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Show Friday, February H frti Importance of Good Posture WORLDS BEST IP Correct Attitude Promotes One Health and Graceful Carria GREAT deal la saidLand written about the importance of good posture, both for the sake of health, and a graceful carriage. Most of the suggestions and aids are applicable to correct standing and walking, but the importance of sitting correctly is no Ipg? significant. There are i stances of what are termed incurable diseases, being contracted by sitting repeatedly or continuously in a way opposed to natures requirements, which are a free and easy functioning of the organs of the body. Correct Postures. In sitting the back should be erect or inclined backward. The legs from hips to knees should be approximately at right angles to the body, although they may incline slightly downward. The position of the legs from knees to feet is of minor importance. The limbs may be perpendicular or inclined out. Crossing the feet is sometimes restful to one foot and then the other. Crossing the legs mav be indulged in, although this does throw the hips out of position a trifle, so it is advisable to alternate the crossings frequently. Use of Footrests. The use of a footstool is restful, and many times advised by physicians in order to promote good circulation. The height of the footrest is variable, from low, to as high as the chair seat in chaise lounge fashion. Always the body should be erect in sitting, or inclined backward, for it to be natural. Injurious Posture. This brings us to the especially injurious sitting position in which the body is bent forward, or the luipes inclined up. In either event there is a slight Jack knife A Lighter Side of Life as Depicted I position, bringing the knees body at an angle less than a 5! angle. This position is corner when leaning over a desk writing, or when sitting in which is higher along than at the back. The posS In such cases cramps the orr oUhoJxxly Remedies. cushion will nui, an auto seat level. Leamink keep the body erect, whe- L? Ing, will correct the difficult of a bookkeeper or writer. Bo ever, to foster good health, walk. Ing with the shoulders well thro, back and the chin up, is reco&. mended to counteract the wronr attitude. Also there are exerci&a one can take for posture which an A wedge - important BeU SjrtulicsU. WNU Berries. for a Absit omen. (L.) May this brini no evil omen. Canaille. (F.) The rabble. (F.) Back-to-bac- k. En effet (F.) In effect; jus so; really. Fidus Achates. (L.) Faithful Achates; L a., a true friend. Hoc tempore. (L.) At this tint - Punica tides. (L.) Carthaginia faith, treachery. Maavaise quart dheure. (?,) A bad quarter of an hour; a awkward or uncomfortable exp rience. Nee. (F.) Bom i. t, her maiden name being o; so-a- so. In perpetuum. (L.) Forever. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription In tonic which has been helping we of all ages for nearly TO years. Air. Big Task Philosophys chief duty is to reconcile the contradictions of our a pe rience. Silent as Lightning A LAY preacher who had for many years preached in a somewhat boisterous manner, emphasizing his points by excessively raising his voice, suddenly changed his style in the pulpit, and thereafter spoke softly and very earnestly. Asked why he had adopted the new way, he replied: When I was a little boy I thought it was the thunder which was the most impressive, now I know that it is the silent lightning. It is true that a loud voice has its uses occasionally, but the right word whispered is frequently far more effective. M bill Wolfp and Phrases s. gutSI u ih ml Foreign Words Dos-a-do- Is stit Istsf Ifteea ClblL Him kla k tors i vhei retsrn lit h it y. rick srr) rprlng Ins, hr i & from htber lomi. touche rweepl keglnn Her d; Jesee, old w power, out of hul. tiro C m re kesra, Bpsrre trot m Julie, tloe if forts homes! ihlrkec the wo the sin ago on dSRt, , JCet LUDENS Menthol Cough Drops 1. Clear your head turblni the ati 2. Soothe your throat 3. Help build up YOUR ALKALINE RESERVE it rang) comes timber. Shellen outside Sliellen ref dec Shellen tody 1 Mason, this, ca lick me log sue 5 Cl You I ever be tali Wh, THIS 4-PIE- BRONC PEELER Home at Last 'tMCSE vJooOi MusT BE- HanTTO OQ ELSE M IPCO BUT IT AIL - But- -' 1 Happened Right Foqe mveoy eves m An off m fre. SHOT JiST AS IT goub stole a UoN SPRUNG FET2. By FRED HARMAN oao burn it" Nellie Here vie is -- HeceIs k little. Homestead fa at i aint seen since find veace last Heresfall well -- -- M'HoSS. ANYftAce. T 6iT A WAV FGoM VH' Ranch an' "FhaT NEvJ HAND tTsuce seems good tgiT 6ack. im Gonna Iikl THiS olTuoF. Food cookin' tw nerve some PEoPva T0CCAK of MV CABIN Grr A Piece INTO thevU .of my mind rn MAD , inch a Jfe 1 Sbe The ir Dong i rump, Dong P Bnr The It In rapt h Place i which This lovely pure d fork, soup spoon end teaspoon in ensto-cnt- ie la Empire design offered solely to get you to try the pure brands of lye with 100 uses, shown at right l)se lye for cleaning clogged and frosen drmia pipw, for nuking finer soap, for sweetening will. eta. You'll use ne other Lye you've tried owe of theee brands. Set-kn- ife, to a T. Babbitt, Ine, Dept WN, SSI Fourth A vs, Ktw York City, N. Y. Yoor Yocrr Silver abape water Cliff fr gully, of the branch Into Gi laurel thick a of u; and or the un t To She voice, be get I Nationally Known Brand of Lye How to Cot get your et do bend. In bis for only 25c complete with your purchase of one can of B. T. Babbitts aflvar-plato- I Uttle s SILVER SET CE w bed Set Silver Set, send the band from any can of Lye merely showa at right, with 25e (to cover handling, nulling, etc.) with yoor name and addreae tain w wind h lay bea a little The Curse of Progress ; Ti v- - '..-a- ? I ffevvv It'a Two Flue Three Arthur, who was five years old. was being drilled in simple arithmetic by bis teacher, whe said: If 1 put five candies in your hand, and you eat two of them, bow many would you have then? Five replied Arthur. But said the teacher, "how can that be true when you have aaten two? "Sure, replied Arthur. "Two on the -- side and three on the outside." The He n Posed prlngii forked Re In The, ion ma Las' for cor dea to make a Patch, f.vntl lovely I ho Pet Thoughtful Friend My good man, why don't you taka the street-ca- r homat V V f jnl- - carce . Hi Illuminated One Sh no usba. Wife wouldnt let ma keep it in the houshe. Sheboygan Wis.) Press. money Cynthia It's Ung bm fwe Fieri- - sou Pcwe consc.cW etV) OmA.ntrO scx OUiMoiNNfi 'tout surf MVIf t R(s Censored Confession Judge Make a clean confession of the whole business. It will be better tor you in the long run. Accused But first 1 would like to know how much the witnesses know. Hummel, Hamburg. s t It at Bow h P on elf all Ton an Oq Oot 1 |