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Show J The Suu Chronicle, Roy, Utah, Thursday, April 11, 1557 m FOR BEAUTIFUL BLOOMS Large Variety Each . . . WASHINGTON FRESII GREEN WINESAP APPLES . U. S. No. 1 4us.59c FRESH IROZEN 6 OZ. pre-sen- measles over at our house Our tittle Jenny would feel left out if TO PLACE ROY NEWS I failed to mention her three CALL ANY OF THE FOLLOWING stitihes over her left eve as a re Kyle Harrop suit of a fall at school She was Phone 4 2240 crushed when in listing the little Arlene Hamblin "measles victims" I didn't mention BHty SUhle 2 1104 Office the names of those I had been fared with for two weeks So Jenny we Will, here goes another week hope all the signs of sour accident I hope all lux gone well for sou soon fade away. I haven't heard a pre.it deal this I heard that Cub Eldredge also week It seems good to hae th of the Uerrett Addi'ion was hurt recently in a fall from a wagon He is also a first grader at the ROY NEWS mmssmik tMpMt. WITH NEW SEIDLITZ ' EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT COLORS Choose from 50 new CALIFORNIA CASUAL exterior house point colon, specially created to keep poce with today's trend toward more enjoyable living Come in soon and see these distinctive modern CASUALS lA Bush 8 Co, 1st Poor West of Rov Poxf off u- W. M. thitiM' - BounU.'uJ attend the meetings held m their wards I have teen told 1 was par tial to the Roy Firxt Ward Relief Society and I am, but the Relief So ciety is a wonderful organization and I urge attendance at each and every ward I merely stress what is going on in the Roy first because that is the only oik- I know about laist Tuesday, we had a demonstration on soap m.ik ng a lesson on beverages, (and here Id like to mention that we missed - Pr to Mrs Rae O'tlcr who usually gives these lessons on food. s(1(- w.tx absent due to the flu We hope you Rov School are feeling much better by now Raei Lunch was served and a The Speech Class at the Roy verv time was had bv enjovabhJunior High had a winning play all ' It is called "Wild Night They On April 2 the following were gave a performance Wednesday night at the Stake House for the released from their pox. turns as genera! public It was well re visiting teachers Margie Richer, rnved They also gave a perfor Kowene Barton Norma Bowden, manor today (Fndav) at the Wahl and Ruth Fste p Ttie following were quist Junior High Three cheers for sustained as visiting teachers All this group for their efforts na Day Ruth Reeves, Janice Tubbs. ' Mated hnppv birthday" to I. Irene Klein Myr.i Holley and Col Amos Schofield lie celebrated hi' let n Nelson 70th hirthdav last month Mrs I ongralulaU'Ux to Dale and Su Schofield celebrates her birthday this month so we wish her a happy fluid on ih'- bir'h of a daughter hnthd iv too Th-celebrated their this wet k birthdavs jointh when ihnr chil Roy youngsters have had a share flren chose a date in between to of minor injuries this week Little visit and br ng them a birthday Sharon Peterson, daughter of Mr ami Mrs Victor Peterson, fell and rake Two big events' are scheduled broke her front teeth while ii for tonight There is the Visiting town at Ogden with her parents Teachers Convention at the Lake The six year old son of Mr and View xtakehouxe and the Fireman's Mrs Kenneth L Rich, was treat Ball at the Igikeview School The cd at the St Benedict Hospital for convention is scheduled for 7 30 an injured foot p m and )ie hall is to be held at Patrick Pexe 4 son of Mr and Opm Mrs William Poce was injured Next Tuesday is the Literature when his fingers gut caught in a Lesson in the Relief Society All lawnmower ladies are urged to come out and Not to be outdone by the young er set, Mrs Rev a Zaugg, lit 1. Box 04 reteived a bjdlly l.ieerate-hand when a fruit bottle she was - - FRESH Three new baby girls are recent comers to Roy Mr and Mrs Lon Dunbar have adopted a week old baby girl, Mr and Mrs Carl Seiferts and Mr and Mrs Jav Ward are also parents of new daughters Mrs Frank Cottle was taken to the hospital Monday, wtih a heart attack. The father of Mrs Frank Simmons is reported to tie ill at his home in Logan Athello Munn is hack after a serious illness. 'n BRIGHT Weather-dirtfOR ROYS to work AND DICED CHOICE-LE- AN 10 Oz. 3 Packs . . . . U. S. CHOICE Stew Meat- -- 59c U. S. Choice Cut Grade-Bla- de GROUND CHUCK 33c Pound WILSONS CERT1MED FANTAIL SUPERIOR SLICED BACON 55c PerLb. PAN READY POT ROAST BONELESS FRESH B KED TER IX) F SESAME VIENNA BREAD . FRESH BAKED - EACH ... 25c ffiS . . Regular SUPERIOR PORK and 24 29c Special DEEP BROWN BEANS 39c 3Sc LEMON LIBBY'S 59c PunJ P FRESII BAKED $100 5 for I Size Cans TWO POUNDS DRIED PRUNES . . . 39c . Hi C or KRAFT BRANDS 46 SLICED C PINEAPPLE... lor Q Cr SHORTENING 3 Pound Can 89c . 12 Oz. TOILET TISSUE H Rolls DUNCAN O.E0UI02? HINES 29c - Tasty Dill Pickles Full Qt. to 0 to. oa t . . . Jor $71 00 I CHOCOLATE Do. MARSHMALLOW EGGS GOLD STIUKE STAMPS ON ALL ITEMS UTAH CONCRETE PIPE CO. 1 1940 Wall Avanu OGDEN Phon. AND 'ALT LAKE OFFICES LOGAN 25c HIDE AND KEEK C . 29c Full Pound Bag CANS PURPLE .PLUMBS & (to fW 24 1 Ll'NCHETTE JAR MARSHMALL OWS oemraQt(53k n 00 Pink YeUow White In Poly Bag Snow White Needs Oz. Cans .... 4 SNOWDRIFT TODAYS BRAND Chili Sauce Priced to meet your KVIN'S 39c 8p! SHRIMP U. S. Choice Grade Beef HOW DE GIRLS SHOES 49c Per Lb . Per CHARM FOR EASTER Shoes i FROZEN - GRADE A GREEN PEAS U. S. CANS broke oH-nm- RIGHT C 00 - - California casual k . FRESII FROZEN MIST LEMONADE MIX OZ. ORANGE JUICE . . SILVERDALE 10pf29c - SEA GRAPE OR eJ IX)N Dl'.NHAK, m.iiijgir ol Aimrie.in hood Mure. wate hi s with approval a a e.heeJt is The check wax 5130 South 2175 West bv Fmina Leu Drake, food hostex lo Mrs. Bertha presented to Mrs Larimore for her recipe of the week Thu is one of American Food Store's services to Ihetr customers and is not a contest. ASPARAGUS Red Bliss POTATOES. LIBBYS TENDER IN PROVO NORTH OF ADMIRAL THEATRE CLEARFIELD, UTAH v 29c |