Show Prof N E E No es es e's attended the Sunda-S Sunda hool convention at Salt Lake Lah City the he first fust of the week A new line of overcoats just arrived at the Golden Rule The fhe best and ond cheapest line in in town Ras Rase departed fr from from- m Nephi Neph 10 to take up a position in the Bulion Be Beck k store at t Eureka urek-a We wish ish him su success Nephi Nephi Nephi Republic A. A B. B Tomson was wa in in town town the he first tint of the week He was on his way south to to join juin the Imperial Dramatic company Mr Andrew horpe Thorpe l 1 of f Ephraim a brother of Mrs Mrs Thomas Fautin and a cousin to to the Lars Larsen boy boys spent Thanksgiving in Elsinore Sevier County Times Time A very successful session of the Sanpete county Teachers' Teachers Institute was held in in this city last Saturday Nearly all the t teachers of oJ the coun coon county i ty tv were present Mrs the aged mother of Soren N. N and ann John died last Sunday morning Mrs has been bedridden for many years and death brought her welcome relief from her suffering Miss Nora Nor Anderson who has been the guest gurst of Bishop Jenson's family for the past put ten days departed depart ed for her home in in Ephraim the first of ot the Sevier County Times Time Everybody should patron patronize ze the Ephraim Dramatic company and assist the Sunday Schools of our cit city We know what our home company is which is more than can be said of most the traveling com com- See them in plot and nd passion on December roth loth and 12 The editor of a Nevada paper is hiding in the hills in in lopes of saving savin his life Ufe which is threatened to be betaken betaken betaken taken from him as he result of getting get tin ting the report f a cattle show and anda a concert mixed up The article in question when in his his V paper paper r read ad The concert given concert given by sixteen C Carson Carson Car Car- arson ar- ar son Sink Lakes Lake's most beautiful young ladies was US highly appreciated They rhey sang in a charming churning manner winning the plaudits plaudit of th the audience who pronounced them th the finest herd of of short horns in n the county A few are of rich brown color but the he majority are spotted brown and white Several of the her fen are Art able ble bottled bodied clear limbed animals anti and promise to tn be good E Ex |