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Show rer ΟΠΣ COVER WHAT IS PE-RU-NA? Will FOR Be Pretty wit His λ . ip ‘ ak bow N x tT t 1 Cor 1 ch if ve edge recipe; Flu W elion, in { nargon, Con 1 ; Or itt te} 1 4 w that the and ' 1 | ko w I Fur Fast r th i t lolman Ὦ I wh a the oa ha iskra por yt | waste mat Save it if Numberless testimonials from every quarter of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusiastic. When practical experience confirms a well-grounded theory the result is a truth that cannot be shaken. Delicate Shade of Meaning, A keen retort is credited to the late Charter- house. Take Sewng Easily. The sewing in many housesolds is for 4 left like the housecleaning, happiness, general disturbance of that a boy's character was “generalcomfort, and health when, if a little ly” good. system were used, the burden would “When I say generally,” he replied, be lighter. For instance, every house “I mean not particularly.” needs napkins, table cloths, pillow | cases, washrags and towels The Cromwell's Boots. peaceful method is to secure these In London the other day a pair of long before they are actually needed, riding boots worn by Oliver Cromwell and do the sewing at odd times. Cut were sold for $43. They were discovcarefully by the thread the twelve | ered 30 years ago during some excanapkins, folding each one in clean tis vations at Canonbury Tower, Islingsue paper Then when time lags -_ sew a napkin—ditto tablecloth In ; ; ss π : τ Πο ᾿ bottom, can be done friend } | a Με | ly Mrs i hem. while conversing ) or es hemmed { your A rgymé as ' | Χ Mica Put little on c+) i the αρἰπή]εβ Ῥείοτε χοπ ''Ίνοοϊκ ΜΝ] ' up”—it will help the horse, an ᾿ my πο : ean again attend to my business. fA owdered mica which reduces be hangers this ; in watch,” ΚΕ A ae he said . τ t a little boy held : it eu es ( jeweler 4 on hums: in pens Incorporated / || a (| ' e can ‘ lye o ‘ ᾽ INSURE YOUR HEALTH I 1 a ξ 5 ¥2\\_ on stormy days by wearing A | a AOWERS ' ' es | r tollet : | | ( ΐ ] n . Durable back > are | | t a | x closely a This ͵ - . sira s. 1 ott Pain : os at pee 2-cent bottles | Ὃ nov feadacte. | Fein"Paintstonepe ομενον { ἜνὈγαρεραία, ἐδλοκονκ.α κ. 1. WoLcert. Weleott Building, Bex York, ἃ DS ae gon oe ‘er. makes it firmer Πο iently © Ask your dealer for W. L. Douglas shoes. 9 I sa Quick and ‘ k d Ρ Permanent Cure for 2 ς Rh eins = aa rere? uts, the cause “αίμα lS PRANE ; ; ἘΝ z ot ens. Aiea W. GLEASON CW. OLEASON, No UBLIC. | i Bunions, I ἘΌΝ iis Chilblains, Pollevil, Burns, Scalds, and ALL THE THAT ILLS is still living in celebrated his Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $i. ni Ὁ |__._16 ounces to DEFIANCE Lots of people are poor subjects for @ mind reader. 4 'ν STARCH other starches only “DEFIANCE” IS To convince any 12 ounces—same price and SUPERIOR QUALITY. Pes woman lnprove her 5 t 0 t ἃ and heals m 6 m- ed hs, | . | You 2 can can tien © | Postum der 3 i upon it, 4 Mpom it, NOTHING. IS BETTER ha ea μων There's a Reason ~ ‘trow clate SCIATIC ACHES ALL PLEASURES SPOIL, τὰ Read τ rd $; sore eyes, sore throat rect ΕΓ nd ΟΥ af | treatment and ts cur- hese troubles is extra- gives tmmediate - relict. ing and rec- τ RHEUMATIC TWIN ς να... NOGISTS— 25e.—ALL DRUGGISTS-5Oe. Ε ἰ FOR HAPPINESS a- $30 AN HOUR > “4. Δ THAT- YOUCAN USE$ LUMBAGO’S PAIN, ql “The Road to Wellville,” in pkgs, ativ THE Ε. ΡΑΧΤΟΝ ΟΘ., Boston, Mass, FOR STIFFNESS, SORENESS, SPRAIN OR BRUISE, ia : i inflammation caused by femi- th : es re, I ar cat τι ‘il αληΝήρηο. ree st Ate ng TOTRYIT. teh gl SO IT COSTS YOU NOTHING Ἆ ᾽red |] want af- such as nasal catarrh, pelvic nou et ry ; brane fections, 4 ° ith | {η sleep well,al, whe a § i instruc- is. Send mucous in- | I have found the cause of my trouedges bles and a way to get rid of em, cen-| of cleanses χὰ] health is health is 8 so eres ες sat almost “I Kk e nd | ἵ ομέειοῦ ἕν ὑῶν εν in| wi your name and address on a postal card, ] σ Ε my axtine tions and genuine test | yi and ἐκ Pax. health and do all we claim forrit. it We will ο ΡΕ, ΝΑ large trial 1 | kl | “I have now, us é that tine Antiseptic will Μο! f properly made pro] é to theJ taste les 16ξ Sold by ail Dr uggists. δ — τ, | re TO. : Hides, Pelts and Wool. To get full value, ship to the old reliable N. W. Hide & FurCo., Minneapolis, Minn. ak as | my HEIR 15 FLESH » seventy-fifth anniversary. concludeditt that « ied Ringbone, . ree Williams Abrams Martin, the sollvieted John Brown, Virginia. He has’ . . 5 { bey νωνῖνον of the So oe Ὃν fora| G Frost Bite, John Brown Juror. |. ny | tied W ounds, + ς Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, A. Τοιοάο, Ο. αἱ ποτές ζωών © and it sou of $ } Sprains, j Neuraigia, Headache, ο Id Sores, Corns, directly stoma | : at any price. If he cannot supply you, send = as| dirscty op the youdandmucoussurfaces Of the κα KE again ee re. ffor or > direct to factory, Shoes sent everywhere by mail, Catalog free. W.L.Douglas, Brockton, Mass Ξε. 1 for] I Anally τε i h Shoes cannot be equalled AUTION! The genuine have W. L. Douglas nameand price stamped on bottom”. Take © OLD SOAKERS ried coffee i1round the . ια]. ἜΣ ΟΠΕΝΕΥ ὦ ΟΟ., at- ~ iin, | ras as | ἘΠ 5 igh My $4.00 and $5.00 Gilt Edge oath that he {s senfor CueNxey & Co., doing of Toledo, County and State aes Πα re the pata ὶ . I sends ὃ } .ssw! —, { the 1ole Line : ite rings I five havetimesstretched for one buttonhole ove IfI could take you into my large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer and are of greater value than any other make. ee ‘ 4’ shoe industry, and whose workmanship cannot be excelled. ey κλαις by mane pasele of the shoe, and every detail of the making is looked after by the most completeorganization of superintendents, foremenand skilled shoemakers, who receive the highest wages paid in the eumatism, je- stretch or tea 1 -ll kinds . ind ca off . materiz kind ma a 3 to make sixty for} fi point: — THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn in all walks of life than any other make, is because Οἱ their excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities, The selection of the leathers and other materials for each part reciters and story- oat, Cree fel- fe 11] ᾿ Bula - * s in ' Oven Cloths from Aprons. your old kitchen aprons fi ] | rections t : a “Onn ce rial Γ μος“. 1 to starting ; t Guaranteed Waterproof F ᾱ ind ae h ἐεξαι wo threads. tit directt vs. par itt ake Suse ; Clean ~ Light win he ¢ ee ack $25,000 more bests’Soosnet Men's $3 & | he ul ἊΝ, | tt } next a Bes" SHOES FOR EVERY MEMBER OF ayy THE FAMILY, AT ALL PRICES. tellers to visit hospitals ς and j amuse i : y, ᾽ | hap | purposes a ͵ :ἴ it tan e Buttonholes Won't Tear | ‘ 3 OX -W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES sieWon of |} often ; ᾿ y balk,” rir] he girl box or pan ἐν “Ὁ a tl t : FisH pew? | re eton theshelf todry. This | | 1 , = | FRANK J. Cuenr tO} partuer of the firm eat bus ness in the City | s n ὰ - AND COMFORT ΤΝ 1 n < — on f Dr.Earl S. Sloan, Boston,Mass,U.S.A, . 7 Hospital Story-Telling. It is curious that philanthropists ward When PRICE 25¢,50¢, & $1.00 Stat vor ο 110, ( City or I ToLEpo, | -avenue —New | StaTse ccs ee en eS ttash or colic and insect stings. | good. I ean . : M | | : 1» a c ‘ to Μο“ τὶ of joints, cuts, bruises, burns, cramp I No Substitute. Get Saturated with Caffeine. STANDARD OIL COMPANY —— Third κ frailty Jow gets ole kia eee. = . in rail luman n ; nothing. nar ind € pre = ot Thousands use Sloan's Liniment for rheumatism. neuralgia, toothache sprains, contracted muscles, stiff to | York. Mr. Wilder was welcomed en| thusiastically by the convalescent pa- so Ito} siretel or | the next intended; petticoat taken dowr } + } needed and elasticity to the muscles. up his | Pleasure in nearly every city, to visit ; regularly certain hospitals in New “Sell t waist away fatigue and gives strength it goes all ways but the | the patients. A rich man in New What ought I to do with York engaged Marshall P. Wilder, the | diminutive entertainer, who has given terprise is based on a knowledge mean ) quickens the blood, drives Saw It Come Out of a Cow. “Tnst || good do not engage ‘ ᾽ purchased here will be stret« His ize without extra cost.” neat hung not than any other preparation sold for that purpose. It penetrates to the bone, | tients, and his merry stories did them re placed and itl He in Othergrease. Coatsthe axic can topped ἢ et i withto a be any than weil—better ( AC stiffness quicker and easier went to work again to-night. I had been suffering for eight years and have now been cured by the Cuticura Reme- | ai OW ESS Ht 18 Lhe Bec: waists on one hookto that intended maynot fit the finger3 for of} 1η | is Liniment will relieve soreness and | Stretching Rings. lere and every and it does yppe ] ; waists paper 1 tog ther of here ows, ] i AXLE GREASE wears e ‘ ten losely he it | Sloain’s in search of a novel means of doing “See 7 Then if the hooks é stead bring the load home quicker. MICA η that the I had tried many other remedies and| 4. it | this pole and room arrival. iced 1 elp the Horse No article is more useful about the stable than ts little to sell several doctors, and spent about three hundred dollars, without any success, but this is to-day the seventh day that I have been using the Cuticura Remedies (costing a dollar and a half), which have cured me completely, so that I — be used and dozens of | so uk ; # Axle Grease. p the my skin was rough and sore, and sore underthe arms, and I had to at homeseveral times because of affection. Up toa week or so ago guste tase tee te | Yo ee ee take want Onetrial will convince you that And “do you want to buy fo | Came out of a cow; I sawit. | imagine that it does not keep good hung on man cried out: Γ a ο “ “Ok, Dotty, don’t! You musn’t drink a) that milk. It’s not fit to drink. It address back in the closets where skirts can | “I know!” he shouted be hung. The skirt hangers with large | a friend.” must Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs. Pinkham, at Lynn,Mass From thesymptoms given, the trouble maybe located and the quickest and surest way of recovery advised. “Upon the limbs and between the | toes also stay this illustrate the idea of regulating the | sinful human heart he took out his } watch and held it up that all might closet, yet they will not take the place‘ Instantly of one long curtain rod placed well | hand ; can be Mrs. Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women feeling Spent $300 on Doctors and Remedies | but Got No Relief—Cuticura Cures in a Week. “That ise Sunday school τ | time—that Handy Contrivance. right way. One may have dozens of hooks in a 442” ; kirts system. For the derangements of the Kidneys of either sex Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is excelent SKIN SORE EIGHT YEARS. The Sinful Human Heart. clergyman wa addr ing ; αἱ hooks Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints such as Falling and Displacements, and Organic Diseases Headache, General Debility, Indigestion, and invigorates the whole feminine ing her glass to her rosy lips, the boy| ; -- Miss Adelaide Nichols of 324 West 22nd Street, New York City, writes:—Dear Mrs, Pinkham:-‘‘If women who suffer would only rely upon Lydia E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound their troubles would be quickly alleviated. I feel greatly indebted for the relief and health which has been brought to me by your inestimable remedy.” It’s thing.’”—Youth's Companion 4 a Babb Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound but it just as I 1 i? 8 precisely ‘I condition which consequences and be restored to health and strength by taking first time I was ever accused of stealing a dog.” “Yes, sir,” replied the driver, sympathetically, and added, after a moment’s pause, “For myself, sir, I have aa τ ; never been accused of stealing any- youthful class in > linen T such the It cures MISS ADELAIDE NICHOLS causes 80 much discomfort and robs that period of its terrors, Women who are troubled with painful orirregular functions should take immediate action to ward off the serious A little city boy and his sister Dorothy were taken to the country for the first time. The two children were happy as the day was long. In the late afternoon they watched the cows come home, heard with delight the tinkling cowbells, and the little boy even went to the barns to see the milking done. ) st as Dorothy % At supper, just as Dorc hy was lift ! Ι when you have made yoar| ca before said the phonograph?’ “Νο, said I; flute.’” you aren't : ‘This with r, now,’ said he, prescription away from the woods. Put in fifteen minutes at the : μποτ ᾿ εκτ finis ung the - and you hard know | pillow } lo ] he the combined Yes “It’s queer what strange things happen to a man uphere,” he said to the stage-driver who later carried him . ae and baste as it is the most thorough female regulator known to medical science. fine instrument “*Really me, ‘Precisely until-he added a two-dollar bill to his arguments like manner tear from the muslix | half a dozen pillow cases. When the | ail € I ABCE 1en τηε hands are idle, overseam the sides | and Thousands of women, have found relief from all periodic suffering by taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound, wyich is made from native roots and herbs, The clergyman endeavored to ex:| plain that he was an unwilling com- dies within a week. Fritz Hirschlaff, panion of the dog, which had refused 24 Columbus Ayve., New York, N. Y., to be driven away, but to little effect March 29 and April 6, 1906.” His brother-in-law, Dr. Porter, the master of Peterhouse, another famous English school, wrote him, inquiring his precise meaning in a certificate — lead to serious derangement of the feminine organism, with such accuracy. I was more than pleased with myself. Then the man put in the cylinder, and the music began to issue forth. I frowned Is that me I said Fur trimmed dre will not be fre- | | That's Where the Driver Had the Best | juently seen, but cloth trimmings on | of the Preacher, irs, suc as the hree choice varie | s above mentioned, will be. Stitched | A New York clergyman, who often| bands of cloth are to be used to define | spends his vacation in fishing the| seams which heretofore were prefer streams of the Adirondacks, was on ; ably left undefined, and silk braids of adopted ya handsome set one trip a close, fine mesh, will be employed which insi ted on following | ter dog for the same purpose in connection him from camp to camp, as he moved with soutache and lace ornamental along the stream ||; fastenings One day he met a party of men| Wide revers of sable or fox will be working upstream with a native guide |} used for the squirrel-lined tweed The guide immediately recognized the | coats, and these, being usually meant | dog as his own property. for practical warmth, are provided | “Trying to steal my setter, are with big storm collars, also lined with | you?” he shouted at the clergyman fur. Scotch tweeds for motoring and ‘I'll have you to jail for this! There's | long cloth pedestrian cloaks will also | have fur in this way about the neck | a law in the woods just as big as you | have in the city.” From a theoretical standpoint, therefore, Peruna is beyond criticism. The use of Peruna, confirms this opinion. " never effect NO STAIN ON HIS RECORD, iks evidence that something is wron, which should be set right or it wil I was d hted “‘T'll get my flute,’ I said. ‘Tll play a flute sol “Well, I played my best into the machine It seemed to me t I had which cause | ry the ying you, Ww and Urinary vercomas the matism in fust’a mixture is said to ers and cure ] forcing the Kid from the blood i and foul, de 4 you shal] hear yourself. favor one ounce; y f affliction well i ' k composed 1 Ϊ tl worst f little wl remove the Rhe ne f and t A 1} τε stages and locations in the body. ᾿ a costly an is authority are all harmless 116 by shaking mixture has a ts é upon tr fo ie SEED, ought to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in all its ; it off and one-half soothing ne COLLINSONIA CANADENSIS, CORYDALIS FORMOSA and CEDRON x we Th joined with CUBEEBS and COPAIBA a trio of medical agents is formed in Peruna which constitutes a specific remedy for catarrh that in the present state of medica! progress cannot be improved upon. This action, reinforced by such renowned tonics as it mit i of try iparilla, three ful after each faste upon the medical profession. When , While no woman is entirely free from periodic suffering, it does not seem to be the plan of nature that women should suffer so severely. Irregularities and pain are positive A great tenor had been singing for some hours int: > a phor graph “The phonograph he said, “is a wonderful t thing It almost realizes nexpensive Mixture of Harmless Vegthe wish of the Scottish poet, the wish etable ingredients Said to Over. that we might see ourselves as others come Kidney and Bladder see us We can now, at Jeast hear Trouble Promptly, ourselves, a thing ir npossible before The phonograph teaches us manyvalHere le home-made mix- uable lessons When I was in the 1 ninent authority army, before I realized the capabilities K ise who makes the of my voice, 1 played the flute. A ew York daily news- | phonograph salesman brought a paper, tl will relieve almost any phonograph to my quarters and tried ease f i t ble if taken be to sell it to me on the instalment plan. fore tl tage of Bright's disease. He I was undecided lly the man oms as lame took out a blank cylinder frequent desire See,’ he said, rather reluctantly, to ur 4 ] at night; painful ‘here is a bl cylinder. You may and iation, are readily make a record on it, then wewill run ΓῚ many years, and is growing in its hold a Production. KIDNEY CURE, l cacy of this herb has been recognized of PERIODS OF PAIN The Great Musician Had No Use for ed aE membrane. | master DID NOT WANT TO BUY. Biue D There must be something to strengthen the circulation, to give tone to the arteries, and to raise the vital forces, Perhaps no vegetable remedy in the world has attracted so much attention from medical writers as HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The wonderful effi- Haig-Brown, and ple Some people call Peruna a great tonic. Others refer to Peruna as a great catarrh remedy. Which of these people are right! Is it more proper to call Peruna a catarrh remedy thanto call it a tonic? Our reply is, that Peruna is both a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed, there can be no effectual catarrh remedy that is not also a tonic. In order to thoroughly relieve any| case Of catarrh, a remedy must not only have a specific action on the mucous membranes affected by the catarrh, but it must have a generaltonic action on the nervous system. Catarrh, even in persons who are otherwise strong, is a weakened con- Dr. 5 Pink M Tonic, or is it Both? mucous of MIX THIS YOURSELF | BABY S'MPLE HOME-MADE Is it a Catarrh Remedy, or a dition of some THE ἴ κώμα USE ST. J S OIL. — seein τ . With Our MERRY GO ROUND We also manufacture Razzie (x Da cans HERSCHELL-SPILLMAN t Outfitters. A Dept. : M Norte Tonov 5 e | | |W. N. U., Salt Lake City, No. 43, 1907. |