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Show The Clearfield Hews Charles E. Evans Jr. ton of Mr, and Mu. Charles E. Evans of Rt 1 'Clearfield is beginning his sis months reserve training program at Lackland AF.B. Texas. After a four weeks basic training he begin techmical training at Sheppard A F.B. Texas. Following the completion of 180 day training period Charles will return to Cear-flejas a member of the local Air Force Reserve unit. Clearfield Kiwanis Gub it plan nlng a very pretty Rose display for our park on Center St. They are planting rotes along the paths as well as a rose arbor which they are building with benches. This we are sure will be very colorful as well aj beautiful and attractive Mrs. Wynn Hansen entertained her bridge club last Friday evening at her home. Her guests in eluded Mrs. Harold S. Tijlotson, Mrs. Gideon Jolley, Mrs Merlin Goodfellow, Mrs. Lou Johnson. Mrs. Howard Bivins, Mrs. Chester Thackery, and Mrs. R. A. Toolson. Mrs. Virgil Hilton and her math-cMrs. Amy McEntire have returned from a 10 day vacation to where they were Washington, guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Murphy and daughter of Mr. McEntire. We hope that they had r son-in-la- Barton Lulhartn Our ArsroaJ R of. lU- - Cbiroto VUU School B olid Inf Arthur Utah X rbMM 4 Wicfcjtroa 3Mft MAM. Bu&dty ftrhooi Worahlp Barvlcaa 11 00 AM. a nice time, bat are very glad to have them back. Mr. A Mrs. Alva J. Fife announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter Julie to Blair P. Kennedy, son of Mr. & Mrs. Alonzo Kennedy of Washington Terrace. The wedding is planned for May 4th. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrt. Don Paggett on the arrival of son. Mrs. Paggett will be better known to her friends as Marie Clark, Those who will be blowing out candles this week are; David Heaps LeRoy Christensen, Darleen Haw thorne, Enly M. Nelson, Allen Hodson on (he 7th. Trudy Jo Smith Karen Wilcox, Jesn Sessions on the 8th. Beverly C. Collmar, John E Anderson, Norms Gerber, Edna McEntire and Janet Weaver on the 7th. Rex M. Cstmull, David W Broadbent, Keene W. Barton. Kelly S Barton, Elizabeth W. Goodfellow Pstsy Lynn Farr on the 10th. Diane Jacobs, Kenneh Layton and Dorothy S. Jorter on the llth.Jack D Thurgood and Deborah Owen on the 12th. Lula Hodson, Wilma Christensen, Sherry Pace, Royal C Sessions, David Wlxom, Earl R Green, Valtlne H. Jessop, and Melvin J. Inglet on the 13th. A very Happy Birthday to all of you. We would like to send our con grstulations to the following couples who will be celebrating anni versanes this week; Mr. A Mrs Lyle H. Hall on the 7th. Mr. A Mrs Fred Gortclnaky on the 8th. Mr. A Mrs. Melvin Ftfield on the 12th We would like to welcome Mr. Theli Elwm Day to Gaarfleld. The 11 who Is from Provo is living with his sister and brother in law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B. Suow. Mr Day is operating the Air Way Ser vice station near the west gste of Hill Air Force Base at the present time. He attended BY High School and he u now an active member in the Clearfield 3rd Ward. We are very glad to have Theli In Clear field and we hope that he will like living here. Sharon Hale, Rosemary Fesseler, Lauraine Nelson, and Alan Hale enjoyed an evening of swimming at Rainbow Gardena monday even lng. After their swim they enjoyed refreshments at the home of Mr and Mrs. Howard lisle. They all (23EB GEii CHKD Sun-Chronicl- Roy, Utah; Thursday, April 11, 1957 e, Getn Ready to Plant V A fJ ? I- - 7k fir v ' ceived in an automobile accident, March 31, at Mosea Lake, Washing ton, where the couple had been making their home. In the car with Mr. Brown were her two small daughters, LeAnn, 3 and Ranee, 1 year. Ranee escaped with minor bruises but LeAnn suf fered a severe cut on her head and left shoulder and the cord in her left wrist was severed. From last reports she is doing well in the hospital. Mrs. Brown was born March 1, 1934 at Orangeville, Utah, the laughter of Woodrow and Ona Hawks Callahan. She married Don Brown, Sept. 18, 1953 in Salt Lake City. They moved from Roy to Moses Lake two year ago. She la uirvived by her husband, two daughters, her parents and five brothers and sisters The funeral was held April 3, at Moses Ike and interment was made there Her husband is the son of William Brown of Roy lslied. These bandages will be sent to a Lrper colony in Africa, which is supplied with such needs by the genealogy workers which will be shown in the recreation hall. Light refreshments will be served. The public is invited. The April meeting of the Women's Guild of Our Ssvlor'i Lutheran Church was held Thursday evening, April 4th, at the hopie of Mrs Fred Omer in Sunset. Mrs. John Anderson served as co hostess. The Devotional Service was given by Mrs. Glade Nielsen. The business meeting wa directed by the presi dent. Mrs. Henry Burklund. Due to the resignation of Mrs. Chaties Moor as vice president, an election was held in which Mrs. Jack Smart was elected to replace Mrs. Moor. The Guild Charter dosed, with 22 members on the charter roll This charter roll will be framed and placed in the church This does not close the membership, however, and any ladies interested in visiting or Joining the Women's Guild are cordially welcomed to church. A surprise handkerchief shower was held after the meeting for Mrs Charles Moor, former vice president, as a farewell gesture from the Women's Guild. (The Moors are moving from Roy soon). Two guests were present for the meeting' Mrs Lei and and Short i4 Ogden. At the close delicious lunch hostesses. Tlie next meeting will be held at 7 30 p m . May 2nd, at the home of Mrs Clifford Johnson of Sunset Received into membership of Our Savior's Luthersn Church on Sunday, April 7th, were; Mr. and Mrs Metzler and Mrs Roman Suk-ala- . tittle Kistin Marie Carmichael, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Carmichael, was baptized do so. on Sunday. March 24th at Our SaMarlow Brown, brother of the be A Mission Relief layette has been vior's Lutheran Church by Pastor reaved husband, with his wife and completed and is ready to send Arthur Wickstrom a and Elua his Victor belated 10. a So wife, birth a Mrs Donald McDade instructed cousin, happy reported that they had very good April Miss Norma Due, field missiontime. the group in rolling bandages, and ary in the Columbia Conference day and a speedy recovery is what all of Roy, attended the funeral. A social honoring the retiring a We would like to cangratulate we're wishing her large number of rolls were fin of the Augustana Lutheran Church, board members of the West Com Mr. and Mrs. Stan Smith on their pany of the Daughters of the Utah new addition to their home. A baby Pioneers, was given by the new rapped In blue came into the Smith board members, Friday evening at family on April 7th This is the the Kanesville Ward Smith s fint so they were very ex Those honored were Mrs Flor cited about their new son Mrs Mr of Pvt Kenneth Haws, son Smith is the former Miss Rowana and Mrs. Kenneth Haws Sr, has ence J. Fife, Mrs Jane Venable. Thurgood of West Point. Mother arrived in Korea lie is assigned Mrs Mabel Peterson, Mrs Jewel Mrs Marsela Gibson. and baby were reported doing fine as clerk-typis- t in the Headquarters Widdison, Father is slowly recovering Con Service of the Headquarters of the Mrs Vida Parker, Mrs Lillian Had Margralulations to all three of you Wc Army force of the Far East 8tli ley, Mrs Fern Steiner, Mrs Mrs Lillian Gar McKBeen, garet be won't next it time hope that the Army. ner and Mrs. Bertha Hadley. Each so hard on Stan. entered the Haws Pvt. service Congratulations are in order for in Sept. 1956 He completed his were presented a gift by Mrs Golda Sleek, president of the company Miss Sidney Straten who became basic training at Ft Bliss, Texas Mrs. Boyce Flint, March 30th in He was formerly a student at the Games and a pot luck lunch was Nevada. The lucky bridegroom L'SAC, In Logan, and a member of enjoyed by those preent. Mr and Mrs Arthur Bingham was Mr Boyce Hint, son of Mrs the Delta Fhi Fraternity of Sievensville, Mont , former Roy Marilda K. Hint of Clearfield The William Brown, who has been a residents, were conference visitor new bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. Gayton Stratton also of resident of Roy foi the past 50 to Roy to visit with friends and Clearfield. Sidney is a Junior at years, spent the last five months relatives Davis High School Boyce is a in Portland, Ore, visiting with his A Relief Jjouety visiting teachers While there, Davis and he Is now sister, Mrs. I la of graduate will be conducted KYi attending Weber College Congrat he suffered a heart attack His convention av evening at 7 30 at the stake ulations to both of you and may daughter, Mrs Vernon (Mahlei Stanley went up to Portland re house, under the direction of the you always be very happy Mrs Joseph Rudd. 18 Villa Dr, cently to accompany him home Lake View Relief Society board we wi,h Enroute home they stopped at Ceil All the visiting teachers of the hasn't been feeling well to her a speedy recovery. terville, Calif, to visit another stake are urged to be in attendance Mrs Laura Holmes will give a Mrs. Orson Davis of West Point daughter and her husband. Mr on making and deco Hinkle Mrs Arthur Dorothy who is confined in the Dee hospital and man Mr Brown and Mrs Stanley rating Ejsler candies at the Ike She has had a number of View Ward Relief Society work and Is under observation following arrived home Monday Mrs Carolyn Callahan Brown, 23, and business meeting to be held fall last week Incidentally, 'he 10 spent her birthday in the hospital wife of Don Brown former Roy Tuesday, March 16. starting at a considerm Mrs had Holmes has re d from cd was Her birthday injuries Wednesday, resident, able experience in this line and vv.int BE Kmder without the the demonstration will prove to be nn interesting one. . iii oiir home, Joymn note of flowers Relief Society members of the nt your Eiixter party tune in vour Hal Yern area are also invited to Let tis help you select the lovely t r.olit ioimIv attend Before a mine start operating, money must be risked on Still A pot luck lunch will le served anil plants here that help make Laxter expensive prospecting end exploration to locate ore. those doMring to stay for the aftermore money Is risked in development work to sink shafts the happy time that it is! noon session Quilting and textile and drive tunnels end slopes. Actually, oil this may cost CHOICE EASTER LILIES &t popular prices also pan. ting will also tc done more than the eventual mining of ore. Because these risks of The Genealogical Committee other potted plants and the usual fresh flowers. are taken, Utah's people benefit from the payrolls, upply the Iike View Stake will present YOUR ORDER EARLY FOR 1ST CHOICE successful PLACE of taxes and operations. mining purchases urtifiiates of graduation to those YOUR rLOWSR BIIOI- IS ROY- who have completed the genealo in and pick out 01 R GERANIUM.S are now ready-cogual course given by the wards our choice of the stake for the past two years, "From the earth comes on abundant life for all" CORSAGES (JF ALL KINDS MADE TO ORDER! April 18 at 8 pm in the slake house Two guest speakers will appear on the program and special musical numbers will be presented. FolDIAL HOY, UTAH lowing the program, there will be a display of work done by the STUDENTS OF ROBERT STEWART'S sixth grade class are busily raking the ground in preparation for the planting of new grass from a new park located next to the cimeterv More volunteers could be used. ROY NEWS K1-.te- r business of risks Mining PRUDENTIAL STAMPS -- GIVEN WITH ALL CLEANING" UTAH MINING ASSOCIATION me PORTER FLORAL STEEDS ANNUAL FRE PILLSBURY CHICCC DAY, WHOPPER TRADES ON ALL RANGES IS CHICKS given away FREE EggS'Hot Chocolate i 40-Inc30-Inc- o Push Button Automatic. Model ) 25 Coffee lb. Bag and Butter Pillsbury Chicle Starter FAQFI Lknus. LESS WHOPPER TRADE DOORS OPEN G.E. 40 GALION QUICK RECOVERY LESS HOT WATER Whopper Trade! WHOPPER WATER $Q 8 Brlng your own Container AM. TO PANCAKES CAN EAT 6 P.M. SERVED ALL DAY BRING THE A3S TRADE HEATERS SATURDAY APRIL 13TH WHOLE FAMILY! Were Rarin To Trade! r. YOU NAME THE TERMS fcH. - Syrup ALL YOU $319.95 J405 $249.95 Model J302P Purchased Lr.s Minute Timer. Auto o Push Button Con vcnicnce. 7 In v Units Giant Oven With Removable Door. o Complclely matic. With lulc II Cal Rod Surface and Oven 1957 MODEL . Range h h Range PANCAKES . SPARROW GO, M-3d , COMPLETE HARDEN SUPPLIED iiBESTj: V. .uija, Hants J?" 3d |