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Show 9ERUNA EDITORIAL NO.2. = aa Take, for instance, the ingredient HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS, 0R GOLDEN SEAL, The United States Dispensatory says of this herbal remedy, that it is largely employed in the treatment of depraved mucous membranes, chronic rhinitis (nasal catarrh), atonic dyspepsia (catarrh of the stomach), chronic intestinal catarrh, catarrhal jaundice (eatarrh of the liver), and in diseased mucous membranes of the pelvic organs. It is also recommended for the treatment of various forms of diseases peculiar to women. Another ingredient of Peruna, CORYDALIS FORMOSA, is classed in the United States Dispensatory as a tonic. CEDRON SEEDSis another ingredient of Peruna, an excellent drug that has been very largely overlooked by the medical profession for the past fifty years. THE SEEDS ARE TO BE FOUND IN VERY FEW DRUG STORES. The United States Dispensatory says of the action of cedron that it is used as a bitter tonic and in the treatment of dysentery, and in intermittent diseases asa SUBSTITUTE FOR QUININE. OIL OF COPAIBA, another ingredient of Peruna, is classed by the United States Dispensatory asa mild stimulant and diuretic, It acts on the stomach and intestinal tract. It acts asa stimulant on the genito-urinary membranes, Useful in chronic cystitis, chronic dysentery and diarrhea, and some chronic diseases of the liver and kidneys. These opinions as to the ingredients of Peruna are held by all writers on Our Peruna Tablet Is Peruna With Fluid Removed. the subject, including Bartholow and Scudder, OF HYDRASTIS, BARTHOLOW SAYS it is applicable to stomatitis (catarrh of the mucous surfaces of the mouth), follicular pharyngitis (catarrh of the pharynx), chronic coryza (catarrh of the head). This writer classes hydrastis as a stomachic tonic, useful in atonic dyspepsia (chronic gastric catarrh), catarrh of the duodenum, catarrh of the gall duct, catarrh of the intestines, catarrh of the kidneys (chronic Bright's disease), catarrh of the bladder, and catarrh of other pelvic organs, BARTHOLOW REGARDS COPAIBA as an excellent remedy for chronic eatarrh of the bladder, chronic bronchitis (catarrh of the bronchial tubes). BARTHOLOW STATES THAT CUBEB,an ingredient of Peruna, promotes the appetite and digestion, increases the circulation of the blood. Useful in chronic nasal catarrh, follicular pharyngitis (catarrh of the pharynx), increasing the tonicity of the mucous membranes of the throat. It also re- Useful in atonic dyspepsia (catarrh of the stomach), and in chronic catarrh of the colon and rectum, cavarrh of the bladder, prostatorrhea, and chronic bronchial affections. MILLSPAUGH, MEDICINAL PLANTS, one of the most authoritative works on medicinal herbs in the English language, in commenting upon COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS, says that it acts on the pneumogastric and vaso motor nerves. It increases the secretions of the mucous membranes in general, In the mountains of Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Carolina, collinsonia canadensis is considered a panacea for many disorders, including headache, colic, cramp, dropsy and indigestion. DR, SCUDDER regards it highly as a remedy in chronic diseases of the lungs, heart disease and asthma. These citations oughtto be sufficient to show to any candid mind that Peruna is a catarrh remedy. NEWS SUMMARY HOW TO ————— Pr. Hartman has claimed for many years that Peruna isan EXCELLENT CATARRH REMEDY. Someof the doctor’scrities have disputed the doctor's claim as to the efficacy of Peruna. Since the ingredients of Peruna are no longer a secret, what do the medica] authorities say concerning the remedies of which Peruna is composed? lieves hoarseness, f we —————L—L—L—LL ; Surely, such herbal remedies, that command the enthusiastic confidence of the highest authorities obtainable, brought together in proper combination, ought to makea catarrh remedyofthe highestefficacy, This is our claim, and we are able to substantiate this claim by ample quotations from the HIGHEST MEDICAL AUTHORITIES IN THE WORLD, Fire KNOW PURE “SINNER” CAN COME AGAIN. PAINT. A Way in Which It May Be Identified Thief's Visit Resulted in Nice Margin destroyed 2,000 shacks in Sam plo listrict of Manila. The of Profit to Farmer. Before Using. dam age is estimated at $100,000. If After a building has been painted long enough for a weather test, it is easy to tell if the paint used was made of pure White Lead or not. But such belated knowledge comes like locking there are any more chicken thieves like the one who entered his hennery three weeks ago, Thomas Ingraham of Park Millis, N. Y., will gladly furnish a chart of the grounds and guarantee to tie up the dog. A few 129 barn after the colt is stolen. What one wants is a test that will mornings ago Mr. Ingraham entered tell the quality of the paint before it the hennery, and to his amazement #74 the labor of putting it on are found a dozen fowls in place of the ones that he had missed after the paid for. Nature has provided a way in which visit of the thief. He also found hanggenuine White Lead may be positive- ing to a nail in the building a scrawl “Mister Farmer, I was ly distinguished from adulterated or which said: fake White Lead before you spend a} wicked when I stole them chicks of cent on your painting. | you, but wringed their necks when I Pure White Lead is made from me- hooked ‘em from the roost, so could tallic lead, and, under intense heat, not put "em back. Amawful sorry I such as is produced by a blow-pipe, done it, and will prove what I say by pure White Lead will resolveitself back bringing you other chickens which I into metallic lead. If, however, it is never stole. Them I took were comnot genuine White Lead, or if it con- mon chicks, these are blooded. Never A bomb exploded in the central market place at Barcelona, Spain, on nday, severely injuring a woman. Another bomb was found near by At the first automobile race held in Egypt, at Heliopolis, on March 1, a policeman and two spectators were killed and fourteen persons were inired John Hays Hammond, the mining engineer, who has been fll in San Francisco for several months and whose sickness finally resulted in an operation, has fully recovered. Fifteen hundred operatives were affected by the closing at New Orleans of the Lane-Maginniss cotton mills, A poor demand fer cotton goods was given as the cause. John L, Smithmeyer, the architect tains the slightest trace of adultera-| will I steal any more. Sinner.” With who designed and superintended the construction of the Congressional li-| brary, died in Washington on March 12, aged 76 years. He was born in tion, the change will not take place. | Therefore the “blow-pipe” test is an | absolute and final one. The National Lead Company are | Austria. A special dispatch to the Dally Mail from Berlin says that the emperor | sent warm personal congratulations urging everyone interested in painting | twice as much as the to makethis test of paint before using necks were “wringed’ {t, and they guarantee that the pure were “hooked.” White Lead sold under their “Dutch| to President Roosevelt on the arrival | Boy Painter” trade-mark will always | of the fleet at Magdalena bay, ahead prove absoliitely pure under the “blow. of schedule time. | pipe” or any other test. such a conscience, the sinner’s resolution is evidence of good business judgment, for Mr. Ingraham says the fowls he received are worth at least ones whose when they MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. Bes” Montase han the world to-day. Py tated Catalog free to any address, W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass, His Choice, | A country clergyman on his round | of visits interviewed a youngster as | to his acquaintance with Bible stories “My lad,” he said, “you have, of course, heard of the parables?” “Yes, sir,” shyly answered the boy, whose niother had Inducted him in sacred history. “Yes, sir.” The boy squirmed, but at last, heeding his mother's frowns, he re plied one where the trial of John R.| somebody loafs and fishes.” xan Absence of Mind. Exhausted by the labor of carrying the furniture out of the building, the man whose dwelling was ablaze from cellar to garret mechanically rolled a cigaroot and turned to one of the firemen “Have you got a match?” he panted “A match?” growled the fireman “If you want to light that thing go and touch it to your house!” the Hague treaties, They relate to certain restrictions with regard to the ex¢ rcise fo right to capture in na val war and prohibit the discharge ot project from balloons, Instructing them to “vote for any proposition favorable to the candidacy of William H. Taft for the presidency, the Oklahoma Republican state con vention elected four delegates at large to the Chicago convention. Charles J. Glidden, of Boston, and Mrs. Glidden arrived in Jerusalem on Mareh 13 in a motor ear from Hafia Syria. It was the first motor car ever seen in Jerusalem, and created a sen sation among the populace. John jrown's antiquated wagon, in which he made many pilgrimages during his crusade against slavery was destroyed by fire at Iowa City IN MANY LINES OF BUSINESS. a Witness Evidently Was a Man of Un| usual Qualifications. | | — S. T. Jocelyn of Wichita was court || stenographer for Judge Pancoast of Oklahomafor several years. One time a case was being tried before Judge Pancoast and they were endeavoring to find out through a witness whether there had been any liquorsold. “What is your business?” asked the } lawyer. “My business?” repeated the witness laconically. “Oh, I have lots of business.” “Answer the question,” said the lawyer. “What is your business?” “Must I tell all my business?” insisted the witness again. ‘Answer the question,” interposed the judge Iowa, last week. severely. there by The wagon was left Well,” Brown forty-eight years ago responded he cheerfully, President Roosevelt has directed “!™m deputy sheriff and city marshal Herbert Knox Smith of the bureau | fr Guiner, janitor of the church and Many aman seems to have the cour age of a crawfish. WHAT CAUSES HEADACHE. “Dump ‘efi both overboard, Charon,” yelled Satan. “I don't want ‘em.”— Louisville Courier-Journal. There nothing to be gained by being a knocker. A man's judgment enables him to do some things almost as well as a woman can do them without any. Liquor has caused many a strong man’s downfall. It's easy for his wife to knock him out when he is loaded. are the most fr Pettit’s Eye Salve 100 Years Old, relieves tired eyes, quickly cures eye aches, inflamed, sore, watery or ulcerated eyes. All druggists or Howard Bros. Buffalo,N.Y, Hen Was Above Reproach. Lo¢ger—This egg is stale Landlady—Impossible, sir. Why, I would stake my existence on that hen. —Fliegende Blatter “Brown's Bronchial Troches” have a direct influence on the throat, relieving Coughs, Hoarseness and Throat troubles. Free from opiates A Man of the Times. A young fellow lived in Squedunk, Who said: Life in these times is punk; Quite plair I see They've waited for me To give them of wisdom a chunk,” There is Only One “Bromo Quinine’’ charged, were all one sore. We used different " That is Laxative Bromo Quinine USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. for this signature on every bor. within five days her face ard head ; Miss., and | better and we thought she former director of the Central Bank Of/ ping and that her ears would fall off. would and terribly, Mississippi, has been indicted by the She suffered This Hines county grand jury on the charge |geratch until the blood came. of embezzlement of $25,000 from the | went on until she was five months old, latter bank. | then I had her under our family doc- two months our baby was a different gir], You could not see a sign of a | sore and she was as fair as a new- been received from Ital-| born baby. She has not had a sign of to the effect that a local| the eczema since. Mrs. H. F. Budke, by soldiers of the Mul-| LeSueur, Minn., Apr. 15 and May2,07.” another tribe under the " the Galleries des Machines, Paris, raged over the decision of the pires, wrecked and set fire to grandstand Police reserves to number of 300 had to be called order was restored before enumthe the out The revenue cutter Thetis has been ordered to proceed to Unimak Island, one of the Aleutian group, to rescue the survivors of the American schoonér John F Miller which was wrecked severe storm. at Boar Harbor, in a near Cape Pankeff on January ἃ CALIFORNIA ~~ Fic Syrup Co. ony SOLD BYALL LEADING DRUGCISTS one size only, regular price 50¢ per Bottle SIOK HEADACHE %.. National bank, convicted of illegal use of its funds, has been made. One hunired and fourteen reasons for the the ball on Weekly. his Recently a livery firm in a southern | ed by the attorneys for Mr. Walsh well! town built a one-story5 frame addition woman ὦ “8 cn unknown an, Ξ }young K ‘ opium. crawled unde the sidewalk in| hyar substantial in de r San Francisco and died. The body was The Hottentot Tot. found several days later in a horrible If a Hottentot taught a Hottentot tot state, having been attacked and partly To tot ere the tot could totter, eaten by rats. Ought the Hottentot tot The health of Sir Henry Campbell-| _To be taught to say “aught” A perfect reme ER for Dizziness, Naue Drowsiness, Bad ILLS. “3 » Mouth, Coate werd: og Paln In the tPID LIVER, Purely Vegetable, a She—Then you admit that you only married me for my money? He—Well, I'm glad you know that at least I'm not a fool. = Sanitary μιῇ \ ALWALLCOATING Something New Under the Sun. A lady in Illinois sent us I2c a year ago for our remarkable collection of vegetable and flower seeds and sold $37.76 worth therefrom, or made 314%. That's new. Just send this notice with 12¢ and re ceive the most original seed and plant catalog published and 1 pkg. “Quick Quick” Carrot........$ .10 1 pkg. Earliest Ripe Cabbage........ -10 1 pkg. Farliest Hmerald Cucumber.. .15 1 pkg. La Crosse Market Lettuce.... .15 Never rubs off when the wall is wiped down. Alabastine colors are soft, beautiful and velvety; never fade and never flake off Alabastine is thoroughly sanitary, never moulds nor mildews on the wall. Alabastine is carefully packed, properly labeled and is made in sixteen different tints, also white. Each package will cover 15 from 300 to 450 square feet of surface, 10 flower seed,............ We sabensrass Write for Special ΤΗ, eorcecceacasenvssss sane becuse Ree Above is sufficient seed to grow 35 bu. of rarest vegetables and thousandsof bril- Color Schemes of Berliner Earliest Cauliflower. John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis. K. & W. Safe Place. “It states here that bulldog shoes are in fashion again,” remarked Mr. for your rooms Therere hant flowers and all is mailed to you POSTPAID FoR 126, or if you send l6c, we will add or Ask yourdealer, if he does not have Alabastine write for beautiful color cards free to ALABASTINE CO. NEW YORK CITY = GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, Stubb as he perused the “latest styles for men” column. “That so?” laughed Mrs. Stubb incredulously. “Why—er—where does a buldog carry his shoes?” “Don’t you know, Maria?” “No, John.” “Why, in his grip, of course.” Didn’t Deny It. “That sharp-tongued Miss Redpepp has been saying some mighty mean things about you and your wife.” “What, for instance?” “Says you picked her up at a bargain counter.” “Great Scott, I did! She was the prettiest girl that ever stood behind one.” Maa)Gites bs ΠΗΤ5 og oy aa id -Ξ i | if | Hf H { Hi SPECIALMERIT | \ 99 | | SCHOOL SHOES § ναας,Φ͵ροΣοΝΡλρομο πας ΧΕ ἜΝ 9 so) ΚΙ Mayer “Special Merit” School Shoes are expressly made for the hard knocks and severe wear of healthy, romping school children, They are made of thoroughly seasoned upper leather and tough, old-process and time-seasoned soles, the strongest and mast durable material obtainable — that’s why they “wear like iron.” Plenty of room for growing feet, fe sensibly shaped shoes, strong river at Pittsburg and was swept| Wagons, etc. ΕΟaak coni. μόν away by the swollen river. Nothing) ™&, pearl he rf Ῥ τ pa tha him is known concerning the woman, and} Vimeed from Nome, Alaska, who was said to oe b en obliged to build dis to the use of| 5° dat we's bee have been addicted ᾿ . i eah!” They also relieve Dia tress from Dyspepsia, In 1d Too Hearty Gard dressed, jumped into the Monongahela} 10 118 βί8Ὀ]6 “- the ην ed it is probable her body will not be re-| of the concern eae of inma covered until the high water subsides, ing the matter to a couple in this wise: “Yes, our business done concreased a ad ee these Little Piils. ° J REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. hurley.’—Harper's i Growt Ῥ. i Result of Business granting of a new trial were present: || |Positively cured by Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature took a drink of potheen, and strolled pack to the spot in good time to catch Application for a new trial for J. R.) ex-president. of the Chicago Walsh, aie SMALL PILL, SMALL BOSE, SMALL PRICE, astic New Yorker recently watching a game of hurling—which resembles lacrosse—between stalwart teams, was He who gives pleasure meets with moved to ask President Conwayof the it; kindness is the bond of friendship, Irish Athletic association how far a and the hock of love; he who sows good man could drive the ball, not, reaps not.—Smiles. “Well, I'll tell you,” responded Mr. Conway, with a twinkle in his eye that | contradicted his serious speech. “In the good old days when Cuchuillin was| champion of Ireland, the king and all | the nobility were assembled at the great games of Tailtin. Cuchuillin struck up a hurley ball into the sky, and then walkedoff to his pavilion and The spectators at the cycle races at THE MAN WHO SWEARS BY THEFISH BRAND SLICKER Rees Etenate enough for the hardest everyday use, dressy enough for Sundays. Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to ws. Look for the name and trade-mark on the sole. & F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company MILWAUKEE, WIS. the same service out of some other make Bannerman, England's prime minister, | OF a or what ought to be taught has caused renewed anxiety. During; or— the past week there has been no im-| If to hoot and toot a Hottentot tot ; provement Always remember the full name. girl was two months old OUr. Ittle got a rash on her face and when sh. Good Eye, Cuchuillin! protection of Italy and killed thirty| “He? ; . με of their opponents. They then drove Who can set bounds to the soaring een & Breet reformer, isn’t he? imagination of the Celt? An enthusiOh, he’s worse than a reformer. off a number of cattle A good way to keep well is: to take Gar“4 field Tea frequently: it purifies the blood, insures good digestion and good health! to May, Colds ΝΣ a hope-|_, δ: feud in. 1902, Δαν eave vost ake | News has ian Somiland tribe, helped lah, attacked Scrat caaan oftti μένα: LAXATIVE nkoMo UININE removes cause. E.W.Grove on box 26e FromOctober From Terrible Eczema—Baby’s Head a Mass of Itching Rash and Sores —Disease Cured by Cuticura. Jackson, Pi a They regulate thé Nowsls. ys of ma canal bonds. Out to Be Some Special Place. On the way across the Styx a dispute as to precedence arose. “Il used to put pig iron into life preservers,” declared one shade. “IT made rotten fire hose,” said the other. Ts na ὁ GARTERS ©Ssary for you to make the test, to@ether with a valuable booklet on | paint. Address, National Lead Company, Woodbridge Building, New York | to compel Secretary Cortelyou to is| sue to him $3,000,000 worth of Pana| cial and business world. He said if he had his way he'd put in gaol everybody who ought to be there. ” Syrup#figss" Flair?Senna manufactured by the Quest a blow-pipe and everything nee- by George W. Austin of New York} to use the Cuticura Remedies and in His Ideas would upset the whole so- mately upon proper nourishment, proper efforls,and right living generally. To gel iis beneficial effects, always buy the fenuine } du The Supreme court of the Distric, | tor’s care, but she continued to grow of Columbia has dismissed the pro-| worse, He said it was eczema. When ceedings instituted some months ago | she was seven months old I started | “Good!” said the clergyman. “Now which of them do you like the best of all?” “[ guess I like that A PERFECT TERROR. nature and not to supp’ ant the natur. al functions, which must depend alti To make it N. T. Anders, president of the Com-| renodies but it got worse would insteadturn of a7 CAUTION. W.1. Douglas name and price is stamped on bottom. Take No Substitute. Bold by the best shoe dealers everywhere, Shoes mail at f rom factory to any part of the world, Illus whenno longer needed asthe best of vemedies,when required, ave to assist Hamill Walsh, at ¢ igo, has been commit-| ted to the general hospital for the in-| ine by a commisssion, The ᾽ senate has ratified. two more mercial bank of Jackson, W.L. Douglas $4 and $5Gilt Edge ShoesCannot Be Equalled At Any Price habits daily so that assistance — ture may begradua ν dispensed with VER τ re "7; as remedy, Syrup of igs and ἐικίνε[δουπα, which enables one to form regular Beatrice Thomas Metealf, who) &@8y for you to perform the experiAttorney 8, R.| ment they will send you free uponrerPooot attempted to Ky., of John Abner, charged with | aiding in the murder of Town Marshsi James Cockrill during the Hargis- (, personal efforts withthe assistance of the one Truly beneficial laxative Mrs. The jury in the trial at MEMBER O Iαν be permanently or ercomeby. NOT SO BAD AS HE LOOKED, bartender : of =the El Paso saloon.”— of corporations to investigate {πο : Ῥ Kansas City Times. methods of stock trading, with a view 1 pkg. Early Dinner QOnion.......... of furnishing the basis of possible fu- | 1 pkg. Strawberry Muskmelon........ EYESIGHT WAS IN DANGER 1 pkg. Thirteen Day Radish.......... ture legislation regulating such prac 1000 kernels gloriously beautiful tices. SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR EVERY Hodbitual Constipation whe aw whatever rather there has gar 5 in been ὶ ; his iti condition, || Be taught by a Hottentot tooter, the Hottentot a weakening | a Ἠν tooter get hot if | 0 the ento at $300 cf his vitality which is regarded a8 8 | χροὶ and toot at the Hottentot tutor? serious symptom | Charles 8. Putnam, in The Sunday Mag- Representatives of the most impor-| tant shipbuilding and armor manufac- | turing concerns of Great Britain, Ger-| many and France are at present in| azine. A New Bluff. ee ae”kstnok . Pekin looking for contracts. This ac-| ὃ tivity is induced by the belief that | fonable thing nowadays. ” Makes Clean - Light - Durable Guaranteed Waterproof and Sold Everywhere MAUSTRATED CATALOG FREC FOR THE ASKING wont. TONER £0 BOBTON y 38 Send sketchand deseri ptionof invention and I will advise you without cha: fe how | to secure protection. Send f f νον rt, peo- | Edgar M. Kitchin, Ouray Building, Washington, D.C. China is about to expend $50,000,000 | pre think that one goesin for aero: nautics, don’t you know, im naval ecuipment. | Momentwat Thompson's Eye Water HOWARD E, BURTON, “SeaygR,4"2 Specimen prices: Gold, Silver, Lead, $i; Gold, Sib ver, Toc: Gold, 0c; Zine or Copper,8l. Cyanide teste ee and full price list sent on applica tion. trol and umpire work solicited. Ὁ ville, Colo. Reference, Carbonate National DEFIANCE STARCH scr,°rortyutne |