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Show THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1955 TEEN TIMES THE ROY SUN By SIIAEON LARISON PUBLISHED BY HAPPY NEW YEAR! THE ROY PRINTING COMPANY And best wishes to Oil (?) of you! What say we start this year out right with a column full of news YOU send In? of Weekly newspaper published at Roy, Utah, In Hie Interest tfce surrounding communities of Roy, Riverdole, Sunset, Hoop- er, South Weber, Uintah, Clearfield. J. HOWARD STAHLE . ASST. ETTY LOU STAHLE CAROLINE GOULD SHARON LARISON KYLE HARROP . STARTING OFF MANAGER-EDITO- R A good today what Louis Fouti and Connie Jeppsen, and Gerald Fleming and Sharon Seimonj were doing all huddled up on the corner of Lynn Avenue and 6000 street the first part of last week? Could It be they were getting a good waiting spot for the new doubt1 year? No v VARRJED CELEBRATIONS MANAGER-EDITO- R REPORTER DIAL REPORTER DIAL REPORTER .DIAL . FOR INFORMATION CALL MANSFIELD REALTY OFFICE LOCATION Built-in- s Rosemary Holly was seen at tlie Lakeview gym on New Years Eve. Seems she and Kent Van Kampen do a real mean waltz Barbara Cook and Ray Frost, Cut Clutter, Save Space, StoreThingsWhereYou-NeedJhet- n and Margene Pulstphee &od Gav land Jensen left early and stayed late to see the new year in at their party. A good source1 says they had a real ball homes Interior. Built ins take years olT the appearance of An srtlcle In Home Modernizing magazine shows how functional. too, these modern items can be. Not only do they lave space by making use of wall Instead of floor areas, they also reduce clutter and make possible organized storage because they can be Installed near point of use. The pictures below show examples. mi , WELCOME nu - I 1 ' f 1i- -' It was good to see Janice Hel-- . gesen up at Weber College this week. Nothing like an education, eh Janice? Her sister Betty, it is rumored, spent New Yesrs Eve with La mont (Snurr) Jensen How bout that, Betty? J v. SV.; J I II T v 1 , 4 v :v1 J'a source is soncerlng A "Nr CHURCH NEWS t The Lake View Stake basketball round robin will begin Jan 12 and last through Jan 30 to IL. The ball between a bedroom TWe boIH-l- n for a laundry area and bathroom can become dresshas many possible aaei Deor swing down aa a ing apace when fitted with storage feclllUes. else-wher- the Your Doctor urle ef The following U tree article written hy member ef the Utah Slate Medical Auaciatien and pnblithed in (Myrrslies 1mI smysyrr. Thete article are cheduled m appear every ether week throughout the year in em efjeet te better acquaint yen with problem ef health, end detigned te I prove the ef the people ef Utah weU-beat- Painful Feet Primitive peoples - walked on man. body over soon introare aa hard surfaces duced the body weight tends to be borne on the prominent spots of the sole. These are the heel und the bases of the firat and fifth toes. Natures response is a greater attempt to meet the demand. Thus if the body weight is bom largely on the heel and at the bases of the firat and fifth toes, nature's reapdnkOtatdThK,ken" the akm over these areas. It matters little that the akin growa into the flesh tncroarhin ; bn nerves and causing pain. The ultimate solution to the problem of calluses, aa these thickened areas f skin are called, is to leaaen the pressure on them by better distribution of the body weight on the feet. If this is done, the calluses recede spontaneously. A callus on the ball of the foot, between the bases of he first and fifth toer is often encountered Its presence Indicates an underThe lying abnormal condition. bonea In the forepart of a normal foot form 'an arch. When bonea forming this arch drop ao that Jia arch ia lost, weight is borne 3ii a portion of the foot not for weight bearing. Here agair. the akin thickens and forma the painful metatarsal callus. The aaic problem 1s in redistribution of -- determine the winning team for sors, sard bishoprics and clerks, stake ward teachers committee the tournament and stake missionaries Also all The Lake View Stake quarter- the stake board members of the conference is scheduled for auxiliary organizations and the ly J of all Saturday evening Jan 14 and partners Harold Johnson, J K Nelson 15 Jan of the Sunday and Johnson are the comAldus conference will be given later. i mittee in charge silii the various i! The annual Lake V'lew stake organizations assisting The- banquet Will be prepared family banquet will le held Moh bv the Relief Societ) stake- board day evening Jan 10 at 7 pm and the program is under the dia beginning with program in the of Ted Darker of the rection i liajH with the banqutt followA board VMM Those invited are ing Tlie stake presidency, stake TinHein f Sock ties of the clerks, the stake high council-nof the Lake View Stake wards act n. television patriarchs, high priests Records, books, The ewner ef this werktbop with ball tin will always And his tools and radio are all houard here In quorum presidency, stake Aaron-i- resumed their an efficient group of unit. he place, ready to nee. and senior Aaronic supervi teachers refxjrt meeting and teacher topic and theology lesson this week. Next week w ill be work and business starting at would bo necessary The Hoy am till 3 30 pm All members1 Scouts in many of the other com are invited to come and bring mumties are making this drive. I.... Mrs Marion Stuart is the As we have little contact in your for the Uintah area we would appreciate some correspondent area. If you have any news group contacting us A plcear- call tier at 3 4307 weekly paper for vour area would be a benefit to you The Hoy bun needs subscrib- beyond realization once you Weber area thoroughly acquainted ers in the Umtah-Sand to help some organization with it Your support wilt conbuild a needl'd fund for new tinually be needed and appreequipment, trips, emergencies, ciated Any newspaper needs building plans, etc we of the two very important things Sun are offering 50 cents for readers and advertisers They go every subscription we receive. hand in hand because one is not in order for a successful drive good without the other Since the automatic home launfor the dry hai become to bo made, a canvass of the area The number is a household necesfor need any sity what used to be work is now information you play. drive plans All the wards m the Lake In thousands of homes the ViewStake are working on their Starting Feb. 1 the Hoy Sun washer and dryer make will no longer be mailed free Whirlpool a game. Actually, with special programs for "Meet Me laundering to everyone as has been the pol the flick of a dial the appliances at Mutual" night to be held Jan. lake over and do all the work. 18 You will hear more and more icy Aftir that date the paper The Imperial will be a step higher toward this program. about washer has eliminated all guessa bomfide newspaper well as as work, a IX-tail- s "j - - 1 I me--tin- - e o , - fully-automati- EVERYBODY TELL IN THE Bicycles Repaired CHAPPELL'S Hardware Cr Lumber Co. 5210 S. 1900 W. Ph. CLASSIFIED ADS FANNING CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC 5360 So. 1900 West Roy, Utoh 2 to 5 Hours: 10 to 12 Saturday 10 to 1 c physical work, from laundering Automatic water three filling, temperature water selector with fabric guide, automatic water level clector and special delicate fabric washing cycle provide the desired conditions for washing a particular load And a red guide light follows the whole operation through fill, wash, rinse and damp-drWhen the washing is done a cyclotone sounds two signals Then the washer shuts olT automatically. The Imperial dryer (gas or electric) is just as complete in saving time and work. Full range heat control with fabric guide, delicate fabric control and a colored guide light are sitftilargto those on the washer. An interior light turns on and operation stops when the dryer door is opened. When the cycle tone sounds during the last few seconds of the drying operation, the little girl is likely to drop her favorite doll to run and tell mother she has finished the wash. seven-secon- d JANTZEN SWEATERS Ladies' and Men's y3 J l aiie n dance for Kotx-r- IFiere Quality Is Inexpensive t U. S. Husbands Stay At Homes Hazen G. Werner, chairman of the National Council of Churches Department of Family Life, recently said studies into the family life of American families show that husbands are becoming homebodies. He said it was obvious that the process of domesticating husbands is picking up speed. More and more, Werner said, husbands are helping with the shopping in the super market, and piddling around the house with hobbies and doing chores The Rev. Raymond R. Peters, executive secretary Day- ton. Ohio, Council of Churches, says there is much greater interest today in sound home life than there was even ten years ago. Peters says young people are especially serious about their home life and home life problems. O of-t- ha TV WASHER O RANGE REFRIGERATOR Call ADS Union Furniture s V The Riverdale school PTA meeting will le- held Thursday Jan 13. at 7 30 p m in tlie school gvmnasmm A speaker from City Intermountain Indian School will tx- the speaker. Me will discuss met hods of selec-turfor training in the school and other jxrtme-n- t objectives of - Ask for TOMMIE HOWARD WHAT WAS THE GREATEST - hoed the- - sc All parents ' . are- invited - " . PrPCIflPnt ICJIUCIII J 1 Next Year Program Paid Local Adv Recent White House conferences have revealed the nature of the presidents legislative pro gram for 1955 Among the major points involved is a .request to Congress to postpone a srhed tiled reduction in corporation and 11. D. SPARROW CO. Inventory & Appliance sales taxes These corporation and sales taxes are bringing in to tlu- government over $2 billion in revenue today and it is expected that they will bring in alxnit $3 billion a ear in the near future The president is also onc-again asking for statehood for Hawaii, which was denied him bv the 83rd Congress, and seek ing a liberalized foreign trade with authority to make 1 Only 21 in. Sparton Blonde onsole Television Hilicy QQQ QF new- tariff cuts (This request is fringe area set. Reg. $339.95 SALE aOY to Democratic receive sup likely 2 Only 21 in. Sparton Mahogany Console TV's port OQQ QC The president is again asking - SALEaOYYJ a custom set. Reg. $299.95 Congress to initiate action on a constitutional amendment which 1 Only 21 in.Sparton Mahogany Console TV OQQ QC D chassis. Reg. 369.95. Sale i. Y a Better set would lower the voting age to 18 cars This was defeated in the 1 Only 24-iSparton Mahogany Console TV Senate Inst year, largely through QF door cabinet. Reg. 559.95. SALEOYV full Beautiful the cfforls of a group of southern Democrats 1 Only 21 in. Emerson table model TV. Genuine QQ QC A new reserve program for SALE Mohogony cabinet. Reg. $269.95 the nation's youth, proposed reductions in military manpower. Only 12 cubic foot Maytag Upright Frcexer by QAQ QF SALE Amona. Reg. 499.95 - CLEARANC SALE -- J - ) -- . . Preparations are being readied for the Riverdale Stake Quartette festival to he held Saturday. Jan 8 at 7 30 in the 22nd and 32nd Ward chapel at 37th and Grant All seven wards will participate The winners will com- pete at the divisional quartette festival to tie held Jan 14 and 15 at the Ogden tabernacle. All the LDS wards in the Riverdale stake are preparing their "Meet Me at Mutual" programs which will be presented Jan. 25. Watch for this date. The testimonial and farewell el -- Third month free, given to all new Deseret New subscriber. Call 51345- . . J 10eJ . 1 January Contest With the purchase of a CHARIS Foundation Garment or Girdle a chance to have Only Crosley Refrigerator 10.5 cu. foot Reg. $299.95 1 GUARANTEED your purchase price funded. Every one wins in comfort and beauty. One in every 40 gets a garment free. Call Ogden 047.7 J 199.95 Only Crosley Refrigerator 9.5 cu. foot. 1 OOO OC SALEaZY.YJ 1 Only Crosley Refrigerator 10.5 cu. foot. SALE Automatic Defrost. Reg. 349.95 1 Only General Electric Refrigerator 11.2 cu. ft. f)QQ QF SALExYY.YD Automatic Defrost. Reg. $429.95 re- Free Month nyn n. . 1 Only Crosley Electric Range motic Clock Control. Reg. 269.95 1 Only Crosley Elaine 40-inc- h. . OCQ95 JLDl . Auto- SALE I OC 100 YYY3 - cabinet sink and auto- OQO OC matic Dishwasher Comb. Reg. 429.95 SALeZYYYD 48-inc- h Domeirlc Sewing Machine, Blonde, SALE Model. Reg. 329.95 I Only FA JU t 1 Only Maple Console Model. Reg. 224.95. : SALE H. D. SPARROW CO. MA'S AND PA'S Church Parties Receptions Private Parties Banquets Private Rooms Dining Room Coffe Shop open doily Finest in Pies and Cooking The place You Never Forget Phone Roy, Utah 24 i FOR SALE 1953 Westinghouse Laundromat. Will sacrifice and sell for $150. Phone CLASSIFIED Hosier who has t wallet in' an Ogden theater. The owner aid he would appreciate having it returned. He is Richard Watkins of Kanesville. Repairs & installation calle-- eat in a place that homey? Where you con relax and still get the best in food and service. Such a place is Mo's and Pa's in Roy. The surroundings are pleasant and there's plenty of parking space OFF modified' foreign aid request an expanded health reinsurance program, denied by the last Congress a request for a new highway construction program and requests for a continuation of many other programs, and some new requests, are expected to be included in the presidents 1955 program. Mr. Eisenhower has made it clear in recent weeks that he is depending upon Democrats to back much of his program, and there is a very good prospect that many Democrats will back some parts of it. The key question in the entire program, of course, is whether the president can baalnce the budget. Secretary of the Treasury George Humphrey has indicated that the budget cannot be balanced for the year begining July 1. This has raised a series of protests from both Republicans and Democrats. In view of this we can see no alternative to the presidential request for a postponement in the reduction of federal Ixorpmalion and salesjaxes. We would hope, however, in view of the well established goals of the Eisenhower administration. that the budget could somehow be balanced in the year beginning July 1, if taxes are not reduced. The nation is now paying $6 8 billions a year interest on the debt, and in view of proposed military manpower cuts, and other possible economies, it would seem that the nation had better balance its budget in peace time, so that the way can be cleared in the not too distant future for tax cuts which were supposed to go into effect next April. to serve in the Indian in mission with headquarte-rLOST AND FOUND Gallup, New Mexico, will be held Jan 14 at the Riverdale It was reported that a hoy m hall Mr. Hosier Roy found a leather hand tooled ware) formerly acted as scoutmaster in the ward. been WHY NOT flOV DEPARTMENT STORE II High-heele- d shoes concentrate as excessive portion of the body weight in this region. Mortons toe Is s painful affliction involving principally the fourth too. Often the pain Is so severe that the sufferer will be compelled to remove his shoe, no matter where he is. When the bones of the metatarsal arch drop, a nerve may be pinched between them. The nerve to the fourth tee is the one usually involved. Removal of the nerve effects s permanent cure. The forerunner of bunions may The toes of fcj noted In infants. each of growing fot,tendinstead to grow in toward straight, the oppnait-- foot. Careful observation will reveal that not only the toes yeer inward bait also the bones of the forepart of the foot. Usually there Is no difficulty in childhood because childrens shoes have wide toes. As soon aa pointed-to- e shoes are encountered the final Ingredient of a bunion hsa been added. At first the forepart of the foot and the great toe turn in toward the other foot Then, the pointedtoed shoe turns the great toe in direct on... toward,. the center line of the foot Thus, the early bunion is not actually a lump on the bone but the point of a V laid flat one arm of the V being the great toe ard the other arm the hone in the forepart of the foot The apex of the V forma a point of excensive pressure against the shoe. In time an actual bump forma on the bone in response to the continued irritation. The long larger the bony bump grows the ereater the irritation from snoca. Reconstructive surgical procedures now offer lasting relief from this coni tion. But, one might ask. why not get at the root of the difficulty by feet of correcting the turned-iinfants? That is exactly what being dene. In a pliable infant foot plaster casta correct the before the child starts to alk. lTrP ,I,C The Laundry Game UINTAH Relief ted Into the shoes and, la woaaea, by lowering the heels. Says.., softer surfaces than modern and therefor carried the rather generally weight the soles of the feet. As points. weight-beari- ng is obtained by corrections Incorpora- THE BIRD WITH THE BARGAINS Phone 3-44- 64 Roy, Utah o |