, Dizziness. Loss ol Sleep 2 trU V our Winter Sale1 av 0t encouraqmg you 10 tmd Out it you have a problem that might be helped by a:sc our way of acquainting you with our staff and facilities While we are accepting nr patients no one need feet any obligation Most Insurances Accepted S iS chrcp'actic car? our it is m u!M Temple Suite 202530-480- 2 Here Comes Coits Slowest Week of the Year 0NIE WEEK DMMMRY Coit Drapery Cleaners slowest week of the year is this week. Heres a great rv opportunity to save money and keep us busy! Phone for Free Estimate Saturday till Daily till 6 P.M. our Inlrnor Oftignors help you wD us .it'Oul si ,'Ml m .I'D it'iHif t I'lm in ,i ts ,M hs O' ti J (m .1 on (.'itnstiH Ask u ,Vc v'N I Out hon CONVENIENT TERMS 5 P.M. SLC 595-090- TAYL. 964-150- 0 SANDY BTFL. 942-365- 8 PROVO 224-114- 3 292-460- 0 W. JORD. 569-033- 3 9 le! Ciirriuge House a litliun Allen (tillcn CODT I 4545 South 900 WORLD'S LARGEST DRAPERY AND CARPET CLEANERS COIT DRAPERY, CARPET. LOOSE RUG & UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS f 901262-297- I East Salt Lake City, Utah 10 am lo 8 pm Friday until 9 pm 84117-419- 9 Cloaad Sunday |