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Show 1 8B The Salt Ukr Tritium- j Ihurvluj January Former County Commissioner. Abram Barker. Is Dead at B7 T " hlT hji' .Kv I I IlirkiT, it, i r L' in, ,j ! ouriH 37, i died following a I'mIu was appointed County Commi-v-ioSjH lt irvcii wi't. Commissioner La and Fdwin D Cum 'amt (jiinilcr'-itun- m tv mg on the commission am :e was uj n, iser of the Salt Lake Mi lii Stijii II, i! Kt-- lii .j tin-- Cuunty Hospital and the Welfare De- partment He married Klme Marker on June VI. 1322. in tin Salt Lake LDSTemple Mr. Marker was a charter member and past president of the Taylorsville Lions CLub He also served as direc- - lie n urvived Amenta's bv tus wm on and lift aughn dean Ta lorsville. dauhtei md Rodney and Dora Karnalu Tueson Ar u. lb grandchildren and a , daughter-in-law- d test Selling EUREKA POWERFUL Grands UPRIGHT VACUUM ANNUAL SALE! alh r lui iif Murray Stull Bank and Mann and 'I rust Lo (Joriimi:-bui- KIMBALL GRAND PIANOS t NOW $8,000 Wal NOW s6800 5295 $4,000 Ebony NOV '3500 v . . $10 000 IP KINGS MUSIC 2233 So. 700 East 21 Funeml services will hi r.eld at noon Saturday in the Taylorsville Stake Center, 13'r9 W 4Huu South Friend rnay call Friday from 5 to 8 p in. at the McDougal Funeral Home. 43dtl South Redwood Road, and Saturday at the church one hour prior to services REG. 149.95 SAVE 50.00 INCLUDES SET OF CLEANING ATTACHMENTS 1 19 SMITH-CROW- vJSZZ WITH... 237-200- WANT-AD- S the baseboards Brilliant headlight seeks out dirt Open Wednesday 10-Daily and Sat 10 6 Home of Kings Cottage Art Gallery GET RESULTS Dual Beil . 486-s- i beater barbrush roll to loosen dirt Kleener for cleaning right up to Edge Power-drive- n Fipi--t t he 1 993 So. 1 1 CO. N 00 East 484-525- 9 0 Prices effective Jaooary 16fti thru January 28th, 1986. fc. SUPERTOWG LATEX FLAT PAINT Covers similar colors In one coat. Choice of 9 colors, plus white. Comp. Retail 11.99 enOOUC'N0 1986 8 N)(WSp$r PAINT LIN GctofS rGteef1 Peach Rse Vh'sP jMsper aetge GS ,-- ,0l - ..SUBl HIDE-AL- y-t- io c0, in' L LATEX FLAT PAINT Lasts 6 years colors 21 Comp. 15.99 HIDE-AL- L Comp. SEMI-GLOS- S 9.99c 16.99 DECADE LATEX FLAT PAINT Lasts 10 years 27 colors Comp 17.99 DECADE' Comp SEMI-GLOS- S 11.99 18.99 c PREMIUM LATEX FLAT PAINT Lasts 15 31 yean Comp 21.99 10.99, Rg 8.99 Comp LI 1- -1 Gallon Comp PREMIUM' Comp SEMI-GLOS- S 72-14"- 15.99c 23.99 SAVE TO 54 HELIX DRAWING SETS 5a06u 1499 6 a06 a 11?99 6 PC. SET 8 PC. SET Comp 14.99, Reg 25.00, Reg t? 11.99 72" x 21.99 ALL MORILLA PADS w UP TO v s Choose from Layout Pads, Graph Paper, Canva-Tex- , Tracing Paper Pads & more. EXAMPLE: 9'x 12' u 3.40 VERSATILE CASCADES CUT FLEX DESK 6 LOOP Anso IV Nylon, contemporary cut loop design In 9 color combinations. Clean odor-fre- e Action Bac. 100 DESK AND DRAWING Anso 100 bullt-l- n IV NO-RIS- SHOPPING. K 32 colors. 218.00 Comp. FRIENDLY PERSUASION PLUSH PILE r gfL 19.99 GREAT EXPECTATIONS PLUSH PILE Perfect for kids & adults. Height adjusts to 30." Adjustable computer shelf. white with black trim. high-tec- 100 Anso IV Nylon pile from the "Premiere Collection; Distinctively styled In 32 luscious colon. Soil and stain resistant. h . . EVERYTHING J' 12.99 Nylon pile, with soil and stain protection. "Premiere Collection" styling In 32 modern colorations. 100 Anso IV Nylon with full 5 year warranty. In . MAIN STREET PLUSH PILE BOARD Price a lowed prices. tJplus OPJ FINEST QUALITY carpets op 1 urchase List FINE ART POSTERS FRAMED PRINTS 72" 55-1- 2 METAL FRAMED ASSORTED MYLAR- 72" 46-14- " colors WE SELL CARRIES OUR UNCONDITIONAL MONEY-BAC- r 23.99 GUARANTEE! K IJ WVifYile rl ftT tJfl 4 riV OGDEN 990!RlverclalelRd SS&QiEE) 26150042 OMPiRI TAirwpicAf ETR"ic?7oR OMPARALE 9 i QUALITf MERtHANDIS |