Show 0 f J t J f 7 Y A 1 MASSACRED BY INDIANS Passengers on the tho Steamer Jade J Said to lave Been Butchered Port Townsend TO Wash Nov 23 If If the story of R. R who arrived here today from island Alaska Alaska Alaska Alas Alas- ka is true the passengers and crew of the steamer Jessie numbering fifteen were not drowned at the mouth of the river as reported reported- several weeks ago but were b by In In- says that just before he left island the Indian wife of a hunter lUnter and trader named Mars Marsten ten returned returned returned re re- re- re turned to from where she had been visiting relatives and reported that when the steamer Jessie and barge Minerva went ashore in the breakers a large number of In Indians Indians Indians In- In were on cm the thc beach and rendered assistance in getting the whites ashore and saving supplies supplier from the barge After being comfortably camped the Indians demanded a large portion of the supplies as payment for services which a cording according to the Indian woman's womans womans woman's womans woman's wo wo- wo- wo mans man's story was vas refused A few A-few few nights later while all were asleep the Indians made a rush on the camp killing the entire party including including ing Missionary Webber his wife and child After the massacre the bodies were stripped of clothing and valuables They were then taken in canoes a considerable considerable considerable con con- distance from shore and thrown in the sea story is partially corroborated corroborated corroborated orated by a letter from Marsten received received received re re- re- re by Barneson Chilcoot who owned an interest in the Jessie Marsten Marsten Marsten Mars- Mars ten asks for for- foran an investigation and says that the Indians on the are becoming very insolent They claim that section as their hunting and fishing fishing fishing fish fish- ing grounds and do not want the whites to trespass and threaten to tomake tomake tomake make trouble for all prospectors |