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Show MONKS BUILD CHURCHa HARD AT WORK REARING NEW! The old abbey ; back to the year ABBEY IN ENGLAND £00 years 1538 Community of Benedictines at Buck fast, Devonshire, Engiand, Who Are Performing a Labor @n annus continued a victim many another nowadays and little that is until is it 1706 like soon by ( the ated with larly of to suppos which it they themselves MOnKS ernment by group of Union century Ὀ Ὧν York Phe has il receiv Federated appeal ment. by injunction Gompers said τὶ the power stantly erty com of and ie’ inju from is misuse 1 occurs da to people of the vas and duced here a commun tines is shown at work uj Benedic what is to them a labo as a duty Phey are abbey jaid { love as well rearing at No the Buckfast, labor is | offices get out of the tion walls of a new I of s lib- Foster-Millburn Sold New | day laborers, and one of them, with a little more talent for art, is pictured | As a sculptor regarded as Whether this work the rebuilding vice-president once be | of Buck stood here for centuries, and were recognizable ruins of the edifice. ] | Monks as Laborers. tice of selling through to whose labors ja new the project is due, the Rey. Boniface | Netter, Was drowned on the ship Sirio, | which foundered a year ago. Thepres- | ent abbot, the Rev. Anschar Vonier, | was also a passenger on the ill-fated | abbey was designed, and business taken over by X, the bishop of Portsmouth, the late abbot and the present head of the com: | St. Louis—The some reputation as marriage of Fred- the latter part Canfield, artist, novelist and in whose véins runs the purest blood of the Pueblo Indians, come as a pleas is a place and of State Alattention to derry, with the great | secretary of legation at Madrid for time, and in 1877 entered the state de- available resources of any two other resenting an aggregation of they fleet, which is now call “7 he always said, refused forbears have lived for hundreds of years. It is doutbful if white man ever had such a wedding before; the ceremony ies in the open air, before the region the men and womenand children, clad in gaudy blankets, the womenin their zavyest shawls, and all against the | background of miles of rolling sand | the bluest sky man knows. After they had stood together with- in the sacred circle before the estufa, and after the head menof the village had given Canfield the right to take his bride away, the two were married again by a Presbyterian minister in the ordinary way Mr. Canfield is the son of William W. Canfield, editor of the Utica (N Y.) Observer, one of the staid newspapers of up-state New York. as possible of 60, and man, as heis in con to jail ought Mr. Adee enjoys these said of be true, a new invention turns out A to be 10,000 words an hours at a hour stretch for | The | invention is the work of A. McCall of | Columbus, Ο. Myer— Gyer—His wife’s brains pennies,” see, I didn't of the the fine boys Well, then, let me sell you. this eyclopedia There's nothing will do “Why, “So you all them vance at him lads of mine They ride Well Qualified. want the position of ad- agent for our rogated the manager. a man who can itir everywhere he cireus?” goes “That’s the any in stirring experience bet! I use. inter- “Well, we need up some life boss,” hastened sweeper and at good,” looked don't need any cyclopedia. mules!” ‘You mountain sun's rays want?” I am so,” said the father of the your sons so much But the colonel snow in winter, and is from applicant. to drive stirred up me, “Had up Hfe?” a street millions by ‘ee To Stop Flow of Blood. To stop the flow of blood bind the wound with cobwebs and brown sugar pressed on like lint or with fine dust of tea. When the blood ceases to flow “Boo Hoo” Oregon | 19 year ra ld, of Layton. jriving in a Tt one-horse The. Spanked Baby Couc Gr Ὁ, ee Ty ler s treated by a Doctorof Divinity. Look for the of germs every day.” apply laudanum. wo boys in a bugg) buge them you arrest ledge the Shouts th Bodies Hurled Fifty Feet. What does he think with? ‘They are,” replied the colonel “T yeckon you are ready to buy any- | | | He ‘Those are very fine boys of yours, colonel.’ to railway system, it being estimated Short Line train Na. 16. at a crossing| that the Dnieper alone is able to| just out of ayton arly Monday| further freight during the navigation re hurled fifty feet || morning. Thes season to the amount of 2,900,000 tons. from the track joth were uncon | sclous when picked up. One di | His Intellect. soon after rez Salt Lake. The | Gyer—Meeker is all right at manual other is expecte recover, The dead | labor, but he doesn’t do any br toy. Sessions, 19 vears old ld. His companion was Leo work old Six It is exhibited at the busi- twenty-four is to be about the Seasons. Square Garden, and is an automatic 1,525 miles, the estimated cost of the| 0,000 Among the work about $2 many benefits will be relief of the} chronic congestion of the southwestern then Cave. attraction in Colebrook, summer protected typewriter run by compressed air and Russia has begun-the preparation of | capable, it is said, of writing from length of the waterway sore eyes, use { cave” in Dixville N. H,, is the “icé This cave is formed by a fisnotch. Russia Begins Big. 5,000 to Thompson’s Eye Water If afilcted with } Peculiar Ice ness show, now in progres ix. Madison a plan for a gigantic canal to connect The total the saltic and Black seas. Specimen prices, Goid, Sliver. Lead, #1; Gold, Silyer. 760; Gola. Wo; Zine or Copper. #1. Oyanidetesta. Mailing envelopes and fll price list sentona nel tion. Contro) and Umpire work solicited, ton ville, Colo. Keference, Carvonate National ate “Why so?” “Didn't he commit }big Amy ?’ timore American New York.—Typewriter girls may find their occupation gone if what is the R HOWARD E. BURTON, “SSAYERAND What’s in a Name? “Old Amy, you know, who is famous for being arrested, has been sent to jail again. But as she weighs nearly 300 pounds and is a good fighter, it took nearly all the rese ve foree to get her in the wagon “Then the magistrate Air, Will Never Get Tired. studying Though he is no] Hair to its Youthful Delos Cures ip diseases & hair falling. ¥*50c, and $1.00 at Droggisto aghast sists merely. of those ships maintained tours hugely, and finds himself rete | benefited by them in solemncircle with hands uplifted in blessing and grouped around them all under far longer a young eseufa of the ancient Indian village i the head men of the Seama standing dunes, as the provincial life Promotes # luxuriant growth. Never Fails to Restore Gray want to set a bad prestige!” that fills witl was born her father Cleanses snd beautifies the Ταῖς, Purely Vegetable, And “because, buquerque, where the bride where HAIR BALSAM thing those boys. sure in and ; tombs—cigarrophagusses, ‘em. Much would they have marveled | France constitute. his vacations. In EASIER FOR THE GIRLS. could they have seen the strange company with two or three friends, he ceremnoy in the curious little Indian | likes to ride a wheel over the country Typewriter, to be Run by Compressed roads of France, avoiding the big cit- | pueblo of Seama, 85 miles from Al ago DARKER’ Bad But his stock of compliments give out when he got to the subject of beggars. naval assembling, Drowsiness, well!’ | Mr. Adee is versatility itself. No one in the vicinity of the British Isles, and ‘50 far as known, has brought up a} which throughout the year have been The Bride in Native Dress. subject in his presence of which ke engaged in war training. It numbers was ignorant. He is the most pro i10 penants, and is composed of twen ing bit of news to his fellowartists | found scholar in the state department, ty-six battleships, fifteen armored here, among whom he made many and his scholarship covers a wide cruisers, several protected cruisers friends during his sojourn in this city field various auxiliary vessels and forty through the world’s fair period eignt ΜΝ vess Is. Mr. Adee’s annual bicycle tours in years 1, teen chapel is great, and as for the Vaccination, where the pope lives, countries of Europe, and yet not a single ship of this fleet has been drawn from the reserves, the Mediterranean fleet or the Devonport and Portsmouth _ divisions. The home yartment He has been there since | iat time, and in a most unassuming | and unobtrusive fashion has taken | part in the solution of many a vexing κα momentous question 20 They also relieve Dis from Dyspepsia, In digestion and Too Hearty \Fating. A perfect rem : ly for Dizziness, Nau Fac-Simile Signature see the old power surpassing all the immediately | MILWAUKEE, WIS. Mr. Malaprop Just Home from Rome. | Didn't Need Cyclopedias. A regular Mr, Malaprop recently cyclopedia The canvasser for 8 came home from his first visit to Hu came to the home of a colonel, whose about | record he had carefully studied rope. He grew enthusiastic ῬθRome. fore his visit The colonel was es “It was fine,” he declared, “to go} pecially proud of some of his sons, into them churches over there and} so the canve r began with: channel for maneuvers, under the com- mand of Admiral Lord Charles Beresford, a fleet of British warships rep- F. Mayer Boot & Shoe Company | He came to tionship to these accomplishments | aia problems. Mr. Adee entered the | diplomatic service, a young man in) | 1872, did some creditable work, was Shoes, Special Merit School Shoes. PILLS. al_| REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. London.—There is now assembling {n the North sea and the English j} lems of this government, but who for | nrany years has had an intimate rela- We also make Leadjng Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort for RIVER iIa Great British "Fleet Abseinbling. diplomatic | accomplishments and great state prob- means Genuine Must Bear LTTLE Utah in 1883, and has lived here ever since, | the remarkable personality of a man | who is scarcely ever mentioned in | | connection Vt., April 3,:1857. not, write to us. Look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. τ [CARTERS| this at Assistant Secretary A. Adee has called Your dealer will supply you: il 7 SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. | paired by the work of his office. The } announcement of the change was Government Official Who Bicycles and made Monday by Seeretary of the InSolves ΡΟΣ Problems. terior Garfield. Mr. Ryan was former | ly minister to Mexico and is from Washington.—The recent return Kansas, from a bicycle tour of France of SecFrank Pierce was born in London ;} ond |} vey 4 eS They regulate the Bowels. ADEE WHEELS AND WORKS, | workmen. They are honest through and through. You get style, quelity and comfort in buying |1 aste in the Mouth, Coat ed Tongue, Pain in the side, TORPID LIVER | tlon is that his health has become im- | || | highest grade material, by skilled MAYER HONORBILT SHOES. ITTLE far of SHOES FOR MEN ag: these Little Pills. retary of the interior, will retire from office In are made with great care, of the Secre- Ryan, Tom turn- exclaimed a n ) S R E T R CA had nearly eleven years fi st assistant sec- For a time he was an instructor | that in art There the Standard, Washington.—Thor At “Why, damn it, he SALT LAKER GETS PLUM. an| HONORBILT up every man alive.—Shakespeare. the Carlisle Indian school | month, He will be succeeded by Frank in Pennsylvania, and it was there that | Pierce of Salt Lake City, Utah. man of the world, to Anna Gouytuey ’| hefirst saw Anna Gouytuey. The reason given for his resigna- erick W. and IVER | artist and as a teacher of art, has 1 ‘ Story of Artist Canfield’s Long and | written at least one novel and has be Successful Courtship. come known as a student of Indian | life. impressive point Pi LLS. | has achieved had got him The Kind You Have Always Bought independ- 15 Appointed First Assistant tary of the Interior. like eventful the ceremony, » sumer. Some of the plants of these companies were dismantled and ,the shield bearing the arms of Pope Pius looked In Use For Over 30 Years, selling companies and through many of them sold ojl to the con- } munity WEDS AN INDIAN MAIDEN, Alabama, ΟΙ h blue eyes and shin shape for most one Bears the Signature of last! ent month the foundation stone was laid In each corner of the stone is a wide 0 limit Examine carefully every bottle of CAST@RIA, a safe and sure remedy for infants and children, and see that it inde- Standard Oil company of Kentucky, which acts as selling agent of oil in Kentucky, Georgia, Mississippi, Louissmall wearing qualities, and feel right and up from the over other They have the style and fromthe first; wear long and well, aod look ggood to the last. Important to Mothers. The prac- Mr. Kellogg, counsel for the govern ment, drew from the witness that the | numerous included picked zravated tones: wet my head!” pendent companies, which were owned purchased makes. Y rhough he ed to his father ine that in states the so-called jana, Tennessee and ciate their superiority parents took cherub on with his the ΟΙ by the combine, was discontinued two years ago, according to Mr. Westcott. the new work, which was designed by | it, and two years later they were able Frederick Walters, an English arch- | to say vespers for the first time on itect, was laid by the Catholic bishop | their own property. They erected a of Plymouth When finished the ab-| temporary church in-1884. Then the bey will bear practically no resem- | tower, all that remained of the ancient blance to the one which once stood on | structure was restored. Subsequently was saved indard believed to be independent, | ship, but S | through cumpanies which the public will in time rear its grand head. the Ste. Marie-de-la-Pierre-qui-vire ac On July 2 the foundation stone of | quired the abbey, or what remained ot The abbot t) You must wear MAYER HONORBILT SHOES,to appre- and years old oud coi litthe in great Standard Oil company had found it much of its products | expedient to δι It is said, however, that something re- | the ground, and from the stones thus mained of the original tower, and that acquired a modern house was erected around this fragment a fine new abbey Iu 1880 the Benedictine monks of the site. | 4 iy, Westeott, G. sult against the oil several of the southern An abbey| down to the seventeenth century there of two hi ing curls and mother Hani Yorl was words Of perfect company of Kentuc testified on Monday in the hearing of the federal fast abbey or the raising of a new edi fice is open to argument. What Peo Companies wheeling material like ordinary “BUILT on HONOR” se relief, Buffalo, N. vocabulary two choice dependent ple Believed .o be quick christened njunction Its Products Through Kidney and doctors Doan’s Kidne Co., fore on the ques- governmen dizzy A Break in the Ceremony, fathe Devonshire, Eng egarded as too me Little Tom nd The brought ἰ they had finally cured me. They saved my life Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box OIL TRUST DECEIVED PUBLIC menial or too arduous for these work ers rhey are shown laying found tions, of ! ecretions were were not helping me so that they ord as to how Ι spells. For ten years I could not do housework, and for two years did not con the shooting appeared before me the duty of the labor unior repro- “Fot pains. My eyesight was poor, dark spots President Gompers of t} American | Federation of Lab« wh has been who left it t« sent to all the affili 1 ions, asking walis were still them to request all | tical candi1 that year dates in the presen 1ign to comwas leveled to mit themselves open! } Ὁ ρονθτη- is popu photographs says: bles. My back pained me terribly, Every junction candidates for jud the O., was a great sufferer from kidney trou les 0 I mon In I sharp, New associ of Emmerich, of Clin Napoleon, years Be- | Troubles. turn or move caused are strangers are something out Housework Kidney Go on Record as Opposed to Gov- appropriated who held it the next the far Even of Margaret St.. fifteen His Followcrs to Labor Leader Urges In and, During Was owned Mrs. ee nn The pictures of the work in progress, however, are of interest, for the pic gowns work cause ton the general the suppres fine old structure, ley, Bradford and Gale, new is really regarded as novel. There Some of the fore, while it is a trifle exceptional to! erumble. standing in 1806, but see priests a chureh, the what was left of them phenomenon is not without parallel iuresque its of fell into decay it was by the family of Denys, year mirabilis, it was TEN YEARS OF PAIN, | Unable to Do at Buckfast dates 760, and for nearly movement in England for houses, sion of religious of Love London—Every it WANTS UNIOKS TER POLITICAL ARENA ‘Boo Hoo” article in this paper. ‘*‘There’s a Reason’”’ |