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Show TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH flfAftNA Sale of Real UNDER THE CAPITOL DOME rtPrivate Sale Jtply Si c stats os UTAH. matter of the estate of Deceased. G SODERLUND, 3 that-Will- -, hereby Riven iSerfund. administrator of the Selma O. Soderlund, sell at private sale to for cash, lawfid Wghest bidder, of the United States, and to the confirmation pf the de-w- ui rJt terms and conditions the 8th LTofMareh .1937 all right, title, estate-of-t- he said and interest and deceased, at Soderlund. caima G. 2. time of her death, and all the the rirtit title, and Interest that or of law operation has. by esUte In or than other otherwise acquired, of said deceased, that to gddition of, in and at the time of her death, or parcel piece., to and being In lying of land situate, of State Salt of Lake, County tjif desmore particularly and Utah, upon mentioned,- - on cribed as follows, to-w- it: Block 1, Chambers Townsite, be1 30, Township ing in Section 2 Lake Salt West, South, Range Salt Lake County, Utah, of a house, garage and conditions of sale: money of the United States, 10 percent of the purchase money to be paid at the time of sale: balance on confirmation of Terms and Cash in lawful sale and delivery of administrators deed The purchaser is to take the to all outstanding same subject taxes due county or state on and after January 1. 1937. All bids or offers must be in writing. and must be delivered sealed to the office of Roy F. Tygesen, 423 Salt Judge Building, Utah, on or before the March, 1937. Datedthis 24th 1937 Roy Date of Now that the senate has passed s direct primary measure it seems certain house approval being practically assured that Utah electors will have their first opportunity to nominate party candidates by a direct vote Instead of at conventions at regular primary elections next September, preceding the general election In November, Practically every solon had something to say for or against the .'direct primary law. Several who voiced opposition to the measure as Introduced voted for It on the final roll call. The consensus of op- BiljlngsFrischknecht. What the Joint legislative Lake City, 8th day of - This dayofFebryary, last publication March Peter-so- BACCHUS NOTES Mrs. W. E. Coon entertained quilting party at her home at a last Wednesday afternoon. A hot luncheon was served to fourteen guests. Christian Science on 6.30 Teams 21 vs. 14 and comm- 8:30 Teams 24 vs. 18 and 5 vs. 2. devils: and he cast out the spirits Monday, March 1 ith his word, and healed all that 6.30 Teams 7 va. 4 and 22 vs. 20. Next wersick. (Mathew 8:16.), Bowling 8:30 Teams 13 va IQ and 9 vs. 6 A so included are the following March J Wednesday, Given correlatives from Science and 6:30 Teams 1 vs. 8 and 1 vs. 3. Health with Key to the Scriptures Club 16.8.30 Teams IS vs. 12 and IS va by Mary Baker Eddy: Jesus esta' blished what he said by denionstra-tioWomen's league schedule follows: thus making his acts of highFollowing is the mens bowling Tuesday, March 2 ; er importance than his words. He schedule for the ensuing week at 6:30 Teams B3 vs. 4 and 1 va 2. proved what he taught. This is the the Utah Copper Club: 8:30 Teams Al va 8, 4 va 2 and Science of Christianity (p. 473.) His Friday, February 26 6 va 3. Week's Schedules At Utah Copper n, Culminating a six months' probationary period, Miss Irene Ahlqulst of Garfield was officially admitted to the rols of the Sait Lake General hospital nursing school Friday night at capping" exerciser. FOUND Good fountain pen. Owner may ickson, 80 West 16th Avenue, c'aim same at home of H. L. and paying for this ad. COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS ticket presented at the GEM THEATRE, week entitles Magna-withi- n the next Miss Ida Johnson and Partner Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Spratley Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Williams 8, , A FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from our Subscription List.) COMPLIMENTARY TICKETS This ticket presented at the EMPRESS THEATRE Magna, within the next week entitles FOR SALE A good cow, freshens See R B Thorne, 2670 March The straight 86.8 proof whiskies in this product are 15 months or more old. 257 straight whiskies; 75 grain neutral spirits. 5 straight whiskey 4 years old, 20 straight whiskey 15 months old. COmiGHT lA JOS. S. FINCH A CO. INC, SCHtNlPf. FA. Dr. and Mrs. P. M. Chase Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Jensen 1. Franklin - Street, Magna. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Madsen FREE SHOW AS GUESTS OF THIS PAPER (These names are taken from aur Subscription List.) A CV7 ! O Deliveries of new Chevrolets in ore now being mod numbers. Production in tha groat over-increasi- ng Chevrolet plants is increasing with each passing day. sl)W To more than 100,000 loyal buyers who havepatiently awaited deli very of new Chevrolet ordered weeks ago and to scores of thousands of other people who are placing their orders now our thanks and our assurance of quick delivery! Chevrolet production is rapidly increasing, and delivery of your car will be made soon, if you have OUR SCHOOLS, . OUR ROADS, , OUR CITY, COUNTY, STATE FEDERAL . VV md - j - , A- - placed your order in past weeks, or if you place it today ! Moreover, we can assure you that you will be amply repaid for insisting on getting a new Chevrolet, because its the only complete car priced so low. . . and because it will bring you more value than you can possibly get anywhere else, at such low prices. Thank you again for your loyal friendship and you will thank us when you take the wheel of these d better, more modem cars and trucks. For quick delivery place your order now! f j &DW3ffiD!g your Electric Company service represents taxes which are used for the support of our schools, our roads, our city, county, state, and federal governments. One-sixt- h of bill low-price- In 1936 we paid (including sales tax on company purchases) for the support of: Our Schools Our City and County Governments ... J Our State Governments. Our Federal Government State and Federal Social Security TOTAL &. General Motors Sales Corporation DETROIT, MICHIGAN 441X00 173X00 322,000 30X00 s$l,674XOO LIGHT CO. w4 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION qr: 708.000 UTAH POWER Jiome institution , THE ONLY COMPLETE NIW VAlVi-IN-KEA- PIRFICTtD NO DRAFT HYDRAULIC VENTILATION 23 va. 18. n. ittee appointed to investigate state departments is expected to uncover remains a mystery. But any person interested in filing any complaint against any department for consideration by the committee is invited to do so immediately. On the other hand, if any citizen desires to commend any department he may do so. Any complaint or commendation must be delivered to the committee in writing at its office. No. 329 in the state capitol on or before February 28, 1937. The odds are that there will be more commendations than complaints re- -, ceived. Senator D. W. Parratt of 26, 1937 1937 When the even was purpose in healing was not alone to foUowingr come, they brought unto him (Je- restore health, but to demonstrate sus) many that were possessed with his divine Principle. (p. 81.) Snow and Stevens stuck to their guns with "Nay votes. F Tygesen, Attorney for Administrator. First publication, February Dgte of Miss Ahlqulst, with 24 other student nurses, received a white nurse's cap from Miss Louella Mahan-esuperintendent of nurses, thus making her bona fide member of the nursing school. Christ Jesus Is the subject of Mr. T. W. Bacchus of Wilming- the lesson-sermIn all Churches ton, Delaware, vice president of the of Christ,' Scientist, on Sunday. Hercules Powder Company, preFebruary 28. sented the employes of the local Among the Bible verses Is the plant with medals for service at a special meeting at the club house last Wednesday evening. Men in the employ of the company from 8 to 10 years received a beautiful pin. inion- wmong these was that the peoThose employea''fi'omTd to 15 years ple expected the legislature to give a pin with a star in it and those them the direct nominating priviemployed from 8 to 20 years a pin lege and had so expressed themselwith two stars. ves in both Democratic and Republican party platforms. The regular meeting of the HerThese speakers against and vot- cules Ward Relief Society was held ers for the bill didnt like the at the club. measure as it now stands. They saw Wednesday morning in it a lemon that would cause a lot of harm. Some of the many GARFIELD GIRL amendments adopted assuaged the RECEIVES CAP fears of a few objectors, but Sena-t- estate-common.-- 12, , chairman of or Dneisrece of real known as 2837 First West street, more particularly desMagna, Utah, cribed as being all of Lots 11 and -- Meridian, consisting sheds. s y, MID FOB ' Salt Lake County-ithe committee. - ig.srssr.s' 3L PAGE 5 Friday, February 26, 1937 IRAKIS SUPC'-SA- D INCIM IMPROVED KNll-ACTIO- N STEERINO. SO LOW CED BODIES NEW CLIDINO SHOCKPROOF CAR-PRI- BID! SAFETY NEW DIAMOND PLAT! GLASS ALL and Shack praaf Staarlnf an CBOWN ABOUND Mastae Da SPIIDUNI OINUINI taaa STYLING F1SHIK waAals aaly. |