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Show f - PAGE 4 ' f MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH Friday, February 26, 1937 'r THE MAGNA TIMtS 4 J t Edith M. Nielson, Entered second class mail matter under the set of Editor-Publish- er u i f March 3rd, 1879, at Magna, Utah Published Since 1S06 Issued each Friday morning at Magna. Utah . lubocription. In advance, per year Published By The Copper Printing Company t I $1.66 A Clubat Its regular meetThursday ing evening. Bridge followed the business meeting. High score was won by Mrs. Jean Strong and second high to Mrs. Fern Coon. A midnight luncheon was served to sixteen guests. Mrs. Marjorie Duke will be hostess to the club at its next meeting. F. L. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Duke,' Mr, and Mrs. James Coon, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Newbold, Mr. and Mrs. Vivian Coon, Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Finley, Mr. and Mrs.-- Jess McArthur, Mr. mission.- - Monte Carlo Whist was and Mrs. Dee Strong and Mr. and played during the evening. Prizes Dell Sheppick motored to Bingham were won by Miss Donna Ridd, Mr. on Monday evening to attend the Don Tomlin and Miss Hazel Poul-to- n. "Firemens Ball which was held Refreshments were later. serv- there. ed to sixteen guests. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Harvey of left Wednesday for Los Garfield Mr. and Mrs. I. ET Coon left Angeles to visit with relatives and to Los for Nevada Vegas,. Tuesday friends. ice their son, George Coon, who was injured in an automobile acThe Mutual officers of the Spencident in that city Monday. Mr. cer Ward entertained at a party in honor of Mrs7 Evelyn-Jenki- ns Jenand other injuries. sen at the home of Miss Grace Jacobs on Wednesday evening. Mrs. The F. L. A. entertained at a Jensen will go to the Mission home birthday party in honor of Mrs. on- - Monday Eleda Hulf dn Tuesday evening. for the California Mission of the A pink and white color scheme was L. D. S. church. carried out in dainty refreshments. Bridge was played and high score Mrs. George Smith entertained the won by Mrs. Dell Sheppick and seMagna Ladies Bridge Club at a pretcond high by Mrs. Lilian Haws. The tily appointed luncheon at the Reid honored guest was presented with a House on Friday afternoon. Motifs lovely birthday gift. of Washington's birthday were used. High score at bridge was awarded A group of friends surprised Mrs. to Mrs. Rue Packard, secontOiigh' Mary Hess who has been ill to Mrs. C. E. Pickett and third to at her home for some time. Lun- Mrs. Ross Anthon. cheon was served and the afternoon spent in sewing. Mrs. W. J. Corrigan entertained her Foursome at her home on the Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Powell had as Magna Row on Tuesday afternoon. Sunday dinner guests, Mr. and Mrs. High score was won by Mrs Orem Edward Cedai holmes and family of Stewart and consnlafiion to Mrs. Salt Lake City. Fred Barton. Tea Table Talk WHITE SCHINDLER At a quiet home ceremony the marriage of Miss Ethel Lorraine White, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. White of First East street and Mr. Delbert Ray Schindler, son of Mrs. Emallne Schindler of Salt Lake City, took place last Monday evening. Rev. E. B. Pace of the Community Baptist Church officiated. An informal wedding supper was served to relatives and a few close friends. The young couple will make their home in Salt Lake City. - MrLEOD TOOTIIMAX I w of Miss Gladys McLeod, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. McLeod and Mr. Roy Toothman, was solemnized on St. Valentines Day at the 22nd Ward Chapel in Los Angeles, California. Bishop E. C. Connley performed the ceremony. The bride, who was unattended, wore a navy blue street costume with matching accessories. Mrs. Jack Esson. sister of the groom, entertained at a wedding supper for members of the immediate families and a few close friends. The marriage l 9 i . ! i : s -- . m VJ, I , . ' FINANCE I- Mrs. Chris Hendrickson of Venice, Mrs. Ella Peterson entertained the New Idea Club at her home Utah, was a guest last week of her on 2nd East street Friday afternoon. sister, Mrs. O. A. Chrlstopherson. A one o'clock luncheon was served to Mrs. Lima Olsen, Mrs. Allie Gee, Mrs. Nina Harris, Mrs. George BROTHER OF MRS. and Mrs. Peterson's mother, Mrs. G. Page. C. W. SHAW DIES SATURDAY ONLY, FEBRUARY 27 First Show 7:00; Drawing at 0:00 p. m. Wei-che- rs MONEY NIGHT! notice At the Gem or Empress this week' cash Is the award given away this Saturday $20. Requirements To be registered and present A special selected show every are Saturday This Week. MORE FUN THAN WHEN "THEODORA WENT WILD!" $20 E. Burke entertained the members of her Bridge Club at a dinner party at her home on Center street Saturday evening. Bridge followed a theatre party High score was won by Mrs.W. V. Robbins, second high to Mrs. C. E. Hoops and consolatlonjjy the hostess. Ms. Clara Mrs. John AT HOME SUNDAY 'MORE THAN A SECRETARY Funeral services for Aldred Will- iams, 66. brother of Mrs. C. W. Shaw of Magna, were conducted WednesL. D. S. day in the Twenty-secon- d ward chapel, Salt Lake City by George D. Jorgensen. Mr Willdied iams Sunday ofjieart disease D. Brown, who has been confined to Kis bed for He had Mer-cu- r, In winter several months. Magna last week. He was an eriiploye6f lhe busl-- " ness office of the Salt Lake TriMlss Vilate White of Salt Lake bune for the past 17 years and actCity was a guest of Miss Blanche ive in the L. D. S. church. He is surTaylor last week. On Friday Miss vived by his widow, Mrs. Agnes M. Taylor entertained at a luncheon Shaw Williams and six sons and at the Reid House honoring Miss daughters. Interment was in the Whit and Mrs. Lenora Sandall. City cemetery. The sincere sympathy of the moved to Third East to make their community is extended to Mrs. Shaw and the remainder of the behome. Mrs. Max CAMILLE ft' vQreta darbo. Robert Romance! A great NEWS COMEDY" TUES. MARCH 2,'': - Miss Hazel Dunn of Salt Lake City entertained at a party at her home honoring the birthday of Mr. Don Tomlin. Those present were Miss Virginia Ashby. Miss Helen Jansen. Mr. and Mrs LaMar San-da- l, Mr. Clyde Anderson and Mr Mrs. Wallace Williams entertain- Ivo Rasmussen. Monopoly was played the "Eightsome at her home on ed and prizes won by Miss Ashby 2nd East street Monday afternoon. and Mr. Anderson. A midnight lunA one o'clock luncheon was served. cheon was served. Favors suggestive of Washingtons A group of friends surprised Mrs birthday were used. High score at Smith, honoring her birth-iday-Douglas bridge was won by Mrs. J. 8. Pow her home on First East Mrs! Kori second ell, Clyde highby street last Thursday evening. Five old and consolation by Mrs. W. J. hundred was played and prizes Corrigan. Mrs. Violet Madsen and to Mrs. A. B Duckworth Mrs. Ray Wyatt were special guests. and Mrs. A. J. Duckworth. A late Mrs. Valeria . Young and Mrs. supper was served to Mr and Mrs. Agnes Williams were hostesses at a surprise party at the Magna Ward meeting house Tuesday afternoon, NOTARY PUBLIC complimenting the Presidency of the Magna Ward Relief Society. A clevOf All Kinds er program was given consisting of biographies of Mrs. Agnes Phllpot, William .Fitzwater Mrs. Maud Magleby, Mrs. Mildred Bailey and Mrs. Mable Matthews. At Magna Postoffice Each of those four ladies were pre- - Glorious, Taylor,-Elizabeth-Al- lan. soul-stabbi- drama. EhowWet"Empress) I GEM THEATRE 8 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY At Gem, First show 6:15, Last ahow atarta 8:08 p. m. (At 25-2- NOTICE: Empress, first show Thursday, 6:15, Friday, 7:08.) Jensen have reaved family. I SUNDAY, MONDAY, FEB. 28, MARCH NOTICE: First Show Sunday, 8:00, Monday, 7:08 p. THERE'S NEVER BEEN ANYTHING LIKE IT! Til-sh- been spending the was visiting in LMr. and jean Arthur, George Brent, Reginald Denny. Theres a little bit" of bad in every good little girl! MARCH OF TIME COMEDY WITHOUT ORDERS Sally Ellers, Robert Armstrong, Frances Sage. Peter B. Kyne thrilling story of steel nerved flyers. Second Feature LOST With Joe Cook, the guy that made the West wild! . Last Chapter of "Ace Drummond Key ring between 2nd East and Center Street on 3rd South. Finder return to Utah Shoe Repair. SATURDAY ONLY, FEBRUARY 27 First Show 7:00; Drawing at 9:00 p. m. AT The GEM or EMPRESS Reward. MONEY NIGHT If you are at either Theatre you are eligible to win. Same requirements and the same show at both theatres. You May Win at 7 THE -- SALT SUNDAYr MONDAY, FEB. 28, MARCH 1 7 00 p. m. (Empress Tuesday, March 2) - F.rst Show LAKE-TOOEL- E THE BIG BROADCAST OF 1937 STAGE Leaves Magna for Salt Lake a. m 1:40 p. m 6:40 p. m 7:40 p. m 9 40 Leaves Salt Lake For Magna . .7:00 11:00 4:00 5.00 a. a. p. p. m. m. Jack Benny, George Burns. Grade Allen. Songs, Dances and Drama. TUESDAY', WEDNESDAY, 5 DEPOT South on .West Temple MAGNA DEPOT Rasmussen Garage 77 MARCH 2-- 3 Club shows for March, Shows Tuea., 6:00; Wed. 7:04 p. m. m m SALT LAKE Its the show of shows. MAKE WAY FOR A LADY Heibert MaishaH, Anne Shirley, Gertrude Michael. you a lesson in bringing up parents. CRIME DOES NT PAY" COMEDY NEWS - wmm Ivfe, x&fc& SERVICE PIKES PEAK m I'LL BE GLAD TO HELP YOU (No Charge for This Service) .'1 4 7; Farmers Automobile Inter-Insuran- ce Exchange J. REX HAMILTON, Dist. Mgr. 4762 4 South State St Murray, Utah - GjUlHEXJUL' : Phone Midvale 93RI MTTFTTt, tiiji atl'rttlif 'f tr Jni 'U M ) i I ; f! ? 4 i: '14l r - . l 'j ?! i ,i; Siland Hi MOUTHS tMM mmm i Rose Crystal Water Tumblers with each 93 PROOF No. ? 47-PI- NTS 48-pou- nd ALWAYS AT A POPULAR PRICE lOUHVILLl KmtUtHY JrJ t anivuai ( - ' rm (3 v-- Av u i 'MMSp t wi' Rose Crystal Water Tumbler with each bag. 24-pou- nd You'll admire these dainty water tumblers. Theyre rose crystal in the Cherry Blossom design and will look perfectly lovely on your table. Once you see them you will start building your set - PI"U(V Jf, Shell irl OUR "CONTINUING" POLICY WILL SAVE YOU APPROXIMATELY 40 PER CENT ON YOl'R INSURANCE COST. i bag. And. once you experience the perfect success you ALWAYS have with Pikes Peak flour, you'll never be satisfied with any other flour. Pikes Peak gives your bakings a e distinctive , flavor every member of your family will prefera nut-lik- WiMinMaui J. 4 tana s ARIZONA MAHONEY If you contemplate the purchase of a new rr used car on a deferred payment basis, see us. We are in a position io assist you in arranging the financing on most .favorable terms. f ? THURSDAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 23-2-8 First Show Thursday, 8:15, Friday, 7:00. Last ahow 0:00 EXTRA At the Gem or Empress Thlg Week f EXTRA ARIZONA MAHONEY "WITHOUT ORDERS. List Chapter ol "Ace Drummond" 9. THE BEST BUY IN CALIFORNIA WINE - EMPRESS THEATRE , After a short wedding trip to Cot- Mr. and Mis. Tooth-ma- n will be at home in Los Angel-- 1 es. Mrs. McLeod accompanied her Mr. and Mrs. Hyrum Newton endaughter to the coast city to be tertained at a family dinner on present at the wedding. Washington's birthday Covers were laid for sixteen. The family of Joseph Coon entertained at a family social Sunday The W. B A will hold its regevening honoring Mr. Coon's birth- ular meeting at the Magna Women's day anniversary. The entertainment clubrootm on Monday evening, was held at the Coon home. Bunco was played and enjoyed by twenty The Pjthian Sisteis and their six guests. Luncheon was later ser- partners met for a social time at ved. the home of Mr and Mrs Julian m m Sad.er on Saturday evening. Games Mrs. Floyd Adamson entertained vere playecT and midnight luncheon a group of friends Friday at her served home on 2nd East. A one o clock luncheon was served to Mrs. John The regular meeting of the LaOlson, Mrs. George Lamb, Mrs Don dies Aid Society of the Baptist Shaw. Mrs. Scott Hancock, Mrs. Ed Ohutcli was held Tuesday LunCannon. Mrs. Nephi Howarth and cheon was served The time was Mrs. Ray Jenson. Five hundred was spent in quilting played and high score won by Mrs Shaw and consolation to Mrs. JenMr and Mis. A L. Miller and son. daughter. Mrs. Rulen Wiliams of lindon, Utah, formerly of Magna, Miss Dorothy Taylor entertained visited with Mr. and Mrs Olln Finat a "Going Away party Thursday ley and Mr and Mrs George Beath evening in honor of her brother. last week Spencer Taylor, who is leaving March 1 for the Western States Mrs LaVon Dea enteitained the alina Islands. Mrs. Reed, sented with a corsage of cut flow- A, J. Duckworth, Mr. and Duckers. Mrs. 81dney Huish was in Damron, Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Jenkins, Mrs. A and Mr. A worth, charge of the serving committee. Duckworth, light luncheon was served to sixty Mr. and Mrs. George M. N. Malstrom and Mrs. and Mr eight guests. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Duckworth. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Bowen of of Mt. Pleasant, Fielding, Utah have moved to Mag- . Miss Ha Peterson Mrs. na and will make their home on Utah is the guest of her aunt, Monsen. A. J. Center street. SUPER -- QUALITY FLOUR Product of HUSLER FLOUR MILLS of Salt Lake City ALL-PURPO- A SE 7 give |