Show DEWEY HEARD REPORTS ISLAND OF 2 POSSESSION OF INSURGENTS J 3 ti tiThe iV k-d k J The Island of Negros Has Ha Declared Ind e- e X nd Desires American Pro Pro- 4 t. t y Hollo Stilt Still in Ioa y session of Spaniards Spaniard Washington No Sw 19 H- H News News vs ha has been received at department from Admiral Dewey touching the situation sit sit- situation nation in the tho Philippines The admiral sent two of oC his warships the tho Charleston Charleston Charles- Charles c 1 ton and the tho Concord some time a ago ago to oto to the tho southward ard irom from Manila to ascertain ascer ascer- f tain whether th thero crowns ro truth in reports reports' that insurgents hail haH expended their activities in that direction direction lIe no has cabled the department rot as follows Charleston and arrived to today today to day from Iloilo G C ass reports that tho the entire island of Parity is in possession t of insurgents except Iloilo which is defended by Spanish troops All foreign ci citizens there beg for lor American America n protection The Tho island has declared independence and desires American protectorate te v v. Glass is the commander of the Char Char- v j leston So far tar not nothing ing has been dono done tJ by the administration towards varos curbin curbing the insurgents ts in their operations save savo J. J verbal representations from the tho American Ameri- Ameri can commanders to Aguinaldo in which it has been pointed out out ut to him that it 1 would be bo good policy in view vie of tho the probability of oC the tho annexation annexation of the islands by the United nil States to pursue nY would not be obnoxious a a. course coarse e that to the United States the situation is now realized realised to be critical So faras far as the tho Spaniards af are area concerned perhaps per per- hays haps they can be left lef to take care of Y themselves but the foreign residents y at Iloilo are regarded The difficulty in the tIl situation is that f with the best intentions to intervene to protect the Europeans and other y foreigners and to save the city of Iloilo the second in import importance nce in the group r from loot loots the he United States States forces appear appear appear ap ap- i pear to be stopped under the rule of ot t j war from moving from their positions Such is the construction construction placed upon the clause in the protocol relating to a t suspension of hostilities s. s The immediate immedi immedi- ate effect of Cf this thi sta state of affairs may maybe maybe be to hasten action in the Paris conference con con- t ference terence for it is only by the termination termination terming terming- tion of that tribuna hat the United Onite States tates can come tote to yie relief of of the tho beleaguered Spaniards h s in lb Iloilo and other points t k |