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Show j THE ROY VOLUME ONE, THURSDAY, JAHUART 6, 1955 Defcnsc Of Nationalist China Island LoomrJG nnEnD ky 3' Or. 'SUN" Phone No. THIRTY-FIY- E Your Doctor Says - NAJ04AI MOOSAM XJCAnON TOE RUSSIANS AND COEXISTENCE WASHINGTON. D. C. disturbing undercurrent of speculation on foreign policy in this capital city of the United States of America. The speculation is on whether our government is toying with-thidea of adopting an attitude of coexistence with the worldwide Communist conspiracy centered in Moscow. Such an attitude would seem to be almost totally contrary to the foreign policy of the Eisenhower admin istration which has held out hope to the peoples enslaved by Communism. Washington journalists say that two camps on foreign policy are developing among the government officials in Congress. Mhe State Department, the Defense Department and the Whit House. One camp wishes, the re ports say, to maneuver our na tion into a posture of coexistence with Communism which would mean acceptance of Commu nisms conquest and enslavement of nearly half the world's people, and. at least in effect, the ignor ing of world Communisms historic purposes and goals THE PRACTICAL REALITY The other ramp wishes this nation to stand up to the realities of world Communism, to recognize its true nature, divorce our selves from it in every way, an 1 resist its further advances across those nation' the boundandtb-of- . still remaining free Aside from the great moral question involved in a United States' attitude of cn existence, there is the practical reality of Communism's unques tioned, historic goal The writings of the leaders of Communism, since it made its first conquest in Russia in 1917. clearly show that Communism wil not accept coexistence with the USA except momentarily to gain an advantage in its pri mary purpose to destroy this last And its citadel of capitalism every action through the pages of recent history loudly proclaim ed its devotion to the credo an t to the revolutionary goals which its leaders have pushed forward through every stage of its growth Since, in the final deter mination. public opinion on the question of coexistence will be the decisive force in our govern ments action, every citizen should examine for himself the writings of Lenin, Stalin and Mai enkov. There the ytot ns better ocqumnl yon i th keulth, ond deiifned to well be inf of the people throuikout is THEY PROCLAIM The following excerpts from official writings and pronouncements were supplied to me by a department of our federal gov- Howitzer Blands registered on Commonut positions in its camouflaged emplacement on Nanchuan Island, ranged on Communist position on the nearby China coast. Recent report from Taipeh have described strengthening Nationalist defense on Nancnlsan in the face of firmer invasion threat from Red source in Peiping. FREE CHINA An American-mad- e Word Recieved On Villa Purchase Boy Scouts Map Plans To Canvass Roy Area Sen Wallace F Bennett has received a "very encouraging" report on t'he transfer of Arsenal Villa from the Federal GovernS. v ral Boy Seoul troops in ment to the City of Roy the Roy- Area are going to start Sale of the land has been un- i the area for subscrip der consideration since 1950 but amassing inns to The Run Sun The sub there had been a question as si upturn pru is $1 75 a year to whether the City of Roy was 1 la will ruiUi- 5tJ cents for legally able to buy it adi wl isi rip! inn they obtain Mayor C W Rapp, Roy, wrote Wi urge sou to cooperate with Sen Bennett last month, asking ui obtaining funds for their that the sale be put through at ii j s You will txmi fit by re. a reasonable price ng in your home caih Sale price of the prop) rt pi w sp.ipiT with news of your will be determined either by .uni neighbors, news of or.gin.il co't to the federal p"v m ir live c.ty and adver i rnmi-nor by the cm nut in irk g ft um local merchants it price, minus cer!,un amounts Winn you subscribe you are on luui'iM units You !u lpmg two great causes helping your children and those of your neighbor to gam Wristlers tools to advance his knowledge land pleasure They may plan a r and have the .p tins funds, tlu-may need flags, uni The Whittlers of Uintah met forms On the other hand, what this past week at the usual time iould Ih more beneficial to a and place The minutes were growing area in bbringing it to read and the meeting got off to 'gither and keeping close rela tionships a flying start. Because of the many duties of the chit) reporter, he was as Clearfield signed a wide hlade whittler. Mr John M Pringle, as snupjwr No New 1, who is required to make re ports of all major Hungs siu h Building leaks- water as burned cakes fossets and flat t re and a t sr Released after being a city row blade whittler Mi Clark D for 11 years was 'councilman BvIm-No 2, who du as snupper At the meeting Stoker Clarence ties are to report mn or matters, m the past week tie was apheld such as marriages, murder, and as Clcarfields' new buildmortgages We don't expect a pointed and maintenance ing inspector report from snupper No 2 until man 'I Do" r, s Kin Bumbrough The city council expressed early next spring Rest wishes apprei lation for his faithful work Kent Appointed to fill his unexpired term of one year was Virgil HilFrom the ladies Relief Society-reporton wc learned that Mrs. Stok er had her fortune told, and she is to wrestle Gorgeous George The Good luck Ellen It was aso r to Mildon is ported that Mildred cat all of Pop Eyes spinach Have fun girls, one doesn't rued a frown to live. Servicemen, Dick Brow n, George Cummings, and Vincent Fcrnelcus were on leave, and home for Christmas Uintah folks would like to express their feelings to Ellen t Stuart, who is in the and hope she gets well and b.u k - Jesse Barlows Have Family Party - i i wu-e- , i ic-pr- i t ; - Unintah Club i i Names Councilman Inspector t family get together was held the Clearfield First and Third Wards honoring Mr and Mrs Jesse H Barlow on Dee 27 There are 10 ons and daugh lers and all but one of the sons were pri sent They are Mr nnd Mrs Eldcn Barlow Mr and Mrs Jesse D Harlow, Mr and Mrs Wilmcr S Barlow, and Velma Barlow of Clearfield. Mr and Mrs V. S. Barlow, of Bingham Canvon, Mr and Mrs. Gardner W Barlow of Ogden. Mr and Mrs Ora H Barlow of Salt Lake City and Mr and Mrs Ivan Bar low of Clearfield The Barlows boast 43 grand and greatgrandchildren A in Lions Collect $250 From Sale, For Park Improvements The Sunset Clinton Lions Club collected about $250 from the sale of birthdav and anniversary dated ealanders in Sunset and Clinton, according to William Willoughly, secretary and treasurer of the club The money will he used for improvements on the Clintop and Sunset City Parks The club was also instrumental in distributing to the needy, rerort'striu ted from the toys Clearfield Naval Depot Passing Scene l -- mV ' I 'h : Y, - 'y v r - . . ' 'D ' civ-iize- d e ... t'r' n A ..-- 'ui vi V- - Z'J , - i It;,: Tht rrovlrf "Im - t v Sponsored By Roy PTA The first in a series of lectures on adult education was presented Thursday Jan. 8 by Mr. Lee Caine, principal of the Gram-mercSchool in Ogden to the Roy School PTA inemjjer. The lectures will continue for six weeks and will inrlude discussions on family relationship, child guidance and development. Parents of the Roy School are invited to take advantage of this International Geophysical Year A proposal p siH-lls- , A Dog For Security Cover More Ready Clearfield Employed - will be in Davis 1 THE ROMANS HAD A GAUGE FOR IT! Ch arauoaro gauge m fcxjp T fi6UT MCU(6 WPS. too LABtClV aVl JWCilxrT SDHAN Chahvtt Muwtat a mo BUIL e TWO TMOUaANO kailkwp AMPCe 'c HAL AlCTU tSLEP PV TU TH ?- - eoao Pt tut vtAee oao, owce a ffe Adult Education tor an International made 'by the year, Geophysical International Council of Scientific Unions, is now bearing fruit. Such a year will be the year 1957 58, and already 36 countries have agreed to share in planning and studying natures secret during this period. Answers to many basic question will be sought, such as, whether the air we breath is leaking into space, why we experience climatic changes, and when and what climatic changes are to be expected Moreover, an will be made to see If there is a way to predict dry which would enable farmers to plan for them, and other studies will be concerned with cosmic rays One of the goals of the world' wide study will be an effort to uncover the secret of tivers of electric current, which flow across the poles Another will be to gain new facts about the high altitude jet streams which are a recent discovery and which are used by some airliners today. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $175 PER YEAR One of the most Interesting developments in the worldwide effort to probe into nature's secrets NAME was the acceptance by the Academy of Science of the Soviet ADDRESS Union of an invitation fo participate in the program. Back in 1882 83, and again in CITY STATE 1932 33. smaller worldwide research studies were carried out, Make checks or money orders payable to but virtually no observations If Gift, Who From were made in the southern part Roy Printing Co. of the globe The 1957 58 effort Box 120-will include a most elaborate exRoy, Utah the placing ploratory effort of an observatory on the plateau of the South Pole. There will be other observations, of course, near the North Pole. License Scientists the world over are Will Social sure to gain much valuable in55 in formation from this vast research effort and., looking over Licenses for 1955 are avail the fields which are to be inable at the Clearfield City Build vestigated, one realizes that there Self ing at a cost of $10 for females are still innumerable secrets of and $3 for males, officials said. the universe yet unsolved and Dog owners were reminded a wide field of adventure and 1. 1955 Beginning January that all dogs must be licensed discovery yet ahead for youngmore self employed people will and kept on the owner's property be covered by Federal Social S to Grant Security, according Williams, a representative of the Salt Lake Didint Social S?ur-it1 W coexistence It come cancerous themselves. may also spread through the blood stream to the lungs and all parts of the body. If a nodule la found In the breast which cannot be definitely established a it must be removed surgically and subject- ed t careful microscopic examination. If it ia found to be malignant, then th breast, the underlying muscle, the fatty tissue of the surrounding region, and the lymphatic structure together with all regional lymph nodes, must be removed to effect a cure. Extensive treatment may be used following surgery in some instance. Periodic follow-uexaminations of the patient are then made to determine If there is any evidence of recurrence of the disease. These examinations should extend over s number of years. From the foregoing diacussion of cancer of the breast the following rules for the cure of the disease can be formulated: first, avoid injury or irritation of the Do not wear breast and guard against supports abrasion and bruises. Second, conduct frequent to discover early as possible abnormalities such as tumps or masses, or bleeding of the nipple: press the breast with the palm of the hand against the breast wall. If a lump remains while gentle pressure is exerted, consult a competent physirinn immediately. The earlier rnnrrr is detected. the greater are the chances f r cure. Third, submit to periodical physical not less often thnn examination once s year. The three steps in fight sgninst cancer are (1) prevention (2) early detection (3) prompt and competent treatment to give aid County January and asM'tance to residents of this area on matters pertaining to Social Security Old Age and Survivors Insurance Those who wish to see him should write the jjalt Lake office, A212 South West meeting time Temple street at a nearby town, can then be arranged . Anglo-America- To appreciate the manifestation of cancer in the breast, one muat know something about the relationship between the growth of cancer and the development of the human body. Life begins with the fusion of a male and female reproductive cell; from this union the complete structure of the body develops. The offspring resemble the parent, poaseasee the same organa and structure. Ita growth i steady until adulthood. Then further growth ceases, und the body la maintained by a process of restoration and repair which continue throughout the life span. If, for example, a hand is cut, the reparative processes are immediately set in motion to restore the tissue to it original atate. When healfurther ing la finished, growth beyond that necessary for repair ia halted by a mysterious governing process. In the canceroua type of growth, cells begin to develop within a certain organ or tissue of the body, at first resembling closely in structure the cells from which they originate, but they are not bound, as are normal cells, by any governing process. In contrast they grow wildly, without restraint, break through the , barrier the body et up against them, and spread by direct expansion, by mean of the lymphatic ytem, or through the blood stream, to distant part of the body where they continue their growth. They then Office. wlu n . on effort to problemi of improve tke of Uloh. CANCER OF THE BREAST ernment. They are documented nnd there can be no question of their authenticity. As long as capitalism and socialism exist, we cannot live in peace: in the end, one or the otha funeral er will triumph the Sowill be sung gover dirge viet Republic or - over world Lenin, the first Ruscapitalism sian master of world Communism, said this in a speech to the Moscow party nuclei secretaries, Nov. 26, 1920. He stated it repeatedly in his writings and home soon. speeches. George Halliway says he be The object of the party is to lieves that fast driving can be exploit all and any conflicting a quick trip to the morgue interests among the surrounding capitalist groups and governments with the view to the disentegra-tio- italist states) in its turn is conof capitaism. Joseph Stalin, ditioned by the impossibility of in Pravda, Aug. 28, 1921. "Who prolonged peaceful coexistence that is of the Soviet state with capitalist will conquer Whom? the world is (states). Published in Bolshevik the question the November, 1926. divided into two camps The recent shocking report on capitalist camp, headed by capital, and the social- Cdmmunist aggression, compiled ist camp, headed by the Soviet by five Republican and four Union." Stalin, May 9, 1925. And Democratic congressmen (House here is the exposure of the Report No. 2650), after exhans live - investigation, made (bin present offensive: Revolution- statement: "The leaders of the ary war of the proletarian dicta- Kremlin drink a toast to coex torship is but a continuation of istence. They ardently hope that revolutionary peace policy by the free world will adopt a policy other means. Stalin, in "These of coxeistence with international of the VI World Congress of the Communism . . . al the evidence Communist International," 1928. before our committee conclusive ly proves that the Communists MALENKOV. TOO not to become want time From Malenkov, the newest but to digest their gains con- and to mold their millions of capmaster of the world-widspiracy: "This task (of reaching tive peoples into willing slaves of and overtaking the leading cap- - greater aggression." . ROY, UTAH um th body a a host to feed upon aad eventually do troy. Cancer of the breast may begin la the connective tissue, which is a aupportive etructure, the milk ducts, or th nipple. It may be held in check and kept a a solitary nodule by the resisting forces eriet of of th bod The follow mg it ont of for some time, but orticlei nrntten by memkcrl of tkt eventually will break through and Uuk Stott Medic ti Aydociotion ssj spread bv enlargement or through pubhihtd in ctqprrthon with your the lymphatic system to the arm locol newipoper. Thru orttclet mt where the lymphatic glands Ichtduled to opptor every other tek pit temporarily halt it, only to be- Comyo 1 MKIM Ml 84 i SfVK thinking of getting some chains or While 'elf employed farmers are the largest group to be included in Social Security, others covered are engineers, architects, accountant' and funeral of or sometning.' N tires irmrrr RAM that EMM.ISH wart cn UA0 ic our- ckixihallx e Tie roman - direc- Even clergymen are now covered, but only on a voluntary basis All other groups mentioned above have compulsory covthVir erage They must report self employfrom net earnings ment along with their income taxes for 1955. early in 1956 Willie employers make quarterly returns and reports, jhe self employed make only one annual report, Farm employers make tors quarterly returns where considerable wages are paid, but only annual returns if the number of wage earners and amount of wages arc small. Detailed information on farm employer reporting mfty be had from Internal Revenue, says Mr. Williams. In all cases report the Social skkl-pro- n built eaiUBOAP Security account numbers just as they are shown on each employes Social Security card. stxivfc TWS HOW MANY? w6mt uwdl ia? ano the election o 20MN CVJINCV ACWAS THAT THE ACTUAL NUWPCR OF PEOPLE WHO vOTEP FCK THE WINNING CANPIPATE IP55ZJ THE HOUOfi WAS knowsl(apam keceivep MAJOCITV NOT A SUFFICIENT ELECTION WA6 THEN KEFEIfStP K) THE 0 VOTES, REPRESENTATIVE ) SAU.4RE That THE WOCO THE OOUtHO UeO HO MEANING MATTS XJD V3J0HI how vw sav rr, U eaviMe bovws ARS I . A sou RNI INveSTMCHt LCOx-iN- ro eeaietrv start blwn bonp topav.' . |