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Show The Sun Chronicle, Roy, Utah, Thurnday, April 11, 1957 "Y't talned Sunday evening. (Ijumped a bit and announced him last week). Recuperating at the Clarence hi mother, Mri. Everton home A. .R. Kuna of Montpelier, Idaho. She auffered a broken hip a short time ago. '4 ; the gun V 1 i MAIL KHOM rKIVII.IOEH AUTIIOKIZED EOT. t'TAII AT ,A BY PUBLISHED THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY lnUrt of publlilicd mb Tliurlr At Rot, Utah. In lh th iurrmindliK ritinmunlllM of HOY KIVKKDAL. BUNHCT. Cl.INTOK, HOOHEIl. And UINTAH WIU1H WKIlZK, UINTAH, OODKN, SOUTH OOUEN, KANrMVIU AI L INTEHESTEl) AHEAB Mrprr Utah jTATt J. HOWARD HFTTY l.OIJ OFFICE Ptm national --- I EDITORIAL A sTo CA IG N T y u 'T' Wthwh.h.itti Association Owner Publisher Mn ager SlUStKIPTlON PRICE 82.50 PER YEAR CALL 2.1184 FOR INFORMATION 5380 SO. 1900 WEST ROY. UT Ul, PH. STAHLE, STAHLE By VERLA R. ITULL At conference time, I for one. tll4 Mill 2114 subject was "Honor thy father and mother." Don spoke of education, LDS brand. In the absence of Bertha Child, Donnette Johnson was organist. On Monday and Tuesday, Weber High School, known throughout the state as the "friendly school," played host to tho 691 sophomores who will attend Weber next jear. In the words of Glen Ward, assistant principal "Weber inherits all of the problems aloog with all the students of Weber County." The school advisors, as well as the school officers, spoke to the future sophomores, and a challenge was offered them by Mrs. Ida Draayer. The challenge: for the 691 students coming in there should be 691 graduating seniors in three years. The propective student were conducted through the school following the assembly program given in their honor. Grant Dance, husband of the former Joan Child, now on Naval Reserve duty, is currently in lion olulu His group is on a cruise, having arrived in Honolulu on April 5 Earl Child, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Child, formerly second counse lor to the bishop in the Lake View Ward, is now first counselor Zion is growing. New wards are being formed all over the church. Four View Wards were formed Sunday from two former wards A "field day" trip was had by the Beehive class of Blanche Gibby. during MIA class period Presl by YWMIA dent Bertha Child, the girls had a first hand glimpse into the fascina ting world of geology when they viewed the rock collection of Mr Pauli, of 17th Street. Another group to Inspect the Pauli collection was the Cub Scout den of Olive Thompson, on Thurs day evening Speakers in MIA meeting were Karen Kapp, Karen Henderson Donnette Johson, and Sharon An derson The YWMIA has secured the services of Mrs. Kathy Ensign, who will art as music director. The En signs live in the former home of the Wallace Knights. (We could Riverdale News Am fui truly thankful for televlsio thy mlern miracle which I u the Salt Lake Tabernacle Into my living room. Most LDS families were similarly occupied, for as many of the six sessions as they could crowd into busy schedules Conference time is "shot in the arm time It gives each of us new impetus. fills us with a desire ta be more like the apostles and our below d prophet. There's a lucky young man living in Riverdale, for whom conference lime means something extra sHcial. Joseph (Joey) Thompson, on of the Smith Thompsons, was born on April 6, the birthday of our Saviour and of the restoration of His church This year, Joey was fi ted at a birthday sw imming party at Weber gym Afterwards, he and Ins young friends enjoyed refreshments at the Thompson home. There is to be another temple excursion on April 23 (There were 23 people from Riverdale at the last excursion) Saturday's dance is to be spun sored by the 49th Ward It will be held at Riverdale Time 8 30 At Sacrament services held Sunday evening, our three servicemen spoke to us. namely Cary Judkins, Rill Cash and Don Kemose Gary spoke of the Gospel plan in answering life's grea'est questions Bill's Tuesday-Accompanie- First Church Baptist James R. I MrFatrldge, 2050 West 5700 South For your Vitamine Needs SEE . . . . BENNI0N DRUG Roy, Utah pccutite Vaughn, Sharon Cottle, Joan Penman, Gayle Simpson, Deana Cot-toLeAnni Read, Gwen Flinders, Janene Weaver, of Hooper; Nancy Peterson, Nelda Clark, and Marie Bartlett of Kaneevllle. Jan Lambert of North Ogden spent the weekend at the Weaver home. Enjoying a two week vacation Mr. and Mrs. Fred Allen Sr., have with their parent, Mr. and Mrs. of Hooper and returned from a three week trip Belnap tonrizo Mr. Herbert Heslop of to St. Louis. Mo. Accompanying West Weber are Eldon and Mar- them was their grandson, : ilyn Healop and children, Gayle, Jerry Allen, son of Mr. and Mr. The Allen. Annette. and Joe Heslops Scott, are here from their home in PalmIn St Louis the Allens visited the dale, Calif. factory of the Century Electric Co. Mrs. Robert Wagner and chil- for the purpose of becoming acdren, Craig and Rodney of Lancia-ter- , quainted with their product. Mr. Calif., were dinner guest last Allen, aince his retirement as a week at the home of Mrs. Vera Bel- postal worker, has become employnap. Mrs. Wagner, who is a cou ed by the Johnson Electric Co. sin to Mri. Belnap, ls the former Shirley Wilcox of Ogden. Also attending the dinner party were Mr. Convenient Wagners mother, Mr. James F. Burton of Ogden, Mrs. Floyd Olsen Budget of Ogden, and Mrs. Roy Arave and Mrs. Glen Clary of Hooper. Terms week by tho Roy Kiwinla dub. These Mrs. Jack Weaver was hostess to FLAGS WERE PRESENTED to all Roy School this now will D.C. and In United a State of at Washington, Saturthe her home birthday party flags have flown over the Capitol Building 1 shown here presenting day evening in honor of her YOUR OLD TIRES fly over our local school. Dean Parker, repreaenting the Kiwanl dub daughter Connie on her 14th birththe flag to Mr. Betty Lou Stahle, new president of the Municipal Elementary School PTA. FOR DOWN PAYMENT day. The evening was spent playing and record. game not He the dancing field. only use more ol uch people in our ilrthday to all of you. Refreshment were served to Good luck and success to Earl taught dancing in ward In Oklafair town.) Olive Thompson, an Up to 15 Months Lambert, North Ogden, Dian Jn commera He has with In hi new endeavor. homa, but taught other good worker, has consented Hill Karen Crase, SherTy to Pay to help Blanche Clbby with Beehive iolned tha Air Force and left this cial teacher there. We are lucky to McCracken, Sharon adWadsworth, train-nlet Boyle, Pat Miltake ua him his basic have take oast week, to help work. ler, Marilyn Benson of Roy, Gaylene in Texas. vantage of this opportunity. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bingham, Easthope, Lynne Taylor, Jelean are now of Stevensvllle, Montana, South Wber Ward is going to week their with this here visiting our building fund a real boost. relatives and many friends. On Sat- give havt a three act play they are They honurday, the Bingham family will for us over In their to , By MARIE W. HAWS going or Mrs. Bingham at a family din- hall. All present to do is be there we have anner, in commemoration of the PRIVATE COACH and enjoy their production. Every The Hooper Junior Women's niversary of her birth. The Bing single cent will go to the Uintah Club met last week at the home of children of any For hams are still busily engaged In Wird to President Ruth Dawson with Marie Thank School Age fund. building the missionary work they love and South our fund will get Haws acting as hostess. Mrs. Ellen Weber, Highway 91 In new home in their are happy Tues., Thurs., Sat. a lift. But dont forget, every Wakefield from the Stauffer Sya-tequite aee Montana. We are all happy to Roy, Utah one of us will have to be in Ogden was guest speaker. 2559 MONROE them return to Utah as often as single there to make it a success. If some- Accompanying Mrs. Wakefield We ell nothing but OGDEN, UTAH they can. one hasn't been to your house to were Miss Linda Kelloa, Mrs. Mau-rlnPHONE 37203 And, speaking of the Binghams Quality Products sell you ticket. It u not too late Fryer, and Mrs. Leol Hawley. reminds us of one of that family a la this Friday night. April to It the to Prior go. meeting regular whom we are all going to miss, 12, so just get those nickel, dime, group picture of the club 20 memShirley. Morgan will gain a faith ind dollars bers was taken. It will be placed together and go. ful little gal when Shirley Bing In the club scrapbook. Guests at the ham becomes a br.de Her Sunday Conference brought some of our meeting were Velma Read, Jewel reluc33 of School class are very friends and relatives home from Widdison, Wealthy Cottle and Chartant to see her leave Riverdale far off places, and among them ws lene Simpson. This was much manifest when the Elinor Cardncr. who bad about a A motion was passed that future 5316 So. 1900 West, Roy Rhone 9639 group presented her with their day to visit with her folks after would be held once club meetings A love of lot was It wedding gift recently. attending all the meetings a month Instead of the customary went along with the gift. a very short but pleasant visit. AUTO GLASS INSTALLED will be Oscar Wilde says "Experience is Claude Stuart has been contest twice The 1 next meeting at the home of Opal simply the name we give our mis- mg again. This time h's winning held May AUTO GLASS AND PARTS AYtc and Used takes " And Will Rogers said that words won him a Ronson 'Celest' Gandee. Mr. of Hancock, daughter Madelyn it as as is who could long funny, table lighter Someone "everything and Mrs Edward J. Hancock will to someone else" use such an is happening BRAKE SHOE EXCHANGE ACCESSORIES exquisite lighter could Then there is Irvin S Cobb, who well profit by calling him or going be married May 10 in the Salt Lake to Lynn H. Bodily, son of gives us this bit of wit. "Middle to see him. He would probably let Temple Mr. and Mrs. Herbert N. Bodily of w mi ffii Fife's age is when you begin to exchange it go for half its retail value Mr. Bodily recently reClinton. for emotions symptoms." your Beverly Fernelius is getting used turned from an LDS mission to Mr. and Mrs. William Shipley Hawaii. to being called Limpy, Hopalong Madelyn graduated last hus along with their daughter and an June from Weber College Dee Hosher and She Crutch sprained band. Mr and Mrs. Loon Sparrow kle very badly, and under doctors pital School of Nursing Just returned from motoring to orders had to Succumb to a pair of Sharyl Simpson, daughter of Mr. Sacramento, whore they visited an Of course Beverly didn't and Mrs. Mike Simpson was mar other daughter, the Boyd Flewell-ing- crutches feel bad about using them. Her ried March 30 to James T. Rigney, They also visited Mrs Ship ankle was of Wayonly as big around as her son of Mr. and Mrs. Dew-cley's sister, the Tracy Binghams, knee, and black and blue just about nesboro, Mississippi in a double San Frsncisco in BECOME A STENOGRAPHER that far up We hope It will heal ring ceremony performed in the to Howard Ellis' Congratulations rapidly now, and she will soon be Hooper Second Ward LDS hall by He has been awarded a coveted U able to take FASTER AT STEVENS' HENAGER part in the sports she Bishop Francis V. Simpson. A reof U fellowship, sponsored by the at with 500 followed guests ception National Science Foundation. He enjoys again. There is a big demand for NOW Congratulations to Craig Kendcll tending INKOU. will embark on this thrilling educa The bride wore a ballerina length stenographers and secretaries in last Y" tional Journey next September, and who graduated from Primary area. this booming Utah-Idahdress with white of nylon designed and will be ordained will emerge with his Masters De Sunday night, neckline and shirred short square a deacon next Sunday morning. ' You can qualify quickly. sleeves. Featured on the snug bod grtc in Science. Imagine, besides The second year BeeHive girls having all expenses paid, being Ice and full skirt were appliqued Earn at least $1,000 more by paid money for learning' It pays ire working diligently on a new lace rosettes centered with pearls Actw"''" Bee a are Ls be Howard making to now science project They going to work 6 to 8 months brainq and rhinestones She wore a finger Alta at Wahlquist instructor sooner with the Speedwriting Junior 'live quilt again this year and with tip veil and white mitts, and carwh o typina-H'the help of teachers Norma Mildon. ried a High. He formerly taught musi of American Beauty Stenographic course. bouquet too. but the demand for science Helen Cowdin, and President Lola roses. Or9 has grown so that now he must dc Fernelius. it is shaping up into a Henager is the only Utah Mrs. Laraont Simpson was masole full time to it This is a heart beautiful thing of rememberance tron of honor. Other attendants school authorized to teach or all the girls that are working were Nadine Penman, Dcon Arave ening sign, in these days of out Speedwriting, the easy ABC on it. race with Russia. technological Nedra Weaver Wright shorthand that can be mastered Byram. The Junior M Men and Jr Laura Mac Cullins Marriot, and in 6 weeks, uses no symbols, no '.loaners had a party last week at Nada Jones Lamb. machines, just ABCs. he new ice rink in Ogden. It was Norman Earl Lile of Springfield i big success just about all the Illinois was best man. Ushers were Clip and Mail Today E 77V Marion Stuart lass attended, but just about every LaMont Max Simpson, send me free without obligation o Simpson, Ys, ook time out to sit. Ice skating b Ronald Simpson, and LaMoine copy of your bulletin explaining opporWe have all kinds of birthday sport we all have to try more Walker. tunities of secretaryship, ond descriptive this coming week, and a few tha' ifler Amazingly enough, it's not material on your count. The newlyweds are making their have just recently passed. Ln' is cav as it looks, and a few ol Nome So. 260 at home Main, Clearfield. he kids can tell you so. Of course Bybee had a birthday on the 7th o On Sunday evening Jake MaAddress this month, Betty Kendcll on th here were others who really knew was released as general sechoney City 8th, Gordon Pringle on the heir way around the rink. Sounds retary of the Aaronic Priesthood u- n- spills and all. coming up on the 14th is Pa in the Hooper Second Ward. He has The mutual is going to have held this Bybee's, the 15th Thelma Hills, th-position for the past ten 6th. Irene Ieterson and Flor. 'ancc instruction each evening years. Charles Torghclc was apWadman, Oscar Anderson celebr; fter MIA, for all those who arc pointed to take his place. tes his on the 17th, Lyle Bybee an nterested. Dick Brown u going t( Anna Cottle was sustained as aslittle Christine Pcbly on the 19t'i e the instructor and he comes sistant ward chorister. She will asand Nora Peterson and Terr ack to Uintah after his spell in the sist Jay Beus who was also suSJones celebrate on the 20th. Happ crviee, with lots of experience ir v - v 'V O Pt Hooper News E. H. Cordon DAVE'S SERVICE e ROY AUTO PARTS i o Uintah i WE'RE JUMPING THE GUN! WE ARE NOW The Only Company IN ROY 9tt-an- JV. TUT Insurance THAT CAN SAVE YOU NEARLY HALF WE NOW HAVE: Black Magic Lawn Seed On Your FIRE Insurance BUSINESS, HOUSE OR CONTENTS This new rate is made available to you through an independent survey recognizing our Fire Department let us explain this new savings plan to you. COME IN! And Major Brand Vegetable and Flower ALL TYPES NOW LOCATED IN NEW OFFICES Morgro Fertilizer Peat Moss Seed All Kinds FREE USE OF SPREADER WITH EACH OF FERTILIZER S F ljl REALTORS -- BUILDERS I E-L-- mSPgiM3 ww w EffiEfCSHH Fast Service Launderette Complete Family Laundry WE HAVE BUYERS FOR ALL TYPES OF PURCHASE HOMES INSURE WITH THE BEST M-A-- W Notary Public D BEN FRANKLIN STORE INSURANCE Phone 3 861 Roy, Utah "Hoy, Tho City With a Future." Soy Realty OPEN FROM 9 A M. TILL 6.30 P.M. Carmichael Phone 41389 SHOP in ROY nnd SAVE! PHONE J ! 5911 WMIllMO O |