Show COUNTY MOTES w 6 a will meet by f aa 1 ind sheriff beetle are ailt like city oo 00 an 1 business del sif the barber fr is gu elj salt liike li ike calv to take a six 4 at the mahler barber i iden and her three chil ie returned to her home lueada mr follow soon R killpack of erron ie the dbent in linen count for the dalman sep 1 a article prices from to 13 J lines the woodside cat tieman if knocking about the valley purchasing beef cattle according to mr grass is sprouting over his v iv and spring 13 otherwise in evi dence the auction eile of the old coart house building on the courthouse lot brought out a of i and the old concern was knocked down to J W seeb for al 41 count tt orner D the sale there 13 one old mai in Cast ledale who thinks it for people to talk ai they do ab ut ed wo ma wb she I 1 m just ns bood married I 1 ve got a hog an 1 he dope the grunting a tomcat ind stab out at night and it that ie not aa good as the average husband quit A L fullmer of Orange villo has contract on tract with the eastern utah telf phone company to eulali them with fine polea to replace th email now in use on the line about Castl cdale and some of tho poles are being stored in the local tithing ard they are 20 feet long and the smallest five at the top mr fullmor ie paid for each one delivered in cas A 1 farron girl was told to write an of words on an subject she chose to write about tove which her father ha j let put up so she wrete the following M father tried to put up a atoe esterday just as he got it nearly up he started to put one of the legs under that had t lien out ind the whole elove pipe and all carue down I 1 glees that makes about flati norde and a sil 1 ana ether joo while finished putting up the stole the stake sunday school authorities have ann the batee as fixed for sunday hool throughout the stake tor the 1908 aclei eland april 29 castle binl 20 desert lak may 20 I 1 erron MB 20 molan mav 13 price may 13 emery june 10 glen june 10 law renert juno 17 june 17 jul 8 Cast ledale aug 12 arpen aug 19 Ora neville sept 9 wellington sept 9 huntington dec 16 to be von much in demand and when am is of at a bargain price it in quickly snapped up since dr winters armed in town he has bad a dozen or more of fers for h corner on which his acore was recently recent li destroyed bt fire some recent deals closed are the sala of the res dence and lot of rai benben to wm behunin of clawson for mr behunin and will move up here some time this month the salo of john lot to 1 ill bigane of winter quarters for mr expects to soon build a hoail on this lot the Castl edalo town baird through ta ia going to considerable ex pense in putting in a cumber of sub pu lverts on the streets where the are most needed no if our cit zens will clear up some of their water and waste ditches so that the water will pass under the new and old culverts in stead of an 1 around them and sev era other places where it is a nuisance and a damage to and th ir immediate neighbors a ce dad and healthy reform will inaugurated here that can t help but be appreciated it would be to the advantage of eer person holding unrecorded deeds to bale same placed upon the county records from which trev will be proper ly platted ere this ears assessment axelson informs us that in ag bessina property iro perty be vill folio v the coun ty recarda and plate this has been done 0 course heretofore but not ex clu anely anen comes the arguin ent before the board of equalization the subsequent kiak bout taxpaying tax paving with the county collector and a whole lot of other bother about erroneous as ees all because of a hundred or more persons holdich deeds to property that are unrecorded better di up the old deeds and avoid trouble for your selves the person ut whom you ac quiren the progeny and several of the counti officers She arera will 10 well to call on J W or supplies tins ole olaen was a visitor to ahe L wry county seat a few da a ago mrs P R limb hii returned to caa from to join principal lamb march in like a t on sure enough it was the coldest di experienced for several weeks arall miller A ro are paying aa for wheat bricf along our grain L hadeen and rov of to sunnite Sun nide this week 10 search of aock in the raines will tidwell the carbon county civil engineer ts loan from V vis t log with relatives in Cast ledale bron king will appear aaen at the thesda night in a recital of some of a pla junius state manager of the home pire insurance company of bew is down from salt lake city ad the cash store tha following program will b ren dered t to morrow Sund ni evenings conio nt of the talk A E wall P ano solo anna elmundo stor 01 via Ras solo hector evana reading ole Soren sn L lareen A co tho local imily mant dealers are the arrival soon farm implements wagons etc the are also agents for the IT S ream amatora an article that can t be beaten for its lire of work dr biron W king has put in the abole ahole week lecturing in emory county appearing appe arins in huntington and ferron it is likely he will eo to for monday and tuesday nights of next week the verdict of our citi zens is thit dr kirg 14 great entertain er the very beat of bia au or P winters who hia spent the past months ill a phila delph nard new ork in lu edical col leges ana hospitals returned to castle 1 d ie on thesda to look after hie busi debs lote rests here and the adjustment 0 his alre loss with the insurance corn pani it la tin intention to re the blaik to tha estert 0 one ston N miller expert bew ing machine repairer hae added a line of glasses and spectacles to his business ind is prepared to test eyes and arnish suitable glasses in many cases mr miller can the needed glasses from stolk kept oo 00 band and hie prices are from one halt to three quarters lees than those usually charged b visiting oculists if needing glasses see him george M miller and john 0 the hunti agton creamery were in Castl edsle and the earla dis 0 the week soliciting milk for their butter factor they will put on a wagon moicay next to gather up the milk at abo two points cars will be furnished and the milk wagon will run daily on the amount of luila secured will depend the erection 0 a station for the tain towns W D candia d a member of the state board of land commiss boners 13 in to day he spent eater day on independence with M president ot the independent canal and kese vo r company and man ager of the utah implement company the mission of the two gentlemen was the selection of state in that lion the will leave here to day for salt lake t i |