Show SIOUX INDIANS IN JAIL heavily neaU Fined for Killing KUling Game In Wyoming Wyoming Wy Wy- oming In Violation of La Law Lusk Wyo Nov 21 A A party of four Sioux Indians were arrested inthis in inthis inthis this place charged with unlawful killing killing killing kill kill- ing wild game They were given a speedy trial and fined 80 and costs The red men had no money and were were taken to the county jail at Douglas These Indians are only a few among many who slip across the line from Nebraska and South Dakota every year and capture quantities tics of deer and an an- They usually succeed in getting getting getting get get- ting back to their reservation and are not punished in spite of 01 the fact however however how how- ever that the department at Washington Washing Washing- ton has been advised time and again of 01 th the wan wanton ton destruction of wild game by the Sioux |