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Show I MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA, UTAH Editor-Publish- - er each Friday morn inf ai Marna. Utah lubocription, in advance, per year Published By The Copper Printinr Company cd $1.00 FEBRUARY MAJORITY 10 AN ofOVERWHELMING the United States is either Lincoln. of our citizens the greatest pres-JdeGeorge Washington or Abraham nt George Washington, one of the largest and richest planters of aristocratic Virginia, discarded his traditions and Joined the cause of the com- . vision and judgment played a large part in the permanent establishment of the Union. Abraham Lincoln, born in a log cabin, driver of oxen, rail splitter, dreamer, supported the cause of the Starting from the opposite end of the Boclal ladder, he achieved the same high office that Washington once occupied. By his courage, tact, statesmanship and vision, he preserved the Union which Washington had established. These two men, so different in origin, with widely opposed traditions behind them, had much in common. Each was the man of the hour. Each carried his assumed obligation through to a successful conclusion. A grateful nation celebrates this month the two hundred and fifth anniversary of the one, and the one hundred twenty-eigh- th anniversary of the other. of, and by statesmanship, down-trodde- ONE-EYE- CARS D WROTE RECENTLY OF THE menace to the traveling public Inthe parking of automobiles on the paved highway, especially on curves or grades where the vision of approaching automobiles Is limited. Today we want to direct attention to the danger to the traveling public of allowing cars on the highway at night with only one lamp burning. An approaching automobile traveler may be entirely misled as to the location of the one-eycar, because he does not know whether it is the left lapip or the right lamp which is out, and In many cases he thinks it Is a motorcycle coming. Highway patrolmen would contribute to the elimination of needless accidents, with resulting deaths and injuries, by seeing that careless were punished for infractions of the safe use of the highways regardless of whether accidents actually resulted or not A car parked on the road should cause its driver to be arrested if it Is parked in a dangerous position. The same treatment should be given the willful use of a one yE volved in ed auto-moblll- sts ' car. eyed RED CROSS APPEAL THE RED CRGSS IS IN NEED of additional funds to carry out its relief work In the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys andlooks to to m order to relieve the sufferers of this this need private charity supply flood-strick- ators DOME Edith M. Nielson, Entered m second close moil matter under the act of March 3rd, 1879, at Magna, Utah Published Since 1906 . en latest calamity. Residents of this county have never failed to respond to Red Cross appeals and can be depended upon to do their share again. When serious disaster falls upon some section of the country and demands prompt, efficient and adequate emergency assistance, we become conscious of indispensable services of the Red Cross. No one who observed the Red Cross In action during a national calamity could fail to appreciate the worth of this nationwide humanitarian organization. Again there is another national calamity with ten states counting a mounting list of dead and homeless. Five government agencies have been mobilized under virtual wartime orders to join the Red Cross in bringing relief. But despite this great help from the government agencies, it Is significant that private neighborly charity, through the Red Cross, is needed to bring relief to the unfortunate victims in the flood area. Salt Lake City, Feb. of Representative Eynon's bill licensing wineries and distilleries in Utah by the house and consideration of old age pension and relief measures in the senate marked the opening of legislative procedure this week when both houses launched morning sessions. The house passed the distilleries bill by a vote of 37 to 18 with three absent. Representative. Granger of Iron changed his vote from no to yes apparently Intending to give notice of reconsideration but Repre- senwme'M&rthaklifr Salt Lake beat him to it by giving prompt notice that he would seek reconsideration of CKehouse action later. Representatives Mason of Box Elder and Granger ot Iron opposed the bill on the ground it did not provide proper regulition and supervision.' Almost half the members explained their votes, those voting for saying they did so In the belief it would develop a Utah Industry and thus benefit (agriculture and the people generally. The negative voters feared It might tend to increase drinking of wines and liquors and that sufficient regulation of the business was not provided. Major grist from the legislative mill during the week included a decisive victory for the Maw-ol- d pension bloc In the lenate when It suca ceeded In earmarking $50,000 month from liquor funds for pension purposes, appointment of a joint committee to Investigate state departments to determine where and efficiency may be Improved and whether irregularities exist, defeat of the progresive labor bloc in the senate In an effort to force an amendment to Representative Bonaccl's increased compensation bill to Include compensation for occupational diseases, introduction into the house by Representative William D. Wood of Weber of a bill to provide for sale of wines and liquors by the drink In hotels, restaurants and clubs and unfavorable - action by the house committee on revenue and taxation upon H. B. 45 by Representative Henry Peterson of Cache to relieve patrons of city owned utilities from paying sales tax on services rendered by these utilities. Liquor and labor played leading role s In bellicose scenes In the senate. The liquor fight has developed ed Into a affair between those supporting the control plan of Senator Ward C. Holbrook of Davis which would, ;dlow unlimited licensing of beer sales but retain the licensing power in the three-corner- Little Joy Howarth fell on the at Web6ter School Tuesday and suffered a fractured arm. EMPRESSTHEATRE vs. FRED THUNELL and MARGARET THUNELL, his wife, Defendants. To be sold at Sheriff's Sale at the west front door of the County Courthouse In the City and County of Salt Lake, State of Utah, on the 16th day of February, 1937, at 13 o'clock noon of said day that certain piece or parcel of real property situate In Salt Lake County, State of Utah, described as follows, 1, East Capitol Avenue Addition. Purchase price payable In lawful money of the United States. Dated at Salt Lake City. Utah, this 18th day of January, 1937, S. GRANT YOUNG, Sheriff of Salt Lake County, Utah. By T. N. Bleak, Deputy. Moyle and Moyle, Attorneys for Plaintiff. Date of 1st publication Jan. 22, 1937 Date of last publication, Feb. 12, SERIAL - Same show at both Theatres. SATURDAY ONLY, FEB. 13 First Show 7:00 p. m. Drawing at 9:00 p. MONEY NIGHT -- NOTICE At the Gem or Empress this week- - cash is the award given away this Saturday. $40. Requirements To be registered and present. A special selected show every are This Week. Saturday SPECIAL DOUBLE BILL FOR MONEY NIGHT $40 We Advertise! We advertise because it is the only means we have to inform our readers of the many advantages our publication offers over the average weekly newspaper. We advertise our job printing department through the columns of our papers because we know it is the best contact we could ever establish with our prospective job printing user. In brief, we advertise everything because we believe in advertising. Magna Times and Garfield Leader HIDEAWAY GIRL Martha Riye, Shirley Ross, Robert Cummings. WANTED: JANE TURNER Lee Tracy, Gloiia Stuart. High-tensipicture in itself. Music, mystery, action! romance! Each a big on 5 MONDAY, FEBRUARY First Show Sun., 6:00; Mon. 7:00 p. m. THE PICTURE IN A MILLION! What a Show! SUNDAY, 14-1- ONE IN A MILLION Sonja Henie, Don Ameche, Jean Hersholt Ned Sparks, with a million dollar cost and a million laughs! COMEDY TUESDAY. NEWS FEBRUARY nesday at Empress.) 16, "TEXAS RANGERS' (No show 2 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY First Show 6:15, both night EXTRA By Extra Special Request EXTRA BIGGEST DOUBLE BILL EVER OFFERED 11-1- STOWAWAY With Shirley Temple, Robert Young. Alice Faye. This Shirleys greatest picture! Second - 22. 1937. Date of last Publication, February by far Feature Another thrilling Cassidy show. "ACE DRUMMOND. Notice To Creditors Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at 1002 Boston Building, Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the first day of June, A D., 1937. Archie Rae McFarland, executor of the estate of Archie McFarland, deceased. Bowen St Qulnney, Attorneys for Executor Date of first Publication, January Is HOPALONG CASSIDY RETURNS SATURDAY Estate of Archie McFarland, Wed- - GEM THEATRE 1937. The Primary officers and teachers entertained at a Preparation meeting and social at the home of Mrs. Eugene Wallace. Monopoly was played and Mrs. W. Sainsbury won the prize. Refreshments were served. WANTED AN ELECTRIC WATER HEATER YOU'VE Many newspapers will continue to hound the local merchant to advertise. Week in and week, out representatives of the publication will call on the local business firms and ?preach advertising never for once it themselves. Never for once spendtrying valuable to tbeir advise readers of ing space the merits of their publication, of the job work service they offer, of the huge paper supply they have. But with the Times and Leader its different we practice what we preach. to-w- lt: All of Lots 21 and 22, Block ed ALWAYS HAT a pleasure It will Be to always have an abundance of hot water any time of the c':. every week even t And theres no .. . no .' cv night, every day, ;rh of the year! ; ::musj. No; matcK-- . ever. no ashes kindling Electric water heaving is fully automatic . . and never requires attenlon. es ' Economical, too, averaging on! Vi cent a gallon for all the hot water you use. run-whic- 11-1- District Court of the Third District In and for the of Salt Lake, State of BENEFIT BUILDING SOa corporation, Plaintiff m, Billings, Holmes, Lamoreaux and Royle absent The amendment and the bill went to the firJ reading calendar carrying the old age pension appropriation. Senator Lindstrom sought to get $500 00q annually from the liquor fund for enforcement work In cltiea, towns and counties. Senator Holbrook propmtly sought to get the liquor funds turned to school purpose But, both failed In their effort However, as a proposed offset to the school fund loss the house a series of bills from Its ucation committee intended to school support Among these bills Is one Imposing a severance (Continued on Page 5) We Practice What we preach! Results are obtained from every advertiseh ment we gives us reason to know that advertising pays. It costs so few cents per column inch that every merchant can afford it. Advertising isnt an overhead-i- tt an investment and it pays. 2 THURSDAY, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY First Show 6:15, Both night EXTRA At the Gem or Empress This Week EXTRA STOWAWAY. HOPALONG CASSIDY RETURNS. SHERIFFS SALE In the Judicial County Utah. ZION'S CIETY, eluding a provision for marking up retail prices 60 per cent above cost and maintain prices high enough to provide the pension revenue. Maw said the Issue was one of whether we were to have an old age or not pension and provide for It Senator Holbrook led the fight the appropriation amendment, contending that all the revenues should go Into the general fund and then let the pensioners get them out If they could. The vote on the amendment showed Baker, Lind-stroGriffin, Grover, Hopkin, TanParratt, Nelson, Lund. ner and Maw for It Farr Frisch -knecht, Holbrook, Snow, Stevens, Stewart, Thornton against with 6 -- Ice Mrs. Stewart and Grover of Salt Lake who would. divorce beer completely from state control and place it under local authorities and backers of Representative Wood of Weber who Would provide local" control of beer, and also legalize sale by drink of wines and hard liquor. The liquor fight began before the senate judicial committee, headed by Senator Ira Huggins of Weber, when a public hearing was granted on Senator Holbrook'S state beer control and the Snow, Stewart, Grover local control bills. J. Bracken Lee, outspoken mayor of Price, branded the liquor commission a political machine more Interested In building "fences" than In enforcing the law. Leon Fonnesbeck, city attorney of, Logan, echoed by charging that funny things" had been done In Issuing beer licenses in the Cache city through granting of them ' to undesirables while repu table citizens were denied them. barSenator Huggins added to the mecommission's the rage against license a that thods by charging had been issued to one of the worst dives In the state, In his home of town of Ogden." M. O. Robinson beer .representing Fork; American vendors, hit the local control plan with an assertion that most local boards didnt know American government when they saw it and weren't competent to handle the licencommittee sing of beer sales. The will have further hearings before ' reporting on the bills. The liquor fight continued on the senate floor on Senator Holbrooks bill providing for reorganization of the liquor commission, which was amended to provide for one full time commissioner who will act as general manager. The fireworks off when Senator were touched Maw offered an amendment to earmark $50,000 a month from liquor revenues for old age pensions, in- - We mow if PAYS The Primary of the Garfield Ward will hold a Valentine party at the ..Garfield wardhouse . Saturday al ternoon at one o'clock. A 5c Fish Pond and refreshments at 5c will be features of the affair. followers of SenGlenn E. Snow of Washington, UNDER THE CAPITOL state .commission, THE MAGNA TIMES . PAGE 4 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 12,1937 A Paramount picture ONLY, FEB. 13 First Show 7:00; Drawing 9:06 p. m. AT The GEM or EMPRESS MONEY NIGHT If you are at either Theatre you are eligible to win. Same re qulrements and the same fhow at both theatres. You May Win SUNDAY, MONDAY, FEBRUARY First Show 7:06 p. m. all THE TEXA 3 14-1- 5 Night RANGERS Fred MacMurray, Jack Oakie. Jean Parker. Action TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 16-1- 7 Club Nights, Shows Tup., 6:60; Wed. 7:00 p. m WIVES NEVER KNOW Charlie Ruggles. Mary Boland, Adolphe Mr. and Mrs. Laughs, romance. COMEDY NEWS MUSICAL. best-love- d Menjou. The world's 12, 1937. u v YOUEi BJEAILEE1 UTAKI POWER Oco ILHGKI ii G op |