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Show c - AvjrL F . r West Valley candidates speak on the issues FOR MAYOR Gerald Maloney Jerald Wagstaff Q: What do you fed qualifies you fo this office? Maloney I have a desire to serve the community as wU as serve my church and other interests. Along with that a great deal of experience in the business world, leadership experience in working with other people in various business interests, directors of various corporations. This position I'm running for requires a strong leader, an individual willing to work with other people and recognize their point of view, to be able to compromise and reach an ultimate decision which will benefit all. I have the time this particular job is not going to be too rewarding financially. I have put my affairs in my lifetime in order so I can devote the time necessary to do this without financial embarrassment to me. Q: varied backgrounds representing various geographical locations in the city who have ot to be welded together as one, so to speak, in order to do whats best for everybody concerned. I believe it can and will work as long as all of us respect each others point of view and are willing to compromise. My opponents desires are very hat do you feel qualifies you for Wagsiaff My experience in the last of helping organize a city has given me great insight into what the problems are in the city and how to accomplish them. Plus I think my ex18 years perience in my business with basically the same type of structure of an organization. You have to remember that were not going to a strong mayor form of government where the mayor is full time. Were going to a r form of government in which the council, including the e, and well mayor, will be have a professional manager that will council-manage- part-tim- run the daily affairs and thats basically how 1 run my oil company now and I think I could be effective in running the city the same way. Q: Do you think this year's budget was adequate? If not, do you have any budget plans for next year? Wugstajf Yes, not any problem in meeting our bills with that budget. Its very realistic. As a matter of fact, in some areas we unfunded a couple of projects to hold the mil levy down, so I think it's a very realistic budget and we'll be able to live within it. Lven next year, it will be quite similar since we have been able to work out some of the bugs and start-u- p costs. I think we're in good shape as far as the budget. A lot of people say that first budget was hogwash, that $4.75 million budget, but yet they dont ever seem to take into consideration we had a mil levy we collected from the county, so what we did is take that out in services which brought that budget between a $7- - and budget, if you count all the services, all the expenditures. So we didn't live on 4.75, we lived Q: Do you think this years budget was adequate? If not, do you have any budget plans for next year? Maloney This years budget provides the bare necessities to cover the bare operating costs of the city. I cant be too critical of the budget because I can understand the method in which it was put together. The current people in office really didnt have a track record of receipts coming in to prepare it by so if they are off 15 or 20 percent in projected revenues, I dont see any real criticism of that because they were being too optimistic. They didnt have a track record to look back on. As I study the John Short study or how this budget was proposed, its approximately two or two and a half million below what the John Short study recommended for a city of this size in its second full year of operation. Q: What do you think are the bask issues pertinent to this race? Maloney This city has an, opportunity to start over. There arent too many times in recorded history when a city has had actually three or four different chances to start over. Now we have a new start under this new form of city government. I think thats pertinent to this particular race because now we have seven people of W this office? half-year- much like my own. I think we both desire to have a strong city, a city we can be proud of knowing we had a hand in shaping. The basic difference between the two of us is the amount of time we're to devote to this particular position. I see the mayor as one whos going to have to devote considerable time in helping to put the issues before the council so that they can become aware and vote. All of the council people that are in this race are busy individuals in their lives and in their church and in their own employment and in their families. I see my role in that council as being the individual who can get in and find the problems, look at the problems, analyze them, do the groundwork, and bring all of this information to the council. I dont see the council people as having the time that it's going to take to each one go thoroughly through everything and acquaint themselves with all the issues. Though Jerry Wagstaff feels he could devote that time, hes running a $10-- or business of his own. $20-milli- J: Do you think the government is open to suggestions and input from the public? Maloney I doubt the present form of government is open to the people. Power struggles are always evident PLI.ASLIIRN IOPAGI.6 's on close to an budget and so when we came up with the 9.6 budget this year instead of being double, it was really probably a million and a half higher, which was in unanticipated departments we had no idea about when we set up the budget. Sometimes that gets blown out of proportion. (J: What do you think are the bask issues pertinent to this race? H'agstqfl think the big thing the voters should be looking at is experience in transition from one form of government to the other. The other item is to develop some unity in leadership, and I think that's very essential. There's lot of hard problems ahead of us, and were not always going to agree, but I think there can be a lot better united ellort in our elforts in going forward. If we get someone with experience to help us change that form of government, issue is getthen the real number-onting a council that can work together. I'm very impressed with all the candidates that are running; I really teel confident we're going to get that. e in this new way. J: llow will you go about selecting a city manager and what salary range will you pay? W agslaJJ 1 Ins is a debatable situation lor many whether to bring someone out ol the private sector that's had to meet a payroll and had that big ol an organiution or not. would also consider their educational 1 (J: Do you think the government is open to suggestions and input from the public? HagilaJJi think so, even now. Hut unless you really get out and try to get their input, it doesn't come to you. With a lot of big issues in the past, I've been disappointed so few people came to the hearings to participate. But the council form ol government will make more people involved, and those people have their friends, so I think there will be more involvement background and experience. We've let I it quite broad lit the adveitisemeii-t- s sent out, that certain degrees in qualifications are equal to experience so we'll have an oppoitumiy to interview all candidates and screen them down. Weve got to lind someone professional in handling people, and would imagine lie might have these various degrees. But the experience might even count higher than the 1 degrees. FOR DISTRICT 4 COUNCIL S Claude Jones will be my eyes and ears in those areas, that can call me and I can call them to see if there's a problem or if something needs to be attended to or if they want to have a direct line into the council. Another big issue is the image of the city. The people in District 4 are not really satisfied with the image the city is portraying. They want master planning because we have the largest open areas of anyplace in the city. We want desirable, orderly growth, we want to have a real say in what is built there fiom industrial to housing and commercial shopping centers, whatever. We want to know beforehand what's goint to go where, where our parks and recreational areas are going to be. Of course, theres always the important issue of being fiscally responsible, not spending more than the revenues and being very careful in spending and being very careful to have accurate budget control and revenue forecasts. Q: What do yoa fed qualifies yoa for this office? Jones My experience with public funds and public funding. Working here at the finance department of Utah Transit, working with several types of funds and setting up several programs to help save money. Weve been able to save almost a million dollars a year through the years Ive been here. Thats saving money UTA was paying out. And of course that may have been more with inflation. Ive been out talking to the people. Ive been out standing on doorsteps and Ive been doing my research. I think I know whats going on and what the people think their needs are, and 1 think I'm in a position to help out. Q: Do yoa think this year's badget was adeqaate and if not, do yoa have aay budget plaas for next year? Jones Thats a dead issue. It has to be adequate because it was adopted, thats all. Theres no money in there for parks and that kind of thing. What we have is a budget that we approved because thats what it would take to run the city. Worrying about a budget thats already been approved is a step backwards. We need to go forward. Our budget for fiscal year 1983 can be virtually the same as it is now. I take into account three factors as they come together: first of all, a broadening of the tax base by attracting more business; second, by not having to pay off some things that we have paid off and being abk to use that money in the way we see best; and the third would be to continue and possibly contract for more Lloyd Sedillo Q: Do you think the government b open to suggest ions and input from the public? Jones Yes. The real strong point of the council form of government is public input. Claude Jones Q: What do yoa think are the bask issues pertinent to this race? Jones First of all, represen tation especially in my district. You have to understand that I want to represent my district on the council and represent the city to my district. In our district there's a great concern over representation and having a voice on that city council. Im establishing what we call a neighborhood network of people in each neighborhood who Q: How will you go about selecting a city manager? Jones Id like to look at the educational background, for example we would probably want to have a person with an MBA; experience is always a great teacher. A combination of experience and education are necessary in that position. ke also want to have a person who possibly is coming from a city somewhat like n ours or at least has something common with the type of peopk we have in our area. PLLASt URN 70 PU,. Vkhal do you feel qualities you for this office? Sedillo My bank experience, working in finance and banking, and working with people on a daily basis. Solving people problems has qualified me for this position. J: Do you think this year's budget was adequate? II not, what are your budget plans for next year? Sedillo Probably enough to barely cover the services the city has to provide. It is a minimum budget just to get by on. Next year I would hope to get an evaluation Irom the citizens as to what services they are riot receiving. Also, we will need an analysis of the internal workshop and internal operations of the city to sec if there are plates where money can be saved and efficiently be improved to where we can the growth and the potential services that we need to provide. & khal (: issues do you think are the basic pertinent to this rate? Sedillo Planning and zoning Soe, ting a city manager. Budget restraints and working under those kinds ol type of conditions, khat t.pe of services we want to have for the cit, are our services sufficient to cover ;ht growth in the city projected for our area. ij: Do you believe the present tilv government is open to the puhlu, and if you don't believe so what would you do to make it more open? Sedillo VX it h this new torrri ot government, I feel the opinions of the citizens and the feelings of the council will be more aware of the citizens and their opinions, feelings. The citizens will have more voice in what I is going on g nernmui! lovd Zedillo under thi-- , nc torrn of Iticre o presently no such openness a IJ. How will you go about lily manager am) what salarv range sek-ttin- wilt you pay? Sedillo e w.,. r . c.' z and advertising tor tr.at vve will have to solicit the expcr'.se ot other people, maybe other cits managers ul Miner cit.es of similar size that have worncu well arid e their expertise in helping us to evaluate a proper city manager. Criteria there aga.n would be the expertise of someone c who d.'cs the job or another city that has established criteria for that. u-- el-- I |