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Show of Flood Disaster ji Found Behind the Headlines I amor, Path08 All Part of million homeless! undred dead really ur or A'e it is certain! Hun-C- .f ire than that dollars dam- di o t million threatened .. Great cius water case! Food and drinking i!are than i. ite. ) But WSM in Nashville cancelled all programs, at a great loss in revenue, to carry the Louisville bul letins. Yet WSM is WHAS chief competitor. Heroism was not confined to the ining short! of human life. Rescue crews these are saving indeed, inspiring, too general often risked their own lives to save idlines. But they are dogs, cats and other animals who One man werejfloaUng in a rowboat lost his oars In rescuing a dog from a floating crate. A little while later, the dog, apparently disgusted with an oarsman who couldnt hang onto his oars, leaped out of the boat and swam ashore. Some animals did not fare so well. Those in the Cincinnati zoo were starving until the Detroit zoological park sent two tons of horse meat All other meat had to' be reserved for human beings. Humanity is for the most part generous at heart When the Red Cross made It known that $10,000,000 was needed at once, the response was quick and sympathetic. Even those who were caught in the catastrophe wanted to help. One young mother, poorly clothed, said in a house at Sharpsburg, Pa., i life saved at Pomeroy, Ohio. shelter 1 wish I had something to give ,0t Copyright Unlve.aal Newsreel) those poor people. I know what its like. Last year the nice dining room do Justice to the spectacle. The furniture I got for a wedding gift t to understand what they really At is to get down in the flood got smashed to bits. Just little e, or in the adjacent areas where pieces it was when I went home. refugees hive been rushed to Theyre Not All Generous. ety. There in the counties indi-u- al One little girl, obviously from an cases v.hich may be seen Impoverished family, stopped at a t hand are ttories of pathos, suf-n- relief station and laid a freshly-bake- d humor, selfishness, generos-an- d bread on loaf of home-mad- e g, d that heroism measure. no statistics t .roism? Everybodys n here. Heroes are a ce, and most of them are ey e n fifty-tw- Kagle. each twenty, of West Hickman, Ky. Rescued from their flooded homes in the Kentucky lowlands, they lost no time in marrying as soon as they reached dry ground in Union City, Tenn. Immediately after the ceremony they joined other sufferers in a refugee camp. Parrot Speaks nis Mind. Flood victims were the favored guests bf their more fortunate brethren. Travelers disembarking from first class accommodations on trains arriving at the Indianapolis terminal from the flood area were forced to carry their own bags. Red caps fought to carry the baggage of refugees in the coaches, even though they knew there was hardly a chance for a tip. Refugees had precious little baggage to carry, however. The type of hand packages being carried by the fleeing hordes was indicated by the piles of belongings found between the rows of some 6,000 cots in the Louisville armory, where refugees had spent the night. Mixed in with s pile of sodden blankets were a broken doll, a kitchen pan and a parrot ii) a badly bent cage speaking slightly warped language. Refugees were wearily searching for their own belongings while trucks waited outside to carry them to places of greater safety. You cant think of 'everything in an emergency like flood. Red Cross workers who were caring for refugees brought to Columbus from Portsmouth believed they had remembered everything necessary. the bbody remembers tho sville puliceman was who kept women and children marooned a school from hungry. He going s as-anc- or Homeless, this tiny refugee can still smile for mother. bidden 12 years, this woman Is taken from her home at Jonctlon, D. Hrcti'e. Police got reports via ave that water was pushing e floor. After hours of struggle succeeded la removing the fPPed persons. Rescue Animals, Too. epdar commercial broadcasting her WHAS and tv.Wee in Louisville did noble work bulletin! and instruc-n- l in. rescua crews. es tw stations wer forced by pl,nt tattur due to oUler tatlona carried their ii... re,t nP0rtncq t o ? tionTard boaU Hetm. dld no frciati PUc xiuads and Unit when lntrter sponsored with these com-- F broadcasts. for ay, T wouldnt have missed It her at man a asked She anything! elbow, I think Its fun, dont you?" He left her without answering out loud. - "Human nature being what it Is, some persons in the flood area parade their wealth before the eye of envying neighbors. But wealth is no longer measured by money, its measured by boots. Thoss that have them love to turn them so that the noticeable for yellow linings will be blocks. These who havent ay th dam things art too bot and baavy anyway. Some persona become equal to th occasion in unusual way. Take, for O. instance, Ida Wsbb and Virgil Then it was discovered that they had neglected to provide diapers for babies. A rush call to merchants produced 600. There were other changes In the order of commerce. One building had been a laundry, with many trucks operating from it day by day. Now it is a repair shop for outboard motors, with the tiny craft entering the building through the back door. There is humor here, too, for even a flood is not without its ironies and its paradoxes. For iflstance, one of the chief desires of msst refugees from the high water is a bath. On the other hand, there is the case of the sharecropper who was being cared for In a Poplar Bluff, Mo., camp, where the doctor In charge had ordered all 800 refugees to take a bath. Say, the sharecropper seprotested, "this things gettin rious. Fat Lady Gets a Lift. In the Jail at Parkersburg, W. Va.. 63 prisoners didnt mind the flood very much. They were eating fancy "vlttles they couldnt even call by name, supplied by the citys foremost hotel. In Cincinnati, rescue crews heard that a woman had been marooned, and set out to get her. They had to chop away part of her house to take. her out; she weighed 400 pounds. In Louisville a rescue party took a woman from a flooded house and rowed her three blocks to safety. Then she wanted to be rowed back. She had left two dollars in the home, she said. The boatmen were gentle, but firm. Not even for two bucks, they said. Sights to be seen from the rescue boats were not all dismal. There was the truck mired In a ditch betide a flooded highway near Cairo. It was loaded with wax feminine A figures clothed In filmy lingerie. on one of ths model sign-hunread; For sale cheap. Just visible above 20 feet of water in Cincinnatis Third street was the sign, a little weather beaten: This lot for sale or lease. No Interruption from high water. But perhaps the supreme Irony was uncovered by Red Cross relief workers when they opened a pack-ag- e soma charitable person bad consigned to the flood sufferers. It contained six swimming suits. Western Kewsetpat Union, o radio-colum- edi- n ron Oe Demand and Ce t Genuine BAYER ASPIRIN Paramount is leading the cheering for their Jack Benny, for the fourth consecutive year, won tha Being Noble vote for best comedian and best proThere is a great deal of selfe on the was air. gram Bing Crosby in being noble. Mayelected best singer of popular songs. satisfaction be thats its essence. Bob Burns ran third among comedians, and that was no amaU achievement Benny and Fred Allen had the first two places, and there were no less than ten or twelve famous ataga comedians competing for from common colds third. Nelson Eddy was ranked first among classical lingers, and Universals Deanna Durbin best, of all the newcomers to No matter how many medicine radio. Twentieth Century' Tony you have tried for your cough, chest cold or bronchial Irritation, you can Martin made a good showing, getget relief now with Creomulslon. third of place among singers ting Serious trouble may be brewing and popular songs. And RKOa LQy you cannot afford to take n chance a with anything less than Creomulregisters as subway of Paris, and Pons took second place among sing-erof classical music. slon, which goes right to the seat its motif carries out the idea quite of the trouble to aid nature to realistically. This silk tunes persoothe and heal the Inflamed memImIn la next Interview to eUquette the gay young dress picfectly branes as the germ-ladphlegm to in romance manners Is loosened and expelled. tured to the left in the trio. The portance If have When-evother remedies Even dashing cavalier hat is a resort Hollywood. be discouraged, your dont failed, asked their fashion such as bespeaks a coming y druggist is authorized to guarantee opinion on the greatCreomulslon and to refund your springtime vogue. The est actor on the silhouette Is exploited in sevmoney If you are not satisfied with results from the very first bottle. screen, playera are eral Paris collections. Get Creomulslon right now. (AdvJ supposed to mention Strawberries, fresh strawberries! someone under conAt any leading silk department where smartest silk prints are tract to their own ARE YOU NERVOUS? flaunting their fascinating colors and studio. Pat OBrien wont ac; play Mr. Jr Horn it of just asfcfof breathtaking patterning 2226 TOth Ave. SfcT . L'esh strawberries, and the know' cording to that rule. Portland, Orff., wd : I was quite oenrotts Ing salesperson will bring out a He thinks Spencer eA tired snd worn J and frit perfectly charming silk crepe print Tracy is by all odds out. surer? effort became actor the on best a Pat OBrien bunim to me. 1 used such as is used for the making of Dr. Pierre's Favorite the 'winsome dress shown to the the screen and InPrescription as s tome on so. sists That and it delights saying of appein the hit improved right the group. Appliques tite snd thru this I found but it is not so pleasant for strawberries on net Introduce an ormyself strength and was relieved I was no looser nervous gaining nate accent in tbe bodice. The straw- Warner Brothers to whom Pat is of the headaches associated with fttncuotul contract. under to match the disturbances." Bay of your druggist. berry corsage is dyed color of the berries in the print. When cast Robert Taylor Others among the new and novel It in was with the hope Camille, so now fashionable pictured prints' DEAF or HARD OF HEARING? are enlivened with animated figures, that the Incomparable Garbo would Pv all means send fora fiws bnoklat sailed him but make all others, forget such as golf players teeing off, or both tntreiiB gAV ante will hndmstnieuve Itdescrt besth world's great was scene the when last shot, young with silks frolicsome doggie staid to better bearing by meansof tin gen UlQft ACOUSTtCON. through which new ky Scotch terriers performing tricks, Taylor .was still calling her Miss Ufa. and bn opl ness can b brought Into SHhlStrlisWMS. SnsitlHa SaOStfehv galloping horses, quaint undersea Garbo. Next be was cast opposite Mww Yfecfc City south bookleVwtUba mailed Jean Harlow, and studio folks slyly to you without any obligation whatever. fish, butterflies on the wing and other motifs too numerous to itemize. intimated that the huge boxes of flowers she received on the set evimMost unusual and of high-styl- e new the are landscape ery morning probably came from portance even sent Taylor to prints; marine scenes, too, grace him. these silks. It is indeed a versatile Washington, D. C., to attend the To Get Rid of Add story of romance, history, music Presidents birthday ball with Jean. nd Poisonous Waste He no te thinks still And avail. all and what not that the smartest Tour kldnys (trip to kp jroa wl Barbara Stanwyck Is the grandest flltwins mate matter by conitantly prints of the season are telling. (ram tb. blood. ( your kidnrys frt First-choic- e silks for Immediate girl in the world. functionally dteordorad and fad to wear play up vivid splotches of rrmor. hcm impurititu, thare may b. of tb. wboia system and Hal Roach Isnt content with keepstriking florals in breathtaking colKboning dlstrma. two-rehis at or some black other audiences ors against preBurning, scanty or to frmpMnt urv giggling ing notion may b s warning of some kidoay comedies. He has sent for ferred dark background. The wideor bladdw disturboneo. You may suffer nagging backnch spaced flower motifs look newest, Constance Bennett, dragging her pmistent bwdnclN, attack, at d taxmam, these in huge single flowers or in back from her long vacation In gtettng np nights, swelling, puffinam wide-se- t unter tb. oym foal wank, narvoua, a! bouquets. A new and lovely New York, and started production flayid out.eama Is silk prints artful bowknots in gay on a big featuro picture. It la to In such It battar to n)y aa a modlcina that baa won eountry-wid- o colors. In Paris black and white be a drawing-roocomedy, very acclaim than on something km favors smart, swift, and swanky. It must prints are acclaimed. ably known. Um Doan's Fills. A multi, tod. of grateful pcopla racommcod C Western Newspaper Union. be that he heard Constance in that Doan's. Au roar nrigUort broadcast of Private Lives that convinced everyone she had a real VEILS CONTINUE TO flair for high comedy. Beware Coughs ASA sure antidote to winter gloom, as a reviver of crest-falle- n apirits, aa an unfailing meani of buoying one up with that grand and glorious feeling that apring is nigh we recommend that you go atepping in a brand new silk print frock, the gayest, the brightest, the most animated in its patterning and coloring you can find to wear under your somber fur coat Hurry up if you want to aecure the choicest tHe most distinctive and outstanding from among the hundreds and thousands of prints now on display. Seriously is this word of advice offered for it is a fact the new silk prints are that intriguing and alluring we h a v known it to be a fact that certain particularly attractive patterns are unpacked, priced and displayed In the morning and by nightfall they are sold, not even a remnant left to tell the tale. The new silks look new distinctively new! Those that unmistakably bear a stamp follow along unique lines of thought They are more than 'mere dress media In that they have gone pictorial, illustrative, interpretative. They portray ideas, they entertain, they s amuse. Some of the better silk prints even go, by name as an artist would entitle a picture which makes them all the more interesting. There is, for example, a clever looking new silk print called "film modes. The French love of American films inspired Schiaparelli to design this amusing print with the names of famous stars printed on colorful scrolls simulating cinema film. The attractive daytime frock centered in the illustration herewith is made of this silk print, the color scheme being peacock blue and coral on black. The beret topping this costume is worn far back on the head In latest approved manner, so as to show a perfectly groomed hair-drewith latest movement The silk for the dress shown to the left by the same artist designer f ss LL of the annual i high-clas- Mama sent It, she said. Another little girl, Mary Lynn Eisner, nine, of Cassville, Wis., won the $10 bank night prize In the theater there. She would have liked a new doll or two, but she sent the whole ten to the Red Cross disaster relief fund. Some flood victims were not so generous or heroic. In Lawrence-burg- ?' Ind., three tiny babies were found In a deserted house. They were cared for at an emergency hospital while authorities searched for their parents. In Cincinnati a flapper In gay orange ski trousers and a leather jacket was heard to ESULTS tors casting the votes, brought joy to the hearts of Hollywood studios, for film favorites proved to be the outstanding radio favorites too. A story in a word. (Photo Copyright Universal Newsreel) vi out of five hat: lere is the parachute jumper ) was dch rmined to rush badly Jed men cal serums, food and ips to Paducah, Ky., one of the es hardc t hit. Leaving Louis-- e he pLnm d to drop the food if ible win re the marooned might ch it, tlvn to carry the serum n by parachute. He got it there, the counter. FOR QUICK HEADACHE RELIEF VIRGINIA VALE election of radio favorites, with two hundred and hero of a mile e. waters to seek end of his swim into a store, climb and struggle with telephone, lescuers rowed like fury to re-- e three expectant mother who e marow.ed in the same place, r baliMg average was only .667, on'y two if the women reached hosp tai in time. The third gave h to a ; n m a rowboat tossing the argiy waves. irougbr at the emergency period short w.,ve radio operators were i a all other means of mun cation failed they often me tl.r ugh In one instance y were er'dited with saving the of 4 'll m a single spot The ims were marooned on the sec-floof a California (Ohio) By i-- nickel name-- ugh ice cold At the had te break some shelves Radio M-ovi- Policeman Saves 300. are of many kinds. Picking im He that is proud eats up himself; pride is his own glass, his own trumpet, his own chronicle; and whatever praises Itself but in the deed, devours the deed in the praise. Shakespeare. STAR DUST Heroism, Suffering Are Central ValleySaga. By WILLIAM C. UTLEY TATISTICS ab0Ut the great 'flood, the havoc it has wreaked and the misery which lies in its wake are staggering in themselves, merely as statistics. But they beirin to tell the real story of what it is like to be ii7 face to face with disaster. i Devouring the Deed Newest Silk Prints Go Pictorial leal Story off-fa- style-corre- EASY-MAD- DRESS E That Hang On en er ' " yr HEliPJKIDNBYS1 el BE IMPORTANT NEWS By CHKRIE NirHOl.Al By CHERIE NICHOLAS Veils continue to be news in Paris. With the flood of holiday parties, women seem always to wear little hats, oftenest of felt, with double veils floating over their faces. And that is the preferred position for the filmy things for lunch time, too. Cocktail parties give a divided allegiance to veils, some of them over the face, but many draped over the back of the hat, making a frame for the face. Particularly amusing is one of Theresa Peter's new creations. The tiny pointed skull cap d for it is actually that is of gold thread. Two tiny feather nightingales ornament it at either side of the front, and hold the veil which is also embroidered in nightingales and sweeps back over the entire hat, hanging almost to the shoulders. Violctte Marsan, who is definitely a partisan of the small hat uipping a bit over the forehead, prefe-- s her Veils to be quite stiffened so that they may be turned back from tho face or extended out from the face. These are shorter, not extending beyond the nose. hand-knitte- If you are feeUng that urge which the displays of g apring lovely, crisp, materials always brings to the woman who can sew, here is just the g type dress that will start th program off with a flourish. Almost boyish In It neatTtrim liner dress of dubon-nthis nubcord. a aportlng modern cotton fabric with no hidden tendency to shrink, since it has been in the finishing of the offers plenty of reward in cloth, It chic to the home dress-make- r. has a zipper neck closing and inverted pleats in sleeves, center beck aud pockets. A smooth black leather belt adds to the effect of taUored smartness. make-lt-yourse- lf fresh-lookin- home-sewin- et make-it-yourse- lf sanfor-ized-shru- Tiny Watches Are Fitted to the Latest in Gloves Small jeweled watches are being worn everywhere these days. Some of the new tailored suits with heavy cuffs have a small detach, ble watch encased over the left wrist - Many of the new cigaret cases have small watches fitted on the outside, while purses and gloves that are fitted with watches have been shown tor several months. New Slipper Styles eiry types of slipper In striking colors, sandalizet, oxfords and feet will highlight the etyle picture this spring. In materials, cloth la first on tbe list , Open, wrapped-around-the-fo- ot of, Whemyou see Eddie Robinson and Bette Davis in Kid Galahad take a good look at the handsome giant who plays the heavyweight champion. That is Bill Haade, one of the most extraordinary characters tbe studios have ever founds Not so long ago be was n steel worker in New York, and very proud of his job. A theatrical producer came along and got him to play on the play called stage in a short-live- d Iron Men. When that closed Warner Brothers sent for him. Margot Grahame is proudly displaying a new ring to her friends these days. It Is made up of linked hearts of sapphires and diamonds and was once the property of Sarah BernBernhardt hardt gave it to Ellen Terry as a tribute to V - that great ladys artistry on the stage. Ellen Terry left it to her daugh-Margter - in - law. Julia Neilson, who gave Grahame It to an English actress. Mary Glynne. Mary Glynne passed it on to her protegee who is Margot Grahame. ot Boyer is the most emied leading man in Hollywood, or in rapid succession in his nett jour pictures ha will play opposite Garbo, then Sylvia Sidney, Ginger Rogers, and Claudette Colbert Between Show BoatH broadcasts. Lanny Rost is giving concerts o clot. ical songs. Eddie Robinson is ashing for more pleasant roles on the screen, son is albecauy hi want he doesnt and a moviegoer ready to antagonise him , , , Helen Jepson did not sign that contract with Grand National after all; she signed to make instead picture - thlh Sam Coldwyn , . , Latest word from London fa that the British people like Zests Pitt hast of all the American stare who have gone there to make pictures. Western NawapupurUniou. three-year-o- ld Mi AFTER YOU EAT? After you finish a meal can you be sure of regular, successful elimination? Get rid of waste material that cause gas, acidity, headachea.Take Milnesia Wafer for quick, pleasant elimination. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk of magnesia. 20c, 35c fit 60c at drug stores. WNU W 8--37 BS SALT LAKES NEWEST HOSTELRY Our lobby la delightfully air cooled daring the summer months Radio tor trory Room , 200 Rooms 200 Bathe J HOTEL Temple Square t Rates St. SO to $3.00 Tb. Hotel Tempi. Sunarw highly dwlrabk, friendly Immaa-ulat,inw phan.Yoa will always find It aawrauMly eomfaruMn, and a, aswabl. thacashly .UMkmtmad far. why thcr. Imm. tbl. tetri tor B1CBLT RECOMMENDED , Tee eae elae ppraefete why i of dlethsetlam to atop tfo O mart ot tale to trfaf haatefry ERNEST C ROSSITFR, Mgr. eSr- - |