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Show 114 t wards W Boao as essen chiefly, it is to be that fs hie feared, ¢urrent of hig! t alism The ordinary an, of his own mediocre abi zi the 18] ce ! upor whereas im , TO CONGRESS pe conscious | s afraid) Dn Herald τ | d |_ | NIGHT SWEATS=e, mee wester * APPETITE, 1 Na . 3“. on] 1 Nationa Gattens I | ] : 241; ation. r > in Many | the ss the sf Α Ρ . ted 0 "ἡ b Vur “ae t rigid thori 4.1 ἃ T vision : of Discussion a aoihiea Schedules of Presidential Election sit of Afte Urged — Ne r a oe ' . ' πόσον He ; Μ᾽. LIZZIE LOHR, 1155 W 8t., Chicago, lL, writes: ‘ | i οyf “T take pleasure in writing you | these fewlines, thinking there may be other women suffering the sameas I did. *“T had my complaints for over a year doctors also. Nothing seemed to do me any good. The doctors wanted to oper-_ ' : Bal τ Diselagmir tralization ' , I asite for ' ν & | work all day and seldom ” the preside tea μανιο exe g 1 τ κ έν get : about my case may write to me and I “L thank tell al) about it. nities t 8 ΙΙ eir in less proper ' benent protec the anc I j with | necessary antitrust laws. full power to ®°vernment, can with changes He goes on: be because 1 by legisiation these powerful gaged in interstate 1η has done for me. h e, and are Pacif Shes ᾿ “8 will lifferer pial Ree rn : xe ] that ts a aif|. idee well-being r be o tot good. not of ge rey irdinal point ent w the public lv οrming ΑΕ of the ᾿ s © one o allἩ gions in s work of irrigation and ; i ed “ fenc ses us ring Ν nf : ν᾿ ened, πα the standpoint In my of the | , judement the wise ountry, and the necessity preservation of the forests given the federal | ately after such election 5 no single’ state| Income and Inheritance Tax. effectually cope There corporations en- | mind of has the commerce, and, while | advisability been no president change in concerning the the of an Income tax and an to upon, for the prevent Drasti a he congress is urged la n b by the congres & |] Weuld Repeal Duty- on Wood Pulp. 1 ' esident declares in favor of the ] eg πείτε Ἔδει - ined pulp, at the τ a3 yo i levine that it gas if In the mes sage he | possible ‘be accompanied by an agreement meree, are such as to make the central | heritance tax should receive the careee alone competent to ΓΟ | ful attention of our legislators. In my| ull supervision and control. judgment both of these taxes should be SCHOOL SHOES a μα “WEAR LIKE IRON” Mayer ‘Special Merit” School Shoes are expressly made for the hard knocks and severe wear of healthy, ~omping school children. They are made of thoroughly seasoned upper leather and tough, old-process and time-seasoned soles, the strongest and most durable material obtainable — that’s why they “wear lilce fron.” Plenty of room for growing feet, sensibly shaped shoes, arene enough for the hardest everyday use, dressy enough for Sundays. Your dealer will supply you; if not, write to us. Look for the mame and trade-mark on the sole. F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company MILWAUKEE, WIS. charters and owne and The nual They also relieve Dis tress from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty Eating. A perfect ren. edy for Dizziness, Naw sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER They reguiate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature flitak REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. fe stockholders wning such n which Corrency On the qu president ca Positively cured by these Litile Pills. new al corpora tlons could b reated, An sential pro Vision of such a law should be a method of predetermining | me federal board or nr sic the applicant. for a federa ] r was an association or | ( ination I restrictions of the federal law supervision established might be analog s to that now exercised | over national banks At least, the antitrust act should t pplemented by specific prohibiti of the methods which ex18 Μ ive been of most enabling monopolistic combina8 mpetition, The real | fa rporation should be comto do t s in their own name. ght to 1 stock In other corporauld reafter be denied to inter§ orpora nless on approval by the proper government officials, and a prer site 8 approval should be the εν the government of all corporation the cerporat ewned.” SICK HEADACHE jease mineral and oil lands is the belie of the president. Work on the Panama canal is declared “The antitrust law should be made both part of our system of federal taxation. to be proceeding in a satisfactory manmore efficient and more in harmonywith I speak diffidently about the income tax ner, and figures given to substantiate the actual conditions. It should be so amendbecause one scheme for an income tax statement τ ed as to forbid only the kind of combinawas declared unconstitutional by the For Postal Savings Banks. tion which dees harm to the general pubsupreme court; while in addition it is ; On the questions of postal savings lic, such aimendment to be accompanied a difficult tax to administer in its pracbanks and the establishment of a parcels by, or to be an incident of, a grant of sutical working. Nevertheless, a gradpost system the message says: pervisory power to the government over uated income tax of the proper type | “I commend to the favorable considerathese big corporations engaged in interwould be a desirable feature of federal tion of the congress a postal savings state business, This should be accomtaxation, and it is to be hoped that one bank system as recommended by the panied by provision for the compulsory may be devised which the supreme | postmaster general publication of accounts and the subjeccourt will declare constitutional The “I further commend to the congress the tion of books and papers to the inspecinheritance tax, however, is both a far consideration of the postmaster general's betion of the government officials. A better method of taxation, and far more recommendation for an extension of the ginning has already been made for such important for the purpose of having parcel post, especially on the rural supervision by the establishment of the | the fortunes of the country bear in routes These recommendations have bureau of corporations proportion to their increase in size a been drawn up to benefit the farmer and “Among the points to be aimed at corresponding increase and burden of the country storekeeper otherwise I should be the prohibition of unhealthy taxation The government has the abshould not favor them, for I believe that competition, such as by rendering service solute right to decide as to the terms it is good policy for our government to do |} at an actual loss for the purpose of crushupon which a man shall receive the beeverything possible to aid the small town ing out competition, the prevention of inquest or devise from another, and this and the eountry district. It is desirable flation of capital, and the prohibition of point in the devoluthon of property is » country merchant should not be that a corporation's making exclusive trade especially appropriate for the imposicrushed out.’ | with itself a condition of having any tion of a tax Some form of local self-government trade with Itself. Reasonable agreements Due Enforcement of Law. for Alaska is asked of the congress, between, or combinations of, corporations On the matter of the impartial enand that the rights of citizenship be | should be permitted, provided they are forcement of the laws the message conferred upon the people of Porto | first submitted and approved by some says: Rico. appropriate government body “A few vyeurs ago there was loud Campaign Contributions. Like National Bank Supervision. | complaint that the law could not be in The president says It is well to voked against wealthy offenders. There “The ngress has the power to charter provide that corporations shall not conis no such complaint now The course corporations er ze in interstate and tribute to presidential or national camof the department of justice during the foreign ind a general law can paigns, and furthermore to pro. ide for last few years has been suc as to he enact inder the provisions of which the publictaion of both contributions make it evident that no man stands existing corp tions could take out fedind expenditures The need for coleral n both by the steck and by such stock 18 the pres the need message he of a that no corporation is under the existing law, and with the existing state of public opini whict so profoundly influences bot! the courts anfl juries, has been done. But the laws themselves need strenet I ing in more than one important pc they should be made more definite, so that no honest man can be le tingly to break them, and so real wrongdoer can be readily pu hed “The two great evils in the exe of our criminal laws to-day ar mentally and technically For the lat ter the remedy must come ym tt hands of the legislatures, the ourts and the lawyers pend for its. cure gra growth of a sound publ nw shall insist that regard for tt w and the demands of reason shall control other influences and en jury box Both of these removed or publ discontent wit t eriminal law will continue Use of Injunctions, irrency change law, so wealthy that it cannot be held to account Everything that can be done Referring to the questi the an- } abuse of injunctions the out that our showing the Question, f messag In and that said “National banksst! ld be permitted isst a speciiied rtion of their cz ital in notes of a given kind, the i to be taxed at so high a rate as to drive the notes back w not wanted in legitimate trade This pl would not permit the issue of currency to give banks add ynal pr s, t eet the emergency preser i by t rf ngency I do not sa at tl the right sys tem I onl rdvance it to emphasize my belief that above ae ee there is need for the adop tion of some system which shall be automatic and n to 1) sound banks so as to avoid al possibility of discrim ym and sit Such a plan i tend t nt the spasms of high nN sy and speculation whick now obtain in the New York market; for at present there is too much currency at ain seasons of the year, and its aclation at New York tempts bankers to lend it at low rates for speculative purposes; whereas at other times when the crops are being moved there is urgent need for a large but temporaryincrease in the currency supply It must never be forgotten that. this question concerns business men generally quite as much as bankers; especially is this true of stockmen, farmers and business men in the west for at present at certain seasons of the year the difference in interest rates between the east and west | f the pres lares ‘Instances of injunctions in occur, and of those abus n ν Much process ut warrant: express the 5 Ss tion of f ar t This 1 Τ ΓΙ government In Industrial Disputes. ompulsory The president favors vestigation by the national ¢ vernment industrial That the army disputes, saying fleet president believes it should be st ed between the two oceans every year or two as a means of teaching offic nd men how to handle the vessels in a time of war the The expectation Ὁ government is d ured to be to over Cuba to ag rnment chosen by the people of the island within the coming year German Tariff Agreement. Concerning the tariff agreement enits object is y, rn tered into witl i the prevention of ed to have decl the United States a tariff war t and that 1 work of the commission w made the agreement president remit to China a of the sum of est at four per ¢ 50 cents a box. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N.J Y.Ντ 11}} ' Ruffs ' ὑῶν Caught wrote - * night Pi roo en ae George Edgemont, a paperhanger who age | . reet and -'» i 1 upon his flo it safe wa Ν᾽ ms 7 h τ ΠῚ out, it is feturning sks for authority ta ndemnity in excess 492.69 and inter- In conclusion Strikes and lockouts, with their at | ; lates the countr tendant loss and suffering, continue | dial relations with increase. For the five years ending De cember 31, 185, the number of strikes | ticularly the sister was greater than those in any previous | south, ssage congratuts is bills during κ | forgot the ( ination and so could | not release himself With his chin | ve eee κ’ = τ. resting on the safe he was discov- --— A Real = Schemer had been plead- | ered about an hour after the accident . 4 teste d for . the hundredth time ‘ If 1|| broken open by smi a locksmith. bought an automobile I 7would have to wy The | Why, table expenses. For instance, True Home. Homes are not built of ' brick an@ mortar. It is the people, not the places, x j if I had an automobile I couldn’t afford | that make the homes; the face of @ to have chicken every Sunday. smiling woman, the patter of tiny She lanche a a ͵ ΚΒ ‘as a | feet and the music of childre n’'s voices, She laughed “Why, you goose! If you had an | aye, even the barking of a dog and Mice roasting pigs. Why is it the human look of joy at our coming bring us the nameless charm that we call “home.” 8 men Se brains?” aut the wixt day he Wetted ercuad ee ibe < ν pel earnsachi - ——— > racing machine. Just His Luck, e enera 1 | always been for a simple, “Well, old fellow, I hear that your | * aunt is dead.” s “Yes, she ee died eman | | of the Well-Informed of the World has ¢ yesterday,” * cd τ 7 pleasant and ΤῈ | efficient liquid laxative remedy of known : τ; replied value; a laxative which physicians could . ἡ the old fellow somewhat sadly. | sanction for family use because its com“It is the way of the world. We must all die some time, and the old lady was well advanced in years. She left a last will and testament, of course? I understood she was wealthy,” “Oh, yes, she left a will and testa- ment,” still more sadly. “You were always a favorite of hers. Your name was mentioned, of course?” ponent parts are known to them to be wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, acceptable to the system and gentle, yet. prompt, in action. In supplying that demand with its excellent combination of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, the California Fig Syrup Testa- Co. proceeds along ethical lines and reliew on the merits of the laxativefor its remark able success, Bleeker—Your wife seems to have a mind of her own. Meeker—She did have before our That is one of many reasons why Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is givem the preference by the Well-Informed. To get its beneficial effects always buy “Yes,” he mentioned. ment.” replied, “my I'm to name was have the Not All There. marriage, but she hasn't any more, Bleeker—What’s the answer? Meeker—She has given me several pieces of it since we faced the parson together, the genuine—manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale byall leading druggists. Price fifty cente per bottle. ; RHEUMATISM is most painful. What's good? Ξ “UACOBS OIL Gives instant relief Removes the twinges. USE IT, THEN YOU’LL KNOW 25e.—ALL DRUGGISTS—60c. BALLARD’S SNOW LINIMENT results of The Hagye conference ξ ιγτεᾷ not to have a degree of been up to , sulted, notably a good is said provision by wl wers taking part in the onfe igreed not to have recourse to armed force for the collection of debts owed to their citigens by foreign countries is pr The Mr. the past has been in niggardly provided for and should be more generously dealt with is dwelt together with recomupon at length, mendations for future legislation Yearly additions to the navy are } recomme nded and in the president's judgment the country should build four battleshi ps this year Although ir but I belief we τ ΐ 8 t importar inless t rts ther it in effe ner, it is « ultimately to somesort of leg slative ly commend to the attent gress this matter, so that some w be devised which will limit the bus injunctions and prot se rights from time to time it unwarrantal vades Among the recommenda s hf the message are for {ος spe railro: the establis of ar ploye lability act, and for the ex sion of the present eight-hour law by of should accept more than a fixed amount from any individual subscriber or dor and the necessary publicity yr receipts and ex penditures ild without difficulty be provided.’ The extension of the Ocean Mail act of 1891 is recommended as an aid to American shipping A subsidy for Pacific steamers, the president thinks, is necessary Reasen for Pacific Cruise. Concerning tt patch of the gr ho tt ganization and machinery, which requires a large expenditure of money Then the stipulation should be made that no party receiving ampaign funds to the Pacific being inv a and of speech nues grow f parties, an appropriation ample enough to meet the necessity for thorough or- treasury says Aftertaking | was held until released by his daugh- them roots For six months lecting large campaign funds would vanish if congress provided an appro priation for the proper and legitimate expenses of each of the great national from the Pills,”* : cured. Sold by all dealers. j lives at Jefferson haven’t any from “I ask for | time to deal with the matter is immedi- | timber famine, are dwelt Kidney “I weighed 143. ‘os ; public good Doan’s Winney, sensitive automobile you could run down enough fowls to have chicken every ay aynothing big turkeys and| thing of 4 lg t ar e} da) , to any as Seturn Tuy saatioe to others, The con | Says with Canada that there should be no exdi thedons of railroac ’ ad sone activit Υ ) al| “Whe t £ are revised rj ΟΙ. ᾿ . ο condi When our tax taws are the | port . duty on Canadian pulp wood tions of our immense interstate com- | question of an income tax and an im-| nat the government should own and ‘SPECIALMERIT} a very year preceding a presidential election, |, A Cae eel dinia the necessity’ whiéh be cause as 8 μμ of bs (— | casioned it must be provided for. Several "#8 conclusively shown ε΄". ΚΝ Ι Ὦ are recommended | \corvatism of the mineral wealth of time it is impossible to get men to |" it | used 10 or 12 boxes I weighed 162 and was “What expenses?” she asked. Lin = ae αι psd ee he faeces the interest of the dealt with in the | (0S οἱ when | stooping or lifting, languor, dizzy ells and rheumatism Before I cut down our expenses. _.©*tension '' or ᾿ ameness, ing with him to buy an automobile. | by his daughter, who came to find “They are too expensive he pro- | what had delayed him. The safe was t is Public Lands. This means that the:auhdeeaeee with | treat the « mos worlk ad τ lerewageand of American policy. The sole consideration should be to that the | ν 4 ῬΟΙ yg ' re = reminded me so of the times I went | Office he opened ' } He ᾿ { κ ᾿ the Γρ then a to the dentist to get back teeth ex- | the money in it os . . < a atching the en 5 rospe pros} r hospitals twinges completely paring to clear a field stump-puller twist ; ‘ - Gifferent “T just couldn't stand it,” said Owen, | ter, says the Philade Iphia Inquirer. rubbing his jaw. “When I see that| Edgemont had been out collecting he ' s him atter ae pe Soul. ally for the explanation From . will YT cured κ intense back More than once at a harsh word ᾿ — r x= Mudge sighed and waited sympathetic- | door ; ' and doctored two H had a had been tracted. The first thing I knew I was | door shut, catching the end 0 ; limp as a rag, and I just ached all beard in the door. In the exciteme nt over and had to quit."—Youth's Com- | incident to his odd predicament he lways be as will not — in cost of produs- ee sent oe id; was how telling ply Toward noon Owen came back. Mrs. | 46e ‘ane, Manny ink, = he a ; ; ΙΤ upor s flowi iskers ¢ sind Ὁ the Y., in Doan's Kidneyε.α Pills ὦ. she asked. | te na “ν be “ anesth ἴδε 1 -α N. for eig months, = τ : Medina, Κε eS | Glenn Butler, who had bought a new| stump-pulling machine and was pre- are ™ -- sufferers to write to him. To all who enclose postage he will re- : a. star 4 te ; d out . ιο] | sites: In locking the other ΞΕ || One ' morning Owen to help hey: Sie his μα safehome for Ruppert of the - . Ρ Ss yp ot Seal ample η» | left} left over from yes Sensitive Owen Mudge th Mississippi, 5 or its eh | gone home for sympathy to his wife. | 5 £ ‘ Winney, 7S" her lef I t'rew it away lake you tol’ A \ ewateme | Man. wide . τ gold me.”—Harper's Weekly. P s ginning ae h tis probyears or so | W. tional water | he had forsaken profitable work and| { aretulis no exos 8 raven 7 ; . with . worker must dent refers to his message of a year ago concerning which . ι: at erns enμα - own for % t of There 1 tar ff w Dr. Hartman for what he going them full justice, exact from them | inheritance tax. a deve η. our foreign trade is t a minimum a@ ea μνᾶ al i looking to the ed y ce Ν tt να perity | : a | of investors and of the general public, ; all. “ ᾿ ttles of Perunain ὑπερμνοφονκν νὴ to know more Q will gladly e z Ἢ lo try that prot yl en κ urges tegisiation small children who depend on my sup1 wit : t 1 I “No one can tell how thankful I am Wants Federal Control. to him, as I on eee up all hopes νοὶ Declaring that modern industrial con ever getting well again ditions are such that combination fs not “Tl am a widow and the mother of six only necessary but inevitable, the presi srt. ' 1 told him just exactly get eon" ~- η control of the great τ. ΣΣ ailed me and how shoul i 1 “eg 8 Pred for re ise n ! anged ' . t gaged ! ate on me “| didias he told me for four months, | ; t ] κα | and now | am all cured. not i ds Medicines anc “Atlast I wrote to Dr. Hartman. pro instructed “What is that, Sophie?” | it I was run-down so far that 1 had ta! W sit dowi to do my cooking, | was so‘ i ess i oe roe i night sweats a'l winter and moappetite.| t eae " jential α +. : proud response Highways. . a eee ο 3 * | “And howdid it get there?” : “That is old ice, ma'am,” was urged nmitted stu H ; κ ect to , th >} ffort rr |; sted | : ; Water legislated for 5 | : Banas National « n . he . the the \ ar is Not Time for Tariff Discussion, ᾿ the Country, ' ions terri r ies, 5 leave ac ational system of inspec- | terday, 8 ‘ ΨμΝ "Ὲς “πρμμροῷ ὑμένα ο Ww sides . officers ks; b as os themselves Re 5 Until ' ion ial ane : ] service a domestic of yites kidney She had never | before, and the Ν of | morning Ἡ| The very next day the mistress, | ad ] ookingor ; or ] out of° #£ he window, observed na| SOmething peculiar in the yard | i invent» r ' Postponement S ν ‘ TARIFF FOR’ TIME NOT f if You Suffer with Your Kidneys and Back Write to Thie Man. | by throwing the old things away each an - 7 urgen vas its = | never to Child Laber Evil This i | ix κ must Vaile - ‘ Left but to keep the | (ᾗ$ ice-box, the perfectly in ator i | over cranhers ᾿ τι clean and fresh “Ἢ em -- C! . of by τε gency with . System Present FOmted . “ en Pert | Domestic Cleared Everything | Over Out of the Ice Box. sci arse t e . PROOF FOR TWO CENTS. | ΄νοομιε } dy of the house, after initiating her} for (QUESTION Executive x t . 11 AS SHE HAD BEEN ORDERED. of { | Sca | seen a refrigerator 1 never . atid \ Defects of re ' number Recommendations: Repeats Recommen- . ‘ | AS TO CURRENCY rie: erent tried manyydifferen i was ] USED PE-RU-NA. | ’ y ᾿ | - + ae ten I ap venture inte the Geld —Siorth Caes | § resident $ NO t., present cor- all countries, parrepublics to the νυ 1 Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Soldbyall Druggiste. { 4 |