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Show WHEN WIFEY TALKS WHAT CHANCE HAS A f MEAN FLINGS AT EDITORS EQUAL TO THE OCCASICN, by f La t Workers + This ass Servant D Pe Girt n of Was E ish & mie f 4 t to mar ἃ i I a ti wr 1 t | hee x the a Ye ξ | Υ aid ta n 4 l ‘ t} t it 1 1 } wit the έ yrocal ha 1 nd \ arra when at i king Π { 1 lev ou or Ι the fe cor ed the to e858 I th i ve and ry ght ten W 30 3 you see, = “ i West the bel! Was ἰ his s inquiry she surprised ng her arms behind k and eplying in a rich ss th her face toward Put th’ tickets in me an I'll go an’ see. Me ' N. ¥. Press Autos < ‘ oni r at Whole Head and Neck Covered—Hair All Came Out—Cured in Three Weeks by Cuticura, still ε For Infants sm Children. years Lp} older, for slight n rkes The Kind You Have Always Bought aid . | Ε . n ay re The a Germa aut ᾿ tw« At tad AVegetable Preparation fords UsCee tomas anc!Bowels Rory 1 ney r line has Promotes Digestion Cheerfut day granted connecting wna, by Ww the . 1 ordinary er cover ( the the NOT NARCOTIC. ae six Pesphin Seed am Rachelle Salts - in ndon Globe Atuuse Sead + t Ww h OINTMENT is fprad f his ing to shoes do wife a and few she igt little o things be w for hi svenaneeen Aperfect Remedy for Consfipa- tion, Sour Stomacli. Diarrhoea Worns Convulsions.Feverish ness and LOSS OFSEEEP. minal Fac Simile Signature of by ---- ; ssDhBa 35 é ; we that rer We've got a new name f ningham's flat We call it Exact Copy of Wrapper. presses creases in his trousers he has nine pairs of trousers, she Baya, and the idea!—she presses his coats, too, and puts creases in the sleeves of his coats. Now, did you ever hear Going to Be Fined. anything to match that? And she When George Ade was a newspaper says that her husband pays her the reporter he was sent to “write up” an regular pressing rates for putting Irish laborer who had fallen from a creases in his clothes—-the same rates | building. When Mr. Ade arrived on charged by the tailor around the the scene, several officers and others corner Can you imagine a woman were helping the injured man into the living in a civilized apartment house ] ambulance. Mr. Ade pulled out his in the 20th century making such 8 | “What's his name?” groveling admission as that to her pad and pencil. | woman friends? Taking money from her husband for pressing his clothes! | | If that doesn't make her a servant |} and nothing but a servant, I'd liketo | | know what it does make her? She | says that she has her regular allow ance of spending money from him be side, but I don't believe any πιο] thing. The only way she can get any money out of him is by acting as his valet, and if she didn't press his clothes { suppose she wouldn't have carfare he asked one « The injured man. policemen who had heard Ade and who mistook him for the timekeeper employed by the contractor, rolled eyes in a disgusted Way hospital!”—Succe Was Holding His Own, stuff into his black curls with “When very young I began using both | coffee and continued up to the past ull her might, and they were writes a Texas girl laughing fit to kill, as if it was the six mont! joke in the world, and she greatest “IT had been ex nervous ly the fur thin and very sallow After quitting etending to enjoy fun, I call it—as much as he did! coffee and drinking Postum Food Cof fee about a month my nervousness Well, would you believe it, she did she'd disappeared and has ver returned that shampooing job just as if been a professional barber! I was so This is the more remarkable as I am ask even a Primary teacher and have kept disgusted that I wouldn't right on with my work Mrs. Deahgal for the loanof, her ice “My complexion now is clear and cream freezer “Ὁ, you think it’s just as proper and right for a wife to shampoo her buskand’s hair as it is for | My, I | shampoo hers, do you? asking || be the least surprised if you're Just me to shampyo your hair next! Per } you dare to ask me, that's a | haps you'll ike me to take it nails or go out manicuring pe »ple’s You might just i at so much an hour? at once | as well make a servant of me as to think in your heart that I ought | be your But servant. I warn you right now that you've got just as m ih of me a chance of making a 5 t Mar you have of sailing to on a broom handle, and if you At this point the hard-working man | who was trying to read gave it up He picked up his hat and went ay-way wh, from there, and he staid dow playing pin loving his b rosy, my skin soft and smooth Asa good complexion was something 1 had greatly « od, I feel amply repaid even tho this were the only benefit derived from drinking Postum. ‘Before beginning its use I had suffered greatly from indigestion and | ache; these troubles are nowunknown Best of all, I changed from coffee to Postum without the slightest inconvenience, did not even have a headache. Have known coffee drinkers who were visiting me, to use Postum a week without being aware that they were not drinking coffee, Dougtas makes and sells more | 1 We offer One Hundred Dollare Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's | Catarrh Cure. AND COMFORT on stormy days by wearing 8 { Mrs. Newwed—lIsn't the bread line in a great city pathetic? Newwed—Very. I suppose it is the ymnly way the poor fellows can get any fit to eat.—N. Y. Sun. ONLY ONE“BROMO QUININE” re‘ane for over © Cure a Cold in One Da: ΝΝ. | stitute. Sold by the b of the world. T)vstrate lers ever ywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any pard W. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. of this paper deREADERS ere thing advertised in Durable Guaranteed Pn Ax TOWER $0. BOSTONT UY $ Αα, Came Towre canan Tome~ro its columns should insist upon having whet they ask for, refusing all substi- tutes or imitations. FOR SOLDIERS AND HEIRS All federal soldiers and sailors who served #0 days between 186] and 1366 and who homesteaded lessthan l60acres before June W874, are entitled toadditional homestead rights which | buy. If soldier is dead, his beirs can sell. Talk to old solfiors, widowsand heirs. Find some soldier relative who went West or South after the w and homes'eaded government land, τ busy an ‘Make some easy money, Write per N. Copp, Washington, D. C., for further particulars, |/$30AN HOURi ison! A RAZOR AND STROP FOR $I MERRY GO ROUNDS We also manufacture Razzle Dazzles. Strikers, ete. HBERSCARLL-SPILLMANOO., General Amusement Outfitters, Dept. M NortTH TONOWANDA, N. ¥. one are sending razor and stro} by mail post RS y 1,00. The razoris of beat steel guaranteed to hold a ον edge. If itdon’t, send it back and eta new on& lollow ηνround or square point, 4¢ ineh bi rubber handie. A double barber strop of best ho hide and canvass; nickel swivel. Sold only by the ; Biake Razor Go 139 N. Center Street, iiradtord, Pa E STOCK AND igareatat® ELECTROTYPES| DEFIANCE STARCH—i..sc2..< - great variety for sale at the lowest prices by W. N. U., Sait LakeCity, No. 49, 1907. SPOT CASH siring to buy any- the World The whole of virtue consists in its practice.—Cicero, ο eee Cy That is LAXATIVE BROMO AOWERS αμα, $4 and $5 Gilt Edge Shoes cannot be equaliedat anycoiaae te CAUTION. — Ww. τ. Douglas namea nd price is stamped on bottom, Take No Sub- Aish pews? Why She Went Home to Mother, the signature of BE. W.G Bove Κῶ men’ δ’ vegebo $3.00 and $3.50 shoes es) thanany, other manufacturer In the because they hold their “κοῦ Kei” work ry fit better, wear longer, and re of ater value than any ot. Bras the world to-day. “ed How’s This? F, J. CHENEY & ©0., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and belleve him perfectly honorabie in all business transactions and financially able to carry Out any obligations made by his firm. WaLping, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0, Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, qo eapimontals sent free, Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by al) Draggists. ‘Take Hall’ s Fam ly Pills for constipation. MEMBER OF THE FAMILY, MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. A. N, KELLOGG NEWSPAPER 00, , 73 W. Adams St, , Chicago the package —other starches only 12 ounces—same price‘and “DEFIANCE” IS SUPERIOR QUALITY. PURE FOCD ASSURED The National Pure Food Law has stopped thesale ofall im- pure food products. Nomoreneed for worry on that score! It’s now a question of efficiency and good value for your money. ARIN POWDER for years has stood every test for purity and wholesomeness. Its superior quality showsin the delicious cakes andbiscuit that K C is guaranteed to make. The price is a saving of over half your’ baking powder money— 25 ounces for 25 cents. If you have never tried K C, do so now under the following guarantee: *S¢ of Postum and drop it because After they did not boil it properly. Your Grocer will sell you a can of K C on trial. Use it for your favorite cake. It will be lighter, tastier, more delicate,—or we pay him for the can. It will open your eyes. Try it quick. Don’t delay. You are missing much. nounced it deticious JAQUES MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Chicago. “I have known several te begin the explaining how it should be prepared and proagain they have tried it pool for the drinks till And the 5 Name Ε’νε n by Postum Co., Battle when he Read the booklet, “The a ! Creek, Mich. ; midnight after 1 ak eat | “What d'ye think o' that?” he muttered. “Tm gx be docked for the few minutes I lose goin’ to the A wealthy man, revisiting his native “O, there you go again' I might have village, w telling his old cronies known that it would be impossible around the store stove how he had Cun for me even to mention that achieved his great success At the vingthing woman's name to you with close of his recital an old village charout your flying to her defence like acter that he had known as a boyenas if she was something to you. | tered. notice that you never break your neck “Howare you, Tom?” sald the great trying to defend me, se I do man, hok his hand “And “I suppose the next thing you'll be how have 1 been getting along all sawing the air and defending that | these yea backboneless Mrs Deahgal, who | The old fellow shifted his quid shampoos her husband's head every and spat other Sunday, I s'pose you call that “Wa'al,” he said, “when I hit this a decent thing for a married woman town more'n 40 years ago I didn’t to do. When I went up to the Deah have a red cent now—wa'al, I gals’ flat to borrow their ice cream guess I'm | ny own all right.” freezer last Sunday there she was with him in the bathroom with a BEGAN YOUNG, towel around his neck and ber ting over the basin’ with his head all in Had “Coffee Nerves” from Youth, iather and she rubbing the shampoo to 76E CENTALA COMPANY NEW Yor® ory, SHOES AT ALL PRICES, FOR en | utes more, and he could stand it no longer. What could this man be say ing? Not a word of the prayer did he recognize as the only formula he had ever heard called by that name “Why, mother,” he exclaimed, in a tone audible over nearly half the church, “do you hear? He isn’t saying it right at all!” 31 d uaranteed under theFFoo terry, ae One Waiter with Sense. Man in a restaurant, happening in Mr the of ua drop in there we always find her out in the kitchen pressing the clothes of that big lummox of a hus band of hers. And she's perfectly shameless about it, too. She not only ASTORIA wt) Pd oldD edad pre the Thirty Years Gf bid. NEWYORK. » any « said, “and you will hear the minister | a3 an augury οἱ ΕΟΟ 1 fortune that his pray.” This interested I t once | first cust mer should have given him Cur something and tailor | and his little face took on a look of “Thank you,” he said, politely, to but his mother, shop Do you want to know why? O | serious attention, the customer and as he turned away| watching him covertly iw his ex tell you I'll Well, you don't? “That's a startinyhow, smarty We call her flat | pression change presently to one of he added to himself: "—N. ¥. Sun. A few min the tailer shop because any time any | Burprise and disapproval, O, Use For Over Ci ae he cannot always avoid in offering the petition. A few Sundays ago he was | just as a newshift of waiters came on. | And having eaten a very modest | taken to chureh for the first time had she’ Well, I will say this: | neve heon this man laid down a modWhen the moment for the prayer ar aw a human being let i tt rived and the congregation bowed ; est tip, to be exact, five cents. way you have the few yea I And did the waiter shy off or sniff their heads John’s mother took the spose it won't be lor now at this nick 1? He did neither, but on precavtion to wl er to him that he you'll be expecting me t ru the contrary he seemed to regard it must be very quiet | he I ΜΙ Recipe of Old DeSAMUELPYTORER caravan distance distan τ. | Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. Addis which are ᾿ Ness and Rest.Contains neither to pany a concession for Di rs πο yssinia | | Similaling the Food and Reguta Stray yecasion by the Negus vile days rhe te ari α r an alte j ALCOHOL 3 PE RCENT. &}-} in Prester John’s Country. hv f | 1 you're e ol μην νας ἅμ. PAZO \ t ma ©. Ϊ i A Fascinating Game. “After having the measles my whole 2 ι]εά τ t ἰ eco 1s little g living on on head and neck were covered with scaly I ] crowde yusines s orou ΐ ) i he : I ied busi (ποπτω, 1 ar e as apenny. ! en t They fares of the city was in the habit of as thick as they could be 8 H tt 4 Wa t of the window at the busy ne out I let the trou igh of below for } at a time AKIng : the doctor's blood t it w t to put i What is it, Gladys, that you find i rubbing on salve, but it be he |} f the 80 cor ing i the i seem to get any better. It paper 1 to be 1 a town street?” asked her mother one day stayed that way for about six months: } fu choo] gir] “Oh came {Πε wise rejoinder then I got a set of the Cuticura Reme“just watching the cars go pro and HIS TURN TO CRITICISE, and in about a week I noticed a con,” —Harper’s Weekly ἰ big difference, and in three weeks it j Youngster Felt Called on to Manifest | was well entirely and I have not had | PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS. | Disapproval of Prayer, the trouble any more, and as this was « fit ae Blt 1 Blee Prot Pi os in € to ld days or money πὲ even years ago, I consider myself | Little John, who, at the mature age ured Mrs. Henry Porter, Albion, The telephone in France is little used of four, has learned Lord's Prayer Neb., Aug. 25, 1906.” by the public generally. is often criticised by his ter, two ' ν t dit t } think ke Abel 4 A Ww Ψ res] the othe SORES AS BIG AS PENNIES, ; el f ! hands was 108 wl if I w, ί g N I ¢ u I i - 4 rhe . t } e of here eterna now and y ignorant York house New a i women ΐ va ser fre 1 at ΐ TORIA more Resource f } He Could Do Evidently a EA t Best α t | Road to Wellville,” in pkgs. a Reason.” “There's | |