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Show V J LANG, trainer at Freddy Bteele, re era 4 the world's middleweight champion as "Fish-cake.- " . . Fins Carbtadt, goalie far the Norwegian luinera, is ene d the few soccer stars whe wear speo tacles while playing. And he always has somebody stand by with a spare pair Jut la case. University of Oklahoma wrestler have a lingo all their own. A Muscle head Is a wrestler and 'pinky is a wrestler out of con- - AL C Nw York Poet. WNU Strrlea Jack Curley Takes You on a Journey r Down Memory Lane Jack Curley, famed sport promoter, is Hugh Bradley's guest columnist today. Flashbacks to the old days contained occasionally in this column, ha says, have caused him to go wandering down to memory lane, too. By JACK CURLEY Fanner Borne, who died WHEN rung la Dan McLeod under another name, against Frank Gotch, then a mere lad at Humboldt, Iowa, the two wrestled on a cinder dump back of the round house for nearly four kourl. The best the world beater McLeod got out of It was a draw. It took Gotch several months to get rid of the ashen cinders under his skin. Do you remember when: Eddie Santry won the world featherweight championship? He knocked out Ben Jordan of England in sixteen rounds at Tom O'Rourke's club in New York City . . . And when Terry McGovern knocked out Santry at Tattersall's in Chicago in five rounds? Some of the world's greatest fights: Jimmy Barry versus Casper Leon. Tommy Ryan verus Tommy West.' Joe Wolcott verxusl.id about: The Plight ef Spain. ' 1 Flood relief committee appointed by President Roosevelt Photograph shows, left to right (seated) Gen. Malin Craig, Robert Fechner. Harry L. Hopkins; and standing Admiral William D. Leahy, Rear Admiral Russel P. Weasche and Admiral Cary T. Grayson. 2 Lieut Commander William M. McDade of the U. S. Navy who commanded the recent mass flight of 12 navy planes from San Diego, Calif., to Honolulu. 2 Chancellor Adolf Hitler of Germany, who recenUy repudiated Germany's admission of war guilt which followed the armistice. Community Swim Draws California Beauties j snow-covere- d Champ Braddocks Kids Take Care of Dad of the Slot in San Francisco, His dad, who managed him, war somewhat of a soapbox orator. He was a racetrack bookmaker and when betting was slow on the ponies, he'd bellow across the betting ring: Who wants to take $1,000 against my boy Frankie? Dad took Frankie to England for a twenty-rounfight with Jem Bow-keOf course the slugging American fighter lost thp decision. Dad. who was one of the early We wuzz robbed barkers, yelled all the way home. Chicago heard his voice when the ship was in the middle of the ocean. Whe was the referee? Dad Kell was asked. 1 dont know his name, but he was some bum bartender, yelped back Mr. Neil Senior. The bum bartender happened to be Eugene Cori, millionaire stock exchange member and rne of England's greatest arbiters in all boxing history. "My boy chased Bowker all the way, added Papa Neil, "and when I remonstrated whith the refereee, be chirped back, 'If . ou shoot at a bird and miss him, that counts for the bird. Finally a boxing scribe arked Mr. Neil what chance Abe Attell had with Bowker. (Attell was then the acknowledged fastest ind cleverest 113 pounder in America. But the Neils and Attels were sworn eneWhat? roared Mr. Neil. mies.) Abe Attells chances with Bowker Geewhiz- z- Attel wouldnt hit him with a handful of shot ThatettlecLNcil'a ckunmi an unfair decision in England. Thirty-tw- o years ago George wrestled and defeated Ahmed Madrali, the Terrible Turk, at Olympia Stadium in London. 16,000 spectators crowded into the arena. On the first pull for a flying mare hold Hackenschmidt won fa less than five minutes when he pulled Mad-rail- s arm out of socket. d r. Hack-enschmi- dt . . Dan Parker, evangel-ist- . also is a piano of player note Blnc Croby (more than one note, in fact). Jack Bales, the former Princeton footballer, brings word from Columbus that Charlie Beetham, the unlucky Ohio Stater who should e have been an Olympic ace, Is going better than ever. Beetham, who should be an important figure 1 the big meets later this winter, now assists himself in getting into shape by running up the Ohio State stadium stops. AI LattLn, the promoloria! genius behind the world's bowling championships, totes 323 pounds on his h frame and ia the six foot heaviest man on the alleys. He ball for a 190 throws a average but averaged 265 while winning the Elks Individual title. . . g Dave Shiman, one of the stars of thirty years ago, now is a successful business man. Joe Humphrey's favonte song, which he used to sing in his high falsetto voice, was The Rose of The night when the late Kildare. and greatest of all sports announcers arrived In Detroit to announce the Johnny Risko-ToHeeney afTair his baggage consisted of one clean collar and two packs of cigarettes. Incidentally when Joe Al Smith always called him "Jowas achieving tame, a sephus great quartet of announcers were still in their heydey. Fred Burns and Johnny Dunn passed away years ago. Only Charley Harvey and Pete Prunty remain. Most friends ofjGene Saraien rate bis final round of 66 in the 1932 national open his greatest golfing feat, but Gent himself has a softer spot (or the four birdies be got on e the last four boles of the Agua open. , . The 66 brought him $1,006 In cash, but those four birdies earned him the largest golf prise ever won $16,000. half-mil- two-inc- Miss Margaret Coberly. Los Angeles debutante, will become the bride of Allan Henry Hoover, son of former President and Mrs Hoover, some time in June, it has been announced by Mr. ar.d kfrs. W. B. Coberly, of Los Angeles, parents of U.e bride. thirty-year-ol- J. S. d EMPLOYMENT HEAD vr-sw couple of sparring partners got themselves tough cases of the chills when they saw the opposite corner chock full of Braddocks. Jim Braddock, the champ, made his workout a family affair and had his two husky sons in his corner as seconds. Howard, five, mops up the sweat of Pops honest toil while Jay, six, follows through with the water bottle. A New U. S. Envoy Takes Post in Moscow maple-crashin- Cal-tent- Kidnapers Ransom. an all well enough to pa making payment of ransom to a kidnaper a criminal offense as though heartbroken parents would hesitate to pay ransoms to get their babies back, no matter what the penalty for so doing might be! And can you see any American jury convicting those parents? The author of the law is no doubt but there is another law, called the law of human nature, most surely would defeat his purposes. By the way, a person who should know what hes talking about, tells me that three out of every four known kidnapers during recent with years have been records as repeated offenders. So, Instead of trying to penalize agonized parents for obeying a natural Instinct, how 'about a snappy little law to curb certain parole boards which seem to delight in turning em out as fast as the courts can clap em in? First Requisite If one can't enjoy his Optimism De Laxe. spirit of a gentleman 1LIKE (he York who started dredg- ing operations in East river. He set out to dig a minimum of in gold and silver from the ooze, and to date has salvaged 90 cents, two rusty frying pans and a penknife and is still probing. For gorgeous optimism I can think of but one case to match this. was on the French Riviera one summer. Theyd been shifting the railroad tracks along the Grand Comiche. This left a disused tunnel So, week after week, a bearded gentleman aat at one mouth of the empty bore with a sign over his head reading: "This property for When 1 left he was still sale. there, waiting for somebody who was in the market for a secondhand tunneL l- - at a cald. nrt 2 times and said: "We must aid the nemployed in capitalizing their past experience in gome new in dustry. Joseph Davies, newly appointed ambassador from the United States to Soviet Russia, is shown with his bride (left), the former Mrs. Edward F. Hutton, and his daughter, as they arrived in (ha Rusainn capital recenUy. rv- - tablets, b to; I The modem way to ease a cold i thia: Two Bayer Aspirin tabled ft moment von feel a cold Repeat, if necessary, in two houni you also have a sore throat that the cold, dissolve 3 Bayer tablets M glass of water and gargle withtl twice. The Bayer Aspirin yon to internally will act to combat fen aches, pains which usually accompc a cold. The gargle will provide um instant relief from soreness and if ness of your throat Your doctor, 1 feel sure, will approve this mod way. Ask your druggist for geesr Bayer Aspirin by itsfull name s by the name "aspirin alone. FOII A DOZEN 2 niLL DOZEN FOR 25s le a Virtually THE tl ie it go term :st 0 Tablet Bj ack II WOMAN OTHER at iter odd evt, Tl JUST AROUND THE COD th 1 wrt IT a may aeem Unreasonable, W mao cannot understand wty woman wbo ia usually baPfV and loving should have recumn periods when herwbols ehsracM seems chanced. Hs cannot ai OF fort date the distress, tbs B that all women must endure. te to oe doee not know what It homework with an aching and hilling energy. AU ha dob know b that other women nrt cheerful by comparison. Are you such a three-qua- rt Wifef Dont let the ordeals that t as hok T! r H ope Ti . W th women face cams you avoidant discomfort or endanger your boma hart Do aa so many wise women Vogt-table try Lydia K. Plnkhsm's Compound. For three generations one an baa told another how to smiling through with Lydia Plnkham's Vegetable Pompom It helpe Nature ton op the ty tern, thus lessening tbs discomforts fhm the functional dlsordm which women must endure m three ordeals of life: 1. TurniN from girlhood to womanhood. A Preparing for motherhood. S. Ap preaching middle ago. wflW Don't oe a take LYDIA B. PlNKHAMJ VEGETABLE COMPOUND! Go Smiling Through." J U V m n ev cbei ere at as eer (hi Tl three-quart- er egg-beat- Service. Is it Quick Relief twTAj 2 Bayer Aspirin Table r American Explorers. RECENT years, those hardy adventurers who set forth to Invade the last great unexplored area, interior South America, seem to follow a regular routine, to wit, as follows: First They start off. Second They get lost. Third They are rescued. But wouldn't it save wear and tear and nervous strain if tfie rescue expedition went on ahead ao it could get settled down in camp all nice and comfortable and be waiting for the explorers when they staggered in, exhausted from toting all those tons of material for future lecture tours? The modern discoverer Is gallant but apparently baa no more sense of direction than an and seemingly could get lost on top of a marble-to- p table. Or possibly the tropic sun has an addling effect on the human brain. Anyhow, since nearly always he Is In an intact state when rescued, this would seem to indicate s Fiat the of the Amazonian jungles are now getting fussy about the types of heads they collect e-W- NU oca alas, gar-(la twice with absolved la H flaw if watar. apec tlEV ia fr H SALT LATES IEWEST HOSTEL? Our lobby la delightfully cooled tetag the suuuer Radio toe nry Roam tOOBattaJ ZOO Re w, d ft hat iere nt I H The Charms of Music. CCORDING to a medical pro fessor In Pennsylvania, samples of whisky, when subjected to of the U employment service, who has been on 4. tour of inspection of agencies throughout the country. He pointed out the rising tidj of better If tkfoat la Baysr .1 head-hunter- Frank PersonC tjirector p AscUaum with a Mg., watar at Sola Sooth a musical sound treatment for seven hours, produce a liquor which equals one that has been aged in wood for at least four years. But why get excited about this? I've known certain brands of classical music which,' in one evening, have aged a grown man to a point where he figures the present Christian era must be about over. Only a few weeks ago, being softened by the spirit of the approaching holidays, I suffered myself to be lured to a Chopin recital and got Jammed in and couldn't escape and finally staggered forth into the night feeling that Methuselah had little it anything on me. IRVIN 8. COBB. own pany ha ia doomed to msn happy days. Georgs Washington was (ante but Imagine the magnitudes fame If thera had been newspt like those today. When we practice good prfJ plea it is extremely gratilW us as well as to others. j ITS er touchdown the sports that, ruination, finish the when comes, theyll have spoils or dubious prestige or both and land that will be a burying ground and a desolation. A fellow gets to wondering whg this or that government chooses for an emblem some noble Irvin S. Cebb creature when the turkey buzzard or the grave-robbin- g hyena would be so appropriate. Fierce winters and devastating floods may be curing us here on this side of the water, but at least we have been spared the affliction of having for our next-doo- r neighbors certain nations. ill-fat- Peter tima bantamweight champion, came from South J w p- La-vlg- ne. Neil, one Ufa Is Short , Life appears too short Beverly hills, calif. Ed Wade, whose two points aftwon Utah State the Rocky Mountain conference football title, also is center on the basketball team which met Manhattan at Madison Square Garden recently. He runs a turkey farm on the side. . . Kent Ryan, captain and forward of the same team, is reported Abe Attel versus Owen Mothe greatest athlete ever produced In the conference, while the only ran. Frank Slavin versus Jackson. Peter Maher versos Joe extra bid for fame that can be Goddard. Pedlar Palmer versus Terthought up for the other forward, ry McGovern. Jack Dempsey ver- Shelby West, la that he is marsus Fred Fulton. Gene Tunney verried. . . Blessed Event, an E. R. sus Jack Dempsey. Jim Flynn ver- Bradley horse that once held a Hiasus Carl Morris. AO these fights leah Park track record, was left at caused gossip for years. the post and beaten 100 lengths in Johnny McAvoy, one of New a $1,500 claiming race the other Yorks best ring referees, rode as day. . . The Atlantic City Auditoa jockey in Maspeth, rium, home of the Sea Gulls, is so L. I., years before large that 1,500 customers can be for wrestling accommodated he refereed at almost the same spot matches In a separate arena built Stanford White on the stage. never missed Because some friends readtooj jj i ng or wrestling hastily Bill Barfield, the once great ringside at the old Tiger lineman, wanta to go on recGarden down in MaParticipants in the annual community swim at Long Beach, Calif., when residents and visitors take ord as saying "I think the Princedison Square Harry ton freshman of part in beach and aquatic sports climaxed by a dip en masse in the surf. These aquatic events are held within team football --Thaw came to a 1 1 1946 contained the best material sight of v mountains. the wrestling shows I 1 have aeen on a freshmen that in the new Garden team at Princeton in many years. up to the time he . . Bobby Kerr, former president TO WED HOOVERS SON in settled Virginia. of the (soccer) league, Another old timer missed at all the now Metropolitan b doing notable work as head ringsides is Jim Villepeague. He al- of the Empire State unior league. occuand two seats ways bought Bing Crosby has an Argentine pied both. He weighed 335 pounds. For the first time In many years horse called Subvedo, who is supa wrestling show was staged re- posed to be able to a mile m 1:35. cently In the Olympia Stadium In run London. Several wrestlers familiar Even Bing doesnt believe that, though. to American mat audiences participated on the bill. Carl Pojello, one . . . Harry Lenny, manager of Ray of Americas persistent challengers is an acwho seldom gets on a card. Jourto complished pianist, all the way Liverpool, inly neyed to be turned away and not allowed preferring the clasto land. Some previous income tax sical to the more popular swing mu-sitrouble was the cause. Frankie n k spent In nursing animosity Isterinf wrong. Love of money Is the ro bloody task of evil; but utterly destroying herself wickedness.curiosity 0ft H Spain cannot complain that jou don't thtok, ouc she lacked for hearty co-otry anyway. Then you rjf.' J eration on the part of some out why you cant We believe In a of her sister countries. to art, culture and literature of the not Openly or secretly, half every Instant SometinT. great European powers are contrib- like to think of corned berf to the bloody uting cabbage. so MitcheD give their riders few Instructions. Its usually the phony trainer-tout- s who whisper sweet nothings In the Jockeys ears while paddock yokels gape. . . Johnny Kilbane, the for mer featherweight champion who now manages Jimmy Vaughn, a versatile gent Recently he seconded Vaughn In a bout with Freddy at Louisville and then I Miller Jumped in and refereed the semi- I final between Freddie Eiler and Henry Firpo. The Yankees have an eye on L. D. Meyer, the T. C. U. end who scored all his team's points against Marquette on New Year's Day. Texans say the youngster la even better at baseball than footbalL . . Likewise the Senators are anticipating the rush by a year or two while gating longingly at Alex Campsnas, N. Y. U. freshman. . . Joe McManus, who plays snch a tidy Inside left for the New York (soccer) Americana also manages the Brooklyn (basketball) Visitations. . Burly Ty Anderson Is the Ching Johnson of the Atlantic City Sea Gulls. Like the Ranger veteran he plays left defense and also like the Ranger veteran he brings down the house every time be goes down the Ice. P1n-- Scenes and Persons in the Current News NOT IN THE BOX SCORE a HIrsch Jacobs and Bert Friday. i and .TtftfO' - losed 5 teed .1. se hut I?" a v eak rag U feint ut HOTEL u Cl ( Temple Square Rata 9 to $3.00 1-- The The Hotel Terapte Sowers hlsbly desirable, friendlyit Where. alweya find late, eeeremely eesnforteble, therawsbiv araehie.Vee cea face endentend wby tbb be j IIICIILY recommended Yew aaa else apsceelate wbyi IfS a mark mt distinction ted" "T Yew-wi- " at this hommUtut hnetelrt ERNEST C. ROSSITER.f - Ltsauagggg" h Th the eved art 1 lie j hen cved i'trr |