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Show NEWS SUMMARY) ΝΕ ECONOMY va } CONOM ν . c : | on + = “"“* ON ν. 1 Mr. J nson W ng to 5 ASSET. Give f s of Mr. 4 ways ke 08. € ; ching t hd af ax t g © sked | \ | und : 1 5 : t 1 : 1 ν M v any | ς to T ‘ \ W Yhey reguiate the Bowels. . blind mar τ erk(--Α blind man to » see see you1 Master—Can't se . 7 ah hand 1 | question.“ reckon "Βοείοι 5 All Ya ai Yank ged K F i iat y ha all over τ 1 hi on port David Kolich, aged retarnea home after vice in the dentally au United shot ᾿ : ich, in St, probat : ᾿ Mrs. - ν for a novel form of et , as wi on "| Kansas City, being . Victoria, B. test . ¢ rie id when it f { i bes mt quarantine the Natal L. Bhe woulc ερ. oft lave le 4769 Easton ; St ell the of 4 : postmasters ; questions in John Grant, an unemployed printer jumped from the Brooklyn bridge and, the although he landed amongfloating ice for the One addressed not Another, so that city jured, Their condition is 1 ou wrecked by ‘om Lo ance ι persons αἱ i tl who | 1 € 0 } I ive 1 t } t 1 2 y la I I uf s 1 him le } a rom them fre- under i Salt Lake City, No. 8, 1908, -- . ° Yi ou ane saw and biscuit. can on a Get materials, ich = tant w ‘ They'll open colic. 5c a bottie. . : : The dayof fortune is like a harvest day, we must be busy when the corn is ripe—Goethe NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT 9 = τ ἃ s - ase ine. | hi ad = DON’T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES—HEEP A TUBE HANDY A Ree LE eaene ΠΣΕ CURE FOR PAIN.—PRICE 5c. -SIBL ἃ {ADE OF PURE TIN—AT ALL DRUG 1 DEALERS, OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c, IN POSTAGE STAGE STAMDS STAMPS, A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster, and will not article are wonderful ache and Sciatica We rec in the c This woman says Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound | saved her life. Read her letter. Mrs. T, C. Willadsen, of Manning, Towa, writes to Mrs. Pinkham: “ITean truly say that Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound saved my we claim f children, the best of ] our preparations which wii! interest you. Paa NS followed it as directed, and took Lydia important to Mothers. every bottle of edy for and see that it motl fe I r Over 30 Years, Kind You Have Always Bought, Wt er fe doctc ᾿ y were what you DRINKING others tried to 7 E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and it has restored me to perfect health. Had it not been for you I should have SHOES AT ALL I wish every may an be, you yourself.—John MEMBER OF THE FAMILY imioe, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. = W. 1. Dougias makes and se!lis more |, BES” men’s $2.50, $4,00 and $3.50 shoes OO than any other manufacturer in the because they hold their"&Q Re world, fit wetter. wear longer, a shape, kee are of ° ea er vaiue an any Οἱ hoes in the world to-day. r= and has positively cured thousands of W. L. Douglas $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes 0 annot Be Equalled At Any Price women who have been troubled with an ee ELON. tion, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, that bearing-down feeling, flatulency, indigestion,dizziness,or nervous prostration. unless 17 State st. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO. NowYorkcity For years I suffered FACTS FOR SICK WOVWIEN. xan carefully CASTORIA ¢ ne Send your address and we will mail our Vaseline Booklet describing suffering woman would tryit.” y ieve Headexternal counterhest and stomach rove what and for “it is the same car with the worst forms of female complaints, continually doctoring and spending lots of money for medicine without help. I wrote you for advice, been in mygraveto-day. EB n | DIRECTLY IN VASELINE τ, | editor: } | . Ssicum EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN ----- manufactured act when I kin ketch in t cakes ; to you in words, >a trial Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. For children teething, softens the reduces tn- the The O Id Lady Was Willing. The delir iquent subseriber who had t nd all endurance ] 1, list sent Made from pure, carefully tested .] read trated Catalog free Ww L. D to any add as name a Τ h δι ceis st Lxcluswely, n b ΤΏ Take NoSubstitute, m factory to art of the world. Ilias » DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. WEAR SHIELD BRAND SHOES Whydon’t you try it ? The Countess Potocka for ladies. Perfect style comfort. Patent Leather and fine kid. Price, $2.50 and $3.00. If not at dealers ask us. perfect Mrs, Pinkham invites all sick women to write her for advice. She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass. m ELLET-KENDALL SHOE CO. MFGS. am 5 . Kansas City, Mo. PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors all fibars. They dye in cold water better than any other dye, You Can dye Any garment without ripping apart. Write for tree bookiet—How to Dye, Bleachand MixColors. MOMROE BRUG ΟΟ., Quincy, Hilinols “tr \ Wat , A Doctor Says Weakens the Heart. ΠῚ } the most E.W.Grove on box 2x beg ἃ Drugs Take Hall's Fau for, Μ ΠΡ I'l TH edo, 1 O and ts taken Internally, vod and 1 us surfac ὶ λ Ss d, Hall's Catarrh Cu by F. J. Cheney & ¢ In 1 rhe f price | that Contain Mercury, ] Υ ( Colds are of Headache, LAXATIVE BROMO Philip Sidney. Say, as mercu ry wil l surely destroy the sense of smell range the whole system when rough th mucous surfaces, 1 never t i except on pre’ rom repa table p ans, as the damage they 10 18 ten f old to the good you can possibly de I be \V/. N. U., Beware of Ointments for Catarrh H ὶ Ν ef e | for to ] ; tench ham’s Vegetable Compound; made from roots and herbs, has been the standard remedy for female ills, Way and ful i umy work solicited d= ijie, Golo. Boferanin Tathdante Hamenel Geek. and the , bull For thirty years Lydia E. Pink- wer } COFFEE {646 . displacements, inflammation, ulcera- he ] w t . his wa 1 a to πια dc 8 Specimen prices: Gold, Silver ised. $i So & ie; Zine or Copper anide Mailing env won. Contr gone?”—Youth’s n ‘ € ( ' his Ww t} tl Ν I'm Hin Ww I They are never alone that are acney are never alone that are ac . "Ἢ companied with noble thoughts,—Sir chance of getting the ittooed a pre ! I best ip Helped t ated t tl γ wl It at to Sammation, silays pain, cures wind rated wit τ“ ἢ i d δ I Willie — ’Cause they ain't no moré left. We bumped it all off yesterday. business came into charges I i, ί n this girl 1ocke ing ( 1 that A ca taken i said 1e 1 t} I t li Ca ν was It ik the the other day and had “I love Jj urley” tattooed on her arm \bout half-past five the next n Ρ ] wi in tattooer thrives on love. badly tor ν wife, A ' ν ' was oO at in τν Billy? among the smart set at the time of the not regarded The build the explosi ut, the | 1 were τ so ey last life, and 1 cannot express my gratitude in the slums among the humbler classes, especially girls who pay threepence for the operation other I QUININE removescause. pie celling the South Afrean war, it is now the rag Three 8 { cury, Five persons were killed by the ex-| plosion of a mixer in the starch fae-| tory of C. S. Tann at Providence, | ement : man able . From October io May, taba a to who are out of worl R. hdvertised for nursery, Dad — Why, replied Change of Mind. The tattooing craze was that ᾳ VV WOscouiues b y | e won't be any «σι. plaster | falling of the week cabled of 1 the endeavored fortunate any ' of is WHATCAUSES HEADACHE. 1 asked the client. rr ‘ “The worst.” rhe money is to be people persons Book of dad, “Fairly middling,” while a third filled in the blank space with two words: Burnett, of Springfield poor ; t, el 7 give a clear and lucid explanation of the status of their married life. One postmaster briefly stated that his do mestic affairs were “Fine and dandy.” in the river, 200 feet below, ©& caped with only minor hurts He is now at a hospital under arrest on a charge of atten pting suicide John W Bookwalter, the millionaire and the form r Democratic candidate used =n 18 ΣΤΉΝ a oe ; ong and ten Bie Aloe : mak for certain Guestions in the list was, “What are your marital relations?” The object of this particular ques tion was to find out whether the post masters aré married, single, widowed or divorced. But some of the rural postmasters did not understand, and many answers were received in which Blue i Willie government Italy My res on angrasping ν well-to-do some ! Nearly fifty women suffragists, who made a raid on the house of commons, were arraigned in police court and | sentenced to pay a fine or one month's imprisonment. All but two of the women preferred to go to jail rather than pay the fine from Nice, Up asked the sick man, quentcause the cour asking proposal 3 show themselves great.—Emerson τ = — mite panic courts of Ohio, last agazine nossdnear when , . information, says the New York Sun to be used in the preparation of the $2,500 to Mayor fo partment at Washington recently ε list AYER AN The HOWARD E, BURTON, “SSAzZ5%s4"° πι in regard to our a needs il, as many-sided, as as the in a Cincinadvertised fi Trust men, and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will \ iid the sick man Now I want to ask you one thing— Ποῖ 1η ofe na who do you think The chief clerk of the post office de a ΒΒ τ » “ ] indy the reply, ΚΠ fact that I have three = L to all against good ind the ters Not All Serene. rhey } “Brown's Bronchial Troches” Courhs anc rive Ε le cure » Coughs and give g᾽ lief to sufferers from Bronchitis é μος; and Catarrh Free from cpiz xed i. inds αἰ 4 told ho waa ti can are likely to be excluded. Should this happen, the cage will be taken to the| for governor a Lave vay I sores Avé pet aversion.” r many ladies would have a difficulty in getting their husbands to come along.—Punch ————— Yr 2 mG = : enntore chair saa a tas senator, how are ' Marital Relations of Rural Postmas edu- act » Dowell, organ to in 5|* he and: new presociajiscussing ΤΥ aula that : . the Japanese in the half 1 5Spar ' Violin, a 2 Ια ' Louis, Mo.. May 2 9 907» 8, Mo., May 2 and 20, 1907. y . : THEIR DEGREES OF HAPPINESS. th de I presidenc detained eational he Alice One hundred and are = ; "αν . ἐς ὁ and she was cured in three months suspended National Bank of Commerce ized f & | from the want of aid. But I used Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment : 1811 the ng na, if 1 But ae she until ᾿ lee was six years old, ee had depended on the doctor my baby hs died Would . have lost her mind and cult It i uid on what is be good authority that W. B. R comptre r < 1] currer accept wa ee t ire, e body but body bu request g her > « Ϊ ive . pair were ven t I —_urba Notwith 1 \ 1 let er With a “Yes, the id as ¢ Υ > senator had valet a . + aw η ris ay | and he ion ¢ fo ᾿ I.,| rea retrenchment in train service, 1 dear tioate presents to niece face and hand Bal¢ ωρα wa or oxpinia Way Saey ordered 1ins her ΐ Olive K cor ration comr Th 16 corporation the — Τ ; ηas ordere a elt of Tortur- Man REFUSE SUBSTITUTES, esses issue the ΄ ΄- when wit Sores seemed to do her no good. I took her ᾽ Louis our ADby ible ber ing I had her under are for a °year and a 5 St and rs cided with Said not scratched all the time and could sleep night or day from the scratch wounded his mother, oO Time—c Eczema—Doctor ’ = Would Last for Years—Perfect Cure by Cuticura ΜΜ ᾿ \ ured the ing Fac-Simile Signature Ζ΄“ says the Lady's Pic ποι v¥ setts 8 to Ὁ e ' I Οἱ is BABY CRIED AND SCRATCHED : \ the y time he placid and | de a Purely Vegetable Genuine Must Bear . Obstacle to Society Fad. and Ε All-Round , ' +} t Whist, τ the An ᾿ s extreme he played ( rem: SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, 5 ined ® ; Ii Ε in't sing ¢ in ' id . Hearty little gib} τα I a i .. sia, In . ness, Nau > we see ' d , s rfect Ε . eve Die τ gestion did . got a W t as ! | a I his asked 15 u tress i Mr $ 10) le friends te wi αι we A a t They als 1 ia which | ( Wash st . See ga SICK HEADACHE 9 |Positively cured by 3, CARTERS these Little Pills. Ww he er to oa aS Weil-Writ | Ί a | Note of Hand. ten Mo . τ AVAILABLE LW Ww Ww W is an i in wl hear The discriminating n le been I γί 1 nd to ] ]ον ᾿ ᾿ I Vo gage ( ¢ Blac ; ; i N 1 : i I ic the cheste N. ment Ww \ eral per by fying 1 ' I tendons, wind 100 int I e wer i : Welly i PRE The Road a supply of splint, sweeny, capped hock, founder, strained puffs and all lamenessin horses = For thrush, foot rot and garget on cattle and sheep = For hog distemper, hog cholera, thumps and scours in hogs- ; For diarrhoea,canker and roup in poultry AT ALL DEALERS _ ns i farmer ke eps | SLOAN'S LINIMENT For spavin, curb, now ¥ ei to SY = PRICE 25¢.50¢ & $1.00 Send for free book on Horses, Cattle, Hogs and Poultry = -Address Dr.Earl S.Sloan, Boston, Mass. ree Ι alteceeBlt~~ ieεἳ- Ἠπλώονν. of ( οτος use α |