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Show lf you want a reference | ebout us, ask anybodyperson in the state. NEWS SUMMARY RHEUMATISM RECIPE any responsible We sell the best High waters in France have caused considerable damage to are absolute. Mail ESTABLISHED adviees from Batavia L. C. PREPARE SIMPLE HOME-MADE MIXTURE YOURSELF report a1 watchman SALT LAKE CITY, UTA Buy the and Ingredients from -) are now On account peror an New king the and which was the standing Reynolds, en queen explosion of near the men, N. J., reade miess Paso, he Ysleta, Texas. was 70, good was for aged 117, few Π111Θ5 a He drank when he a man died quil a 6, ‘ R. Ingram Music company of Denver, Colorado. It is an ocean characteris- Take rep tic and gives promise of becoming one of the big musical hits of the season, blew ) While last week, says the bank will of it, ask will, no many and can will mix the prescription if asked to. REAL “HOSS” RACE. A the judge. him when to order it, or it will be sent direct by the publisher on receipt of he housing j:corporation The Love Note in There is something Fiction. irritating and Eikan last gree is universal; we are all involved and there is no escape; hence the novel, no matter of what materials it is built up, pays tribute to the primary law of man’s nature by giving prece Joseph Thanet, the author of “The Man of the Hour,” | just been published by the Bobbs-Merri!] company, of IiIndianapolis. The title of the new novel is captains of finance, empha- made homeless, to starvation or sizing the families the women reduced | case of kidnaping, « robbery and the San Francisco earthquake disaster are among the chronicled in in Wood, aged 16 years, of the story, and the plot is an intri- for the purpose French neers submitted their proposal work will take nine years carloads of mustard engi- of Frank Meakin, son of millionaire chinamaker Hundreds of of which are by | natives, but the European concessions in the latter place, as well as in Re ea eeeeeg A TO TYὙψροη- ομφμεάρρπηπο, - turns. There is no Jack ‘of capital even the natives making themselves better acquainted with modern ma chinery and bringing it into use Somewhere before the benediction of’ the marriage ceremony might be well inserted Amiel’s beautifully ca lenced words to women facing their great life work: “Never to tire, never rogers in the At of lives were endangered persons were into panic, 125 electric « several crosstown lines thrown used on were de picked to grow old; to be patient, sympa thetic, tender; to look for the budding flower and the opening heart; to hope always; like God, to love always—this | lantic Sfonthls until hoi there is more You wonder har how Country Outing. Fair,’ by David Lansing, in —Cured | “My by Cuticura. Abraham Ruef Dunne’s court on appeared in Judge October 9th at the time fixed for his sentence on_ the charge of extortion to which he plead ed guilty At the request of Assistant District Attorney Cook, Ruef's attor- | | ney consenting, the Was postponed to Oct date of sentence only ic πε ἀνα the on dis way = aoe ᾿ he bheu this 1 ο ΜΉΝ ον dich waa rs \ MADE FOR SERVICE IN THE ROUGHEST WEATHER AND GUARANTEED ABSOLUTELY RE Ag *) CHENEY st tly I 1Ο t & Lz WATERPROOF ἨΝεῖς CO. Toledo, © , erage pet esent girl dog than N bestow when Ἂν pRaxo \ SLICKERS τ a Ete. } $390 / This trade mark ὋΝ \\ and the word \ ’ ᾽ y \ TOWER on the \ : cana ak - we b \\\ av Towre we meet misery we owe . tN any Hide & Fur Co.. Minneapolis, Minn, Wherever \\ A Decoys, , ‘\\)) POMMEL Lowest prices. Write for free catalog No.1 W. i vA at me amity \ for const! pation. na A roe pe es a te ae ) (gradeslicker from J of the just as good 170» Sa brands cata ene | W. N. Us Salt Lake City, No. 42, 1907. pity. —Dryden BACKACHE AND DESPONDENCY Are both symptoms of organie derangement, women Ὁ ‘ er or later and nature's warning to a trouble which will soondeclare itself How often do we hear women say, “Tt seems as though my back would break.” Yet they continue to drag along and suffer with aches in the small of the back, pain low downin the side, dragging sensations, nervousness and no ambition hey do not realize that the back is the nan 'sorganism at id q by ac Cine ly a diseased cond and pains MISS LENA NAGEL ion of thefeminine organs or kidneys, and that aches will cont inue until the cause is removed. Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound made from native roots and herbs has been for many years the most successful remedyin such cases. No other medicine has such a record of cures of feminine ills, Miss Lena Nagel, of 117 Morgan St., Buffalo, N. Y., writes:— ‘I was completely worn out and on the verge of nervous prostration My back ached all the time. 1 had dreadful periods of pain, was subject to fits of crying and extreme nervousness, and was always weak and tired. Lydia KE. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound completely eured me.” Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound cures Female Complaints, such as Backache. Falling and Displacements, and a!l Organie Diseases Dissolves and expels ‘ umors at an early stage. It strengthens and tones the Stomach. Cures Headache and Indigestion and the whole feminine system, invigorates Mrs, Pinkham’s Standing Invitation to Women Women suffering from any form of female weakness are invited to write Mrs Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, Her advice 1s free W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 & $3.50 SHOES rieWoro m= SHOES FOR EVERY MEMBEROF ox Kies TRE FAMILY, AT ALL PRICES. AD Σ wh Μ'. {., $255 60 a ΄ Doupiasdeesnotmake“&sell little son, when about a year, of his body. and then one came on his chest, worse than the others. At the end of about a year and a half of suffering he grew so bad had to tie his | hands in cloths at night to keep him | from scratching the sores and tearing the flesh. He got to be a mere skele- | ton and was hardly able to walk. I Rewarcf | thonanyother mameacturer. THE REASON W. L. Douglas shoes are worn by more people in all walks of life than any other make, is their excellent style, easy-fitting, and superior wearing qualities The se of the leathers and other ὶ h part of the shoe, and every detail of the im: by the most completeorg skilled shoemakers shoe industry, a If I could tak and show you how carefully W.1! would then understand why the wear longer and are of greater value thar $4.00 and $5.00 Giit Ed, AUTION! The genuine |} Substitute, Ask your de WwW . i he other mike. Shoes cannot be equalled at any price. Douglas name and price stamped on bottom, Take L. Douglas st direct to factory, Shoes seut everywhere by mail Catalog If he cannot supply you, send free, W.L.Douglas, Brockton, Mass sent to the drug store and, got a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuticura Ointment, and at the end of about two monihs the sores were all well. He has never had any sores of any kind since, and only for the Cuticura Remedies‘ my precious child would have died from these terrible sores. don, R F. ing out of plague. may if News writes: “The you For instance, never do the fatal rat be driven to feed on you. compel each householder to flea Also, keep it don’t know howto how to m k keep it, and those who can keep it can’t get it, and that’s the only reason why they BAKING POWDER the newspapers have latterly been full of all sorts of suggestions for the stamprats; Behind the Dough! D. No. 1, Woodville, Conn., 1905.” North China Daily kill Power I used only one cake of Soap and about three boxes of Ointment Mrs. Egbert Shel- eats. In*fact, let the cult of the cat The barge Saxon, lumber-laden, from | as it preva in ancient Egypt-be reGeorgetown, S. C., to New York, γίνοᾳ in Indi Plenty of cats, no strauded thirty miles north of Cape rats The Hatteras at midnight October ] Problems Concerning Wealth. captain ana two men of the barge Its easy to understand why so few One m were drowned t ‘red Lunt, of us have moneys se who know managed to reach the and In the Marriage Ceremony, is duty.”"—Anna A thousands stroyed, and property loss to the ex tent of $400,000 was caused by afire in the Fourteenth street car barns in New York City on Oct. 9. nang, are exceptionally encouraging and already are giving excellent re is hobbled and checked and goggied, and hitched up sidewise, lengthwise and say he is one of their most diligent April 22 pupils. In his youth Murray had to} work for a living and gacrifice his Cats as Plague Preventive. schooling An Italian correspondent of Lang Suan has a are 70 mines in the region of Lang most window He is a student at Jefferson academy, Washington, D. C., and the teachers tin supply that cannot be exhausted in a hundred years to come, while the same may be said of Renang. There Suan. He The | and a half old began to have sores come out on his face. They began to seed, come on his arms, then on other parts Peter Murray of Buena Vista, Colo., alt the age of 57, has goneto college. railway from Hongkong will be likely to traverse the rich mineral regions life. In Torments with Terrible Sores on Face. and Body—Tore at Flesh from a Tin Mines in Malaya. his ground What John was gettin’ ready for was a race for’ flyin’ machines, not a hoss trot.”"—From ‘The in connec99-year-old was found is being held under pe lice orders in the medical department of St. Louis university, pending com |} munication with kinsmen of the dead of real every-day people, and is well | |}man in England Meakin died July worth the reading. 14 fiom injuries received by a fall A correspondent from the Malay peninsula states that the projected in knees must ha’ pulled too tight and the critter was yanked clean off the who ing until the final chapter. It is an interesting story of the present time worked under 2:50 the old ipple overloaded with aids-to-the-injured Them straps that. was cal'lated to hoist up ΠΒ a James Meakin eate one, keeping the reader guessguess of Siamese Malaya. went Plans that will convert Valparaiso Chile, into one of the wor largest The body the English the action a BABY WASTED TO SKELETON, Twenty train occurrences and valued at $35,000, will be shipped from Lompoc, Cal., to eastern points In 900 Sacks, each each Cal there will be weighing eighty pounds The shipment includes both yellow and red varieties of seed, and is the largest on record through the sleight-of-hand manipulation of stocks by the great captains A poverty such n a thicket not far from her home in Naving Mast Camden, N. J., admits murdered the child dent worse, and the men driven to suicide finance. utter seek track as you see at the old-time country fair Here comes an awk ward flea-bitten gray which never and besi ports have been accepted by a committee appointed by the presi “The Lion's Share,’ and it is an attack upon the ruthlessness of our modern in | was arrested on suspicion tion with the murder of Pthel Nevins, whose body The Lion’s Share. has week, must “Last time John Martin had that out on the road I told him he prominent 000 by swindlers bay. Octave once dying condition. In the past eighteen months Cohn has been robbed of $150,- dence in finality to love.—Parsi,.Bom by a banker and wealthy business man, was found on the streets of Oakland, Cal., crudest love story; passion in some de- nove! Cohn you his driver ever got him into this rig ging, and how he will get him out again without cutting him free with a jackknife, A farmer with a gray beard and twinkling eye ob serves to his neighbor: San Francisco has filed of limit, crosswise ness than of the relief | months. ern novels. lew have not felt at some timein their lives the responsive echo in their own Natures even to the new committee a report showing that permanent and substantial homes have been built for refugee families, at a cost of | $512,667, during the past eleven at the same time fascinating in the dominanceof the note of love in west- of condition becomes more fa vorable 26 cents. A his s ‘ Guns, Traps, be bought separately, or the druggists John Mitchell president of the| of the popular in this class and its | United Mine Workers, entered the popularity is already assured It is hospital at Las _ TL. on October 12, said to be an excellent number, both and it is understood that he will sub for parlor and teaching purposes. appendicitis mit to an operation for dealer is out seers κ An order directing Joseph D. Lee, a Hiawatha, Anona and other (so- | lawyer, to, produce the alleged mar }| Country Fair the Place to See It at called) Indian musical numbers have had the public attention for several | riage certificate and a letter in whicb Its Best. years, but the ocean which offers so his client, Mae Wood, alleges Senator Thomas C. Platt admits his marriage much for musical and poetic imaginaIf you would see a horse straption, has, for some unaccountable reato her, has been made by the tria}| ped, booted, braced and geared to If your δ. rs ΠΤ = mar he there are | that these drugs are harmies He says it say that it is one of the most orig- | be able to pay all claims, inal nembers published in a long the liabilities are $55,000 and the as sets, principally Valdez realty, $92,000 time son, been slighted. “Nymphs o’ the Mist” is the forerunner of the best (hey cannot reach car sufferers here at this time his brains out closed ocean induces. Those who have heard as of in Inquiry at the drug stores of even H. D. Reynolds, owner of the Rey | the small towns elicits the information nolds bank at Valdez, Alaska, which of that weird charm, and melody that the rhymth h affection and the stomach 4 vy ‘ wered οπρ---γιια--Ἡ min nent nent results, and the above doubt, be greatly appreciated Mont., and before any one could inter fere turned the gun on himself and mon he ον of w Havre tor an τ results at & fy fC extrac obtained, se zsab eres fees |}many so-called Rheumati emedies Roy Reed, of Portland, shot and | patent medicines, ete.. some of which killed his wife, Sylva Reed, in the of do give relief, few really give perma fice of the*Hotel Havre, τ. ο 11 “was not | juring aead Speci applications, r 8 nea t Guuierez married never a Deafness Cannot Be Cured take are ort- nex Arse ure I ll s| 1 until do Week small come almost any case Ei Ac w ΐ } yal eu) hree The pain and swelling ishes with each dose, un whisky found it and last beiow ΝΜ me t a less to zg Ν as e-half vegetable i ch Luring 5 tha w Fluid Extract Dande)ior ounce; compound Karg< Compound Syrup Sars: a ha her he n was awake i by f motion to y erstwhile na ea This pleasant mixture ularly for a few days Gutiere large simple lames at a »wing tion pharmacy at lose in prescription, which an prepare at home ing ε 5 e and at bedtime He states that the in; be obtained from any all residents of were drowned in lost W ped Lic tte ge 4 i al pape Baritan bay as the resuli of their boat catching on fire, the boat being ove! turned in an effort to subdue the week 1] Rhe Mix by shaking well in take a teaspoonful aft« stallion gt iCt autho gives the yet w he ecuia the Pi ange sig Drug eunces of Georgia Ga Four young Perth Amboy, {Πε by the Central i is has in ! This York daily valuable, tliness of the well-known matism and postponed indefinitely visit to Vienna damaged engine of of Mist” is the title of a new instrumental piano piece just issued from th press of the Tolbert in he Austria property MUSICAL NEWS ITEM. possessing all of A rhree trainmen were killed and much ing badly in church, calling each other names, and other offenses. The offend er had to stand in the middle atsle of the church during the whole service and sermon, generally wearing a white sheet and holding a white wand. After the sermon a full confession had to be made and pardon asked before the whole congregation. One instance of | this form of punishment occurred at Skiilgate in 1703, when Jane Webber made a confession of quarreling and fighting with another woman In church during service both Mix treatment o of Spain have their projected date 1424, refers to “orders of public penance,” imposed on persons behav ο’ under Any Them in a Botte him been 37 deaths and 7 recoveries, : Wor early spring gist in Your Town and Shake There have been 64 cases of bubonic plague in San Francisco, there have Ancient “Public Penance.” One of a number of ancient manu scripts which have just come to light at Taunton, in England, bearing the he ed, pioneer of Fresno, Cal., Was shot and killed by a burglar as the officer was attempting to capture ous One . Smith, aL of tw natives in the Celebes 5 nerly a stoc property the ambuscade and massacre companies of Dutch troops by I A t the going story good a ul Jewelry, Watches and Diamonds to be had at very reasonable prices. Our guarantees “Nymphs Willing Hands. is There can't keep it 25 ounces for 25 cents A real power that raises and sustains the dough with absolute certainty. No failures. A cake made with K C cannotfall. Weinsist upon refunding your money if a trial does not convince you. Jaques Mig. Co. Chicago PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Color more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors all fibers. They dye in cold water better than any other dye. You Can dye 80} garment without ripping apart. Write fer free bookiet—How to Gye, Bleacn and Mix Colors. MONROE BRUG CO., Quincy, Hlinols |