Show A GOOD PLAY COMING the Cast ledale dramatic association is 13 faithfull fai thull rehearsing a great western arima rio grande which they the y will present ID in Cast ledale next thursday night march 8 and will appear in cleveland the fo to lowing night and ID in huntington Huot ington saturday batur day night the pla is a fine one and costumes have been se cured from salt sa it lake and other efforts are being made to place it before the public in first class style the cast is 18 as follows segura spanish america Amori cai i D T thoma der col lawton USA U S A A E wall capt wybert USA U S A A N NT eonard judge biggs A F edwards cadwallader Cadwal Uder a i engligh dude geo jorgensen Jor Jorgen gensei gei bap baags gs an exaggerated cow corbon boN alex pettey casey irish corporal alma andersen retta C egura s s niece M I 1 ss dagmar miller sophia lawton e daggi ter miss I 1 iss louise kofford miss bangs miss bla ich jensen mrs B ggs miss ida miles |