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Show NEWS Women as Well as Men Are Made Miserable by Kidney and Bladder Troubie. The Trans-Mississippi ngress meet in San Francisco next yea Speaker Kidney trouble preys upon the mind, discourages and lessensambition; bea viger and cheerfulhess soon : } / yy - “™ weak kidneys, If the Γ — / \ ᾗ μιww . week, jent Castro Loulsa er has pam} incl she tence I I j reply | a w § ‘ © κ nt exe is : Soot & Shoe | STILL rs Home of Swamp-Root. about Swamp-Root, of the thousands of testi- | received AHEAD OF from the 1 AUDIENCE. publican national sas City next year The Twelfth one of were §& convention the in What! same Yor a ht he r j linge that all. fact is the governor an uncle of j left you $200, and elled the then of angrily. y buy der ter i her golfer 1 First she went she Skin—Doctors No Avail—Cured Kan- of were Νι ville, Pa., bur W. I ‘ w! Zuve n near was destroyed by the ra at first, as I had tried tare at he what wear } such Resolvent Pills, and to my | ] a best At last I tried Cuti- | (Kan.) Cuticura Ointment and } surprise noticed After using three rage and ] ng st hat t But to she could.—Atchison Globe Women Workers of Great Britain. an improvement. | boxes of the Cuti- re altogether a different picture of healtth. child and kkeepers; Mrs. A. C, Brestlin, | printer nearly WOMAN KNEW HUMAN 500 act as editors women secure geht ¢ are now turning their attentiop to the nut raising industry, It is not uncommon for a tree to bear as high as 200 pounds of nuts in one season and most of these sell at from 60 to 70 It does not require much figuring to show that the pecan orchards which abound in some sections are paying investments.” His Ear to the Ground. “Do you expect people to believe all that you tell them?” “That is not the idea,” answered the sagacious campaigner. “The way to win the hearts of the people is to tell them what they already believe.” One of the Walter Wellman, leader of the Chi- cago Record-Herald polar expedition, who is returning fromhis first attempt to reach the north pole by balloon, ar- hasn’t that privilege at home works | rived in New York last week from | off his spleen elsewhere. A minister Cherbourg on the steamer Majestic. | vents it on his congregation, That The court of appeals has decided was why we couldn't stand the last | that the act passed at the last session | preacher. This one will be all right. | of the New York legislature providing We won't hear a peep out of him.” And upon that unique recommendafor a recount of the votes cast at the mayoralty election in New York City, tion the congregation really did give in November, tional, 1905, is unconstitu- Over 1,000 delegates were present at Muskogee, Oklahoma, on the 19th, when David R. Francis, former governor of Missouri, called {16 elghteenth anual meeting of the TransMississippi Commercial congress, to order. “Free love will be the ultimate fate of the United States, if the present system of divorce is continued.” This was the prophecy voiced before of the happy» homes of to-day is a vast | the Twentieth Century club in Chicago fund of informationas to the best methods | ast week by Mrs. Margaret Deland of Essentials Boston of promoting health and happiness and | Before right living and knowledge of the world’s | leaving Windsor castle for Higheliff castie, Kaiser Wilhelm, ft is best products. stated, left no less a sumthan $10,000 Products of actual excellence and || to be divided as tips among the ser reasonable claims truthfully presented || vants at the castle. On his previous and which have attained to world-wide trip to Windsor, in 1898, it was said } $2,500 was left acceptance through the approval of the A dispatch received from Santiago, Well-Informed of the World not of ind | Chili, says that the British steamer viduals only, but of the many who have | anch, bound to England from the happyfaculty of selecting and obtain ta, with a full cargo, has ing the best the world affords N wrecked in the straits was said reg of i One of the products of that class, of | ite ol rew component parts, an Ethical 16 New ind Joseph Ὁ | remedy, approved by physicians and com the two Americans who were mended by the Well-Informed of the i in | harged with Worldasa valuable and wholesome family y to: nd defraud, have eh sentenced to twenty montis’ im-| laxative is the well-known Syrup of [igs prisonment at hard labor and to one | and Elixir of Senna. To get its beneficial || nonths’ imprisonment respectively. effects always buy the genuine, n ianuIn consequence of the cancellation | factured bythe California Fig Syrup Co., jof large orders for cigars from New only, andfor sale by all leading druggists. byork, Chicago and other cites, {0-]|; known [MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY \\WATERPROOF j|} i| \ | i| | ; | ] | \ SLICKERS $350 This trade mark . and the word TOWER on the buttons distinguish this high grade slicker from doesn’t sass back. I found out a long while ago—shortly after I was married myself, in fact—that a man who | the man a call. According to last ac- ving ges killed heriself and her two sons, William, aged even, and Butler T., aged six, by as| phyxiation, at her home in Newton: | | ville, Mass., some time during the night. All the cracks in the doors and winilows had been plugged and the | gas was turned on i of this paper de7 ng to buy any- tutes Or imitations. We are sending razor and ig by mail pcost paid for $1.00. The razoris of best ste: “t 1 to | a erfect ceive. follow ground—round « trouble and expense? PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Cle meee and beautifies the hair. Xuriant growth. Is to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color, Cures scalp diseases & hair falling, 0c, and $1.00 at Druggiste My list of 12 formulas are 1@ best known to science and will enable you to make anything you need in =o line, and you know just what you are using. Price, 50c, J.T. NEBO, Chemist, Dalton cig, mL HOWARD E. BURTON, “SSAYERAND Specimen prices, Gold, Silver. Lead, $1; Gold, Silver. 75e; Gole Zine or Copper.#l. Cyanidetests. Mai ng er velope: 5814 full price list senton τον tion. Control and Umpire work solicited. ad ville, Colo. Keterence. Carbonate Nationa! Sane It atficted wi worecyenue f Thompson’s Eye Water |W. N. U., Sait LakeCity, No. 48, 1907. You save money and avoid failures in your baking if you use KG BAKING POWDER Important to Mothers. Examine carefully every bottle of CASTORIA a safe and sure remedyfor infants and children, and see that it 25 Ounces for 25 Cents Bears the Signature of Here is true economy. You cannot be sure every time or have your food dainty, tasty and whole- In Use For Over 30 Years, The Kind You Have Always Bought. Better : Than τ. Gifts; of Fortune. some if you pay less or accept a substitute. The gifts of fortune are often taken FITS, St. Vitus Dance and all Nervous Diseases permanently cured by Dr, Kline’s Great Nerve Restorer. Send for Free $2.00 trial bottle and treatise. Dr. R. H. Kline, Ld., 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. NO MORE MUSTARD PLASTERS TO BLISTER. THE SCIENTIFIC AND MODERN EXTERNAL COUNTER-IRRITANT. The thrifty housewife never attains | perfection, for she is always mending. -Ή Capsicum-Vaseline. te EXTRACT OF THE CAYENNE PEPPER PLANT TAKEN DIRECTLYIN VASELINE = but only DON’T WAIT TILL THE PAIN COMES—HEEP A TUBE HANDY The pain-allaying and curative qualities of the ll stop the to recommend it a te a once, and relieve Headexternal counter- and stomach will prove what e household and for “t chr y people say ‘‘it is Accept no preparat n of vaseline unless , as otherwise it is not genuine, Send your address and we will mail our Vaseline Booklet describing the best of the same ca - SICK HEADACHE from eating = A QUICK SoeSAFE AND ALWAYS READY CURE FOR PAIN.—PRICE 15c, IN COLLA LE TUBES MADE OF PURE TIN—AT ALL DRUGGISTS AND OR BY MAIL ON RECEIPT OF 15c. IN POSTAGE STAMPS, n feared, - r to mustard or any other plaster, and will not What a comfort to find it is not strong 2, rubber handle, A doub of bext liorse cel By hide and canvass; nictel s Bola only by the 139 N. Center att mes Razor νοBradford, Pa. WHY fartPesottaie The Woman Feared? become and to-day and begin its usé¢ etters should con-| fering woman of its t it actually does WHAT WAS IT indigestion, which proper food can re lieve. A woman in Ohio says: “I was troubled for yea gestion and chronic const times I would have such in my stomach that I actually I had a—I dislike to write or ever think of what | feared. “Seeing an account of Grape-Nuts ether with the shortage of the Cuban | I decided to try it. After a short tin ot tobacco crop, over 1,000 cigarmakers | I was satisfied the trouble was were laid off last week by seme of the awful thing I feared but was still he large cigar factories of Tampa, bad enough. However, I was reli of a bad case of dyspepsia by « In full view of 300 workmen at the ing from improper food to Grape-Nuts “Since that time my bowels have American Car company plant, Ernest Hraziel, a discharged employee, shot been as regular as a clock. I had also oreman William Schrauek to death noticed before I began to eat Grapet t St Louis, and then, with his back Nuts that I was becoming forgetful of against a wall and his revolver level- where I put little things about the od, defied arrest until he was over- house, which was very annoying powered. “But since the digestive organs have Mrs. William T. Hec for loc it into grander planes.—Haliburton. Ingenious, But Unavailing. thine’ tl are possessions which survive the external circumstances of life and lift Wilton, the five-year-old son of Lackaye, the actor, has inherited the brilliant mind for which his father is distinguished. Not long ago Mr. and Mrs. Lackays« who spent the summer at Shelter Island Heights, were invited to attend | a card party and the young son was anxious to accompany them | His mother insisted that he should remain at home with Mary, his gov- | erness, but Wilton persisted and as ¢ final argument he said: “Mamma, I think Maryis a Chris tian Scientist, and I might be taken sick in the night.” The argument was not effective. awful you Lydia ! al (Γι | roots and advertisedin its columns should insist upon having what they ask for, refusing all substi- counts both he and the congregation | away as speedily es they came; but were doing well. The wife has not | strength of mind and personal nobility : τ ᾿ heard from. been a wrote which i have to a bottle οὔ |] I Willie?” “The demand is always much greater than the supply and many planters cents a pound. | DIACK asked | Russia wiped out the balance of her Personal Experience Counted in Her fndorsement of New Pastor. || Beware of Ointments for Catarrh | indebtedness to Japan, arising from | that Contain Mercury, “Welt,” answered Collier, “there are the war, last week, the Russian emWas | 8 mercu will surely destroy the sense of smell A Philadelphia congregation some out there jut,” he added, im- | bassy handing over to the embassy| and compieteiy der whole system when t cous surfaces. Buch | called upon not long ago to choose a | pressively, “we're still in the ma | of Japan a check for $24,302,200. e used except on prescrip pastor The last three ministers had tinpk m rey as the damage they jority, old boy, still In the majority!” Chancellor Stout has rendered a de Ὁ ΓΒΌΠ8. 1 »τβί8. Ν 8 | dots t d to the good you can possibly de| —Harper's Weekly. of the been Renee mene with most of 1 e from the ision revoking the license Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured | the parishioners; and before selecting | by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mer| Siandard Oil company to do business " 4 4 r dis taken tntern y, acting directly upon another the αμα “ἡ ον.ην ΕΙΝ ΚΝ eyoten. te Nut Growing Industry of the South. | n Tennessee Illegal discrimination yretty hard thinking. There was e | buying Hails Catarrh Care be sure you get the “Nut growing is a comparatively | was alleged against the company pretty hard thin πώ Ther cay on genuine. It taken interne xd made In Toledo, woman of experience whose voice car- Ohio, by F Cheney & Co, imontals free, new industry in the south Atlantic The Alabama legislature has passed 1 ‘ ; aby Druggists. Price, er bottle. and Gulf states, but it promises to de- | ried particular weight. Preacher after jaxe fiai's Family Pitiefor constipation. a bill to prohibit the sale or giving preacher was invited to the pulpit for -----------------------velop into one of the most important away or possession of liquors in clubs. a trial sermon, and all, in the final Had to Have Her Tobacco. in that section,” said J. Z Reid, a It prohibits exactly what the Georgia analysis, were rejected by the female One of the inmates of Towcester prosperous planter of Florida, “The law allows; The act will become efarbiter. At last there came along a| Workhouse, a woman aged 84 years, most popular nut is the pecan, and its fective Jam 1, 1909. possible incumbent who met with her has applied to the board of guardians popularity is probably due to the deWorry over the financial situation approval. for an allowance of tobacco, She said velopment of systematic methods of caused Oscar Nelson, a wealthy busiThe reason I am sure he will give she had smoked 71 years and missed grading it and cracking it with maness man ¢6f Rockford, Ils. to commit satisfaction,’ she said, “is because he | her pipe so much since entering the chinery operated by steam or electric power, This makes possible the mar- suicide by inhaling illuminating gas. has the right kind of a wife for a/ house she could not digest her food. She allows him to rant | The board decided to comply with her keting of the meats of the nut ready He was formerly a prominent furni- minister. ture manuffcturer at Duluth. around all he wants at home and request.—London Globe. for use. “How's the house, another player ysterious pains, if ns of inflammation READERS over 3,000 are and compilers; 1,300 are engaged in | photos ] ¢ivil service clerks num| ber ne 0; 3,800 are engaged in and nursing and 350 NATURES} Π dical | n y) A RAZOR AND STROP FOR $I 171 N. Lineoln St., Chicago, Il., Oct. 20 and 30, 1906 he you nen of Great Britaln are well repdin the professions and trades, the | 10,000 a and k, Vander ft. Pa. writes Ον Dez Ἆ Pink] ο “I had Lydia E. Pink er S ham's V¢é ble Compound removed Mrs. Ma Fry, of 836 W. Colfax|it for me af two doctors had given ive., South I i, Ind., write | me up. I was sick four years before I D Mrs. Pink n | began to take the Compound I now I take § it pleasure in writ-| recommend Lydia BE. Pinkham's Veget ing to thank 1 what Lydia E.| able Compound far and nea Pinkhan Ve ; nd has! Such testimony as above is con for me ] the Blood | vincing evidence that Lydia E. Pink I in alte with the | ham’s Vegetable Compound ands ( und, Y ! removed a} without a peer as a remedy for Tumor ey 1 { f rs' growth,|Growths as well as other distressing \ thre { he best physicians Is of women, and such symptoms as lared I had They had said that} Bearine-down Sensations Displaceonly operation could help me. I am| ments, Irre ities and Backache, very thankful that I followed a friend’s | etc n should remember that it advice and took your medicine. It has|is Lydia Pink s Vegetable Com made me a rong i well woman} pound that is curing so many women. and I shall recommend it as long as| Don’t forget to insist upon it when I live.” some druggist asks you to accept Mrs. E. F. Hayes, of 26 Ruggles St., | something else which he calls t Boston, Mass., writes: las good.” vond it from n 1 if ] vince cura Ointment, together with the Soap ind ab 1,500,000 earn their own nd Pills, | am pleased to say she ig| living. There are 124,000 who teach; Pleasant fir | ing pain, τ hig i ht and ly he stores and “tried ¢ on mor and thought and thought, and then bought a hat which is so ¢ ie and hideous that } relative ] f h with shame ev« time they see her wear it, and s Miss unusual! gh ne visited home by lisplace I other remedies without any | did the favorable re cura Soap, ( ed to me by it so many which | ] | | | | “My t ΄ id neck were coyered with itching skin similar to eezema, and she ered terribly for over a yt | took her to a numberof doetor nd a to different colleges, to no avail Then Cuticura Remedies | 1 did not 1 institution Κ᾽ by Cuticura Remedies, i me lia Many in started out to fail hat. Succeeds. One of tl greatest triumphs of “I have been under Mffe doctors’ I E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com-/ treatment for tin without p d is the conquering of womans relief They me | a fibroid iread enemy Tumor tumor, my abdonien wa n and The growth of a tumor is so in-|1 suffered w great | | wrote ious that freqvently its presence|to you for ad you i and I s wholly unsuspected until it is well] followed your directions carefully and idvanced to-day I am a well wou Lydia E sx ulled “wandering pains may| Pinkham’'s Veg ble Compound X( 16 from its early stages or the] pelled thet strengthened my esence Γι may be made/ whole sys st excessive monthly peri-| Β of Scott, N. Y., ‘ father-in-law. Ar give you a chat One of An Atchison w comforting explana-| you disa make a verv 2 pow. I'm going satisfaction of knowiwye got paid, you 1 was the influence joyously he he for Ward banl the riously of Thomas | ¢ } the early suspended payment dt days of the financial « has re Willie” Collier, the comedian, was epened for business . an irrepressible member of a barn-| Five men were killed, one fatally storming combination which, some| ten years ago, did the “tank” towns }Injured and a number seriously in jured by the explo n of a boiler in of the middle west, The company had been doing a poor a planing mill at the John L, Roper business for several weeks when a} lumber mils, Gelmerton, Va Five children were cremated and certain town in Illinois was reached women Just before the curtain went up that their parents and two otl ence things gen- is it a pardon?” | W | know York, night, Collier was standing at the cur tain “peep-hole,” sizing up the audi a man's hand govern ‘ sufferers Comedian Made Humor of What Was Approaching Tragedy. e ‘ rs was of ident—agreed father did not see blue-tinted shoe ff W trial Compound The r cour but the Vegetable He ed. gir|—although e 1 and the ome. pon with him; Overwhelming Proof that years | grasDid Homer S. King, president of the Clearing House association of Sa cure , Dr, Kilmer ἃ: Οο., | Francisco, says that the local financial I 1" Ν.. ἃ sure and mention | situation gradually eturoing to a this paper Dor make any mistake, | healthy condition bi r ember the name, Swamp-Root |} Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad- | Governor George I. Sheldon of N dres I hamton, N. Y., on every braska declares that he will use all of bottle | his influence toward s¢ ng t Re nonial te an of w pbecun to bring i indicted for mur- sult th made up his mir conviction was @ foresion, as his guilt wag un-| was 8 ὶ “you want to marry my daughter! Why. it is only a few years since you were caddying meé “That's true!” interrupted the young man, “but I don’t intend to let that stand in the wa The 181 you then used was certainly a say ] ξ his g t hanged; but the man t to the governor for a was anxiously awaiting a thereto when his lawyer visited | him in 1 cell ] δ i news for you—very rood 1 the ing lawyer said, the th first ἑ he 0D t his from the bench. t and got ness, fro: W the openings and looked a looked Famine conditior ire threatening tion Then she took a friend and went the Vesternorriand and Vesterbatten BABY ITCHED TERRIBLY, |around to the millinery stores and listricts of Lapland, where deluging | | “επ on” a i 1 of course rains have had disastrous effects on | Face and Neck Covered with Inflamed that he looked perfectly ter the crops -1180 na ing that « quest nion ie ΐ His der, Ε Cal ys, as Father-in-Law That the young f evident fron fact » lawyer, who, like g cas ith western of wages 1 Pinole, t Ba mos is Proposed An amusing story is told by MHarWeek at the expense of a : I a confess« ndepende a a Venezuela Wi 2-months-old rain two mi tt have 1 1 is Young Man Bore No Grudge Against pro of lwo men were ki own to atoms w curred at the E. 1 ompany’s plant near al at Τ bv was B health Los Teque and much of the time to his The strike of workers has be Swamp-Root Cannon at The Switct i lrawn the demand on tt ailroads for an increase amounting to six cer ar ress, How Young Lawyer Carried Comfort to Convicted Client. bed Miss WAS WILLING TO FORGET. wiil escaped i: again in confine stoo often, ifthe wrine scalds when the child reaches an able to control the ted with bed-wetthe cause of thediffik trouble, and the first ν is the treatment of This unpleasant iiseased condition of 8 i bladder not to a ς st tl Joseph wreck but disappear when the kidneys are out of order or diseased. Kidneytrouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncommon for a child to be bern afflicted with ( railroad REAL CAUSE FOR GLADNESS. SUMMAKY Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty | Eating. A perfect remedy for Dizziness, Nau: | sea, Drowsiness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue, Pain in the | Side, TORPID LIVER, our preparations which wil! interest you. 17 State st. CHESEBROUGH MFG. CO, NewYork city W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & ES$3.50 SHOES sheen F BeeTHe FAMILY.ATALLPHIOgS. Ἕν yelledBeeryLeahyPen To one who can Ww. L. They regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. than any other ‘acturer, THE REASONW. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more ple in all walks of life than any other make, is because of their excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities, SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. of the shoe, and everydetail of the making is looked after CARTERS . PILLS. Genuine Must Bear Fac-Simile Signature fiee#Ftord REFUSE|SUBSTITUTES Nuts, my memory is good and ny |=" mind as clear as when I was young and I am thankful.” Name given by the most completeorganization of superintendents, νο skilled shoemakers, whoreceive the highest wages paid in the shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot excelled. IVER Grape. Theselection of the leathers and other materials for each κ @ ifl could take youinto my large factories at Brockton, Mass., —how you how carefully W. κα Douglas shoes are made, you — oalthen understand why they hold their shape, fit better, onger and are of greater “ thanον other make. $5.00 Git cannot ed Saeed, any price. The genuine have ο”| W. -- name and -sequall stamped αμα Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas &hoes. eh . |= to ee Shoessent — by mail - WiDenesBeesonsMaa No Substitute. |/PUTNAMFADELESS DYES Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little booklet, “The Road to Wellville,” in packages. “There's a reason.” Cotar more brighter and faster colors than any package — all fibers. They ACORN SS curmenl without ripping apart, Write for itee bookiet~—tlow toUno.Bleach oithent Bieecs and @ ixColors. in cold water better than any cther dys, Yeu OE DRU? CO., Quincy, Minolta” |