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Show p The By .3 ' 18th Bemle i Rambrough Phone 2 4011 who will be blowing out week are till birthday candle Ablue Byram and Beth Kcndell on the 12th, Julio Ann Isaac on the 13th, Nna 1ml. iv and Harold Hay on the nth. Sanford Cook 16th Thoi-- e Vom-- .' , ' t ' ' ' ..I v Lc F V "VIR THE C. BUTCHER BEEF (.R. 'H w n PURE SAUSAGE POT ROAST. 10 lb. l'S. I' 1 lb. $1.00 3 lb $1.00 S Good Red lb. 33c POTATOES 25c ASPARAGUS lb. 10c ORANGES ib. 10c BEEF ORA V Y, Wilson .No. 303 Can for 29c 2 SAV-IVIO- R MARKET The monthly meeting of the DUP will bo held at the home of Mra ane Poll on Thursday at 2 p m., April 18th A biography will be read by Mr. Luella Byram. The lesson will be preented by Mrs Selma Wilson Mr and Mrs Joseph Staples have recently moved from our ward, making their new home In South Ogden We all loved this family very much and hale to ee them leave, but our loss will be South Ogden's gain This friendly, loving couple will find good friends wherever they go and we all wish them the best of everything We hope they never forget their old friends, because If a person has a thousand friends, he still has none to spare Word has been received from Gerald and Sally Moore stating that they are all well and happy and have moved into their new home in Oregon They also report that Sam and Thora and family are all fine We always like to hear from these people and I always try to pass the news on We all send them our love and best wishes and let them know we miss them The Founders Day program held at North Davis Junior High last Monday evening was a huge sue A revs with over 450 attending band concert was presented by Bal lard Christiansen music instructor at the school There was 161 Students participating, 64 students In the beginners band whkh rendered eight lovely numlx rs and 97 students in the advanced band Thi y played seven numbers all well prepared Mr Christiansen is to be commended on this wonderful performance The nominating commit tee, consisting of Mrs Elwdn Smith. Mrs Vcrn Moss snd Ballard Christ lansen chose the following new school PTT officers for the 1957 58 school year Mrs FJna Clifford president, Mrs Thcrsa Marshall, vice president, Joseph Cook second vice president and Mrs Marie Nil son secretary treasurer We con gratulate these fine people on their new assignment Past presidents honored were Mrs Elurn Parker, Mrs Zenas Bennett and Mrs Clar ence Waterfall A tribute to them was given by Mrs Vern Smith SEE US or SAVINGS On YOUR Familys Furnishings , nr t ,- in, 1 - get well wish" to Ieed Poll who has been confined to his home the past week with pneumonia. We hope by now Rood, you are are fully recovered. Also to any others who have illness in their home and we send a cherry hello to all the older folks in our ward who re unable to get out snd we hope this warmer weather makes their brighter day night. April 12th the Friday play "Bashful Bertie" present ed by our ward, will donate their time and talents in presenting Urn comedy play for the Uintah Ward. To help them on their building fund It will be at our ward at 7 30 p m So anyone who didn't get to see before may do so at this time. They have put thi show on in the Roy and Peteraon Wards It was "welcome home" last week for Elder William Byram son of Mr and Mr Kenneth By ram who has just completed a two year mission Elder Byram will be t Sacrament the guest speaker meeting Sunday evening April 14 Margaret Slromberg was pre vented a certificate of graduation from the Primary ITesident Mrs Elaine Poll Sunday evening after successfully completing the requirements of the Primary Associa lion She will now enter the MIA Congratulations Margaret Speakers at our Sacrament meet ing Sunday evening were two Semi nary graduates Linda Poll daughter of Mr and Mrs Marlow Poll and Janet Cook daughter of Mr. and Mrs Marlow Poll and Janet Cook daughter of Mr and Mrs David Cook Short talks were also given by Cy Stanger and Herman West broek and Elder William Byram Individual awards were presented the Aaronic Priesthood boys by the secretary. Merlin Badger on their 75rr attendance at Sacrament and Priesthood meetings They have to bo a tithe payer Work on a welfare project and give an address in a church service The boys re ceiving these awards were Glen Poll, Verl Byram 957, Stanley Cook 100'; I eroy Badger 95 per cent, Dan Stangir 95 per cent, Fred Stanger 100' I, Lynn Poll 95 per cent, Iee Nix and Thomas Thorpe Congratulations boys on this achievement Bishop Dale Pol gave a financial report Congratulations to fir and Mrs V Kay Kcndell on the arriva April 7th of a new son Mrs Ken dell is the former Jeanne Third It is a grandson to Mr and Mrs John Pippin, South Weber BOOK OF THE YEAR The best seller on the governments winter Your Federal book list is yes. Income Tax 1956" a 30c a copy NO SERVICE The Hoy Post Of fice will not be open SATURDAY NOR WILL ANY MAIL BE DELIVERED Reductions have been forced upon the Post Office Depart merit due to curtailment of funds It is hoped this partial suspension will be only a temporary thing and that each post office can soon ren der the mail service you have al ways received A PIN' TO THE RES CtE George Pales, one of the city carriers, tell us patrons leave letters to he mailed on the outside of their mail box in the magazine clip or Just tucked by the the mail box Many a letter so placed has landed on the lawn or in a hose bush a soggy, sorry sight Some letters, we are afraid, may not have been found and never mailed A good, safe suggestion according to George, is to hook the letter with an ordinary clothe pin and thus foul old man wind in his cavorting around The carriers claim this is a suggestion that reallv works YOU CANT MAIL EVERYTHING There are dozens of kinds of letters you CANNOT mail Chain let ters, lottery advertising and lottery tickets obscene matter and articles intended for birth prevention You can't demand payment of a debt on a postcard nor mail liquor, nor nar colics explosives nor rertain fire arms rt il is within the law to mail live bees, crocodiles and tur ties dead insect specimens and false teeth Teeth reminds us of the Ruvsian variets Stamlesssteel teeth are often used instead of gold Frc fluently workers, men and women, have whole mouthsfuls of stainless steel teeth Keep smiling' Each lady was presented a lovely flower with sincere gratitude for the part thev had rendered in the JTA SMILE Mr and Mrs ay Carver and fam I love the man that can smile ily from Idaho Falls spent Iasi week with their parents Mr and Mrs in trouble, that can gather strength Raymond Ray Nad.no came down from distress, and grow brave by to attend Convention bv r Diction It is the business of lYimary little minds to shrink hut he whose held last Wednesday in Salt onsc.i nee approves his conduct, They also attended General Con pu-shis principles unto ferener Saturdnv I' a'h Thomis Paine Miss Joy Hay, daughter of Mr and Mrs Raymond Rav. who is teaching school at Provo. I tah WEST POINT HEWS spent the weekend here, visiting her parents also Kent Bamhrough and Vern Roach attended the Irvrland Indians ss the New York Giants baseball game last Thursdav in Salt Lake on complimentary tickets given them by Herb Score the Cleveland Indian's pitcher Herb Score is a good friend of Vern Roach and a school buddy Lillie Steven Kent y - would like to extend s I ll, Roy, Utah, Thursday April e, Bambrough and Michael, Roach were each presented new autographed baseballs by the Cleveland Indians pitcher, Herb Score, which will be a treasured souvenir Thora oore 17th, Reed Poll and Bruce Westbrook on the 18th. Congratulations to Mr. and Mra Vern Coy who will be celebrating their wedding anniversary on the South Weber Sun-Chronicl- 1057 Ronald Flint, Roger Holbrook and Milan Blake on the 15th; Dale Abrams, Luke Johnson on the 16th; Garner Oleson on the 17; Lucy Oleaon and Lee Thurgood on the 18th; Saundra Flint on the 19lh; Kathie King also on the 19th. Happy anniversary to Max and Ann Fisher on the 11th; Lloyd add Marjorie Singleton on the 12th which U also Marjories birthday, Mr. and Mrs. Val Fisher on the 16th and Glen and Lois Flint on the 18th with daughter Saundras birthday the next day. So sorry I missed sending my news in last week I was so ill J was unable to write. Many thanks to all those who were so kind when I was ill and my husband still in the hospital. Now that he is home with us again and 1 have managed to rest up and thanks to the wonder drugs, am able to get around abit once more. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bauman were so havpy to have their son inlaw, Wayne Haselden with them for a very brief visit. Wayne was baptised into the LDS Church in San Antonio, Texas last month. As it was a quick trip Wayne assisted another serviceman in moving and drove hu ear and trailer up here for him and rode back by plane Esther was unable to accompany Wayne here. It was good to wel come Wayne back and to hear news of Esther. Wayne will be in the service till next year and though they like Texas he said it waa very good to be in Utah for a visit however brief. The North Davis Stake Primary board will meet at the home of Mra. Edith Steed next Tuesday evening instead of meeting at the stake house The time will be divided so that each Primary board worker may give an evaluation of the things she learned at the general Primary Conference sessions held recently in Salt Lake. Next Sunday evening the West Point Ward Primary will present the Primary Sunday Service the program is entitled A Child's Symphony of Reverence Please come out niil give the children your loyal Support. We are sorry that Elda Flints mother is ill in the Hospital in Ogden. We hope that she will soon be well again. We extend to the Jones family of Hooper our wishes that she will soon be well. Last Sunday evening Ronnie Flint was presented to the congre gation for approval, Ronnie will be ordained a priest next Sunday morning. Thought for the week Nothing is so strong as gentleness, and nothing so gentle as strength Clinton News By ERMA ROSS PHONE 5 2465 Mrs. Jack Clifford was installed as new president of the North Da vis Junior High School this past week. Myrtle Kirkman was sustained as magazine representative of Clm ton Ward Relief Society at a meet mg held April 2 A Cub Scout program is to start soon in the Clinton Ward for all boys ages 8, 9, and 10. All parents interested in this program for their boys should get in touch with the Primary president Sixteen officers and teachers 4th. The Clinton Ward Primary was recently reorganized. Outgoing officers were- Louise Clued, president; Marilyn Taylor,- - 1st counselor, Betty lleiner, 2nd counselor; RaNae Nelson, secretary. New officers sustained were Erma Ro6s, president; Betty Reiner, 1st counselor, Marilyn Russell, 2nd counselor and RaNae Nelson secretary. New officers for the Clinton PTA were installed last week. They are Marie Patterson, president; Margie Wallace, vue president, La Rene Markos, sieretary. Janette Ross spent Sunday visiting m Clearfield with Mary Lynn Petro. g'e Clair Ross who is in the ariifloy-force- s at Foil Ord, Calif., cab, and talked with his family Sunday. President Wanda Beus reminds Relief Society visiting teachers of their convent. on at the Lake View Stake House, Friday, April 12 at 7'30 pm All visiting leathers are urged to attend Dennis Draaver has been chosen to pcrticipate in the Seminary gra duation exercises at the North Da vis stake house POWERFUL? DONALD S CHILD SIGNS w'AUTO of the Clinton Ward Primary attended Primary conference at the Salt Lake tabernacle on Thursday April You know it is. It's New Royal 76 PAINTING - and that's the best's ITU KING tsoff vnrriu kook tnirtint SHOW I SRPb hy not try s tankful most powerful premium gisoline. where of the 76... the you know you At big sign todsy? finest. slwsys get the in UNION OIL COMPANY TRICK I eo 7W 2 A 4 3 9 OF CALIFORNIA WGfflQ ue i - - 4 M I hL ' n no , ,i ft rV.V:--'- i . . 5 P aj-V- C V . ' 1 iru-r- Quality .? Inerjicnsii e KflY mill N.1IT' SHOP i birthday to Herald Homer, Bennett and Zora King whine lurlhdays were on the filh. Slurb Cook and Sharon Dahl on the 7th, Patsy Cook and Marv Daun Dalton on the 9th; Hazel Da vis on the 10th, Paul Montgomery and rdis Manning on the 11th, Marj' rii Singleton, and Dclore Hi. id on the 12th, Iamise Young b'Ti' ,md Russell Stoddard on the 13th Morn Patce, on the 14th Happ lurinr BUILD THAT REDWOOD CLASSIFIED FENCE YOURSELF! ADS s fi l I I in All MAsKKT on do Alr ,i ip Is is si I t ; I i, tin posts ii t $13.20 (Al 'b r 'get her 4x8 Section $11,19 that table for the BACK YARD YOURSELF! IIAKDWAKD-I'K- K Make it Any SET I nprroor k new fountain O K DUhwathtr vith Bnrt&jR !hocv HNF TTKTH jrt0 don I in J'tttir when untnf ftnidyn for dmdniff tf l Arnnton Drug Roy h I WHFTL 2 BUILD r k TRA ttJCR. big fixft body Oood Ball hitch Good condition or Foil SLE BY Rio Grande Rail read house to be moved off prop-rlv at 5600 South 2700 West St Mail bid to Sup't DRGW Railroad Co Salt Lake City, Utah ( fu MJv and BpUl wont hlrv of a eoaitd M W to Bnh. prrof cian Office Rry po O)o length! NO f MOHf fthftbby ran with no hnnfctng fh mm p -- mv knnp dlMotving Dorothy' Um Imotaim lit door Knit lhm Lur Jurtotl LAURAS candt iiomx-had- x Chocolates Easter Favors Speeial Wedding Cake Birthday, Anniversary, Etc. ' HEMSTITCHING" 4S7S Bo. Fhon i ataV with QUICK RECOVERY" OTIC 1000 Wait 4 2713 Do you uw7 for hot wsrer in your house? You'll wait no more with the sensational new '"Vulck recovery tltdric water heater . . . which Utah Power 9c Light Co. now accepts on ita lines. quick recovery" electric water heater actually producei hot water 3 times ss fan si an old type heater the aame alie. Takes less space. I ns tall mnjubtn. Clean. Safe. It entirely automatic. A 1 , $13 95 aF. WATER HEATED FOR SALE : t. Now ask your dealer WHOPPKR TRADE-I- Buy new frem y6ur dealer or plumber and save a whopping mere. . N ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD WATER HEATER for a limited tlmel Altot Whopper allowance on yaur old sfove or range on tha purchase of a new electric trade-i- n model. I 1 UTAH! POWER & LIGHT CO. C |