Show CHESTNUT FLOUR OF CORSICA much used but produces inferior K nd of bread the chestnut is the wheat of cor sica and its flour Is used in the form of bread or polenta by the peasants throughout the island the chestnuts are slowly dried over a small wood fire and stored until required for grinding th the e in Is are of the sim slin blest construction and consist ot of a wooden water wheel whose axis turns a millstone which crushes the shelled chestnuts a against a fixed stone the cheaper grades of flour are of a dirty color owing to the pres ence ol 01 particles of the shells and contain between 11 and 12 per cent of moisture the composition of differ ent varieties of the flour has been determined recently by BI comte who finds that chestnut flour closely approximates wheat flour in its value it contains about the same amount of starch more fat and bellu lose but less nitrogenous substances 7 to 9 per cent as against 12 to 16 per cent in wheat flour chestnut flour attracts moisture very rapidly and therefore soon becomes mouldy bouldy unless kept in air tight vessels it has also the drawback of not being easily influenced by the action of yeast and th is produces an interior inferior kind of bread |