Show money motley coming up lively for creamery I 1 the committe es having the estabi eh ell mant ot of a Cast ledale Orang evil e 0 tream reana erv are as busy as bees subscriptions eions rantui arsat h close to the mark and it is expected the vented aill ill soon be subscribed ahe tho 9 te to committee will recommend points both convenient iv located bet between een the tao two to boans ns one la is the J W norton place and the other ain u fitta fitts place both between the to voe and between the Cast Castl ledale edsle orangeville Orang eville main traveled trae led read road and cottonwood creek op ions on five acres en on each site and for or mammoth anal ani water have been secured the committees will meet at chairman C E larsen larson s implement house to day to ren ten der full reports |