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Show V THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1955 Mrs. Frank Warner Jr. entertained the Les Ames Goies Club last week at their annual club A dance and social honoring dinner and Christmas party. Riverdale servicemen and college Twenty-fouladies were present. students wats held last week in were Mrs. Phyllis the Riverdale LDS 2nd Ward rec- Cevering, Mrs. Beth Tesch, Mrs. reational hall. Irene Farrer and Mrs. Mae MilServicemen who were home on lard. Yvonne Child Hiss a former leave were: Jay Stephens, Jimmy Davis, Gary AtkIiion,NoeI Rees, Riverdale girl, has a story in the Jim Craner. Junior Moathuis, December issue of the Improvement Era. The story is entitled Jerry Hatch and Bill Hunter. Christmas in a Nutshell." Mrs. wno were students College Hiss is the of Mrs. home for the holidays were: Ed Child. Lucilc Judkins and Lee from the Feit, Reese, BYU, Gayle Probst, Utah State Agricultural College, John Barg SUNSET HEWS er, Westminister College and Ar chie Parkinson, Ricks College, Rexburg, Idaho. A Sunset couple celebrated Owen Ridge orchestra furnish- their 50th wedding anniversary ed the music. on Christmas Day. They are Mr and Mrs. William Earl Chiton Robert Hosier, son of Mr. ani They were married Dec. 25, Mrs. Virgil Hosier of Riverdali 1904, in Oberlin, Kan. Mrs. Chil has been called to serve in the son was the former Elpha R CarSouthwestern States Indian Mis ver. born Oct. 18, 1880, daugh sion for the LDS church. Ilis ter of Mr. and Mrs. Thurman headquarters will be in Gallup, G arver. Fort A ayne. lnd.. no New- - Mcxteo: Mr. Hosier will deceased. enter the mission home Jan 19 Mr. Chilson was born Oct. 12. 1884, the son of Mr. and Mrs . Teacher's report meeting was James M Chilson of Marshall held at the usual time by the town, Iowa Riverdale Relief Society on Turs They have four sons: Jerrold Jan. 4 The teachers topic was Gray Chilson of McPherson prsented by Ruth Ritter and the Kan Arthur Howard Chilson of thealogy lesson was given by Kanesvllle. William El wood Chil Doris Parkinson. Members and son and Francis Eugene Chilson their friends are invited to at- both of Sunset News Riverdale 'S.S. Sultan. Steck was Elder Robert Contest Announced to Gain cently appointed presiding elder E. lover the South Australian mis-- , sion district. Elder Steck left Roy a year ago last November land is enjoying his mission to the utmost. r s half-siste- r La-Jea- r. W1 : tend. The Robert W. Somers family are newcomers to Riverdale having purchased and moved into the home formerly occupied by Earl Carlson who has moved to West Weber Mr Sommers has aho purchased the welding shop and proerty Carlsen. 24-HOU- owned by Alex R Year Guarantee JEWELRY In $10. Contest will close Jan. 15, 1955. The paper covers areas such as Clearfield, Clinton, Hooper, Uintah, Sunset, South Weber, Riverdale, Kanesvllle, besides Roy. The neWjname should lx one which would pertain and be of interest to these communities. The paper has been received in over 2,800 homes of late. There should be many fine suggestions come from so many deliveries Address your entries to Roy Sun, Box 120-A- , Roy, Utah. lie sure to put our name and address in the envelope along with your entry. the Theotcr Bldg. t-- ar is at present-ae- dmg as head doctor of the state hospital at Hastings. Minn, lie is replacing Dr. Ralph Rossen who is recovering from a recent illness Dr. Torghele is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Torghele. formerly of Hooper now of Ogden His wife is the former Betty Peterson of Salt Lake City. pm ttvp Dr. Arley Flinder has resigned from the Sunset City Council He and his family have moved into heir new home in Roy The nine wards of the North Davis Stake will participate m the MIA music festival which will !h held in the stake house at Clearfield Saturday, Jan 8, at 8 p m The winner will compete The proposed 1955 budget for Sunset was approved at a public :n the divisional contest. hearing held last week The bud Dog licenses for flog owners get is based on last year's ex of Sunset must be purchased by additional penditures including funds for the maintenance of a Felruary I, 1955 Fees are $9 for city marshal and the expense of a males and spaded females and $5 for females Each dog must patrol car The city marshal for Sunset have the tag displaced ia. P who was appointed by Mayor collar l.iccnsts mas la- oblaint d Arthur Mitchell with the ap at the Sunset Cits Hall proval of the city council is Wil Darrell Horne is home CpI ham 11 Reynolds George S Reid from Korea on a 30 das lease was also appointed Sunset C'it Ruth men siting his w ife the former Helen justice of the Marston and son Unites also lus took office Jan 1. 1955 parents Mr and Mrs Sam Horne The Sunset Second Ward Re of Sunset lef Society distributed New Years Day baskets of fruit and nuts to the widows and their fain dies living in ttie Sunset Ward KYI F. I! KKOr Relief Sot lety meetings of tin Wald will be re Sunset 2nd ROY NEWS and Mrs Mr Hislop Sh-rna- entertained their Bo ik of mon study club at a Yuletide r party at tie n home w ck Those who wen- pres ut Mr and Mrs Ralph Gihbv. and Mrs Val Hamsoii Mr Mrs Darrell Tullis Mr Mrs Aldus Johns, in Mr Mrs Roger Crit Mow .md and Mis Hislop Miss t.uucd Mor din-n- i lad were Mr and and ami Mr Rose Marie Pairs entei her Bee Hive class- at a Christmas - The recently party was sent plaving games (mng Gifts were exchanged and light freshments wen- served The in structor for the gioup is Mrs Lou K Dunbar - ri Friends of Mr Harrs Sl.uk of derided in repay bun for his mans a Is of kindness to them and others thru 'he sears liv gismg him a s.irprpc furl Christmas Mr St. u k has been a victim1 of arthribs fur the past 15 Seal' and lives alone in a two room house which was in need of seme repairs A friend and his wife asked Mr Stark to spend a few dass before Uhritm.i.s at tin ir Ro Ploasantvllle, N. Y. Stress may be the common cause of almost all disease, from a heart .attack to a mild case of asthma, writes J D Ratcliff in the January Reader's Digest The st.ess theory of human ills was first proposed by Dr Hans Selye of Montreal, a researcher almost unknown to the public though since 1945 he has headed the University of Mon treats Institute of Kxperimental Medicine and Surgi r The the-o- i has had essential support in the do tor's own experiments with animals ' If future events prove this concept correct," says the Journal of the American Medical Association, "it will be one of the mod significant medical advances of this century THE READ CLASSIFIEDS ATTENTION ALL RIVERDALE, SO. WEBER, AND UINTAH m RESIDENTS For your feed needs . m Coll us! Delivery in your $ area mode every Sotur-doy- , nt no extra charge. "Your Pillibury Feed Deoler" Lake Uiew : FEED AND SEED CO. Roy, Ut. B Ph.3-876- 4 .:a'iira'Ka:KKi-iiv-- THIS IS ROY Brought To You These Progressive By C. CAL STRINGHAM Merchants JEWELRY UNION FURNITURE SUPERIOR SHOE REPAIR THE ROY SUN DAVE'S SERVICE (Formerly Mel's Service) Music News About Your Town Information "Your Friendly KOPP" 730 ON YOUR DIAL At the news and music corner of scenic America KOPP 9.05 to 9:30 THIS MONDAY MORNING IS ROY SUPPORT YOUR TOWN By Friwcet Am norti J n-.- OPTOMETRIST 5 9 Hours to Office Every day except Friday's Evenings by Apopintmenf 5519 SO 1900 WEST Phone ROY, UTAH y Stress Seen Cause Mnndav i ent-da- ical balance just as they now get checks of metabolism, Wood pressure and urine. If hormones can restore an inbalanced body to normal, Selye aeea no reason why our span shouldn't be upped to 100 years or more." Mr. ancT MrsV Ilarld B r owrTare the proud parents of a boy born foreshadowed ACTH and corti Dec 31. This makes 0 boys for sone five years before their disthe Browns They have a sub for covery, Ratcliff says. If Selye's concept proves true, their basket ball team now. the day may come when people will get periodic checks of chem elementary schools m the Area resumed classwork All Hoojx-- DR. H. MURRAY CARVER Last Thursday evening a group of relatives and friends including Bishop Lloyd Berrett, Dr. and 'Mrs. George Reimichussel and Les Roren were at the Steck home and the tape recording from Robert was played by Mr. Burton Mansfield. Each one present sent a personal message to Robert, intersersed by violin selections by Dr. Reimchussel, accompanied by his wife and songs by the group. Refreshments were served HOOPER C. STRINGHAM Brother Cockburn of Adelaide made a tape recording for Robert which he sent to his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Elden Steck for Christmas. Because the Roy Sun covers many communities outside of Roy and the name of Roy Sun is restricted, it has been suggested that we change the name. Therefore, we are setting a contest with the winner to be given - WATCH REPAIR I Further Area Interest sum pel Jim re- Selye holds that the principal Job of the pituitary and adrenal glands, and the hormones they secrete and distribute, is to adapt the body to all kinds of stress. Attempting to adjust to the constant hurry and worry of pres life, glands pour out excess hormones to keep the body going. For a while they succeed, but In the end the defense mechanism Itself breaks down. Arteries harden, Wood pressure rises, heart disease develops, arthritis strikes. The APPARENT cause of illness," Selye says, "is often an an Intoxication, nervous exhaustion or merely old age. But actually a breakdown of the hormonal adaptation system to be the most common ultimate cause of death " By Injecting overdoses of certain hormones into rats, Selye has produced some of the worst diseases afflicting man heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure. diabetes. Reasoning that other harmones would counteract these ills, Selye undertook Mr and Mrs .1 Oakley (Mer-- . i e Moore and infant son have ri turned to their home in Span ish Fork after spending the hob dass with Mrs Moores parents Hnliop and Mrs Merl.n N Cook and Mr Moores folks, till Joseph ( ) Moon s of Hooper i A few weeks ago I made a disthat resulted in a whole covery Mrs William H i Mary K "new look" for my living room. It While he was assav. friends Dalton of Ro gave a hoi. dav happened in my favorite furniture and neighghors completely re dinner for the members of lar store when I stopped to admireanda decorated the inside of his house beautiful brass cocxtail table family All the immediate family how They laid a new masonite floor were present ( xccpt the follow- the salesman explained to me practical new brass and copper in the bathroom and rubtier tile I.t Lowell furnishings are. ing grandchildren on the kitchen floor and a carpet Steck who is on tns Mr. James, the salesman, told way to the in the bedroom They also gave Hawaiian Islands on the S S. me that modern articles made of lame a new bed with an inner Gen Aultman. Elder Robert E copper and brass are protected by s clear finish that needs no polishspring mattress, installed electric Steck, who is serving the LDS fining just a light dusting. The or plugs for his convenience and Church as a missionary in Adeish may be a plastic, lacquer enamel coating which prevents painted the entire exterior. laide, So. Australia; Mr. and Mrs Well, the result of our They also bought a new tele- Keith D. Steck and family of tarnishing. seen in my living room vision set for Mr Stack, deco- Portland, Ore ; Lt. Lloyd Draay-c- r talk can be I the cocktail Yes, bought today' a Christmas tree and rated who is stationed at Cherry, table and matching end tables, of stocked his new cupboard with Point, North Carolina; Capt. Lin- too. And the warm color-tone- s food. the brass added so much beauty to coln C. MacKay of Sukuaka, room that I added a new fireJapan His wife and sons are my set in btfiss. Then place Dr John R Torghele, 34, a na- - now on route to join him on the to make the gleaming the center of fireplace interest in our room, we had a capcarries per hood installed which out the same color tone. A large copper howl filled with ivy on my cocktail table and tall brasa lamps on my end tables really complete the picture. My friends all compliGood Food, Reasonable Prices and a Pleasant ment me on the warm, friendly feeling of the room Atmosphere have established our reputation I was certainly glad to find copper and brass furnishings that need no polishing. An occasional NEWLY RENOVATED with a dusting or simple cleaning moistened cloth is all needed to LARGE BLACKTOP PARKING AREA IN REAR keep them shining. According As-to the Copper & Brass Research sociation thousands of homemakRoy, Utoh Open 7 A.M. to 8 P.M. as I did ers are discovering that copper and brass pieces are as practical as they are beautiful! home Ted's Service Special 3971 SO. 1900 WEST, ROY, UT. FREE PICKUP & DEL. PHONE 2-04- 1 1 a.m.-- 6 p.m. MON.-SA- T. 82 Guaranteed Chassis Lubrication Front Wheel Pack Oil Change (5 qt. Premium Oil) Air Cleaner and Oil .... $1.50 $1.50 $2.25 $ 50 MATTIES CAFE You can be sure you have seen the latest ideas and materials before you build or remodcL Just come in and see us, as so many others are doing. Browse see our plan btxcks, or pick up the some of many helpful folders recently published. There's no obligation... see us for help- around, ask to ful ads ice anytime- - ! TOTAL PRICE Special $5.75 Price... 4. 5 Your Savings 1.25 o THIS CERTIFICATE IS GOOD FOR THE ABOVE SPECIAL AT -- TED'S SERVICE-39- 71 SO. 1900 WEST, ROY, UTAH Teds Service guarantees to your satisfac- tion thjrt your car is thoroughly greased and will be free of squeaks or noises due to lubrication for the next 1,000 miles. If squeaks or noises due to lubrication develop in the next 1,000 miles, return the car and they will be removed free of charge. TEDS SERVICE Teddy A. Poyne and "last minute" financial worry can take away the thrill and joy experienced when your baby is born. Don't let this your happen to you-- be layette at DOROTHY'S Juvenile Shop in the Roy Theater Building. Pay a little each month-b- y the time baby arrives you'll have his layette paid for. Enjoy to the fullest extent the ar- mv, wan YES, having a baby is expensive wise-lay-a- rival of ness. n 20 Acre Farm, good ground and 2-bedro- om way that "little bundle of home, outbuildings and barn, flowing wells. Only $9,000. Kanesville . Area. iappi- - MANSFIELD REALTOIt - DUILBER DOROTHY'S "YOUR NEW JUVENILE SHOP" In tho Roy Theater Building 3 L ROY, UTAH PHONE 19 1 i |