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Show Why Is It? ‘UTAH§STAAT K NEWS: «. Ύου weer old, broken jewelry end unre. | Two cases of smallpox were ‘placed liable wateh«s when « few m nutes and « few do lars in our store would put you right? | Under quarantine in Ogden last week at ne new Swedish Lutheran church Park City was dedicated last Sun FIVE MONTHS IN HOSPITAL. WHEN MILESTONES CHEER. Discharged Becaues Doctors Could Not They Always Gladden the Heart of Cure. the Pedestrian. Levi P. Brockway, S. Second Ave., Anoka. Minn. says: five months in a hos- The output of Utah's mines this year will rea ch the enormous sum of τς. eM 1 br { f a f his 4 wt 3 . 5 i€ , ed a flue a int 1 ‘ 3 i i 1 18 fif wl ‘ ] 1; mitte this so the fig! elul ft I ized a heads . πῃ to find ε uilwe ites ie took the the ecret with ¢ iilwa league ver of Ala flour wa 1 8 he e Was ed high Al i in nter 8 a Ϊ “ ΠΕ f got it ht something é 1 into all politi came about rates happened that per lersell } and af a while he identified and disc ation, or thought he did, and matter before the Birmingham Commercial | owned popularly the club known as branches This He left the the club “Morris organization and organ Avenue presented a Sore bill to the legislature but when it was passed it was not up to the Comer standard Comer became president of the new railway ‘commission, winning by more than 20,000 tes Then came the state election. Comer told the people | he wanted everything—the lleutenant-governorship, the rest of the railway commission and both branches of the legislature. Then he could get laws allways to reguiate the He carried sixty of the sixty-seven counties, and } } And Gov Comer is still fighting the railroads won by 20,000 votes | | ARMY CHIEF RETIRES | By the retirement of General McCaskey from the Unites Siates army the other day at the age of 64 by operation of the law as to age limit, the force loses one of ite most unique characters. The general is the last commissioned officers on the active list who answered President Lincoln's first call for volunteers in April, 1861, and served throughout the civil war, a period of more than four years. He received his commission as major general, United States army, on the forty-sixth anniversary of his entry into the volunteer service as a private He was identified with the First and Seventyninth volunteer regiments from Pennsylvania during the war, and served in General Patterson's army in Virginia, and later in the armies of Ohio and Cumberland. His regiment, the Seventy-ninth Pennsylvania volunteers, belonged to the Fourteenth army corps and he was present with it in all campaigns and battles from 1861 until mustered out July, 1865, at Washington, D. C., as a captain. He was appointed in the regular army as second and first Heutenant Feb. 23, 1866, and assigned to the Thirteenth United States infantry, transferred to the Twenty-second infantry, and later to the’ Twentieth infantry, in which regiment he served for nearly thirty-five years, filling every grade from first lieutenant to colonel, General McCaskey was advanced to the grade of brigadier general January, 1904, and has served two tours in the Philippine islands. | | | | | | | His entire period has been spent in the line of the army. TO WRITE HISTORY OF RUSSIA Mrs. Augusta Hale Gifford of Portland has sailed for an extended trip abroad. During her absence she will add to her material for a comprehensive history of Russia, It is no new thing for Mrs, Gifford to tarry in other lands, for al though born in Maine she has spent more than half her time on foreign shores during the past thirty years A sister of the venerable U. 8, senator, Eugene Hale, she ‘springs from a long-lived studicvus family. After her graduation from Oberlin college she became a devoted student to history, literature and art. Shortly after her marriage to Hon. George Gifford of Portland, he laid aside his legal practice and journalism to accept a consular rom service His duties have led to a family residence in London, Paris, Basle and various other foreign capitals, while Mrs. Gifford has taken leisurely trips through Germany, to the North cape and the orient In the early trips back and forth to her native land Mrs. Gifford recalls some trying voyages, when adverse winds and waves often lengthened the trip to sixteen days. Mrs. Gifford has from time to time done much clever work for New| England journals, and was much in demand as a lecturer before she undertook the writing of books. Fond of German character and life she wrote | some years ago a volume entitled “Germany; Her People and Their story In due time this was followed by a history of Italy, which was not only read with avidity by her countrymen but received favorable comment from the king of that country, Mrs. Gifford receiving a letter from Victor Emmanuel | Ill. personally thanking her for so valuable and charming a book No sooner were the two countries woven into a story {ΠἀΠ 5ο Ὀθοαπια| anxious to visit Russia and gather material for a third in her series, but | Modena had smothering spells, and sometimes fell uncon scious. I got se I couldn't use my Friends of Earnest Williams of Salt arms, my eyesight Sixteen persons were killed and aj Lake City, who bas been missing since was νο and the kidney secrescore injured in a train wreck near) Oevwber 8, fear he has met with foul | tions were badly disordered. Shrewsberry, England i play. I was completely worn out and discouraged The vibrations of an earthquake; John C. Henderson, who shot and when I began using Doan’s Kidney were felt In Lowell, Mass., and all | xilled Oscar E. Otto in Los Angeles a Pills, but they went right to the cause suburban towns on October 15. | @w Gays ago, was formerly a resident of the trouble and did their work well Loans to local wool manufacturers jof Ogden | I have been feeling well ever since.’ has caused the failure of the First | Scattered over the state of Utah, Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Dresden, Ohio of National ba | are many dairies, whose product of Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y Six people were killed and sixteen butter and cheese this year will exresult of a passenger |lceed $2,000,000 injured as the Something New in Tablecloths, train train crashing into a freight A fight is being inaugurated on the She had come into the store to buy 8S. C near Greensboro, eastern mail order houses by the Man- | tablecloths and she stated in the being a Fu ufacturers’ and Merchants’ associat ion Sarah Bernhardt, i | inning that she wanted something mor that she is soon to retire from the of Salt Lake City “new.” stage, reiterated her oft-expressed dee Frank Bowden, 25 years old, was The salesman was patient and laration that she will play until she run over by a threshing machine en | showed her everything in stock, but dies gine at Clover Creek and crushed so nothing suited Twenty-two shoe factories of St badly that he died “Oh, dear!” she exclaimed, fussily, Loui which have been closed for “haven't you anything different?” Frederick Sorensen of Nephi is raisfive weeks because of the strike of ing a second crop of The clerk brought out one of the strawberries, the shoe workers, reopened on the which is regarded as quite a novelty discarded tablecloths that he had put 16th back on the shelf, and said with an in that community. The house of deputies of the gen air of interest: the Utah day was celebrated αι eral Epf&copal conierence, in session Jamestown “Here is one of the very newest deOctober ex posillog on at Richmor Va., voted 267 to 109 to | 16th, Governor Cutler and ex-Governor signs, madam. You see, the center is place negro churches under suffragan | Thomas making addresses in the middle and the border runs bishops right around the edge.” | Two Salt Lake boys about 17 years “Why, yes! Let me have that George Smiley, aged 17, shot and jold are accused of holding up @ Chinaone,” she said eagerly. killed his mother at their home in|| man. sehe youthful highway) men Kansas City He saidthe accidentally | cured only $3 for their trouble ' Only Royal Doctor. kitled her in trying to protect her L: B, Wilder, employed as an 85 The only royal doctor in Kurope {8 from a burglar ever by the State Mining company at Dulte Carl Theodore of Bavaria, ew Directors of -the United States Ex Minersville, was struck by lightning | German princes have had a more ropress company last week declared a and instantly killed on the lith mantic career than Duke Carl Theosemi-annual dividend of $3 per share, The state convention of the Women’s dore. He recently completed, with as compared with $2 for the same Christian Temperance Union was held his wife as his istant, his five-thou period last year in Ogden last week Mrs. KE. E. Shepsandth operation for cataract. Vineence Zamardo, a truck farmer, ard of Ogden waselected president Poor people flock to his hospital, has been arrested at Amite City, La,, On the Utah Arid Farm company’s || where they aretreated free, the duke charged with being a party to the kidasking paymert only from those who farm located in Dog Valley, the big naping and murder of &-year-old Wal- | and can easily afford it. He it was who | steam plow is being run night) ter Lamana at New Orleans last June. successfully treated the kaiser, when, |day, and an average of seventy-live One man was killed, three were fajacres per day is being turned over. | eight years ago, he was temporarily tally injured, and sixteen others were when| Ambrose Greenwell, while mounting | blinded by a swinging rope seriously hurt by the collapse or a a horse at Huntsville, was thrown and | cruising on the Hobenzollern in the 600-foot trestle used in railroad conNorth sea, struction work near Stony Ford, N. Y. Kicked and stamped on by the vicious | brute, and sustained a fracture of sevThe passing of sentence upon the Old Coins Discovered. eral ribs. He is expected to recover. Santa Fe Raiiway company, convictNine NEWS SUMMARY. bas t ΠΠ During the past six months fully 6,000 head of cattle have been shipped N ST. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH j ι pital I was discharged as incurable and given only six months to live. My heart was affected, ! $2,000,000 GOVERNOR FOE OF RAILROADS ed of rebating shipments of lime between points in Arizona and California, has been postponed until November 4. attorneys were granted per- mission to practice before the Supreme court one day last week A receiver has been appointed to take charge of the Ogden canyon sanitarium, at the mouth of Ogden canyon The resort has been a losing proposition ever since it was thrown open tu the public. ‘Lhe products of the metal and coal mines and the clay products of Utah will this year aggregate $50,000,000, while ihe agriculture, horticulture and livestock industry will reach a total of $75,000,000. Five workmen were drowned by the overturning of a scow in the Ilinois and Michigan canal near Joliet, πι. Twenty-three men were in the scow, and many of these had narrow escapes from drowning Advices from Trondhjem, Norway, are to effect that a violent hurricane Frank Pierce of Salt Lake City wil has been raging over the province of Singmark. Many fishing boats are become first assistant secretary of the 1, missing, and up to the present time interior department on November isnereedine Judge Thomas Ryan ol seven lives have been lost Kansas, who has been moved to a less Special despatches to Mexico City responsible position report that the leader of the gang The same distressing condition with which last week stole $15,000 worth of reference to the prevalence of typhoia bulion from the precipitating room of fever in Salt Lake which existed last the Guanajuata Consolidated Mining year is reported again this fall. There and Milling company, had been cap jis an amazingly large number of cases tured after being wounded three times of this dread disease. The United States army transport Logan, from the Philippines, brought a large number of cabin passengers, mostly army officers, and 477 men of the Thirteenth infantry, who have be@n ordered to Fort Leavenworth Kan The first joint resolution of the Phil ippine commission and assembly was passed on the 19th. It was addressed to the American people through Pres ident Roosevelt, and conveyed thanks of the Filipinos for the boon of having an assembly Paul Angell, a collector, attempted |suicide in Salt Lake City while intoxlicated, but was prevented by a spec: tator who knocked a bottle of carbolic acd from his hand and held him un til the police arrived On the Levan bench a strip of land three miles wide by eight miles long in Juab county—this year 60,00¢ raised, as bushels of wheat were ;against 50,000 bushels last yeur, upon, absolutely dry farms The settlement of the telephone strike has had the effect of placing 3 Secretary of State Junkin of Ne crew of men at work in Park City. The braska has announced that fusion had »ompany has been unable to make an) b een. accomplished on nearly ὙΠ mprovements since the trouble began Popu- } but now it is rushing things «ἈΠπ]ἁαϊο, {Π6 Democrats and G. G. Gregg, the oldest member oj lists surmounting all obstacles under | Thestate ticket the Independent Order of Odd Fellows the political dusturbances have been such that her family have not been the new primary law. in Utah, died at his home in Salt Lake has been definitely outlined willing for her to attempt traveling through that country until now. He was eighty-fou1 The imperial Chinese troops de- City last week. | tac hed from the Yang-Tse-Kiang val years old, and has been prominent in Odd Fellowship for a good many years y cantonments because of the antiThomas Coughlin, an iron worker, Kang missionary outbreak at Nan Boxer was erushed to death by afalling der Sien have driven the so-called the new shah of Persia, Mohammed Ali Mirza, ick, while at work on the Newhouse rebels into the mountains on the bor who ascended the throne last February, aroused building in Salt Lake. Other work ders of Kwang Tung In an engage at the awful slaughter of his subjects by invad ment at Chung Yi the troops killed | men had narrow escapes, but succeed: sultan to curb ing Turks, has called upon the ed in getting out of harm's way. seventy of the insurgents his auxiliaries, asserting that the temper of the William F. Strickley, an electrician A curious legal complication has Persian people will inevitably force on a war arisen in Tangier as the result of the of Salt Lake, is dead as the result of should the frontier continue to be harrassed Blood flowec open residence in the city of a Swiss raving a tooth pulled. The shah is 35 years old. As a child he subject who is accused of having profusely from the gums, and his nose showed great intelligence and a remarkable robbed a Geneva bank of $200,000. The also bled freely, all efforts to stop the strength of character. He is well versed in the aplication of the Swiss government flow of blood being unavailing. Strick subjects taught in Europe and speaks French to the French consul to secure the exey died five weeks after the tooth was fluently. His majesty is described as serious, tradition of this individual cannot be extracted. atpersonally work, his of fond and energetic | enforced To move the cattle out of Utah tending to every detail of the government. His Great importance is attached in St would require 17,360 cars, or nearly officials have often been heard to complain of Petersburg to the declaration made by 600 trainloads of 30 cars each; te his zeal and exactitude when governorof Tabriz | Secretary of War Taft at Tokio re move the horses in the state 6,608 He did not inherit the oriental love of pomp and display. Some have said garding the Philippines, as indicating ears, or 220 trainloads; to move the that he is economical to a fault | the determination of the United States sheep, 10,400 cars, or 350 trainloads According to the American charge d'affaires in Teheran, he is a most || to carry out an extensive expansion while 400 cars. would be necessary tc firm sipporter and advocate of reform, and has devoted considerable time | policy in the Pacific move the hogs. to the study of political sciences and the political his ory of Europe A $30,000,000 will contest that was Albert O’Brien of Ogden, while ridHis majesty is, however, above all, a milita man He has had 4 the railroaa argued and settled out of court was tng his bicycle across Workingmen in demolishing the old smelter house of the first United States mint, on Seventh street, Phila- delphia, have uncovered a number of religs of the early days of the republic. These relics consist of a number of foreign and domestic coins, dating as far back as 1793. Some of the in- has commanded severa brigades. Indeed, so desirous were the late shah and Nasred-Din, the pres ent shah’s grandfather, that his military training should be as thorough at disclosed last week, when the last tes tament of Nelson Morris, the packer was filed for probate. As the result ol this remarkable situation, the prin cipal provision of the will has been nullified racks, was struck by a ragged for a distance of He was uninjured, except ght bruises. His bicycle der the wheels of the tirely demolished possible that the then young prince entered the army as an ensign, an¢ reached the grade of ceuimander solely on his merits, only after having served the full period fur each intermediate grade. His majesty’s military qualifications found a wide scope in the administration of the province a Severe punishment for druggists Azerbaijan, essentially a military province, where the best Persian troopt} who sell cocaine is advocated by Dr are recruited. It will be readily seen that should the Mohammedan nation? Darlington, head of the New York get into a war that the shah will be thoroughly able to aid in the maneu city health department, and as a re vering of the Persian forces sult of his efforts a druggist convicted The shah is fond of the simple life, and the sumptuousness of his} of making a sale of the poison was court does not exceed that which is absolutely necessary for the main sentenced to six months in the pen! tenance of his rank and dignity. tentiary. train and thirty feet, for severa: was thrown engine and he yield of sugar beets in the ter ry supplying the Amalgamateé Sugar company’s factery at Lewiston Ww be, it is estimated, 2 per cent ghter than that of last year, figuring pon the same acreage, It is claimed, however, that extra acreage will more | than replace the deficit. κἲγ. {ὶ ¥ 4 tant advances to meet you And when you overlook one of this friendly company because of an encroaching r screening boughs, says the Travel Magazine, his neighbor further on comes to you doubly welcome. At the latter end of this passage in the journey your spirits flag a trifle as though oppressed by a sense of desertion. You may even scowl & the overhanging bank which is more than a party te this concealment. Those worthy persons who attend to the roads should see to it that every milestone within their province stands out frankly from its leafy background. Observance of this owever, would rob the wayfarer of that leap of the heart which is his when the stone tells the story of two miles done rather than one. For however much the landscape and the minute world at his feet may claim the footfarer's admiration he is still keenly alive to the virtue of decent distances eovered in his day's journey. A Whistler Criticism. The late James McNeil Whistler was standing bareheaded in a_ hat shop, the clerk having taken his hat to another part of the shop for comparison. A man rushed in with his hat in his hand and supposing Whistler to be a clerk angrily confronted him “See here,” he said, “This hat doesn't fit.” Whistler eyed the stranger from head to foot and then drawled out: “Well, neither does your coat. What's more, if you'll pardon my saying so, I'll be hanged if I care much for the color of your trousers.”’—‘“Under the Spreading Che 2stnut Tree” ip Every body's. Not to Be Wasted. Ben Cary had near his house a Swamp, which was a_ breeding-place for herds of man-eating mosquitoes Some enterprising neighbors who learned of the crude oi] treatment, went to Ben and tried to persuade him to exterminate the pests “Exterminate 'em?” said Ben. “Not much. Not much. Why, Mis’ Cary an’ I just paid $32 for screening the side piazzer that she’s been pestering me about for years How we goin’ to get any good of it, if we kill off the skeeters?”—yYouth’s Companion. Wisdom of Solomon. | In a dog case at Felixstowe, Engteresting finds are a number of test. land, one witness testified that the coins that were experimented with by dog "Those loss was being sued for the officials in the olden times. These was rth $125, while another swore ΄ coins are similar to Chinese money, 8 τίπ]65β, So 8 the judge award΄ each containing a hole in the center ed $6 damages as a fair average. thet was filled with various kinds or metal to bring up the value or the coin. Ugly Appendages. “Hasn't Woldby got his coat-of-arms yet? Why, he told me he was going to look up his ancestry the first chance he got and—” “Well, I believe he got a chance to look up his family tree, but he saw some things hanging to the branches that discouraged further researc Catholic Standard and Times, The Truth of It. “Well,” said Nagget, during their quarrel, “you'll give me credit for a good disposition at least.” “Not at all,” replied his wife, “it isn’t that you’ve a good disposition, but you're simply too lazy to kick.”— Philadelphia Press. Positively cured by these Litt. Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dy; spepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating A perfect remedy for Dizzi . Nau sea, Drow Bad Taste in te Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the Side, T ORPID LIVER. They regulate the Bowes Purely Vegetable, SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE, Genuine Must B ocr ee Fac-Simile Pie few ae” | REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. GASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have AROUSED BY SLAUGHTER thorough and careful training in the art of war and In a walking trip a milestone along the way is the most companionavie fellow in the world; your spirits rise as you near him as though you were about to greet a hur friend, and they keep almost cons aly on his ὁ ἡπαζίαυ ile dishis brott! high level “After lying for ‘ALC OHOL |3 PER RCἼ Ν AVegetablePreparationfirs Similating the Foodand Resuia ling the Stomachs andBowels of PI SM e O a e Always Bought Bears the Signature Promotes DigestionCheerful: nessand Resi.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. NoT NARCOTIC. Recipe ofOldDeSQMUELPITOER PoorSeed Sills TelSa e Aperfect Remedy for Constipatial, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea Worms Convulsions.Feverish ness and LOSS OF SEEEP. FacSinile Signature of lela. NEW YORK. Use For Over Thirty Years ———— GASTORIA Bern. Zestril Κλ Doses =}5 CENTS ranteed —_ ¢ Fooda Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE CENTSUR Company, NEW YORE erry, |