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Show PebruarylilWT, MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, JEK2MS Outside she heard the yard (ate I she stood bark to admire It for at sharply. Instant "Hell see that fra not There's Jesse and Tm so (lad 1 anyway slouchy. If he has any eyes." could cry. He'll help me some now She heard Sparrel and the boys I and me with this burn." coming Into the yard.' She looked She dabhed at the sweat on the supper again and ran up to I Up and went toward the room to change Into a fresh her door, I drees. Blue la best for niy face Oh, Jesse, I'm sure glad" She had reached the 'door. Her I whn hot n(l for my hair." She worda ended aa abruptly as though I ,elt neat and orderly, like the table I back the living self had walked straight he had just laid. Sha hurried ' out or Its hot body Into the hab- - to the kitchen. I uw l Itatlon of spirits. She stood per- things about g for him now " . fectly still, hugging the bowl of Outside on the porch she coutd baiter, shielding her burned hand, looking at him through hear ,h vocc of her meufolk mak-- I in Reube the Warren welcome on lock of hair. IF,1 right 1 I hert (ration fej "d hm sk e leu corn-brea- vSSsS fro Position organ) ning t ' rit fculti Bo, wait i, throa recoay wrosj fercis rich m d a Tblala5p GooLygnjnbe, he beard Uhere . our nu,leI Sparrel Pattern's place If I'm notT ' Abral ask. mistaken.' For the drat time In her life she was without the worda a meeting needed. She atood dumbly In the door, while the young man came on serosa the yard to the porch. He wore a brown corduroy cap. I I I Saul Patters of Virginia ed the saddle from a fallen willow. breeches of the same Material acuY folks." u wasTe'drsTume iLinto beautiful TlrRi11 wuj'iDoug banded her the basket, and I tucked away at tbe bottom into I sbe amoothed JJT a the Big sandy J"1.1her skirt over her heavy shoes, a blus shirt apd a . I ynthla wa king up the sup- iwtjehj. Chleh to hoW Ij legs, adjusting her knee Hr the rest, lhiack bow He. He walked with the I .oBght hear She the men at the ud per' tM 8WW"ee.!ora "He looks up at me near-- easy grace and strength of a man offer n Rebe Ilrwhite. Fromthea huge pinnacle II thinking: as Sarah, but I dont I who was used to moving about In 'a8h rock jy aa nd-eye,L J.k the aoap and Jasper ttietowel up the open btmu! o"u fee anything only sorry." was ready now and she when I "Mr. Shellenberger described the Everything quietude I a u a place like surveyor, that Is, If this wlifreB you cam" ernM I la W, the Pattern place," he said, hla ;.. 'o declaring It a Place fit I will You come back." Flv 10 LIVB ,B The Ftnemare stepped Impatient I blue eyes aud bis voles amlling at h ti Barton, ZJ he returned with I .on, and built a rod ly off la a running walk which car I her across the porch, the absenco .rled and without Slowly Cynthia felt her natural Cynthia quickly otii. m Saul'Barton and wounded I aelf return to the doorway. She Gannon attacked toward up Wolfpem jostle I Imm hnr Sanl WM forcod t,r.V I Sm with him to Virginia. In It was reasonably sat a, Saul h it nturned with hla family and a pat-tacres, this time to for MO ,ty. He added to tho cabin, planted rope and ,altn ttr settlers I had caught up with her garden now, I grasped a long, smooth Jacob's staff g later, la the nd even the wag affected beneath I like a huge walking stick tipped I with her outward calm. brass, and over bla shoulder : waa slung a knapsack and a cae table she laid At the (upper Ive a mind to go over toveyor' chalm Jennys tomorrow end stay all night The men will be eomlng In soon and well be tied down a right . Pee pis Whs Drey Coins in Tbs Cans fsr Sweet Charity d meal-staine- ,,v kakt Simplicity That Intrigues 1 Harlan Hatcher. onuna c,0 I .VvSHHLOTPEW e UTAn sald.:, - passes! HARDLY a week without country thelnauifuration ofsome sort of drive, the object of which is to secure funds for enevolent purposes. So gen oral has become the custom hat municipalities have 'ound it necessary to estab- ish regulations under which money may be collected and accounted for. : After many experiments made to aimplify the business of receiving voluntary contribution, tha sealed tin can, slotted for tha reception of coin or currency, and bearing a plainly printed statement aa to what particular organisation or institution is behind tha drive, has come into general us. Women and young girla ar the moat successful collectors ot largess for th benefit of suffering humanity. While It la net obligatory upon citizens to respond, non tho leea a pleasant smile and a soft voice, plus an appealing look Is an Influence of proven value. Quite recently at tha peak of a drive, worthy in every way of generous public response, X returned to New York after long absence, entering Manhattan via th Pennsylvania station. One of a dozen pretty girls, all armed with tin smart while theyre here. banka and enameled buttons, asked Whatever you for a contribution. That's so, Julia," Sparrel said. wish to give, aald she. "W are Somebody ought to go over there. In the early morning Sparrel grateful no matter what tha Sister this dress! " It Is available In amount." la tho problem: . . THIS , banded ber into the saddle, and the A wants to ontertaia tho Girl sizes 12 to 20 (30 to 40 bust). laui. Cynthia t a pretty and Imagine- a vest pocket I produced her 1 apoken worda Hla vocabulary was Trom the opened watching gate, Hr mli In her late teem, who often J Te- r- muc) (he same aa that of the several subsidiary coins and held Scouts, Its Julos turn to have the Size 14 requires 4 "yards ef 39 . I nue, I Saul nn4 hr othtf the Cannon Creek foikrbut yard conclub and Rose Insists inch material, plus oui my hand: an Invitation for her Bid-or-them etui living.!- Cynthia waved farewell from kMreand fam-teor Intonation, tna bom th I an to help herself. She selected a she cant put off tho Laff-a-Lo-ts trasting. With long sleeves 4 sparrel proudly briny It seems the oaturtl way of I .. f menfoik t0 be going away rhjtbm of the sentence, aud the Imt meal out of the eteam mill, and quarter, fixed upon th lapel of my a minute longer. And each of yards required. New Pattern Book. Pitch of the vole, were unusual to ever STafmr coat an unobtrusive button which them has Just finished a new dress Mother when But somewhere. addcom: nat.on Send for the Barbara Bell established me as a member ot th nd convenience and ia anxious to wear it for the tort to Bant' I goes off by herself Daddy and tbe I er ar- I Cynthia nmembered to aay that hometed, and f parrel has not I boys look glum all day." Spring and Summer Pattern Book. occasion. club, and expressed her thanks. I tb ihirked. The family goes eaoiiy Into I , menfolk would be In soon and Make yourself attractive, practinlace from haonMs the Choice. Contribute. Six JU ia One Sisters th work of the new eeaton. dse to I 10 cal and becoming clothes, selectI were go wear the that house, th timpiicity of life designed long Infrequent May I suggest that you bit of intrigue is, as ing Sisters I with on the I better get tup designs from the Barbara Bell tro on the Woifpen. Joy ta abun-- 1 the yard, the garden all preserved this symbol the remainder of th you can see, a dress worth want- well - planned, patexcuse me. dtnt. Jesse plana to study taw. A J si-Pc youll reason more tha "for a profound consequence week, she said, to show off (Pattern 1223). terns. Interesting and exclusive ing Itranger, shellenberger by aim. . Reuben Warren aet the Jacobs the the and tree to on for that jjht c)un. tb..t. (hat tha drive will go It is made of velveteen this time children and Che I! 1 mu V, and we want the publicity. and a little later on she going to fashions for little a nr,. period M I sprout., a from hla ahou der, I Junior age; slenderizing, I Shellenberger teiia of progress In the tbe crisDueu of the mornings was knapsack (jer (be darkness from the hollows, Also it shows that you have re- blossom out in a bright crisp ging- difficult well-cdown wlth the compass on com. jn (0 supper," (he said. ontiide world . patterns for the mature With the advent ot I When Cynthia hhen ,at sponded and that nothing more in-is ham version for school. The smart Sbeiienbercer some intangible die- ? afternoon dresses for the and felt the bis glow la It wearer. Mr. figure; agreeable . Warren," lap of the here. Yon rlcht alt I In expected the ,toT nf I turblng alteration seems to affect built the (upper fire collar, flattering flared skirt and most particular young women and ,WMn UD the muscles of hU I Sparrel said, placing him on tho surance against further appeals I I th atmosphere of Woifpen. Spar and put the sweet potatoes to bake, puff sleeves are good reasons for matrons and other patterns for h. n . .nd nd I where ref decides to sell timber land to kitchen facing the EfaUy heat Oiled up the kitchen for this frocks popularity. It comes special occasions are all to be the more h not wher of knap Cynthia atood ready to serve. Then with an Investment Shellenberger Jesse arranges te A to 14 in sizes the first time In that year. She laid I1 hou,dr years. Size 8 re- found in tbe Barbara Bell Pattern , Initial tody law with Tandy Morgan. Doug J ck kad ,nPrnted a red asked the blessing., raisins, than the cost ofaj;igart the Sparrel 2H off tbe neat blue twill dresa for the I Mt at kason, a neighbor. In love with Cyntysrds of 39 inch ma- Book. Send 13 cents (in coins) wach n th dark I hla, bead and looking at Cynthia as cost of a badge, a button, or a rib- quires hia, calls to secure medicine for his of an old and faded brown hadow c8 terial. themselves render of tbe Plnnacl J!"0 Bpll, aald tbe Amen. bon. they could today for your copy. sick mother. The feeling of disturbian ugly old thing but Dress. Send your order to The Sewing Entertaining what Jnles regard heBnesi many ng suspense contlnuea at Woifpen. immune ward against r Cresne com-fiCynth. retnrDj the look of If. nic god cool to cook In. The p'aca tJard for th duration when Circle Pattern Dept, 149 New neat trick an as aU mj tr,p ,Dt knows a annoyance Jule monlcation, following Sparrel eyea of a drive. These things hav Just she bot daya always Or a body tees one whether on the table Montgomery Ave., San Francisco, over the white table to the honey- ia onteo." if don to humanity be got Into in a page of fashions, and she Calif. Patterns 15 cents (in doms) or the back hurried Cynthia nckle ,n y,. enter. He think It mind Back in tbe kitchen, ehe lifted the don't on. I you hope a Wb carry t mjscUt in choosing Pattern each. kitchen. Reuben Warren. for "Your about tbe purtiest thing j stove lid to lay on a piece of wood, ' nice name. Reu ben War ren. It a U rlsht t0 0dy up the table it that way.' Q Belt Syndicate. WNU Service my putting 1998. Shell wear this snappy I ever saw on I but be wonders why put empany, horse, Cynthia,' a girl of good sense, shirt frock when shes "it to was Here like It goes like a singing " 0D he said very . white cloth for Reuben War- contributing her own time without simply.' entertain and because she chose She poured the batter Into I talk. "Why, Doug, you mustn't say any nd M Shenenberger take Juet fee, and as I learned Immediately broadcloth it will look more trig It Iron skillet and tbe placed v nch a thing." large he foun(L. with no little pride in the part she and lovely liter each washing I wht over atove the . in the oven, bending .. .nA "I want to show h.. played. you that aeng chows why a few The bed 1 told She would be easy to Interview. hoursdiagram Ho you about, It'a Just a w..ro.. KTO.. I .rfIh"VTh.C,o',.trona needed to sew is all thats No matter bow many medicine little step. You What percentage of those you ask dont even have to this grand number. You may have you have tried for your cough, chest of hair again fell into ber eye. This with get down, to contribute moved money!" lt'e right around tbe ellent respond folks. Cynthia Creek 36 46. Size 34 to or bronchial irritation, you can cold It in sizes requires time she would Ox It properly. Sbe bend." ; . asked. the table with water for relief now with Crcomulslon. about inch ly 35 material. get of 4 above yards mirror went Jo the that hung Sbe was moved "About one in six. s little less Serious trouble may be brewing and and with hot coffee and by th eagerness With long sleeves 4 yards. In his the table and looked at herself. She tbe glasses you cannot afford to take a chance eyes and the pleading in bis of corn bread that than 20 per Tent, and in amounts warm triangles with anything less than Creomul-sio- n, Was Easy, Says Kose. five cents to a quarIt voice. from gave a gesture of despair. ranging the Well, Just a minute, 1 must between crisp and was soft flaky which goes right to the seat or a cents h when Rose fifty "Oh, my gracious, Cynthia Pat-believe occasionally ter; didnt took getting back. only They Her brothers of the trouble to aid nature to who she said she made this startlingly of those never looked aneb a sight red crusts. half bllL About dollar Sbe slid tern, you soothe and heal the Inflamed memlightly from the saddle. the wheat loaf, but Reuben refused In your whole life. That awful wisp teQ me to keep the button and pretty dress (Pattern 1224). She The mules bad branes as the germ-ladphlegm corn bread and Cynthia pay finished drinking. the It for to I that ft But aay did though, even the buttonholes! Is loosened and expelled. sell of hair over your face and the corn again. Dong slapped one of with confused pleasure, for them on the flushed have remedies If Even other no, you must wear It so thst others However, die same stunning effect meal In It like scruff, your band wP. urging It out of th path. Intuitively that he dll It don't be discouraged, your felt she failed, No know that approve. you and burned and bandaged, your out of consideration for the distress may can be had by sewing the buttons druggist is authorized to guarantee Dong led Cynthia and the Flnemare P Buzzard to hla Creomulslon and to refund your sweaty face all red as a beet, and and embarrassment she showed man who is willing to help should on for trimming only. The eleaeng bed. be ashamed of having done so. lines money if you are not satisfied with of the princess-lik- e There It Is." he said with door gance w,tb at h,ra ,he aha duTZVT i "Who first bottle. pride. respond the more readily, the eclat of the heart shaped results from the very now. and bat. lay like a still pool at the ab-P- t (AdvJ Get Creomulslon right batter In her band. It was the first men or women! of ease its withal -rand Rebea sleeves head of the ha a"eh a W hollow, a flat Generous ' Moro Women think the that make way end bell p construction question al ,he feet of the undergtandlng had come to her andateep hills Men as a rule, but women are read How can I help but make which closed in always look, and I don t. I never uo.. with the wonWEAK AND MISERABLE her (urpr,ged upon It In the come do - more generous when they There flashed Into her mind the J ape of a horseshoe. A communland recognition Mr. R. F. Rosenbcrger thread of in. In any case the middle class can water dripped of 111 Roonvdt Ant, plcture of her mother Julia year ca over a green rock best to the make wood-lo- t be depended upon with a drees Albuqtfcrqnc, N. Ila. ago In tb fom the upper reaches of the Mid : " Everything teemed Abral had flnUhed and wM e,',l of showing. I am sorry to say that full of chips, looking up auddenly R tickled to upiet and irritate me did around th edge ,r J and 1 waa to weak I had people who from their atat Sparrel Pattern on a tall boe. question.. fellow many Vng patch into Bnzxard that Shellenberger to did How barely strength enough to seem manner represent and tire vrn at her dreat ata do and then rlng nJ ran on d0WD th bKo get about the bouse. I in?n And him! now did he know wocre the prosperous class are downright kitchen the Pierces FavorDr. to used ad running away Creek Hazel bushes himself I ite Prescription as a tome alrannr rude at even the- - suggestion that with ber confusion. The vision was to come by and spleewood and my appetite waa Imshrubs wera I A boiled custard poured over "My father haa an office down at they should be included in the trivial eh around Its so sharp ahd so unexpected that It proved and I gained ia strength and 1 ielt la a surveyor. assessment for the good of others. edge. The odors better ia every way." peaches or bananas makes a delicompletely changed Cynthia mood Catlettsburg. He Buy bow of your neighborhood druggist. and rott,n loaves I look ont of the office win-I- n It is heartening to find that there cious dessert can amll Too forming! snt oTk1.108 a felt th New sine, tab. SO eta., liquid (1 A tl.JS. Moved ahe Eagerness ind Waa She halgam and by on withI I the ground pine are some who come forward . dow and see the Big Sandy and the unsunned HI Eyea and th Pleading In through ber tear. In a V around out slope of the moon-- ' I 6--37 being asked, to volunteer a conTo remove paint from cotton WNU W "And my dreaming on about a Ohio coming together Voice. His ere a One man, who from visiShellenbery tribution. soluWest drew Virginia. in ilk. a flue a and wind l"u the'bowi together by the soak tree Ud, spot elothing and the Jnrt- - pear ble evidence appeared to be not tion made of equal parts of amand bim saying, Udy, dropped in one day on bis lay heavy on the Aratejia-J hJ?W taT I on Tln a ofblackAre smear I was Into a he me , said buying and twenty tearing bite gave ever H.ouYe th. prettiest eight s,w Pittsburgh overly prosperous, lime crvnf. monia and turpentine. When spot I urPrlse. from Sparrel Pat- - dollar bill, but absolutely declined efcln. she caught her breath with n my i0m timber-lan- d day. disappears wash garment in soap ( the A rst pain, wavlng her hand upj gb remoTed the nnBiehtly ban-- tern In Pike county and be wanted to wear a button. Tt will save you suds. . and down from being approached again, I awkward urged. Oh, I dont object to that! Mens patent leather shoes i on a hot day he replied. Tt wont be hard to give dancing pumps, evening shoes, Prim-iniut of helr g0P0",,Jr fcack Jnt0 composure. Sbe felt ,rain ,od then the boat and came something to the next collector.. and so on will last twice as long forked your breath In this kitchen, aud I and crnwdln a Paa- - get ab0ve th confu- - to Pattern Landing. I got off there Men of that sort are few and far if they are kept on trees and then to go and burn your right hand Irlt ge Inin iif HEARTBURN? mix P to and between, however. ,f when ready Jthla afternoon about UPPfr heat. tbe youre Juet Thev r. fi lon an(J rubbed with vaseline after use. I aDta' felt did bcn p It at! look bridle total? batter." to path. the Its surprising how many have heart "The average daily j gba opened the oven welked over tb cornbread you make it?" I shoulders. soot and ,b baking sweet potatoes and the I good t0 stretch my legs. When 1 her tb The shrugged washed away girl horn. Hurried earing, overeating, heavy gbe When the teakettle becomes disIt' t0 wet and Bhady I anointed weather always has ghe went Into the smoke-- 1 MW this place fromup there atthe "Well th tbe bum with llnaeed oil bread for Tom.' can be brightcolored inside, it smoking, excessive drinking til leadj something to do with giving. Per- ened by boiling a clean oyster heartburn. When it comet, heed the seen to hear nam ro iry. oii i about the nnest piace will be surprised . . spread aoda over It and wrapped hi the bome-cureyou haps it. f moneY off of this I t? Cht that rainy days are the best. In- sheiyn took dripping apoonfula of dark fra- away from the river warning. Your stomach is on a strike. Patch lightly with a white rag. and I atone said with confldence. from the Jnr, j jt take very long to learn stead of being chilled and depressed DaCed the large wooden mix- grant honey no are gba that Tablecloths longer hl"a eye wandered over the to sweet new batter from the Pr'nB 10 be a surveyorr Abral demanded, by gloom, a great many people bedlovi A ing bowl oo the table and began fresh loaf f Jah'a to respond to an ap- In use make good cot covers, -pot aour house, and milk, -the and meal 0t a very hard Job. You seem disposed In the if. they are curtains stir or t "" spreads, a botrWarm Julia sunshiny others. .von do. from from bread was It so Ions peal after the shortening. t rgI1y ,earn tt its getting right -- H and dyed to match the color schemA the hills." TnJ Iv. bee. aroomi days have almost th opposite process. She took th. slipped the oftheroom. to realise clotlL C" folkrdont appear fromnh with my dud .luceT was about A f re,dy I bowr lntdT.er right arm. TrlD checked ttor L1, that anything is worth worrying 4 A , the ffdat-th-e Leather book bindings, caq be about AU is well with them; why ShWWllfiuhr hall. treatments I a Rood world? by of periodic the preserved not with the rest I must be get fd. tin- MILNESfAS TAKE of I castbr mixture an brown with equal now- find that the morning Is more favorpped" from She poured the boP your moth Wills Uadar Eoglisb Law er s ' dI'k.ll returns. Most people oil and paraffin. Into the J ir an Milnesia, the original milk of magnesia for able good her Into can eyes right" a and law dangled person Its place She cut tpray I Under English I myrnii,ted breakfast after 1 are le buoyant with her in water form, taken after indulgence will j back at .n fhat so much. You bis property by She pushed It know honeysuckle from the clump dispose of self work faster and With more satis- - When laundering sweaters o r relieves heartburn. of cornmeal folks! ner ,B wlth all flakes husband Neither It leaving he hand, srranaed Crunchy and tasty. chooses, your np on .!!.' knitted blouses let dry on cloth faction. Now about the average, her and t0 Work an hf yur pP7,iir'nf u .Tw hrown earthen pot. snd aet wife I. under an, oollgntloa tc feel that th day has not been wast- or bath towel placed on a flat Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonful milk elf ,ln,e XFa idee to see forehead. She waa hot leave any part of bla or her proprPnter of the table yon Ml!! ed if 1 take in twenty dollars." surface. No ironing is required. of magnesia. 20c, 35c & 60c packages, hav ,ou ,ook at my "Graclona. but I feel ght IJ ana ro ot patch ,ery beautiful now, aud erty to the other. WNUScrriM. AateckUd Nwptp8n.WNO ttervtc. e anybody else know nbout It" could nearly cry." -1 1 d rtc. 0 is T" bring back. :t; Just Faithful tend. iia I hilt1 tina raginiai y" -- sur-ually- (TJ - aur; a le exp o; La, so-a- ni ever. ptioalu g won l Air, is to no f our a 1 the11' 1 1 1 S rops id root IN jj il Si" 'rX.:: ... easy-to-ma- - .d n,u . ut nk 'W hJJ XT L 1 te 1 A Three Days Cough Is Your Danger Signal I2'r"Ul r en r m, Y. Yoor posts and Ut toys . ,td th! J Household Questions 1 T5 - 1 S 1 ? two-thirt- -- a 1 Xarf tf, :h'2 J, tr J!" A VWw. w , 'k - -- a 1 |