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Show nnn UTAH KILLS BUCK DEER; STOCKS VES MANS LI One of the ERGATIS essentials vas\ SA LAKE « H WEALTHY € Bought now are certain to make you large profits during the next six months. & χ i ¢ - ' Pet Too ν t ] sale READ - | up ng SOMETHING LIKE In Grande st laid off until In line ments made far the the by You may be absolutely satisfied when yeu have your watch repaired by us that it has been done by skilled experts in the ver best possible manner and at very lowest possible prices. L, the Harrimar Utah div there al is asint m out of Og ng ved ove " ye horoughly t 1 ter forme pose of hi terests of Sleep growin Mi to about denly at 19 Miller, ye a of Parowan a has ma yo we SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH amusement to visit the kitchen PLANTS, SEEDS, fest on earth. Free catalog. Intern'l Nurseries, leuver t Agents Wanted. sev b have injured gun under by Sea Webster's unerring killed or, at the owner. arm, least Webster opportunely a riyed just as the buck had Searight penned in a corner The animal was about to charge when the farmer Webster journeying year The to fire. Webster did into the north woods every to hunt deer, moose and bear deer held in captivity are trophies They eral da igo the head of the house COULDN'T FIND THE REMNANTS. liscovered tacked up against the wall a crude memorandum pad Inquiry Remarkable Disappearance That Puzdeveloped the fact that it was a re- | zied the Hired Girl. of the day culinary needs a last not | English those unaccustomed to her peculiarcharacteristic “pigeon English.” Happening produc nd Florence man ad wo the who country) es afford mut to ly un associat whi of this Geor rt in captivity for n yelled to German ily kept but seriously with west other afternoon by a Logansport hun was one it farm as ordered and the buck keeled over in death at Searight's feet Searig who is one of the wealth lest farmers in Cass county, has three bucks and a doe, ducks, pheasants and other wild animals and birds on his farm. He is an enthusiastic nimrod The exy ms of this rela kee] house the fam wl olished middle-aged Ϊ Wool have a ΠΠ aim the miles right ar family of a former Balti w residing in Providenc recent of assistant been orde R. Μ with office the I Ma th ean yn city, the Webster, deer ck Cass οἱ ν ( Fearful and Wonderful Memorandum of Baltimore Cook. τ λ f earigh ig CIPHER, and Soon, I e 100 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City. Branch Office, Eureka, Utah. Both Phones, No. 325. € Vicious Neighbor Comes Upon Scene Not a Moment THE BROKERS { Becomes Animal Charges Owner CHILD, COLE CO. ™ HAS FROM HUNTER FIRES JUST IN TIME Address μ FARMER ESCAPE FRIGHTFUL DEATH For information concerning the mines— For tabulated statement showing range of prices during 1907 For map of the Tintic Mining District For prompt execution of commission orders 1 INDIANA NARROW of and to roam various rt at er hunting anil ] large are trips permitte d Searight’s broad fields and w is and signs are posted everywhere warning hunters to keep off One of the bucks recently became vicious Previously all were very A woman who goesin for the higher tion Wng German chirography on tame and Seari could approact art has a miniature Venus de Milo I k City | ha a cl the little sheet them at will But this one buck in standing on the piano, just to show on the evening of February 27, in or Tapioca particular developed an ugly streak the casual caller that she’s wise as to der to raise money for the | fit pruns At first it simply fled when the own what's what of those who are in temporary need corn Starsh approached, but a few days ago it This woman has the Venus and she because of the mining conditions Shradded Wieth Started new tactics and charged at also has a new hired girl who comes H. E. Robison, a Salt Lake insur Sardien Searight whenever he tried to ap from furrin shores ance man, has sued the street railw saman proach In dusting the piano the other morncompany for $20,000 damages charging Egg i cie The other afternoon the farmer ing, while her mistress was out dothat he was permanently injured a Salse Started to cross a small inclosure in ing the marketing, the girl bowled | the result of being thrown from a car selleric which the deer were gathered. He paid over the Venus She picked it up, | last December The memorandum was confiscated πο attention to the animals, but was picked up also a chip or two that had and sent to friends of the family in John T. Lynch, an old resident οἱ bent on getting to another part of his been knocked off the statuette, and It is being preserved as a the city, and one of the best-known Baltimore. farm. The beat of hoofs and the | then set {it in place and sized it up Masons in Utah, died at his home in classic.—Baltimore News | to see if it looked all right. When Salt Lake City last week, his death be the mistress arrived home an hour Betrayed by His Language. ing due to a fall on the ice, when his later she found the girl down on her “Have you any visible means of hip was broken knees peering under the piano, looksupport?” asked the policeman It is announced that employment ing over the floor and looking in vari- | sternly. will be furnished to about five hundred ous other directions, all of which sug- | “Me? Yes, sah. I sure has. ΑΒ 8 | men on the Strawberry valley project | gested that she might be looking for as soon ag weather will permit. Work wash lady mah wife is out of sight.” something α “Then she’s not visible,” rejoined will be prosecuted on the tract dur| “And what is the matter?” asked the policeman, and the march to the ing the summer and fall the mistress of the home in surprise. patrol box began. The student team from the Colora“Oh, I knocked over the statchoo,” do State University, supporting the lamented the girl, pointing to Venus. His Elevating Occupation. negative in the intercollegiate de “But it doesn’t seem to have dam“You ought, to be satisfied. Though bate at Salt Lake City, was awarded aged it any.” the decision over the representatives & poet, you never starved in a garret.” “Yes, it did,” insisted the girl, al“No; but getting the job of running | of the University of Utah. most tearfully “It broke off both | the elevator was all that saved me.” The family of Ole Larsen o# Eph arms, ma'am and I haven't been able raim was poisoned from eating canned | to find the pieces.” beans Serious results might have Youthful Smoker. followed had not medical aid been | Henry Twels, three and a half years close at hand. Mrs. Larsen has been | confined to her bed ever since old, of Greenock, near McKeesport, is probably the most youthful smoker in Three hundred and fifty men and Allegheny county and probably in 200 teams are now working on the Pennsylvania. The boy has been using big canal of the Irrigated Lands com tobacco for more than a year. His pany near Price rhe eanal is to father is miner. The boy cries unless be nine feet at the bottom, five feet is Builin belo what was written in combina I Dr. Hartman is now offering Peruna to the public asa regular pharmace= tical product. It is just as ethical as any compound put up for the medical profession. No straining of medicai ethics can find any fault with it. THE PRINCIPAL ACTIVE INGREDIENTS are prominently incorporated in tblabel on the bottle, that the people may know that the claims made for Peruna have a true justification. The only departure we sha!] make from medical ethics in the conduct of Perunaaffairs in the future, is the fact that we shall continue to advertise and sell our product TO THE PEOPLE. If we would agree to sell to doctors only, to advertise for doctors only, then the medical fraternity would be obliged to recognize Peruna as being entirely within their approval. BUT WE SHALL NOT DO THIS. We shall continue to offer Peruna to the people. We shall continue to convey to the people our claims for Peruna as a household remedy. We shall continue to supply the people with free literature, teaching them how to use our medicine, teaching them how to avoid disease, teaching them many things of benefit to the home. We shall continue to do this, whether the medical profession like it or not. Weare proposing from this time on to take the public into our confidence. Notwithstanding that some imitators and substitutors will be attempting to put up something which they consider just as good as Peruna, we are going to draw aside the veil of secrecy and allow any one who chooses to know exactly OF WHAT PERUNA IS COMPOSED. This ought to disarm all honest criticism. We expect, however, that criticism will continue. On some pretext or other those who are envious of the success of Peruna will continue to find People Who Object to Liquid Medicines Can Now Secure Peruna Tablets, fault. But we are determined to give such people no just complaint. PERUNAIS A GREAT MEDICINE. It has become a household word in millions of homes. Our faith in the remedy is stronger than ever. Every year we expect to establish new plants in foreign lands until the people of all the world are supplied with this valuable household remedy. WE CLAIM PERUNA TO BEA CATARRH REMEDY. Buya bottle and try it. If it helps you, be honest and acknowledge that it has helped you. If you want us to we will publish your statement exactly as you furnish it tous. We will add no words, take away no words. If you wish us to we will publish your portrait in connection with it. We will not do this without your written request, without your entire consent. Peruna has cured thousands of people of chronic catarrh, in many phases and locations. At least, that is what the people say to us, through unsolicited testimonials.’ Peruna will cure many thousand more, in spite of fabricated slanders to the contrary, WE GUARANTEE EVERY BOTTLE OF PERUNA TO CONTAIN THE INGREDIENTS PRINTED ON THE LABEL. We guarantee that every testimonial we use is absolutely true—in the exact languageof thetestifier. Weguarantee that every photograph published is the photograph of the person whose nameit bears, that every word of every testimonial was authorized by the hand that signedit. Weare determined to beat our opponents by being fairer than theyare, by dealing squarer than they dare to, We are determined to meet falsehood with truth, duplicity with candor, insincerity with sincerity. Weknowthat the users of Peruna will appreciate our stand. Webelieve that the dealers in Peruna will applaud our course. We expect even our opponents will be obliged to acknowledgefinally that Peruna is not only an honest and useful remedy, but one of the GREATEST HOUSEHOLD MEDICINES ON THE CONTINENT. THE SOFT ANSWER, -ἰ deep and nineteen feet at the top | Given a pipe or a stogie once or twice As the result of school children pe titionine Governor : Cutler to issue a Ἂ Ss proclamation declaring Lincoln's birthday a holiday. the chief execu KIDNEY Ὕπα ‘y promisss, piles. grasshopper mint t county these n Fee {αρ thaw the th pest. fleld field In all parts ' are it Oo 1 = te ey te certal f is . } 8 ια e he τ ‘ ; W “ τω aes λ 1 Ἶ with ' i h 8 : . ds ‘ ' 4 € ' τ Organizations over have Weber growers for amd effectu7 the Jose segle, wl ᾿ een count formed y the fruit purp of fighting 1 liactir the. Sar ε wrought muct velvety tints. which from iron the 1 nts € ' , iy h of ; ] a TerI quet .Sevierr i yeats-ot = νε . πε ΝΗey . in are re not to be woken ‘seme as } the nails | house | Wr and Mes. Georse F Brooke ete was built orated their gtbeed Iehin golden len weddir W wan bas InSe Salech τς 8 thorpe, came second year’s Engiand in oF cake E tw i 1 Salt pioneers, Ha ake arr eek Ete I | City.. Mr. Brooks τ to 1 | football baseball | though they may with # ε΄. ; he ig from diers season, eveN) be addicted to the And thus no spe ; another City sy J ἩΡ aroung advantage of oo athletics to enlist uu there—Army ' I Ἔν and é G α--ρρώπιιαμωῦ, Ostrich Farms for Italy. 15 view of the importance of the comDears : s ας. merce in ostrich feathers, Vice Consul | τ | H. M. Byington μὰ of Naples states that : ο. μις is é ο mh ΩΝ ν πον, rich tarms southern ty, Sici Sar ‘ 1 cane | and Sardinia. The sults successful results obtained in California and at Nice are - ) i| elted . | ᾽ ARKER’S Cutsan teehee || ~ onde tobeseGrey 50, and $1.00 at SEE Soe ee ae Druggist } ----------- recently in one of the took large on at Tunstall, Staffordshire, Eng- - | land, used for firing pottery, the and warranted to be alate. rene for ANAKES|S gives instant Searight, The Buck ample FRE” Sadr “"ANAKESI!IS’’ i breathless was 80 the close he Searig Ι le deer ere an and 1ΘΤΘ ΝΒ vice. You rarely find all these qualities combined in Throw de only Your Tobacco | ; Enter the Vestibule.’ ’ tht This waiting an in an adjoining μη γον ae With νι fire τ “buck τ. he - fever,” c ᾽ none too soon dressed. was ᾿ brate Monarch Was Not Fastidious. Frederick the Great made a satis factory meal on salt beef or pork and itgiesv2 | Thompson’s Eye Water | “*°>8s°- We also make Martha Wash- , : rs ington comfor! put to. ann re en πον to cure any case Bl leeding or Shoes, Special ΐ ; ; Merit School Shoes, Honorbilt i Ἶ Shoes for Men, ΕΝ Pro to Gen Hee » Mayer TRADE mane Searig sport and ends butch animal was to give his narrow escape. oot & Shoe Company MILWAUKEE, WIS. a the signature of B. W. GROVE. Used th ] ] orl ee A rural melodrama should at least have a grass plot ᾽ tryou wantto hatch every fertile egg, you should geta Mand y L Lee i Ὅ incubator because it's the machine that is “built that way.” Noneother like it. Catalog tells how and why. Bend for ittoday—NOW. — — os GkO. H. LEE CO., Omaha, Nebr, neers “a 59 i ὉΠΊΟ ε΄ [1 re That is = - Laxative Bromo Quinin Webster Θ USED THE WORLD OVER TO CURE A OOLD ik ONE ΠΑΥ. wil] be the guest of honor Named After Louis XVI. ᾽ ᾽ Louisville is named after Louis XVI of France. | i Webster had fired a 1 i B ly judges —Syrus. over to Curea Cold in One Day. 2c. World frat deer, |; 15 if not, write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the , affected so common ; i He hastens to repentance who hasti- simply [when he (il and alighted on Cotton, Yenison supper to tis tients o oe εως , PILES AYS. CURE IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. 4ES CURED intotheair, fell at Searight’s feet and keeled over dead. | ἃΡ a us — i brought Webster out of the spell. He There is Only One fired and the buck, after a leap high John Rehwald, cers rd to Garfield Tea Co No better values ' are obtainable an “ . Your our deal dealer willone supply you;ἃ upor ONLY NLY ONE ONE “ “BRO 7 SINE” That is LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. ok for eovster ,Who see their 5 also σ' --- a = ον Sut Seemingly ' tremely comfortable from the 6to \4 days or money refunded. ns Μεν He took in the situ i sole, ching, atiom at a glance. The buck’s threate i > caused hit aise hi ©@ing attitude caused him to raise ΠΠ his σ' is 1 τ Searig ν Theyfit perfectly and are ex- debt. Manya lout is wealthy and a clever woods, and was on his return to Lo-| να Νcame ς along. on the opposite 4 gansport, ; ablets . eAnO hunting er, was summoned | killing him on the spot : had stood. a beginning. gestive ΄ 6 are neat and dressy. Sean Froverb, a . S H 0 E S ' Wonlde’see Σαν] 8 daxhe Pov vos Whei ἐν ty Helare's itt ; Pow or who Mi μ. Ν ay, Wrong, dear; she is }‘ 2 ᾽ At this moment George Webster, ; to . Houston Post. man hard him (AG I can prove it!” . = arse and toss sea-| right into the air on its broad antlers or δὲ | τιθὲ ντο Εν τν οἷαα ακά τομ |; A man named Enoch Goodwin went ladder to the top of the| oven, @ fact. Away - You - 1 ca ~ create awer e earth savage seemed been one shoe, churches hangs a sign to tl is effect: | the | ‘No Spitting Allowed Ins de alted )816ΤΙ ; which match the decorations of the church in the corners of the pews ; ͵ ον πι..." feared to climb over and he turned faced the oncomin τὶν 1] ξ and ace > coming ¢ & é Bik poh the A ἜΝ | ceased being Albert Cotton, aged 24 relief. 18 A SIMPLE CURR. | κ ; it Tribune Bidg., New Yorx. Leading Lady Shoes are x best described in three words—Style, Comfort, Ser. |@8 right yelled again and, combined with : ’ the animal's preparations to charge, it —— Killed in Queer Accident. somewhat remarkable death A | place Gatκὰν deenfoe θες pofmt and side of the fence. | | Ο. New YorkBASTINE City « Grand Rapids, Mich. k os | Navy Life ΜΕ πη || | Ὁ a0 least two cuspidors Church, became thoroughly 444 aimost exhausted. fell into ease? en ane | A ‘ 2¢T husband.” soldiers yourself. κ jpoached, j f ᾽ | men are less likely to drink im the) | οί1 ‘€or ae παν } 1 μι, ἃ ts ant . teams drav . : “It is a city where in at Churches ‘they have little Corrected. 1 “See how nicely she is dressed; a woman dressed like that is a credit to is that good athletic teams and the reputation for 8 post of having ae κ . frightened, and he turned and fied. The deer ae followed, snorting savagels Peele made for a nearhy fence τ at ͵ : ς 2 Eimear with the buck close ut hi Sata Nenres ad neater ΕΚ - | Still x τ now sports. The class of men who g9|- =, . 4 . 2 - a ρε ι. oo 8 raze e in for athletics and excel in such 7 Pen : perireatening ee? a at: ‘ the F a or change |™Man at the noonday lunch counter. | Moral Effects of Athiatics. Aside from its physical effect, the | | moral effect of athletics, in the case | of the soldier at least, is of no small | value My experience has been that ’ - ΤΗ τν. enects and you can do the wor Lake ast week, came to Utah -in (hse κ haw Hyed' in Utah oear slate vine di ithe ὑμας-Όσανὰ: νος ake | instead of Searight ly » lire, Anus Doull, who.died is Salt used 3 these lines by those in charge of the These tints may be intermixed Wild cats and rabbits without a li cense, and not be liable to punishment were = cial effort may have been made along ST ee ee at Package μων Ὅν δ. 300 κο 480 a ‘ help build, and in wt τ τ ον τε it 1 its eyes; Al is to its ground, and then began an stood advance other heard you | dered an opinion, in answer before."—PickMe never | Up | contests are the most desirable sol| tine sl ent ail ἰ αν safeguards health, makes walls sanitary beautiful y and homes =e Jonera? b Breeder Gen throwing small missiles, but the buck ful, rich, FADE ‘ “I had ‘ havoc wits fruit trees in that county for the Ρ past Several seasons κ ᾿ tterne Attorney ᾿ fully sealed and properly label= ed packages, in sixteen beauti« bo ΝΟῚ Ν᾿ 7 him to turn. Approaching with blazing eyes and lowered head was the animal off by waving his arms and In the vestibule of one of the large| “I did, in- her admirer protested. ια care= Ἃ Usual. | said a young lady coyly. | use of intoxicants. to use ic i | deed,” with an ordinary 7 inch flat brush, μμθηίέαω ἐμ packs be ‘ te t al z; s of the u«qioss where I've been,” said buck which had developed the bad Streak. Searight tried to scare the by cold ταν full 7 mixingonwith directions every package applied ἱ ve . In dry powder form, ready — u Weber Durable | χ᾽ ἃ thy at THEONLY anita Out “LEADING LADY” SHOES FOR WOMEN my | “I really don’t believe that you par| ticularly wanted to hear me sing,” | B Paw tetas Ἡ falls asleep | of 1 » | oud Be -” τ ἠνερ scanΟΝΕ amoking | Perfectly Truthful, 9 ' Webster Had Fired None Too Soon.) Milk and medicine are spurned, | sound of a defiant snort behind caused | — not checked, a dace. to be mor iif on to the farmers thar disastrous ‘ ᾽ | him " threatened with fs Sanpete county i Γ΄ ΙΑΒΕΤΕΞ Utah of ae -<4 ΚΠ ΠΠΎ ΚΑ, Aad Ae pl Ay th tive announces that he is in favor of that day being made a holiday in 80 ξ | a day, and nothing else will pacify She—I will havethe last word! He—You have the last line, dear, that’s a better Always remember the full for this signature on name every box. Look 2δο. OVErar. } |