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Show TrymTii 6A Tgii T'i dJk Monday, January 27, 1986 The Salt Lake Tribune, Rio's No. 1 Fugitive Is Slum Dwellers' Own Robin Hood RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil ( AP The police call him a killer, an armed robber, Rio's No 1 drug trafficker and since his dramatic helicopter escape from a island prison, the country's most wanted criminal. But to the folks on Morro do Juramento (Oath Hill;, a shantytown of 15,000 that clings to a hillside on Rio's poor north side, Jose Carlos dos Reis Em ina is a Robin Little Hood. He is popularly known as Escadinha Ladder in Portuguese. Brazil would be lucky to have someone as wonderful as Escadinha as its president, said Soma Honorina, 31, standing outside her small grocery store on a windhillside. ing dirt street halfway up the labyrinth-likHe provides medicine for the sick, and playgrounds for the children, and gives loans and building materials to hundreds of us here. Escadinha is seen as a Robin The slim, Hood because of his support for poor residents in his favela, or slum, where government services are few. The slum dwellers in turn warn hirn when police or kites or strangers are around by sending up signal codes. whistle using Before Escadinha arrived, crime here was terrible, high-securit- y Honduras (UPI) Jose Azcona Hoyo will assume office Monday facing growing economic and political problems in the Central American nation that is key to U.S. policy in the region. Security was tight in Tegucigalpa on Sunday with troops ringing the airport as official delegations from 57 countries arrived to attend the ceremony in the nation of 4 milTEGUCIGALPA, President-elec- t six-ho- lion people. Among those to attend were Vice President George Bush, Guatemalan President Vinicio Cerezo, who was in- augurated Jan. 14, and Salvadoran President Jose Napoloen Duarte. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega declined the invitation at the last minute and sent Vice President Sergio Ramirez in his stead. Azcona, 59, came in well behind his main opponent, Rafael Callejas, in the Nov. 24 elections. When Azcona receives the presidential sash, it will mark the first transition from one elected president to another in 26 years. Honduras, where bananas have long been the most important industry, has had 126 governments since gaining independence from Spain 165 years ago. The country has become key to the Reagan administrations confrontation with the leftist Sandinista government in Nicaragua to the south U.S. miland has received large-scal- e aid. and economic itary Azconas most pressing problem will be the crippled economy. He singled out high unemployment and the burden of interest on the countrys $2 billion foreign debt as his two priorities, but pledged not to devalue the Honduran currency, a measure strongly backed by the U.S. ' p Leading Brazilian newspapers and magazines say Escadinha makes the equivalent of $175,000 a month from drug sales The slum dwellers say he spends half that on them. When an Associated Press reporter visited Escadin-ha'- s slum recently, three red kites flew above the wooden shacks. pastel-c- e Honduras Chief To Take Office Today hurt anyone here. And their selling of drugs to people in the rich part of town doesn't hurt us either Law enforcement officials, however, see the matter differently Besides drug trafficking, Escadinha was a convicted of the holdup of a Brink's payroll truck which totrumped-ucharge, his supporters say gether got him a prison sentence Several policemen have been wounded in skirmishes with Escadinhas men, and four died when a police helicopter trying to find Escadinha on Oath Hill crashed into the hillside in November 1984. The police really resent Escadinha, said Julita Lemgruber, assistant director of the Rio de Janeiro state prison system, "because of his intelligence and his ability to mobilize an entire community to foil their with people getting robbed on the way home from work," said Sister Ilea, a Roman Catholic nun who has worked on Oath Hill for the past five years. But Escadinha and his men have stopped the crime completely Now it's probably the safest place in Brazil You could literally sleep in the street and nothing would happen to you here " olored Those kites warn Escadinha and his men that on the hill, said Wellington Moreira. The favela's residents also have worked out whistle codes that not only tell Escadinho when police are around, but also tell which type of police narcotics, military or other. "For us, Escadinha is not a criminal, said Noemia Ferreira, a mother of four. "He and his men never have attempts strangers are to capture him. Escadinha is rumored to pay off ordinary beat patrolmen and prison guards, many of whom make the equivalent of $150 a month. In his escape Jan 1 from the Ilha Grande, an island prison in the Atlantic near Rio, Escadinha was whisked away in a helicopter that landed within the walls Not a shot was fired, even though he was picked up less than 500 yards from the guardpost. Bom in slum that protects him, Escadinha gives cash for parks, buildings. Conservative, Socialist Kmerge From Primary Pair to Vie for President in Portugal ConserLISBON, Portugal (UPI) vative Diogo Freitas Amaral and Socialist former Prime Minister Mario Soares won enough votes Sunday in a presidential election to face each other in a runoff to choose Portugals first civilian head of state in 60 years. With more than 90 percent of 4,138 precincts tallied, Amaral, a Christian Democrat, took 47 percent of the vote against 25.4 percent for Soares, one of three leftist contenders and a threetime prime minister. Two other leftist candidates split the remaining tally. Communist Francisco Salgado Zenha took 21.1 percent and independent Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo 7 percent. About 25 percent of the 7.6 million electorate in this NATO country, which regained democracy in a 1974 military coup, abstained in the peace- Party-ba- cked ter the end of the repressive rule of said the Prime Minister Salazar ful vote, the official projection said. The winner of the Feb. 16 runoff will be Portugals first civilian head of state in 60 years. Portugals last voting was peaceful. Amaral, a law professor, has the support of Prime Minister Anibal o Silvas Social Democratic government and the Christian Democrats. The bitterly divided left was split among three candidates, two of them former prime ministers. The Socialists former No. 2 leader, Francisco Salgado Zenha, who finished third in the balloting, was backed by outgoing President Antonio Ramalho Eanes, the newly formed Democratic Renewal party and the Communists Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo, 56, who ran fourth, was a former nonpartisan prime minister and ambassador to UNESCO, gained grass-root- s support for her participatory democracy program but lacks party backing. civilian president, Bernardino Machado, was deposed in a 1926 coup by Antonio de Oliveira Salazar. Political analysts said the outcome of the runoff would depend on whether the majority leftist parties could bury bitter rivalries to back Soares, the countrys politician, who headed three governments as prime minister. During the campaign, Moscow-lin- e Communist Party chief Alvaro Cun-hwarned that he would not back the moderate Socialist chief, tagged a rightist, even in a second round against Amaral. Reports from across the country of 10 million people which regained democracy in a 1975 seven years af- best-know- n Israeli Minister Arrives in Cairo For Meeting on Border Dispute Israeli CabCAIRO, Egypt (UPI) inet minister Ezer Weizman arrived Sunday on a previously unannounced visit and met with President Hosni Mubarak on settling the border dispute and upgrading relations between their governments, diplomatic sources said. A brief government announcement d Middle East by the News Agency reported the Mubarak-Weizma- n state-controlle- meeting without details. Although Weizman is a minister without portfolio, he was a favorite of the late President Anwar Sadat, and Israels Prime Miniser Shimon Peres uses Weizman for contacts with Cairo. But diplomatic sources said Weiz- - SPECIAL J AtOJAKtY CLEARANCE SAVINGS! MAYTAG HEAVY DUTY Number 1 in: long life, fewest repairs and lowest service cost. Nun Says S. Africa Tried to Hire Anti-Tut- u Pickets mans visit was related to a basket deal adopted by the Israeli government two weeks ago for resolving the territorial dispute over Taba, a strip of beach in the Sinai, and breathing warmth in the cold peace between the two countries. JOHANNESBURG, South Africa An black Roman Catholic nun says police tried to recruit young blacks to picket Bishop Desmond Tutu when he returns from a tour of the United States, it was reported Sunday. The Sunday Star of Johannesburg said Sister Bernard Ncube told of children from the black area near her home, Kagiso, west of Johannesburg, complaining that police tried to enlist them to heckle the bishop when he returns home. Tutu, Anglican bishop of Johannesburg and winner of the 1984 Nobel Peatfe Prize, has been touring the United States, speaking out in Washington, New York and other cities. MAreAG (AP) Israel this month accepted the Egyptian demand for binding international arbitration to resolve who h owns Taba, but only after an attempt is made to resolve it by conciliation talks between the two nations. eight-mont- Taba, a strip of beach on the Aqaba Gulf near the Israeli port of Eilat, remained under Israels control after it completed its evacuation of the Sinai Desert in 1982. gAYE $45 MAYTAG BIG LOAD DRYERS proven laundries. Commercially self-servi- load drying capacity. drying for all fabrics. in Big Proper 45 SAVE MAYTAG JETCLEAH DISHWASHERS Nobody gets your dishes cleaner than Maytag. Nobody else builds dishwashers like Maytag. Organ Sale; Don't buy obsolete, King's Music features Kimball's newest, most advanced organs The EP Series! More features and they cost less! See IOMEGA by Scheduling a Saturday Interview Now. Call Bob Aukema at Now Priced From ikimBAll Includes Free Lesson Program 1099 USED ORGANS CLOSEOUT! 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