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Show n I L i I I t t Worthy of Your Pride! I I WORLDS i t COMICS Lighter Side of Life as Depicted by Famous Cartoonists and Humorists : ; 1 THE FEATHERHEADS Laft . at the Post PELlX, DID 'jfcxJ MAIL THAT. -- uu- - TIER SAVE t I VoUf . . f, h tie to I RU .nd Hit es cat itbuut an see If f fj u f OTHER, between you and me Sis is getting to be a littlk show-ofLast night when Dick called, there she sat,' big as life, right in the middle of things chirping about the new dress you made her: how you used a remnant left over from one of your dresses, and got it finished in one afternoon she even had Dick feel th f. material. Well, Elsie, you cant blame the childs appreciating herself in new dress. How about ourselves? Didnt you say your jumper was the talk of the Tennis Club meet-- l ing yesterday? And havent i been spending more time before the mirror since I made my new Stylish Stout model? I actually feel like a new person in it imag ine me being vain at my age Flatters Stout Figure. Oh, Mother, you're now vain and youre as young as any of us. You just were lucky to find a particularly flattering style for your figure. That soft jabot makes you look lovely and the whole thing is so slenderizing. But only an expert like you could make such a dress. It isnt being expert, Elsie, It i3 choosing a pattern that is deftly designed and giving full instructions on how to pro( prV most particular young women ui matrons and other patterns fa special occasions are all to kf found in the Barbara Bell Patte; Book. Send 15 cents (in coin1 today for your copy. Send your order to The Sewn; Circle Pattern Dept., 149 Kb Montgomery Ave., San Francisx, Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in coin, each. e Bell St ndicate. WNU Service. Dr. Pierce Pleasant Pellets nude i May Applv are effective in remonsij accumulated body waste. Adv. Hand to Klouth Existence I The young man growing his Lt mustache ha a very concern look about him. I '! a it dy, bi e bed , 4 f step-by-ste- p ceed. Several Blouses. to make another blouse for my jumper soon. Mother. I always admired that white pique shirt of Dicks, so I think Ill try it for my blouse, since the pattern is a lot like a mans shirt in design It sounds good to hear you interested in making something for yourself. Maybe you girls will turn your Club into a before long. You can never tell, Mother, you never can tell! I'm BRONC PEELER Bronc Has a Happy Thought OH so tf was YOU TUaT swiPto imc name is Withers blithers. AM' SHOT THAT UOM W AMO mV I Su&tEsT dUAT W fbRiAKE tTfLL'iA 6i1MC(2s-.V- A EXHAUST MY ftriifMCf RYRAST d'dlS OfUAMTFUL I hlAwt OF tcoMC hece rcrr away r?ort va frfPaped, 6Poc (jemcwima-- a iJdf -- -- Oil 'FORK I Git MAD quarrel Jolly Wil vjmicm i Mao iLoPCo do AUoiO By FRED HARMAN going tfMow YeR WaiTIm Am' doPiw' Back- .- eut if I Was BCbMcl PETE EY dWo You io liusfit dYowN am' do RE RiOERS Fee dH' CbUNlXlP. v I . Golly Tmin will come OF LL 8ETCHA I lioidF-STtAO- CANf WAIT -- why PtTfS an' , t OiOmT Glis OCFoRE ? Ik sr1 Imlnhm d Hra kdlU. Give your bowel a real eteaioNji with Adlerika and see how good m feel. Just one spoonful relieves 6 and stubborn constipation. At a Leading Druggist. WOMEN WHO HOLD THEIR MEN The Pattern Patterns. VTO comes in sizes 14 to 20; 32 to 42 bust. Size 16 remaquires 3 ft yards of terial for the jumper and 1 yards for the blouse. Pattern 1847 is available in sizes 36 to 62. Size 38 requires 4s,i yards of material. PattdYn 1882 is designed for sizes 2 to 10 years. Size 4 years remaquires 1 yards of terial. New Pattern Book. Send for the Barbara Bell Spring and Summer Pattern Book. Make yourself attractive, practical and becoming clothes, selecting designs from the Barbara Bell 1J' Big Bugs Lord Pomp was making periodi-Ci- l visit to a certain mental hospital. Nearing the main entrance he saw coming towards him a well dressed man Thinking him connected with the place, he greeted him with a polite "Good morning ' The man returned the greeting Are you and halted, remarking, going to the hospital, sir? "Yes, was the reply. I'm Lord Pomp. Go on In, sir," came the rejoinder; they'll cure you. 1 thought I was King Kong whet 1 came Magazine. here first." LOCKED DOOR Br GLUYAS WILLIAMS 1229 well-planne- pat- easy-to-ma- terns. Interesting and exclusive fashions for little children and the difficult junior age; slenderizing, well-cu- t patterns for the mature figure; afternoon dresses for the i uatter bow much T back ache and your pars scream, your husband, because hi Ia only a man, can never pd stand why you art so hard to Us with on week ip every month. Too often the honeymoon a proa la wrecked by the nagfinl wife. Th r tongue of a wise woman never lets her husband know by outward sign that aba k a victim of periodic pain. For three generations one woiiita baa told another bow to go smi's ling through' with Lydia B. Vegetable Compound. It s helps Nature tone up the lessening the discomforts from which the functional disorders women must endure In the tbres ordeal of lift: 1. Turning from A three-quarte- system-thu- girlhood to g 2. womanhood. for motherhood. 3. Approaching middle age. vtA Don't be a take LYDIA E. PINKHAM'J VEGETABLE COMPOUND ana Go Smiling Through." three-quart- I -- Hi Coyote Trapper THOMPSON STEaSNAg No. 1ttW dos.: No dosen postpaid Haata wire No 1773, No t wliathW: grft.per and Haora I L SftMPS M HAliOU6 pkDCYT OWt HE fcU ft MEM SA nr nwMw wf MOWI SOW KLUCOMf' MM ft WlHA 4) KNM WHY MT HE COHf IN MM JCK BMW HMf tb HIM W HIS INCOHI tout MU Wfft4 AH SEE MOSKHOB Tt$ft toot fn If PWMW is IbCKES HI BE? Tit-Bit- a Political Relativity , Now regarding this relativity Idea began the man who digresses. I have a high regard for a certain kind of relativity, interrupted Senator Sorghum. Is there more than one? Oh. yea. The man with the most relatives Is likely to control enough votes to give him considerable po- KII NEVER LET THEM . Gome do MlS IS SlTdlM1 39-in- ch CHERUB Through lifes imd rush there comes to me At times little peuteful, stop tike standing in e crowded street . Influence. ckek Bid-or-- 39-in- ch litical I had etvbhfl Fop thirty year constipation. Sometimes I did act for four or flvo days. I also had avh bloating, haadachat and paiMh ?as back. Adlerika helped right aws Now I. oat sausage, banana, I thing want and never felt aleep soundly all night and enjoy W Mr. Mabel Schott, If you are suffering from constlpatl sleeplessness, tour stomach, and m bloating, thar la quick relief fer 1 in Adlerika. Many report actie thirty minute after taking justct w doss. Adlerika give complete cleaning you bowel tract when nary laxative do not even reach Or. H. L. SkmA, Mrm Trri, m "l JJHimn So ImmImI efailM. Ak Sew-Your-O- ' The Curse" oUVogress Constipated 30 Years by e R-ij- nice big traffic cop. Out KwoSiK Oxt MVrWOM1bft MforMMwm oncorrADnwio n, D IW tat, a,. W WuSftairt.VHCCMf CW SET DHOW THHMI6H W ttVHOtf SMCVM ms mtiwr ClOsE MS bEyfA HC Wt, - ON N massy I - method! sample rfVjTp 1I OompietssBarlaesadliappInsmet RAYMOND THOMPSON MILSmU Quotations Our supreme business carry and to phss am as w it, or better, the sacred lamp ganie being that wa bear witb Uavtlock Ellis. .. Pacifist are met BeeessaruL arda, mar Militarists baava. not necessarily msnly, mar feminste. A. A. Mdn. Ufa ia not half long my taste. H, C. WtU. . RW Wame. bavc peri or at mem- - Sir ChmrU . j H y' Pj J do |